Pocket D's, gone down a notch?




Am i the only one who has realised PD Roleplay has went down a notch? Ive got no examples or any names i just get that jibe. Any of the people who've been going there a while realised this too? Last year it was far better, dont ask me why, it just was.

But my biggest gripe is the amount of so called 'tools' tonight i gave in as did the rest of us after 5 of us were used as somewhere to let off powers and generally insulting the RP scene. I'd say names, but whats that going to do? Yes i could ignore them, but unfortunatly it becomes hard to ignore when there jumping about dropping down AoE powers and the like. According to Terms and Conditions they arent doing anything wrong.

The only thing ive petitioned it for is harrassment in the past, to see nothing done about it. I needed to vent out, and ive made this thread for other players opinions.




It's not just you who has noticed. It's been decreasing for a while, with people blurring the lines between IC and OOC too being something I've noticed as well as the tool increase.

That plus 2 years and 3 months of playing have led to me being less sporadically in game (though those I rp with know how to contact me for RP if needed, and vice versa )



when I turned up tonight, there was hardly anyone there. It certainly didn't seem as 'buzzing' as atmostphere as it has been in the past. I only started Rp'ing about a month ago, so I wouldn't really have a great idea of what it's like in the long-term though.



Normaly, the occasional [censored] isnt a problem. most OOC challenges to arena matches are replied IC in the way Lunk would to some moron challenging him to a fight: "sure, go wait outside for me, i'll be with you soon <continues to enjoy his evening and makes no attempt to take up challenge>"

But tonight took the biscuit, wiped its [censored] on it, ate it, then vomited it up on the floor of the bar.

Why is it there has to be so much hate from the PVP crowd towards RPers? (yes, i know there was some extremely foul language in our OOC channel explaining my personal theory behind it, but i truly want to know)

Is it realy necessary to harass RPers, insult them, and act like a general moron around them just to wind them up?

And why is it that people who obsess about their charector's build, to the point of tweeking it to get that extra 0.1% can convince themselves that a group of people, doing something to relax and excape from stressfull RL, in fact have no life at all?

People like those morons tonight give PVPers a bad name. I know theyre not all like that, but i encounter a vast number of sh**pucks that bring my general view of PVPers down considerably.



I've only roleplayed in CoX since this march, since I got caught up in it via Britanic (<edit> GoodGuy is a member of Britanic's SG. I'm the lowlevel one here!) and the Hyperion Watchmen. Nothing planned, just at the spur of the moment. I hadn't really thought about roleplaying this lovelly game. And now I'm stuck at it (my alts pay a high lvl price for it!)
I can't say whether RPing in Cox have changed or not, but I've noticed the same attitude as Big_Lunk and the rest of you have.
Some people try their hardest to spoil the RP experience of others.

Sadly it's something we must learn to live with. In RL I've met the same attitude. I've been roleplaying since I was 9 (I'm 34 today) and I still meet people that think I'm crazy, childish, nerdy or just plain stupid for roleplaying and would go out of their way to point it out to me and "correct my erroneous ways".

C'est la vie!

(/petition "Please create a pure RP server, where people NOT RPing will be banished!")



It's things like this that put me off RPing in-game a long time ago, unfortunately. I still go in-game to RP, but not much anymore. Once, there was a time that I was there every night of the week.

Unfortunately, there's absolutely nothing that can be done. NCSoft won't spare us a GM to keep an eye on Pocket D and GG as the tools aren't technically doing anything wrong, other than being pillocks. All we can realisticly do, is put them on /ignore and try to disregard them being in your face and power spamming.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I've only been around for a rough month or so, so I can't really compare to what the past was like. Being something of a refugee from World of Warcraft (Earthen Ring server, to be exact) the notion of random non-roleplaying people feeling compelled to disrupt any roleplaying they come across isn't an alien one - one of the things that initially amazed me when I first got here was how there seemed to be less of that sort of disruption on Union than I remember back from Earthen Ring (which is specifically marked as a role-playing server, go figure.).

Seeing how people feel the situation is getting worse here I find myself wondering if it has anything to do with the situation back on Earthen Ring also seeming to degenerate. I can't see why it'd be some kind of global phenomenon, but the timing seems just a triffle too coincidental, somehow. o_O

May just be me, though. <.<

Why is it there has to be so much hate from the PVP crowd towards RPers? (yes, i know there was some extremely foul language in our OOC channel explaining my personal theory behind it, but i truly want to know)

Is it realy necessary to harass RPers, insult them, and act like a general moron around them just to wind them up?

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I have my own theories, but nothing really detailed. I mostly know that back on WoW, whenever a host of PvP servers were down due to problems, the refugees somehow always seemed to end up on the roleplaying servers to whine, complain and cause trouble. Whenever a major change (like the wallwalking nerf) was protested, it usually was a roleplaying server that had a score of level 1 gnomes trying to bring it down.

Coincidence? I think not. They hates us ;(

As for why I've been absent somewhat from Pocket D lately, it's mostly been due to the fact that I've had to wake up early and staying up 'til past two in the night generally defeats that idea entirely. :|



Part of the reason I have spent less time in Ds of late is due to increased annoyances, and I think im more tolerant than most being as the bulk of my time on CoX I have been a non-roleplayer.

For me its not so much the place thats important, but the people I roleplay with. The problem is I tend to do a lot of Hero/Villain roleplay and bar using Hero/Villain alternatives of characters, Ds is the only place I can do that.(Yes I realise technically I could roleplay in a PVP zone, but having a Spines/Regen Scrapper/Stalker gank you while doing it aint much fun)

I really hope Pocket D doesn't end up being abandoned due to tool aggravation, as I have made some great friends, and had many good times there.



I like roleplaying in Pocket D and I've met many good roleplayers. It's a natural meeting place and it's nice to be able to roleplay with both heroes and villains. I'm also having a hard time finding a reason for any of my characters to sit under a statue in the middle of Galaxy City.

There are always some non-roleplayers acting like total idiots (but you can always put them on /ignore and after a while they will leave out of boredom).

Don't wanna sound bitchy but what really annoys me are the semi-roleplayers. They often seem okay to begin with but then they start mixing up IC and OOC, their pets run all over the place, they use powers, gives everyone bubbles or other visual and highly irritating buffs and they use info from your bio (which is why I just have a physical description nowadays) and they godmod frequently.
Perhaps they could become good roleplayers with some practice, but in the meanwhile they're very annoying.



I don't think Pocket D as a place has gone down a notch, after all there are more places to RP there than just the main bars, and moving away from those lowers the tool quota significanyly. However, I do feel that player ettiquette has gone down lately. Unsolicitied and non useful Tells in an RP environment, random AoE powers and broadcasts are all examples of this, and I think that some of it may be linked to a percieved influx of new, inexperienced and younger players.

I hope that as the shine wears off and these players start to just enjoy the game without the "puppy bouncing" of it being new, these things will start calm down until the next influx during the next Issue release...

Perhaps we need an additional room in PD; a chill out room. Not just no fighting, but with a power dampening field and no pets rule too.

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



The whole club should have a power dampening field. :P



Despite the fact that real life has kept me away from the game for a little bit, the few times that I have managed to sneak into D's in the evening have proven to be somewhat of a disappointment. There are certainly less people in there than before and even then I can't always tell whose in there for roleplaying or not. (Although the ones there to be annoying soon reveal themselves, that's for sure.)

I find that going down en masse can help, for example The Militia sometimes gather down there as a group after our team ups and force of numbers can sometimes dissuade disturbances. I rip Broadcast out of my tabs the moment I set my characters up and the judicious use of /ignore function helps to keep the idiots out of my chat box.

What I would certainly welcome would be total and utter power suppression in PD. I know it can be instituted during events and I can't see any need for it to be lifted at other times. Spamming of powers and drive-by buffings annoy me at the best of times, even more so when I'm trying to roleplay.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Seeing how people feel the situation is getting worse here I find myself wondering if it has anything to do with the situation back on Earthen Ring also seeming to degenerate. I can't see why it'd be some kind of global phenomenon, but the timing seems just a triffle too coincidental, somehow. o_O

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Damn you nub, bringing your RP wilting disease with you.

((Nah, just kidding. Kompi's great. ))

Don't wanna sound bitchy but what really annoys me are the semi-roleplayers. They often seem okay to begin with but then they start mixing up IC and OOC,

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Doesn't sound bitchy at all to me, Zurra. I'm sure that the people I'm thinking of and the people person X is thinking of are probably the same that you're thinking of. And trying not to be elitist (but probably am anyway), I don't really want to RP with semi-RP'ers, who blurr the IC/OOC lines. Why? Because I then have to work harder to ignore the OOC stuff that they come out with. Which makes my game experience less fun.



Its good to see other players opinions on this and to realise im not going mad.

I could keep saying 'the good old days' again and again that isnt going to fix a thing though, i learned RP from scratch on Union in City of Villians, and i dare say im half decent at it. I used to play on PvP servers on WoW and the like. Disrupting RP'ers even then never came into my head, i respected each section of the community, (Even though on a PvP WoW server you never seen much RP.) but maybee thats because i'm slightly more mature than some of the 'tools' i see on Union, i get along with the PvP community here too and i like the occasional spar show them respect aslong as i get it back. But tonight really put the icing on the cake, i dont go around insulting PvP'ers or whatever they brand themselves, yet you get spat at in the face because you Roleplay and acting as a character, and all the other things that come from Roleplay. I guess its life that you even get a**holes in and out of game, theres never a shortage of them.

This really hasnt made me think "Oh i give in, thats it." its made me push on to find a diffrent spot a more secluded one on the Isles to host a regular meetup, the IC poster will soon be up on these boards. I just hope the people that mock Roleplay arent sad enough to read these boards attend the meet and totally ruin it.

But back on topic the general feeling of everyone thats posted is that Pocket D's has went down a notch, its a big shame really.



and no pets rule too.

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and no pets rule too.

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Why the face? Pets do little except cause more lag for people. 99% of people with them NEVER roleplay with them; so unless you are, why cause problems for other people?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



On a side note, Pistol DOES use the pets to RP, and does it quite well too (also quite intimidating). As do i on occasions, though i limit it to 1 tier of pets and normally 1 specific pet from that tier (each has their own personality, sometimes that personality doesn't fit the situation etc.)

But yes if you've got 10 MM's with all 6 pets summoned, it does get annoying as i can imagine.

On the Semi-Rpers front the only main constant one i can think of is Chim, who does mixed IC and OOC but she's a nice lass and likes to keep order so nobody minds.

I have noticed, however, that it seems like there's now 1 set of people that turn up night after night and try to ruin RP in D's, they only turned up with Issue 9 so it's obvious they're a new bunch of kids that decided ruining a persons night is fun (the main group is always levelled 3-15 usually, so they're not exactly old characters).

Either that or their the remenants of Defiant people who just liked screwing up RP on Union since Union is known as 'the' RP server.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



It just clicked that the sudden influx of tools could be because of the free trail things.

Nevertheless the players that were causing a ruckus last night were experienced, (Level 50, and a 36 or something.) obvisouly not on trail.



I have to agree with the... it's dropped in RP idea but we can't really say "you can't come to PD because youre nto a RP'er" but I've noticed that the VIP bar is pretty dead most of the time so that's a good escape.

and as for the 50 things echo... guess they are bored *shrugs* always a chance they'l get bored and decide its more fun to curl up and die...... there's always hope
(sorry bad day while I was writing this )



Well, you may think that they got bored, but there is always the chance that they have taken the fast-track to power, and purchased accounts from other ex-players who have lvl 50 and such characters.

Personally, i always try to RP, but, I must admit, even I get the lines blurred between one character and another. Comes with the terratory of having created way over 20 characters since I started up.

Personally, I think that people who deliberatly try to disrupt RP events in game should mind their own business and go off to do whatever it is they would do when not jumping on your head, standing in front of you for no reason, power spamming, and such. I think the clue is in the title: MMORPG, as in massivly multiplayer online ROLE PLAYING game.

But that's me



Alas, CoH isn't actualy an MMORPG. If you check, the R is missing from the description...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




Sadly it's something we must learn to live with. In RL I've met the same attitude. I've been roleplaying since I was 9 (I'm 34 today) and I still meet people that think I'm crazy, childish, nerdy or just plain stupid for roleplaying and would go out of their way to point it out to me and "correct my erroneous ways".

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I wonder if they like movies, or a play.. a video clip... have a favourite actor..
Or if they think actors are 'crazy' too

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Alas, CoH isn't actualy an MMORPG. If you check, the R is missing from the description...

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But it is often refered to as a Roleplaying game by the devs themselves in interviews, I think the last one was Positron during the "Ask The Devs" questions/answers session.

Regardless of whether the game is sold as an MMOG or an MMORPG, hopefully if the developers percieve and work on it under the assumption of it being a roleplaying game (as some of then certianly seem to do), then we are more likely to get RP orientated content to reflect this.

Sadly though, this doesn't affect the actions of tools...

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Why the face? Pets do little except cause more lag for people.

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Nothing serious FFM, I was just poking fun at Archer. Cancelling pets summoning in D's is a fair suggestion.



Alas, CoH isn't actualy an MMORPG. If you check, the R is missing from the description...

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But it is often refered to as a Roleplaying game by the devs themselves in interviews, I think the last one was Positron during the "Ask The Devs" questions/answers session.

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Not only that, FAQ says that it is MMORPG (actually MMSPRPG) ...