Pocket D's, gone down a notch?





Also, I'm still a bit awkward on the use of chat channels. Is there any way to make it so that channels I'd consider OOC (Global, Team etc.) don't appear in speech bubbles when you write a message in them? Is it possible to write custom emotes (as an example, in WoW you could type something like /me chews on a string of Silverleaf)? How do you get dialogue to appear in thought bubbles (I saw someone do this when they were RPing a "symbiote" (I can guess where he got the idea) with a split personality)?

[/ QUOTE ]

I dont know if i'm reading this right, but i thought i'd help out anyway.

/bind enter "afk Speaking... $$startchat"

Is always in my good books, it helps me so i know when to reply. (And to avoid them deadly RP pauses)

As for the chat thing, i dont know, i put this together. Thats how i have my chat setup, if its no good to you, just ignore it



Well now...

I was going to [censored] and complain about a lot of things on this thread but, mainly about the state of Pocket D and some of it's fool inhabitants, but luckily my first post didn't go through, I was able to dis-engage the Hatesman and go to my happy place where I decided, we clearly need to solve the problem of Pocket D like true Heroes!

We all accept there's a problem, with the Quality of Role-Play and Role-Players ("Tools"), Griefers, and the High-Quality RPers moving away. Anything else I've missed, add to that list. But I figure you can't change anything Physically there, but we can change the people.

My favourite peice of advice ever goes:

"If you dislike something, change it.
If you can't change it, change yourself.
Just complaining will change nothing at all."

With that in mind... any thoughts?

My ideas so far:

Getting Rid of Greifers
Dominating any Griefers in the Arena or simply ignoring them. Domination can be obtained, if you aren't good at PvP, by a number of ways (Tested By Myself):
- Create a Timed Event. Enter a Stalker. Waste their time by hiding. They'll get bored eventually. Alternatively, challenge them to an event, go in, exit as soon as possible and return to your seat mocking them for their idiocy when they return.
- Set the match to "No Observers" and lie profusely about your defeat, they'll eventually leave.
- Pay me lots of Inf to deal with them as a Bouncer. (>_< MONEYS YAY!)

Fixing Broken Tools
Actively Teaching Bad Role-Players how to Role-Play well, by bringing them into our community, and showing them how much better it can be if you just use some of the Hints, Tips and Tricks of Zortels fine post Stickied in Position 3 on our Forum.

Come, let us save the one place we can all go to Interact, and not lose the one major thing the Devs actually gave to Role Players to inhabit.

I'm getting Reports tonight that Pocket D's dead to the world...

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



- Create a Timed Event. Enter a Stalker. Waste their time by hiding. They'll get bored eventually. Alternatively, challenge them to an event, go in, exit as soon as possible and return to your seat mocking them for their idiocy when they return.
- Set the match to "No Observers" and lie profusely about your defeat, they'll eventually leave.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hahaha! Those two tips are brilliant! I'm going to try them as soon as possible.

BTW! I like your attitude.



The funniest thing me and hatesman had to go throught was that these people wanted to hold a mass RP/IC arena match, because he /she insulted a friend of ghosts (hatesman) IC and he wanted to defend his "honor". I decided to join. In the end only four of us decided to fight. The match began( Battle Royal) and ghost and I didn't attack each other only the others, why? Well because it was an IC match that means that we "had" to act IC, and not only are hates and I in the same SG but IC-wise good friends/regularly team up. Why would we attack each other? Anyways I found it funny how OOC AND IC we got accused of cheating, even after we explained OOC and IC that not only are our characters friends, but would never attack each other.



My personal tip to deal with tools (this happened IC,i never laughed so hard for like...6 years)

Sue them IC for invasion of privacy ( tadaa )

Greifers i can deal with sometimes by saying "go to the arena,ill be there shortly" or speaking in very very advanced l33t, which if they understand they either leave or shout some abuse (then leave).



why has it suddenly started getting worse thats what I wanna know.. I mean they never used to be this bad did they?



They realised the RPers were there, and that's why they've turned up to make trouble. PD was pretty much empty whenh I started playing before christmas, and finally started taking off in the months following the end of the Xmas event. Then it began to be a popular spot to gather for RP.

My guess is it just took a few months longer for word of the crowds of RPers in the bar to spread to the idiots currently plagueing the place.



My guess is that Pocket D was largely ignored by all but the RPers because it didn't have any benefit to going there... No badges, no missions, no interest.

However, as soon as Events started being hosted in Pocket D, the interest started. Because of this we had OOC and IC clashes, people who were "just players" colliding with "IC characters" in a location which the RPers regarded as theirs, but was suddenly part of the larger game.

I think we ended up with a bit of a p*ssing contest, and I don't think it's improved much...

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



I think that's a fair analysis. Certainly when you run through from the Tiki Lounge to the hero side you can see people and speech bubbles from the floor. It's not long before someone comes up the stairs to see what's going on, something that obviously increased once events started being held in there. And when there are no events on, there will always be players (myself included) who use it as a shortcut.

To be honest, I wonder what would happen if we all made a joint decision to move over the Villain's side for a bit? Would the griefers struggle to find us or would they just move on to find another target to torment? Who knows?

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



The funniest thing me and hatesman had to go throught was that these people wanted to hold a mass RP/IC arena match, because he /she insulted a friend of ghosts (hatesman) IC and he wanted to defend his "honor". I decided to join. In the end only four of us decided to fight. The match began( Battle Royal) and ghost and I didn't attack each other only the others, why? Well because it was an IC match that means that we "had" to act IC, and not only are hates and I in the same SG but IC-wise good friends/regularly team up. Why would we attack each other? Anyways I found it funny how OOC AND IC we got accused of cheating, even after we explained OOC and IC that not only are our characters friends, but would never attack each other.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't forget the part where the one who engaged the battle was 20 levels higher than us and suggested a featherweight (Level 11) cap to make it fairer on us. Oh and the part about us winning with a substantial victory. Oh and as for accusing us of cheating... Sounds like loser talk to me.

Monayz plz 2 b bouncer? THXZ!

Anyway tonight in Pocket D, I was rather mischevious... I used a method I got from PCGamer Mag, that I like to call Follow the Nooblar, where you simply follow the person who's causing trouble... simply "F" for "FollowTarget". Creep them out with your stare and lack of chat.
The key's to success:
1. Say nothing at all.
2. Use a really creepy character.
3. Use creepy emotes when stationary. (drumdance, drum and slashthroat are good)
4. Only ever follow them to the edge of the bar you're in... once they're out on the dance floor or in the monkey arena you've won and can return to your station until they return and you can follow them again.

My apologies go to anyone who I may have inadvertantly disrupted RPing by Following the Nooblar.

And on that note, may I suggest we get in the habit of Petitioning Harrassment if anyone harrasses you, outright... not just poor RP but actually being totally distruptive to your fun. Send a petition report with the details! No second chances, just report them nice and silently... eventually "Generic pest1" will have so many complaints he'll be banned from the game altogether.

BTW! I like your attitude.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



My apologies go to anyone who I may have inadvertantly disrupted RPing by Following the Nooblar.

Are you kidding? It was hilarious!




Anyway tonight in Pocket D, I was rather mischevious... I used a method I got from PCGamer Mag, that I like to call Follow the Nooblar, where you simply follow the person who's causing trouble... simply "F" for "FollowTarget". Creep them out with your stare and lack of chat.

[/ QUOTE ]

i wondered who that was

as i said yesterday, i had that that kest prat on ignore. He's using the excuse of "trying to RP" to be a prat.
"/e tacks ur walet" then the obligatory attempts to hump lunk's leg meant i just told him to move on then slap the /ignore button.

theres a strange fad that someone pointed out to me recently.
theres a lot more people with "rp friendly" in there bio (usualy these people will try not to break immersion while teaming with a group of RPers, and on occasion actualy try to RP)
But theres also a lot of people that claim to be RPers, that speak in "txt spk" god mode, and generaly make an [censored] of themselves.

In my personal experience, RP-friendly people eventualy become RPers, and some of them quite good at it too once charector traits are fleshed out.
while [censored]-RPers usualy stay titheads, because thats exactly what they are, and frankly no one wants the hassle of trying to sit down and teach them, because we're here to RP not to babysit some noob.

Now im not saying we should all adopt one and try and teach them, because frankly, i wouldnt. telling someone that "LOL! " is not usualy seen as IC every 5 minutes is not something i want to do.
Im just pointing out what ive seen.



Couldn't agree more. When I'm RPing, I'm there to enjoy myself, not get frustrated trying to teach some bonehead the ropes. They can either learn by observation (like I did), or go on ignore permanently.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Posted on behalf of Shadowe, who can't post from work!


Wholehearted agreement. Now, as a dedicated GGer, I've no idea what it's currently like in PD, but at GG we get our share of tools, too. In fact we've recently gained three new RPers that I'm aware of, all of whom seem to persistently ignore our advice on 'RP etiquette' - including directing them to Zortel's thread here for that purpose.
Now, anyone who's on the GGOOC chat channel will be aware of 'Tool' as one of them is affectionately known, and he's actually IMO the best of the bunch - he tries really hard to RP properly, and actually succeeds a fair bit, except for his distinct inability to use capital letters and punctuation, coupled with being a bit on the pushy side about getting himself involved in things.
So, all in all, I'm hoping that they will learn from example, because babying them doesn't seem to work.

[/ QUOTE ]


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



theres a strange fad that someone pointed out to me recently.
theres a lot more people with "rp friendly" in there bio (usualy these people will try not to break immersion while teaming with a group of RPers, and on occasion actualy try to RP)
But theres also a lot of people that claim to be RPers, that speak in "txt spk" god mode, and generaly make an [censored] of themselves.

[/ QUOTE ]
I must admit that my alt GoodGuy is one of these "RP-friendly" characters.
I saw it in the info of someone (can't remember who) and thought it was a good idea since I don't RP constantly with GoodGuy. I DO RP with him in RP-areas like Pocket D and amongst other RPers (like the Hyperion Watchmen, where I've had a really good RP-session with him). But when I just "play the game" and team up with the "regular players" he's not IC.

I've got two other alts that's constantly IC though.
Dr. Furnace of the Hyperion Watchmen and Lady Cacophony of the Last Word (who have a gig in Pocket D this Thursday btw! Look out for the review!) And their info is marked with "Roleplayer".

Couldn't agree more. When I'm RPing, I'm there to enjoy myself, not get frustrated trying to teach some bonehead the ropes. They can either learn by observation (like I did), or go on ignore permanently.

[/ QUOTE ]
My thoughts exactly. It took me some time to use the </e> command in a good way, but there are no better teachers than trial and error.



In SWG we ran a player city and and really, really tried to help those rp'ers who weren't on the exact right track yet. I fail to recall any success at all. Thinking back, only things that paid up were offering minor suggestions to styles. Every time that there needed to be a bigger effort it was wasted in the end.

So, in conclusion, I concur. Trying to hold hands and teach things probably will not work. Not that I want to discourage anyone willing to give it a shot, but personally I don't see myself going down that path again.



I saw it in the info of someone (can't remember who) and thought it was a good idea

[/ QUOTE ]

It was me! I put that in Brit's bio when I first started going to Pocket D. Thought it sounded less formal than roleplayer, and I think it helped make him seem a little more approachable to anyone who read his bio. The main reason I put it in though was I thought it gave the impression I was a game-player who was interested in RP, and those who'd seen it would be a little more forgiving and helpful with my RP. Sure enough it worked and I found several people volunteering tips, and pointers.



I appologize my friend, for not remembering this!
It was you who got me into RP-ing in this game after all.



Couldn't agree more. When I'm RPing, I'm there to enjoy myself, not get frustrated trying to teach some bonehead the ropes. They can either learn by observation (like I did), or go on ignore permanently.

[/ QUOTE ]
As an addendum to this (and what other people have chimed in about it later) I'd like to say Coile has a very good point, a few posts down (or up, from this perspective).

The way I've come to see it, there's generally three types of people in anything creative: those that know, those that don't know, but want to learn and those who don't know, but think they know.

The first and second usually have no problem - the ones who don't know respect those who know and those who know welcome those who want to learn. Usually. The problem comes with those who don't know but think they know, which's where the half-Rpers people find annoying usually are found.

The problem is that by thinking they know, they also don't think they have anything to learn which in turn results in them often reacting with hostility to anyone presuming to tell them they still do.

So, unfortunately, those that have the patience to teach usually run out of it because those that really do need teaching won't want to learn and find it an insult when they're told they should.

Good thing is that they're usually annoying out of ignorance rather than spite. Bad thing is that you can rarely confront and reduce that ignorance. :<

In the very least (if you'll permit a small venting of annoyances) they're still 'the invaders' - so to speak - here. Back in Earthen Ring there were far more of 'them' than 'us' in the end, and so the community became 'them' hounding 'us' for being elitist, rather than 'we' being frustrated at 'them' for being inconsequential, godmoding and omnipotent.
/whine off



In the very least (if you'll permit a small venting of annoyances) they're still 'the invaders' - so to speak - here. Back in Earthen Ring there were far more of 'them' than 'us' in the end, and so the community became 'them' hounding 'us' for being elitist, rather than 'we' being frustrated at 'them' for being inconsequential, godmoding and omnipotent.
/whine off

[/ QUOTE ]

This has already happened to some of us.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



im changing my Bio to "RP elitist: if im ignoring you, you just aint good enough"



So, unfortunately, those that have the patience to teach usually run out of it because those that really do need teaching won't want to learn and find it an insult when they're told they should.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sadly quoted for personal truth. You try and teach, correct important spellings (you know, like the race of an energy-based symboite your character is bonded with), give tips or the like, and you just get insults and ignoring back. Why bother after that?

Hmm... what would define the difference between wanting a good standard of roleplaying and being an elitist?

Hmm... I'd say for the former, to have a good standard of RP, you need:
Legible typing and spelling skills, and learning some spellings if needed (important lore ones, for instance), without shorthand or emoticons (of course, some characters can pull this off, but I'll get back to that later.)
Able to keep IC IC and OOC OOC, using the correct way to go OOC if needed, not going OOC too much in public channels (I don't want to hear about who did what in your family or who's coming to visit, if you must discuss it, use tells or team chat or global channels or SG chat. It's what they're there for.)
Knowing that actions have consequences.
A grip of the character your playing, keeping your backstory at least consistent (I remember one player who's characters origin changed depending on the TV show he had watched on the previous night...)

And hmm... my brain just frazzled, and I'm finding it hard to find words for the rest of the points >.<

But yes, going back to the bit about shorthand, this is usually a no-no in RP, but for every rule there is an exception. If my character is sending a text or an MSN message or an E-mail to someone, there may be some emotes or text speak in there, depending on the character. Some characters may also use versions in real life.

Fusebox, a rather computer-savvy teen girl often says "Be-ar-be!" (As in "Hey Yoko! I'll just be-ar-be, okay?"), and she might even say "Lol." in a sarcastic manner if something isn't that funny. Jane's been known to say "Ex dee!" or "Colon dee!" (XD and respectively), because she has a perfectly valid, if insane, reason to do so.



im changing my Bio to "RP elitist: if im ignoring you, you just aint good enough"

[/ QUOTE ]
Hahahaha! Sweet!
I guess I'll have to see if Big Lunk will talk to me in the future then.



My personal definition of a RP Elitist. Someone who tries to teach new RPers the way the long established RP community works, and gets ignored, insulted and flamed by the new people as they can't stand to be told they're wrong.

In other words, there is no such thing as an RP Elitist. Instead you have decent RPers who are labelled as such by the newcomers who are trying to screw with the way things are.

Hmmm... Déja Vu!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



hmm oddly how i used to use two very similar sound phrases to describe two different sets of people in WoW:

Newbie/Rookie: Doesn't know but wants to learn and is willing to be taught (the term rookie was used more often and used in jest most of the time, never meant as a putdown).

n00b: Someone who thinks they know everything and is often shown up for not actually knowing when they open their mouth on a subject. But that's a lot easier to define where everything has clear set stats etc.

hmm...my thoughts on the subject anyway.

Semi-Rpers: Some i can stand, some i even like, Chim is a good example of a Semi-Rper but i quite like her. Also she was the 2nd person RPwise i properly met in CoX (the first being Richard aka Skullster). It all depends on how 'semi' they are, if they frequently use smileys, txt speak and the like then it's annoying, if they're very limited in their use of such things, i find it alright. I know some of you don't like the inclusion of any such things, but i'm like Malibu, seriously easy going...when it comes to that.

Why the increase in Griefers?: I think it's a mixture of things, the free trials (which only ever encourage tools to sign up...because it's free..) and also the main problem and also what i consider was a stupid move, sticking the salvage vaults in PD's. Before when there was no special event going on, non-rpers really had no need to go to PD's and obviously the Devs saw this as a bad thing so they stuck the vaults in.

Which means most non-rpers HAVE to use PD's to store their salvage especially if they're not in an SG/VG with their own invention storage (let's face it...most tools aren't in groups) which inadvertently drags in the griefers and people who just want to hassle RPers 'because it's fun'.

On the subject of elitism: Being an elitist is looking down on one part of society and refusing to see another sides story (it's my way or the highway syndrome), this did become most clear during the forum split with the people for heroes plotline, some people of BOTH sides refused to see the points that some people were making and come to a friendly conclusion. So people on both sides could be labelled elitist.

BUT let's not drag that up again shall we.

If you point blank refuse to help (even giving just small pointers in /t quickly) a ROOKIE who is blatently there to try and improve, then your an elitist. Since there is one thing that this RP community needs, to be able to stick together for a change instead of yanking itself apart as we constantly seem to do. Teach those rookies that wish to be taught otherwise they're going to think the RP community on CoX sucks as much as it does on WoW.

there...all done...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!