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  1. killboi

    PvP tips please

    if you need some ideas for stalkers go on the fourm pvp unfair on stalkers ?
    it got alot tips what i allready knew about :S
  2. [censored] got aloud of people replying to this
  3. i have to think the worse enermy to a stalker is a blaster because some can see you and they are ranged.

    it has happned to me a few times just flying along gona get one then blam iam dead with a few hits by crapy bolts.

    stalkers need better protection from ranged attacks. ?
  4. i have found out a tatic with people who can see you its very uselfull for all stalkers who need help its like this.

    Hide behind small stuff like big crate broken things and any thing that can cover ur full size and keep watching your target as soon as they turn there back go straight in there and stop right next to them as quick as you can then you can as them.

    if they start turning round while you running quickly use any high type of transport power or tp and then just do it from the other side.

    What do you guys think ??
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    stalkes are overpowered cos there was this one time i got killed by one

    [/ QUOTE ]stalkers are not over powered and your just bragging alot
  6. I think they should give stalkers better protection from ranged attacks
  7. iam posting this to see if any one has any good ideas for bases?
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    pvp is only unfair on stalkers BECAUSE everyone goes after them 1st otherwise they know within 2/3 hits they'r going to be AS'd.
    And remember not everyone who goes into pvp zones have +perception (a lot of controllers/tanks dont that i know of).
    Stalkers are a lot of fun to play against imo, mainly because the good ones dont rely on AS all the time - and these are the stalkers who get my respect

    [/ QUOTE ]that is one of the most biggest things in pvp with stalkers is ganking.
    I have been in pvp alot and if theres a big fight and every one is fighting if i attack some one and come out of hide mostly half of the heros go aggro on me and start riping me up.

    Its annoying >-<
  9. yes stalkers are quite good if you use your mind and play out what you are gona do on the field of combat.But it matter which type of stalker you are like spike,claw,energy and dark melee so each one has its own type of attack way to find out.
    Iam spike stalker and i have found out a good plan is imple when not looking then placate and assians strike it is very useful and many people cant do any thing to stop it.

    p.s i have other ways as well
  10. What who you do that wiht ???
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    With some stalkers they think they are safe just by flying around in hide but by thinking that they become the hunted and get sneaked up on them self

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Anyone of any AT who allows themselves to be complacent in a PvP zone deserves to be casually dismembered by someone who's paying attention

    [/ QUOTE ]very true if some one is careless they should die.

    but if there not there for the pvp reason just to do missions like some people do for some instead of acatly do proper missions in the right area but they would be flying around carelessly
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    ok, much to the suprise of most people who think I only ever PvP'd last night. As a stalker you have a lot going for you in PvP.

    Don't forget that the Hide power is NOT your most powerful power in your set, Placate is as it immediately offers you a chance to attack. Used correctly, and at the right time, Placate has given me a lot of notches on my Stalkers belt in terms of defeated Hero's.

    The problem with any given PvP situation is that people want unfair advantages and will always look to work on builds that counter the advantages of others. It would be unfair to always be totally invisible don't forget but even without that, with a little forethought, that needn't stop you.

    Another friend of the stalker is closed terrain. Hunt hero's indoors where fly isn't a viable escape route for them to run away like most people seem to. Stalkers are about short, quick finishes on targets, again, use your camera rotation keys to look round corners before you turn them yourself, so that if you are hidden, you can start your assassin strike at the moment the target passes the corner.

    Normally this results in a successful AS without having to use placate to achieve the first hit.

    Give it a go and see what you think.

    [/ QUOTE ]I agree i have been doing the things you said ever since i found out that they can see me ages ago it has been working but as you where saying they get a unfair advantage and it does get alot of stalkers who can actaly fight in a pvp zone stressed because they are fighting to quite hard just to finsh off an oppent yes they can use placate but they are so weak in health they will be probly dead before they attack that is if they are out numbered
  13. true challenges are a good thing but i have been in alot of pvp where if you are out numbered at all your dead and you cant get away easy.

    With some stalkers they think they are safe just by flying around in hide but by thinking that they become the hunted and get sneaked up on them self
  14. mostly the invisablty power that was there strong point but now alot of people can see them and stalkers are very weak and cant make much damage.

    p.s i wasent moaning iam trying to find out if any one thinks the same
  15. it is getting on my nerves that stalkers strong points are getting taken away and i would like to hear wwhat you think about PvP with stalkers
  16. corpes idea good but the rest like normal in outa rp mode
    but ya still be fun. i would like it tho if they actaly served drinks at the bar that would be awsome XD