Pocket D's, gone down a notch?




Well i probably started Rping on Febuary or something (about a few weeks before i started)

and i think some people have just got bored of it

we need something to spice up Rping a bit!




we need something to spice up Rping a bit!

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You mean like Gang wars, demonic possesion, kidnap, viral outbreaks, attacks by the Lost, Crey sleeper agents, dodgy realestate deals, and selling human corpses*?

seen all those just since i got back in december.
Some of us like to keep busy

(*okay, i know, moraly wrong. but in my defence, technicaly it wasnt corpse, she just had her sould torn out of her by a spirit.)



But my biggest gripe is the amount of so called 'tools' tonight i gave in as did the rest of us after 5 of us were used as somewhere to let off powers and generally insulting the RP scene. I'd say names, but whats that going to do? Yes i could ignore them, but unfortunatly it becomes hard to ignore when there jumping about dropping down AoE powers and the like. According to Terms and Conditions they arent doing anything wrong.

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On the contrary, the EULA and associated Rules of Conduct are pretty specific about behaviour like this.

The best thing to do it clearly and politely ask the player or players to stop disrupting your gaming. If they do not, or become abusive, /petition immediately and then move on. You may wish to make use of the /ignore command if necessary.

Please do this each and every time such an incident occurs, sending a /petition if necessary. As I've explained in the past, we don't generally ban a player for a 'first offence' (although there are exceptions). However, if the same player continues to break the rules despite warnings, more serious measures will be taken.



corpes idea good but the rest like normal in outa rp mode
but ya still be fun. i would like it tho if they actaly served drinks at the bar that would be awsome XD



No one minds a newbie, it's when they start mixing IC and OOC, and going a bit overboard with "evil" that difficulties arise.

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See I'm the opposite...I stopped going to Pocket D because I once got ridiculed for being steretypically evil, when I was just being a jerk to heroes. Isn't roleplaying a bad [censored] villain allowed? Plus I dig golden age comic books. I want my good guys good and my bad guys bad. Not all hanging out together in a night club But I guess we all looking for different things from the game, each to their own.

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I know that story well. Although, going to Pocket D and being a subtle jerk with Hatesman is always ludicrously fun. The key is to reply to the ridicule as a Villain and keep on rocking. Everyone loves a well played villain really. Don't be put off.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



When you ignore someone, they should not be able to use powers on your character and when they use AoE powers it shouldn't show up on your computer. That would help a lot

Another similiar thing is people who in Wentworths sit there spamming powers or keeping VERY LOUD toggles on



Went to Pocket D late last night on my latest character i'm addicted to, Captain Wales. Been keeping a way from there lately because of people 'spoiling the atmosphere' so to speak. Sure enough, two people flying around backwards acting like idiots. Thanks to all those who RPed well, still enjoyable.



Yep, dispite my best efforts to engage RP in Pocket D these last few weeks, after tonight I really can't be bothered with it anymore. And seeing as it looks like GG is also getting full with people determind to prevent anyone Roleplaying there too, there doesn't seem to be much reason to start going there ether.

And I am not convinced that reporting them is going to solve the issue ether. Because tonight after one individual was clearly making a nusence of himself in the bar, I made the effort to point out that he was annoying me, and others, and then he tells me I've been petitioned for harrasing him. And then he and someone else that turned out to be there, just to ruin any RPing people were doing there start to brag that I'm going to get banned.

Now I'm not sure if he actually did do it, or just said it, but it was enough for me to get fed up enough to not hang around much longer. If he did, then I suspect it will just turn into his word against mine and the situation just won't get solved.

So I'm left trying to figure out how I can continue to RP somewhere on Union, short of just giving the whole game up.

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



What is it with the sudden mass griefing of RPers no matter where we are?

Both the PD crowd and the GG crowd have now complained about people actively trying to ruin RP.

1) Free trials: The main reason i believe griefing has gotten worse in recently. Yes they encourage new players to the game but the fact is that it seems a good 70%-80% of griefers are using the free trials since they don't give a [censored] about getting petitioned/banned and there's so many being handed out even if they did, they'd just open up another account. So the free trials are a double edged sword for RPers, encouraging new RPers into the fold but giving those who just want to grief RP and in general some sort of immunity to any kind of rebuttle...

It's a harsh thing to say but i'll be happy when they stop giving out free trials...i know it will cut down on the influx of new players but it'll also cut down on the number of griefers by a large amount IMO.

2) Cryptic/NCsoft lack of support for RP: Yes they acknowledge that people do RP on CoH but we're in the same minority as PVP (less so) and often it seems like they really couldn't give a hoot about the RP crowd. Although we RPers are in the low numbers on virtually ever MMO/MMORPG atleast WoW has it so that if you break the RP rules on their RP servers it has hasher consequences than just a few /petitions which may get investigate and occasionally lead to warnings/bans but otherwise appear inaffective both for reason stated above (the free trials) and others.

Unfortunately we're in the low numbers so that RP doesn't warrant a seperate server and even if one did open up you can't transfer characters from server to server so that'd mean all the hard work people put into their characters on Union would be wasted.

It's the fact that while it is used for RP, PD's wasn't created for that purpose, it was done to create villain/hero teaming missions and just so happens to be a place where people want to RP. If they did support the RP crowd then all powers would be unable to use in PD's by now so there would be no power spamming and the like (mind you i think it's just me being bitter). I get the distinct feeling you RP INSPITE of the game, not because of it at times.

3) the faceless factor: we all know that since there is no real world consequences of being a jerk on an online community (bar being banned) then it encourages people who wouldn't normall be so jerkish to act out so, usually it's something about feeling physical inability about themselves or SWS as it gets called. Most casual gamers are not jerks, we all know this but it does breed a kind of xenophobia among RPers against non-Rpers (we only have to look at the Merc Ball incident so see that the worst is often expected even if it's just hearsay and rumor)

You're going to get jerks in every community and minority, those that seek to ruin the enjoyment of others, even RP i'd imagine. Just seems that jerks really are on the rise and since the RP community is the easiest target, we're getting the sharp end of the stick, just wish Cryptic would realise this, especially for EU side of the game (not sure what it's like state-side, anyone able to find out the RP situation stateside for us and see if it is indeed the same pattern?).

We may make up a minority but people are starting to get annoyed and upset about this Cryptic, you WILL lose players in the long run i suspect so please give us a little help on the current situation. Mind you we're such a minority, i doubt they'd care for the numbers of players lost compared to the new ones joining.

Most of this comes from me seeing the increase in griefers and after about 8 pints so i'm a little lubricated and a little vocal (well typal...vocal in the typing sense).

Probably shouldn't be posting in such a state but i just felt like i had to vent at some point...

/rant off

peace out ya'll

Edit: This post has been edited due to a cup of coffee and the slow sobering effect because of it. What i said about normal gamer age probably wasn't clever and slightly incoherent so i removed it. Blessed be large mugs of coffee to clear my intoxicated mind..

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I get the distinct feeling you RP INSPITE of the game, not because of it at times.

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Indeed, as many have come to the same realization. We RP inspite of the game, in some cases we have to fight against it, or blag things to cover up game mechanic flaws ('I lose half my powers because I go into Siren's Call/Bloody Bay? That's the radiation having an effect on me.' was one of the best reasons I've seen for the auto exemplar, thanks Gideon for that one), we also have to deal with the other little things which amount into big things and generally make RPing a bit of a chore.

A year ago pretty soon, I took a break from CoH and started up an IRC/forum based version of Paragon City, and decided 'Hey, I don't have game mechanics and the like to bind me, let's try some different things!'.

There was more than one train station per zone. There were no zones. The war walls never existed (Instead, built under the roads were the 'War Wall' field generators which acted as containment for city blocks if needed), there was subway systems, busses, churches, mosques, synagogues, schools, arcades, fitness centres, parks, shoping arcades, shoping malls, parts of the city were being more rebuilt (And in one memorable instance, one of the player characters blew a chunk out of Boomtown. You just -had- to light the match, didn't you?), and et cetera et cetera.

And seeing as it was being written down in one place, it meant we didn't have the problem of having big gaps in the lore/city info. Ask how people are prevented from fighting in Pocket D and you'll get a wide range of answers, from 'they aren't at all!' to 'power suppressing' to 'I told DJ Zero his music sucked and he teleported me outside.'

Hero licenses, the mediport system, the Zig teleport system (Or not. Do we just leave people laying there, do the police come, do we have 'zig tags' to teleport them away once subdued?), I could reel off thing after thing that RPe'rs have to contend with and work around.

Being on World of Warcraft at the moment (And being on an RP server), Blizzard don't give two hoots about RP servers, or even enforcing the rules on them. I did post a bit of a rant on the forums, which can be found: http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread....0222&sid=1

Cryptic and City of Heroes, how long have we had to wait for a cellphone emote (one that one of the Galaxy City contact has used for ages)? Heck, Positron said he didn't realise people were going to use bases for personal home and roleplaying (which explains why the item selection sucks at times, and leads to fairly creative useage from people to make things. I've seen off floodlights as shower heads, bookcases used as walls, little tricks and things to make personal bases and homes in spite of the games limitations.

MMORPG's don't really seem to give a damn about RP'ers in general. Which is odd, seeing as RP'ers, from what I've seen, usually stay for the longest amount of time.

As for the griefers, fighting back never works. Not unless you have the ability to hand out temp bans from the game. Because of the nature of the griefing, IE: them impeeding and messing with something you enjoy doing, you will quickly lose patientce before they do, and even if they go away, I often find my mood wrecked and just wanting to log out.



Being new to the game i don't RP and after spending a lot of time in another MMORPG doing it i don't think i will however i agree with the poster who said RP'ers tend to be the long timers. If you lose them from the game because they get hacked off with idiots then a core of your player base is gone which is sad for the community and bad for business for the company. Along with my new membership came a Pocket D VIP tiki lounge membership (restricted to holders only it seems), sorry if it has been suggested already but why can't an RP bar not be created also. Those of us who like to see RP'ing will miss out but at least you guy's will have some peace....




3) the faceless factor: we all know that since there is no real world consequences of being a jerk on an online community

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i spent ages yesterday looking for a copy of "Gabe's Law of Internet F***tardery" from Penny Arcade. But then it got late, so i gave up.
It basicaly says "normal person+percieved annonanimity=f***tard"
And unfortunatly true.

(and one example we had on my old forum where one such moron showed up. After we used his E-mail adress to do a bit of research on him, got his name, adress, telephone number, his calendar for the next month...All of which was then PMed to him... he sudenly stopped.

It would also seem "F***tard-annonaninity=normal person" too )



Heck, Positron said he didn't realise people were going to use bases for personal home and roleplaying

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I did not know that, have the game developers got a blindfold over their eyes?

The simple anwser to that is what has already been summed up in Mechano's and Z's post, the RP community is second grade, they dont bring in the majority of profit made monthly by the game. If RP'ers DID make up the majority theres no doubt in my mind the game developers would take note and bend the game to suit to keep the majority of their customers happy.



I'll try and have a hunt around for the quote at some point, it was either Posi or Statesman. Which is why I always find it impressive when people go to the lengths they do to make a base 'homey', improvising and tweeking to make it looking as good as possible.

And they possibly have got a blindfold over their eyes, seeing as what bases were designed to be used for (Raiding, CoP trial) don't work that well/not at all. I'd say more people use bases as a RP location than the above, though most just use it for storage/TP's.



i spent ages yesterday looking for a copy of "Gabe's Law of Internet F***tardery" from Penny Arcade. But then it got late, so i gave up.
It basicaly says "normal person+percieved annonanimity=f***tard"

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This one, you mean? (Some swearing)

[/ QUOTE ]





you mean they put in bases...simply for base raids...and didn't think that people would use them to RP in...

...oh dear, man i love the devs for bringing us this game but they REALLY need to strip that blindfold off their eyes, yes we've got an RP section in the forum, do love the way it's the last thing before the class sections though, seemingly added as an after-thought.

If i remember correctly weren't people actually crying out for apartments for their own characters and not bases? Is it just me or does EVERYTHING have to have a function in this game beyond just being there and used for fun. The devs can't seem to bring themselves to add something that isn't just for fun and RPers to use, it HAS to be used for something else as well.

Isn't it odd that the main things people use to RP all have reasons for them besides RP:
GG statue: 1 'learn history' mission for low level heroes.
PD's = hero/villain teaming missions for special events and salvage storage.
Bases = base raids.
They just can't let something have no use besides being fun (people are STILL crying out for apartments for their own characters which is what everyone hoped bases were apparently).

The only exception i can think of is the Monkey fight club, which was stuck in an area most level 1-11's (you get fly/teleport/superjump/superspeed at 12) couldn't get to without getting killed repeatedly or making a 100 metre dash from the PD entrance to the MFC entrance...that was clever going Cryptic...very clever...perhaps if you put it in say mercy/port oakes then it wouldn't be this deserted place randomly stuck in Sharkshead. /golfclap.

Sorry it's just it seems the RP crowd is begining to get rather peeved at the current state of the game for them and thanks to being a minority, Cryptic don't want to/don't care enough to help us out.../sigh.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The only exception i can think of is the Monkey fight club, which was stuck in an area most level 1-11's (you get fly/teleport/superjump/superspeed at 12) couldn't get to without getting killed repeatedly or making a 100 metre dash from the PD entrance to the MFC entrance...that was clever going Cryptic...very clever...perhaps if you put it in say mercy/port oakes then it wouldn't be this deserted place randomly stuck in Sharkshead. /golfclap.

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What about the Port Oakes entrance or the PD Teleport temp power? I've never had any trouble getting in from the Hero side either.



Ah i was refering to the Monkey fight club villains side, not PD's, it's not marked on the map like the PD's entrance is now and was once considered an Easter Egg.

Yes the Monkey Fight Club existed as a seperate entity to PD's and still does villain side. Since it was in a higher level zone (20-30 Sharkshead Isle) than the first available PD entrance it's ended up being deserted for the most part which is why it was moved to PD's.

There's an entrance to it located in Sharkshead isle, not too far from the PD entrance.

Why would most low levels struggle to get to the MFC when they could more easily get to the PD entrance in Port oakes.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The Monkey Fight Club was originally like the Paragon Dance Party ... a zone in between zones, with 3 entrances.
So, like the PDP and now PD, it was a short cut zone for most, with lounging ability.

There's a 'house' on a hill in Cap Au Diable (or was it Port Oaks?) that has stairs leading down to a sub docked there. It has the red "Boxing Monkey" painted next to it's door still, that used to be one of the entrances.

If CoV has one MFC, why can't CoH have one PDP too?
That place'd be pretty much deserted!

Part of the reason GG was picked was because it has a function besides RP. So that people could come there on a mission, look and wonder what's going on... in the hopes they get interested.
The other one was so that lvl1's could get there easily and without threat.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.