RATE each AT at PVP!!!




I still beat you with a SO toon.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was a tank lol.



yeah with 6 slotted hasten ftw



yeah with 6 slotted hasten ftw

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Lol! please tell me your joking psy?



yeah with 6 slotted hasten ftw

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Lol! please tell me your joking psy?

[/ QUOTE ]

He's not, it was an I5 build lol.



Going back to the original topic... :-P

Each out of 10

Blaster - 10/10
Controller - 7/10
Defender - 6/10 (10/10 in an organized team)
Scrapper - 6/10
Tank - 5/10

Brute - 4/10
Corrupter - 6/10 (10/10 in an organized team)
Dominator - 4/10 (Or 9/10 for perma dom)
Mastermind - 8/10
Stalker - 9/10

Haven't included elite ATs, because I don't know enough about them in PvP to judge. Quite rare to see them about!

I guess all ATs are viable in some way shape or form in PvP..

I have to say, from my perspective (primarily an MM), Brutes, Tanks and to a much lesser extent Scrappers are just meat shields. They don't usually cause me much trouble damage wise. They're more like a meat shield! :-P



Here's my own top-five ratings for PvP. I've not included the epics since I've not had a real chance to see them perform.

1. Blasters: Sorry, but these guys are the undisputed kings of the PvP world. They have ridiculous accuracy making any defensive powers completely useless (and, I should add, acc debuffs are far less useful if not resisted completely) and have the ability to blast multiple targets quickly and effectively -- and from a DISTANCE. Should they happen to close in though, they have plenty of melee attacks to choose from, some of them extremely devastating. Oh, they're also able to shoot while mezzed and gain a damage bonus for every successive hit.

2. Stalkers: Okay, this one is probably biased since whenever im slain its invariably by an energy melee stalker, but hear me out anyway. First of all they're the only class which can guarantee a critical hit (using Hide or Placate), and yet also are given some incredibly strong attacks such as Energy Transfer or Total Focus. And this is without even paying lip service to their insanely strong Assassin's Strike which reduces pretty much anyone except for DP users or tankers to a single hitpoint, allowing them to effectively 2-hit kill most players. Their only downside is if they're spotted beforehand.

3. Dominators: A good dominator is an impossible target except for skilled blasters or those with their own personal empath. Their holds land accurately and quickly and worse still they can use Domination to render you helpless while they chip away at your life. Its the worst way to go in my opinion, since you rarely get a chance to fight back. I much prefer battles with some give and take.

4. Masterminds: When you battle a mastermind, you fight seven opponents (or more!) at once. Thats tricky in itself, but given that masterminds also have a plethora of weakening or self-buffing abilities at their disposal as well they're also a force to be reckoned without companions. A blaster can pretty much render a mastermind useless by vaporising their pets, but most other AT's can and often do struggle to defeat a good MM. Besides being enfeebled beyond hope, you're constantly assaulted by targets, and every attack dealt to the MM is distributed amongst them.

5. Tankers: Okay, perhaps this one is an odd choice, but its here just because they're so difficult to bring down. An ice tanker, for example, can merely use Hibernate to bring themselves back to full hitpoints and stamina in a matter of seconds. And you can bet it will be fully recharged when he drops to lower hitpoints again. They also don't lose out too much in the melee stakes either, with some very powerful blows depending on your attack type. And Super Strength gets the very useful Rage allowing them to wail on enemies with far stronger blows than normal.

Like I said, probably biased due to my own experiences in PvP areas, but those are the most troublesome AT's I've encountered in combat.

The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)



Here's my own top-five ratings for PvP. I've not included the epics since I've not had a real chance to see them perform.

1. Blasters: Sorry, but these guys are the undisputed kings of the PvP world. They have ridiculous accuracy making any defensive powers completely useless (and, I should add, acc debuffs are far less useful if not resisted completely) and have the ability to blast multiple targets quickly and effectively -- and from a DISTANCE. Should they happen to close in though, they have plenty of melee attacks to choose from, some of them extremely devastating. Oh, they're also able to shoot while mezzed and gain a damage bonus for every successive hit.

2. Stalkers: Okay, this one is probably biased since whenever im slain its invariably by an energy melee stalker, but hear me out anyway. First of all they're the only class which can guarantee a critical hit (using Hide or Placate), and yet also are given some incredibly strong attacks such as Energy Transfer or Total Focus. And this is without even paying lip service to their insanely strong Assassin's Strike which reduces pretty much anyone except for DP users or tankers to a single hitpoint, allowing them to effectively 2-hit kill most players. Their only downside is if they're spotted beforehand.

3. Dominators: A good dominator is an impossible target except for skilled blasters or those with their own personal empath. Their holds land accurately and quickly and worse still they can use Domination to render you helpless while they chip away at your life. Its the worst way to go in my opinion, since you rarely get a chance to fight back. I much prefer battles with some give and take.

4. Masterminds: When you battle a mastermind, you fight seven opponents (or more!) at once. Thats tricky in itself, but given that masterminds also have a plethora of weakening or self-buffing abilities at their disposal as well they're also a force to be reckoned without companions. A blaster can pretty much render a mastermind useless by vaporising their pets, but most other AT's can and often do struggle to defeat a good MM. Besides being enfeebled beyond hope, you're constantly assaulted by targets, and every attack dealt to the MM is distributed amongst them.

5. Tankers: Okay, perhaps this one is an odd choice, but its here just because they're so difficult to bring down. An ice tanker, for example, can merely use Hibernate to bring themselves back to full hitpoints and stamina in a matter of seconds. And you can bet it will be fully recharged when he drops to lower hitpoints again. They also don't lose out too much in the melee stakes either, with some very powerful blows depending on your attack type. And Super Strength gets the very useful Rage allowing them to wail on enemies with far stronger blows than normal.

Like I said, probably biased due to my own experiences in PvP areas, but those are the most troublesome AT's I've encountered in combat.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL Tankers > Defenders Controllers and Corruptors.



"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



Here's my own top-five ratings for PvP. I've not included the epics since I've not had a real chance to see them perform.

1. Blasters: Sorry, but these guys are the undisputed kings of the PvP world. They have ridiculous accuracy making any defensive powers completely useless (and, I should add, acc debuffs are far less useful if not resisted completely) and have the ability to blast multiple targets quickly and effectively -- and from a DISTANCE. Should they happen to close in though, they have plenty of melee attacks to choose from, some of them extremely devastating. Oh, they're also able to shoot while mezzed and gain a damage bonus for every successive hit.

2. Stalkers: Okay, this one is probably biased since whenever im slain its invariably by an energy melee stalker, but hear me out anyway. First of all they're the only class which can guarantee a critical hit (using Hide or Placate), and yet also are given some incredibly strong attacks such as Energy Transfer or Total Focus. And this is without even paying lip service to their insanely strong Assassin's Strike which reduces pretty much anyone except for DP users or tankers to a single hitpoint, allowing them to effectively 2-hit kill most players. Their only downside is if they're spotted beforehand.

3. Dominators: A good dominator is an impossible target except for skilled blasters or those with their own personal empath. Their holds land accurately and quickly and worse still they can use Domination to render you helpless while they chip away at your life. Its the worst way to go in my opinion, since you rarely get a chance to fight back. I much prefer battles with some give and take.

4. Masterminds: When you battle a mastermind, you fight seven opponents (or more!) at once. Thats tricky in itself, but given that masterminds also have a plethora of weakening or self-buffing abilities at their disposal as well they're also a force to be reckoned without companions. A blaster can pretty much render a mastermind useless by vaporising their pets, but most other AT's can and often do struggle to defeat a good MM. Besides being enfeebled beyond hope, you're constantly assaulted by targets, and every attack dealt to the MM is distributed amongst them.

5. Tankers: Okay, perhaps this one is an odd choice, but its here just because they're so difficult to bring down. An ice tanker, for example, can merely use Hibernate to bring themselves back to full hitpoints and stamina in a matter of seconds. And you can bet it will be fully recharged when he drops to lower hitpoints again. They also don't lose out too much in the melee stakes either, with some very powerful blows depending on your attack type. And Super Strength gets the very useful Rage allowing them to wail on enemies with far stronger blows than normal.

Like I said, probably biased due to my own experiences in PvP areas, but those are the most troublesome AT's I've encountered in combat.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL Tankers > Defenders Controllers and Corruptors.


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what he said laawl

happy birthday by the way, what did you get?





"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."




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Give me the cake plx.



This thread amused me quite a bit as it went on, I guess Cyrstal Cat has changed his opinions now regarding his old beliefs on the "AT rankings" and his own chars PvPability?



How did this thread get so long . .

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How did this thread get so long . .

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Please stop spamming in this thread.



I didn't witness the event, but think Crystal_Cat showed strong character in coming back and admitting defeat - I can think of at least 15 trillion people who wouldn't have done so.

I think the moral of the story is that casual PvP and high level PvP are two very different beasts.