I May Miss Our Yellow Friend!




According to the Issue 13 Beta board where they "tested" the new boards, instead of our beloved yellow smiley man, we have a whole bunch of lame multicolored ones.

So here is an ode to Mr. Yellow:

Mr. Smiley, you always bring a smile to MY face!

Mr. Laugh, You're 30% bigger than Mr. Smiley and you don't care, you're just full of fun!

Mr. OOOO.... I love you so much, I'd take you back behind the shed and [censored] your [censored]!

Oh come ON Mr. Blush, you KNEW that I was going to have to make some kind of sexual remark.

Mr. shades, only you can make me cooler than other posters.

Mr. Crazy, I never really used you like I should, maybe because deep down inside I don't have to because I know I AM you.

Mr. confused, what are you doing? Wait, put that knife down! Where did you get that C4? Cher in a tutu? HUH???

It's all okay now, Mr. Grin showed us that it was all a joke, no matter how dark and evil the post sounded.

Mr. tongue, you can mean SO many things, I think I'll miss you the most of all.

Awww, don't be sad Mr. Sad.... I love you too, just not as much as Mr. tongue!

Now don't be mad at me, you know that you're all a part of the same multifaceted Mr. Yellow that we all know and love. Only you with your psychotic mood changes could make the forums such a fun place to be!

From what was hinted at by Niv, there MIGHT be a chance that you'll follow us to the new boards.

But I'm not going to get my hopes up, they've been disappointed so many times (damn you Pirates of Dark Water!!!!).

So then all that I'm left with is you, Mr. Smirk.

Out of all the yellow smilies, I'm going to miss you the most. I didn't use you nearly as much as I should have. There are so many times that I wanted to but didn't. Why? Because you are a double edged sword. You say at the same time both "look, I'm totally being playful here" and yet also "I also know that I'm totally right and you're not!".

It's a shame that most people don't get that first part and only see the second. Mr. Smirk, I hope that you and your friends will follow us to the next boards, I REALLY hope so. Because no new smilies will EVER do the same things you do for us.

No other smilies can express just what you express.

...and still be adorable while doing it.

That's right, even you Mr. Mad.

NO OTHER mad smilie could EVER make me smile while anger is around as you can with that ADORABLE made face.

So let's close this rambling post and please, express your own love for our dear Mr. Yellow, who may or may not be around much longer.



Well this post just plain looks stupid now...



Agreed. These new smilies leave much to be desired in the aesthetics department.


Also on Steam



New smilies look like ***. Looks like a 3yr old cut them out of cardboard and scanned them in. Also they just suck in general.




While writing this message I got a message saying only 4 images are allowed in a post




Eh ...

Emoticons are a low-priority thing when setting up a new board. I'm sure we'll get decent smilies before too long.

Y'know, at least I hope we will ...

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



To bad they aren't animated

I love this guy

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
Oh new Mr. Rolleyes, what fun we will have together!
Heh, for some reason I'm reading this and hearing Pinhead in my mind.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



:3 smiley... we hardly knew ye. Good night, sweet prince.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA



Phil! Your scaring the Euros!



Originally Posted by CoX_Junkie View Post
New smilies look like ***. Looks like a 3yr old cut them out of cardboard and scanned them in. Also they just suck in general.
Yeah, it would have been nice if they'd got some that were suitable for display on a non-white background.





You sir, just won one internet and a cookie

Although I do notice a problem with this one

Edited to include Mr. Smiley



That's awesome. Yeah the smilies here leave a lot to be desired.

Perhaps they need to be transparented properly against each background, or at least made into a skin set.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by Ramen View Post
You sir, just won one internet and a cookie

Although I do notice a problem with this one

Edited to include Mr. Smiley

Thanks for catching that, I re-uploaded and fixed the link, so now everything should be cool.



Ye, and the people asked, and the mod spaketh to them and said "In the time still to come there will be new improved emoticons" and there was much rejoicing.



Only rejoicing if our dear Mr. Yellow comes back! There IS no mad face like Mr. Yellow's mad face!



Originally Posted by TheOcho View Post
Ye, and the people asked, and the mod spaketh to them and said "In the time still to come there will be new improved emoticons" and there was much rejoicing.
Long ago he who shone forth light prophesied the coming of new forums, and behold the day of prophecy is upon us!
TheOcho seems to be adopting a sort of Pythian style. I kinda like it.

Character index



Are the new emoticons going to include the ones from the old City of Hero boards?

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



I for one am overjoyed that we can now interact with our brethren from across the pond Welcome my UK brothers and sisters!

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



The question is...will we get the greatest emote of them all?

You all know.





Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
Oh new Mr. Rolleyes, what fun we will have together!
Yay! I've waited for for five gorram years.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)