Hopfuly "Going Rogue" = no more levels





To the OP:

If you are not already aware, in I16 they are adding more difficulty levels, specifically to increase mob spawns depending on what you set your pseudo team size to be. So this change to teaming/sidekick system is very unlikely to happen. But on the plus side you should be able to find more people to team with since all the people using anchors and pads will be able to do it on their own.

~ Infinity Heroes ~
Dark Voltage - 50 NRG/NRG/EM Blaster
Shure Shot - 50 Arch/NRG/MM Blaster
Silent Shadow Blade - 50 Katana/SR/BM Scrapper
Uphir - 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster




So, if everyone is getting impatient, why didn't the team leader start with four, and fill as he went, like I suggested?

[/ QUOTE ]
you're not always able to (depending on the group make up and levels), not evryone likes to multi-task like that, and some people find it boring to run with 4 people or solo.

I know that I fill the time soloing while my LFT flag is up.

[/ QUOTE ]
Some times I like to solo, but sometimes I don't. Some characters it's boring as hell. And if that's the alternative people who don't want to are going to leave or have left for other games.

Unless you Broadcast in the three minutes it takes me to zone out of a mission and get to the next one, I won't see your "LFT" spam. Use Server channels instead. Most of these channels can be found in the appropriate server Forum. If you are having trouble finding any teams on Freedom or Virtue, I hate to say it, but "ur doin it wrong."

[/ QUOTE ]
Well I've played from day one (longer in fact)and have a large enough network to know that isn't the problem. I am sure I can go out and in 1/2 hour find 10 posts complaning about teaming posted within the ast 24 hours.


The Devs gave us Ourobouros and the ability to turn of XP to get around this. It also doesn't address the facts that some mobs were never meant to spawn above or below certain levels. Hellions never spawn above 20 (15?), and Rikti, outside of the Midnighter arcs, never spawn below 30. The Devs would need to make all mobs in the game spawn, scale and be challenging at all levels.

[/ QUOTE ] Why? If I want to spend my time beating on thugs with guns...why can't I? It's not like it's any less callenging ten what's done to exploit the current system.

Outside of the Architect, if there is a 7-10 (or greater) level disparity among the team, no one gets XP. The XP bridge only works if you have sidekicks, which

[/ QUOTE ]yes but I can sk to a level 46 while bunch of 50's beet UP LEVEL 54'S



You're not really worrying about equality and many people wouldn't want equality anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]
At the core that's my point...you don't need arbitrary level debuffs. Power selections and enhancing already create enough of a spread of power that it won't be equal...but you could at least participate. The same is true about being more "challenging" some mobs are just more challenging then others. You don't need arbitrarty debuffs to create a challenge (at least to the current degree).

(not that I'm including you into this catagory) I find that most people who want to be "challenged" by high level mobs are usually the same ones who want to fight nothing but werewolves and freakshow.

Most importantly, the I16 challenge customization should fix this right up if it's being done the way I think it will

[/ QUOTE ] Hopfully, but I think the level system is going to end up being an albatross for this game.



As far as I know, until we have integrated true AI opponents, ones that can actually think... and attack intelligently, what you call "level debuffs" (if I understand this correctly) is the only way to challenge players in games based on the player having to wisely choose which attack to fire off when, and on which enemy to win a fight.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



As far as I know, until we have integrated true AI opponents, ones that can actually think... and attack intelligently, what you call "level debuffs" (if I understand this correctly) is the only way to challenge players in games based on the player having to wisely choose which attack to fire off when, and on which enemy to win a fight.

[/ QUOTE ]

So when mobs are created in the AE they don't get harder based upon how many powers they have, what they have, or how they compliment the other mobs with them? Their movment and positioning (which you can also pick in AE) can't make them harder either? I'm not saying to throw out the difficulty rankings...but they are hardly the only way that has been used to make mobs more challenging. And in fact you'll find that the mobs made by the devs are generally far weaker then what you can make on the AE.

Probably because they have to compensate for the large level range used and can't make them to tough.




you're not always able to (depending on the group make up and levels), not evryone likes to multi-task like that, and some people find it boring to run with 4 people or solo.

[/ QUOTE ]

What group of four villains can't handle any mission in the game, barring Strike Forces and Trials. What group of two can't?


Some times I like to solo, but sometimes I don't. Some characters it's boring as hell. And if that's the alternative people who don't want to are going to leave or have left for other games.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's called "killing time." You do at football games between quarters, and you can do it between teams in City of Heroes. I happen to think it is more fun "killing time" by soloing while waiting for the team invite than it is to wander around the football stadium "killing time" between quarters.

If you don't want to form your own teams, then any team leader looking for members of your level will notice you if you have your LFT flag up. I get invites all the time even if I don't have a flag up.


Well I've played from day one (longer in fact)and have a large enough network to know that isn't the problem. I am sure I can go out and in 1/2 hour find 10 posts complaning about teaming posted within the ast 24 hours.

[/ QUOTE ]

There you go, two five person teams; or one six and one four; or one eight and one duo. The only thing keeping the teams from forming is "fear of the star." Your suggestion does nothing to eliminate fear of the star.

I'm a horrible leader. I know this. But having the star and sending out some invites is less infuriating than watching Broadcast fill up with four or five people, all in the same level range, saying "lvl X Brute, lft, please send tell or invite" and waiting for some courageous soul to bring us all together. The team might dissolve after a few missions under my mostly hands-off leadership style, or we might all click and have bunches of fun.


Why? If I want to spend my time beating on thugs with guns...why can't I? It's not like it's any less callenging ten what's done to exploit the current system.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exploits are closed all the time, and people who abuse exploits are punished. That being said, there is nothing to prevent you from taking your level 50 Mastermind to Port Oakes and mowing down Hellions all day. You won't get any experience for it, nor should you. You outgrew Hellions 30 levels ago. You can still do it. That is how lots of people get the Gangbuster Badge so they can get missions from the Slot Machine. They take their level 30, and sweep the streets of Port Oakes clean of every Marcone Capo they can find.

If you want the XP, you should be challenged. Just because some people have found a way to circumvent the challenge does not mean that the Devs condone their actions. I support every action taken by the Devs to close the loopholes that circumvent the challenge and, in the extreme cases, punish those who knowlingly used such exploits.

yes but I can sk to a level 46 while bunch of 50's beet UP LEVEL 54'S

[/ QUOTE ]

And you contribute just as much to the team and would get the same rewards as you would under your suggestion, if I understand it correctly.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



One can certainly design a game without levels - purely stats based, some opponents are simply more or less dangerous, story driven rather than level driven.

But retrofitting that to a system designed with levels? Unlikely, and darn difficult. It's a fundamental kind of design decision.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



Custom AE Mobs do more damage, and because they are customized by the player without some restrictions that Devs use, we can make combinations that challenge some AT/power-set combinations, e.g. MindControl/DarkMiasma NPC's. The control AE authors have on NPC placement is still very restricted IIRC because you cannot place an NPC in a spawn-point you've chosen, only in a map-region designated as "Front/Middle/Back". The fact that was can now see the individual spawn locations for each of the F/M/B designations doesn't mean we actually control individual NPC placements.

Custom AE Mobs still use the same AI scripts that dictate to them how to attack us and therefore are still vulnerable to the same tactics we use to reduce the risk when fighting NPCs. This is evident when you read about (and perhaps experience) the exploits in AE farm missions.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



but but according to the intrawebz, more levels = better game!




What group of four villains can't handle any mission in the game, barring Strike Forces and Trials. What group of two can't?

[/ QUOTE ]
Can't is a strong word, but not everyone want's to spend most of their time in down time. Some people would rather not play then play with three blaseter on heroic or lower. Some would rather not play then try an push through with a tank, controler and defender. Some people don't want to have to respawn 10 times. Just because you "can" play doesn't make it desirable. the whole point is to make the game appealing and accessable. The level system in my veiw gets in the way of that.

It's called "killing time." You do at football games between quarters, and you can do it between teams in City of Heroes. I happen to think it is more fun "killing time" by soloing while waiting for the team invite than it is to wander around the football stadium "killing time" between quarters.

[/ QUOTE ] well yes, but I would hope how you can see how having to kill time in a game would discourge people from wanting to play said game. If I want to kill time, I can go do plenty of other things. Or, look for a game where I don't have to kill time as much.


Well I've played from day one (longer in fact)and have a large enough network to know that isn't the problem. I am sure I can go out and in 1/2 hour find 10 posts complaning about teaming posted within the ast 24 hours.

[/ QUOTE ]

There you go, two five person teams; or one six and one four; or one eight and one duo. The only thing keeping the teams from forming is "fear of the star." Your suggestion does nothing to eliminate fear of the star.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's not the only thing it does...I mean someone still has to lead the team. But it makes having the star far less of a chore. And, but reguardless your not going to change the people who don't want to lead. So you better accommodate them because they make up the largest part of the player base.


Exploits are closed all the time, and people who abuse exploits are punished.

[/ QUOTE ]

Generally COH doesn't recognize exploits, that's to say the policy is usually if the system allows for it , then it's legal. If the devs don't like it (enough )then they will change the system.

My point is that you can already gain xp much faster using the current system then you could ever get by beating up a bunch of level 50 skulls. So even if it was an advantage to beat on level 50 skulls (which it isn't) it is still better then the current system.


And you contribute just as much to the team and would get the same rewards as you would under your suggestion, if I understand it correctly.

[/ QUOTE ] except you don't have to try and spend time finding an SK, which can be considerable amount of time, if you even do find one. And you don't have to worry about the SK trying to fight +s 7 mobs if there isn't a higher level partner.



One can certainly design a game without levels - purely stats based, some opponents are simply more or less dangerous, story driven rather than level driven.

But retrofitting that to a system designed with levels? Unlikely, and darn difficult. It's a fundamental kind of design decision.

[/ QUOTE ]

and yet the system wasn't designed with levels they were tacked on when Emmert took over creative control.



Custom AE Mobs do more damage, and because they are customized by the player without some restrictions that Devs use, we can make combinations that challenge some AT/power-set combinations, e.g. MindControl/DarkMiasma NPC's. The control AE authors have on NPC placement is still very restricted IIRC because you cannot place an NPC in a spawn-point you've chosen, only in a map-region designated as "Front/Middle/Back". The fact that was can now see the individual spawn locations for each of the F/M/B designations doesn't mean we actually control individual NPC placements.

Custom AE Mobs still use the same AI scripts that dictate to them how to attack us and therefore are still vulnerable to the same tactics we use to reduce the risk when fighting NPCs. This is evident when you read about (and perhaps experience) the exploits in AE farm missions.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not sure how any of this addressed my answers that there is more then mob level in deteming how challenging a monster is?



While the OP's idea isn't really feaseable, I empathize with what he's wanting, which is essentially a broader playing field.

Similiarly, I wish there was some incentive for higher level characters to go back to 'lower' zones on occasion. I like playing my 50s; I love the zones of Striga and Croatoa - but they went their separate ways long ago...

I wish there was some mechanic where I could go to those zones on a 50, explore a bit, and experience a challenging fight here or there. The OP's mechanic would allow that, but brings in a whole slew of other problems.

Even so, I wish there was *some* way to do it...



While the OP's idea isn't really feaseable, I empathize with what he's wanting, which is essentially a broader playing field.

Similiarly, I wish there was some incentive for higher level characters to go back to 'lower' zones on occasion. I like playing my 50s; I love the zones of Striga and Croatoa - but they went their separate ways long ago...

I wish there was some mechanic where I could go to those zones on a 50, explore a bit, and experience a challenging fight here or there. The OP's mechanic would allow that, but brings in a whole slew of other problems.

Even so, I wish there was *some* way to do it...

[/ QUOTE ]

Go to Ourobouros, start a Flashback mission in that level range, and you will be autosidekicked down to that level. You can even do all of the Croatoa story arcs via Ourobouros if you missed them on the way up. The fights can even be made more challenging. There are settings where you can't use Inspirations, or Termporary Powers, or your powers are unenhanced.

Wish granted?

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



. The OP's mechanic would allow that, but brings in a whole slew of other problems.

[/ QUOTE ]

See I don't get what those problems are?

The answers I have gotten have been

1. I was unclear...so I went and rexplained
2. they couldn't read the red writing...so I changed it (for those with the villians screen up)
3. I don't have a problem with down time so it's not needed.

But that doesn't mean that their isn't a problem for a lot of other people.
4. It could be exploited to farm lower level mobs for xp.

But it really wouldn't be a very good way to get xp. And it is certainly less effective then having a couple of higher level players get misions at +4 while a team 5 level lower (for a total of 9 level difference) beat on them. Which happens all the time.

There is no actual "answer" to what problems would be generated. Mostly just a bunch of deflecting.



While the OP's idea isn't really feaseable, I empathize with what he's wanting, which is essentially a broader playing field.

Similiarly, I wish there was some incentive for higher level characters to go back to 'lower' zones on occasion. I like playing my 50s; I love the zones of Striga and Croatoa - but they went their separate ways long ago...

I wish there was some mechanic where I could go to those zones on a 50, explore a bit, and experience a challenging fight here or there. The OP's mechanic would allow that, but brings in a whole slew of other problems.

Even so, I wish there was *some* way to do it...

[/ QUOTE ]

Go to Ourobouros, start a Flashback mission in that level range, and you will be autosidekicked down to that level. You can even do all of the Croatoa story arcs via Ourobouros if you missed them on the way up. The fights can even be made more challenging. There are settings where you can't use Inspirations, or Termporary Powers, or your powers are unenhanced.

Wish granted?

[/ QUOTE ]

That's really only an option unless you're wanting to solo all the time. Lower levels can't get there and the mechanic doesn't allow new members to join, and it only allows you access to one whole story arc at a time. Which, is why the zone is pretty much only used as a short cut.

seriously, the suggestion of Ouro as a substitue is pretty weak




Can't is a strong word, but not everyone want's to spend most of their time in down time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Explain. Why would you be spending most of your time in down time? I spend most of my time, even solo, going from mob to mob, with the occasional downtime. The amount of downtime decreases radically as I level and get better Enhancements and slotting on my powers.

Some people would rather not play then play with three blaseter on heroic or lower.

[/ QUOTE ]

There is no setting lower than Heroic (by the way, your idea completely removes the ability for a player who is being challenged on Heroic to gain a level to make things easier. The first time I fought Maestro in Striga Isle, I needed to level twice before I could beat him, on Heroic.) And why is three Blasters bad? What possible combination of mobs, especially on Heroic, can stand up to three moderately decent Blasters?

Some would rather not play then try an push through with a tank, controler and defender.

[/ QUOTE ]

I take it that you have never teamed with a good Controller and a good Defender as a Tank? What isn't locked down by the Controller is being debuffed by the Defender, or the Defender is buffing you into a jackhammer of destruction.

Some people don't want to have to respawn 10 times.

[/ QUOTE ]

You don't have to run on Invincible you know. This is just as much a myth as you need a Tank, Blaster and Healer to be successful, or that you need a full team of eight before you can start playing, or that Joan Rivers has never had cosmetic surgery. If you are teamwiping consistently, turn down the difficulty. One or two more people isn't going to make things better unless they are going to be the glue that holds your obviously failing team together. It is amazing the difference turning the difficulty down a notch can make, especially at the pre-SO levels.

Just because you "can" play doesn't make it desirable. the whole point is to make the game appealing and accessable. The level system in my veiw gets in the way of that.

[/ QUOTE ]

The fact that you can never gain a level over your content is a problem with your idea. Some missions I know are going to be tough, so I plan to ding during the mission so that the final fight is easier. If I time it really well, I can have that ding come up right before I engage the Elite Boss at the end of the mission. Your idea makes this strategy no longer viable.

well yes, but I would hope how you can see how having to kill time in a game would discourge people from wanting to play said game. If I want to kill time, I can go do plenty of other things. Or, look for a game where I don't have to kill time as much.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are playing a video game. One of the many definitions of "killing time." While waiting for your invite, you can be doing things that will benefit your character. While I'm waiting, I usually solo a bit. I could play the market. I could tweak my MA arcs. I could hunt down Marcone Capos for esses & gees (and the eventual Gangbuster Badge).


It's not the only thing it does...I mean someone still has to lead the team. But it makes having the star far less of a chore. And, but reguardless your not going to change the people who don't want to lead. So you better accommodate them because they make up the largest part of the player base.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, the de facto leader doesn't have to worry about sidekicks or exemplars any more? I'm pretty sure, just like you are, that they still won't want the star because it still requires them to take responibility for something. Your suggestion does nothing to provide incentive for the a player to have the star. Since the real issue seems to be availability of teams, don't you think this needs to be addressed more than the sidekick / exemplar system?


Generally COH doesn't recognize exploits, that's to say the policy is usually if the system allows for it , then it's legal. If the devs don't like it (enough )then they will change the system.

[/ QUOTE ]

*cough*mito farms*cough*

Sorry, had something stuck in my throat for a minute.

My point is that you can already gain xp much faster using the current system then you could ever get by beating up a bunch of level 50 skulls. So even if it was an advantage to beat on level 50 skulls (which it isn't) it is still better then the current system.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, explain again to me how the Skulls, a lowly street gang, should still be posing a challenge to a team that took down the Freedom Phalanx? Nor have you addressed that in order to do so, you would need to add 30 levels of capability to the Skulls (new mobs, expanded power selection, etc.). For a while, there was a Family Farm that took advantage of the fact that you had outleveled the Family by ten levels for phat xpees. They finally had to gut their experience output because they were being farmed.

If you are going to gut the experience so much that they aren't worth fighting, why bother fighting them?


except you don't have to try and spend time finding an SK, which can be considerable amount of time, if you even do find one. And you don't have to worry about the SK trying to fight +s 7 mobs if there isn't a higher level partner.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know, there are times when the hero has to lose. Blue Beetle and Booster Gold knew they had no chance against Doomsday. They stood in his way because they needed to slow him down, even for a second, to give Superman as much time as possible to get back into the fray. For their efforts, one was put in a coma, and the other broke almost every bone in his body. They are still heroes.

The SK either learns his lesson that that +7 is too tough for him, or he manages to hold out long enough for back up to arrive. Your suggestion also eliminates the chance for this kind of heroic stand against the worst of odds.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



If I understand correctly why you want this (so that it's easier to find teams, since the level spread won't be as big of a deal), then I'm not sure the idea will really help all that much.

For me personally, and a lot of other people I play with as well, we don't like to invite people a lot lower level than us to a team, even if we have the sidekick room. 5 levels is about my limit, due to the fact that every level lower means fewer powers, with fewer slots in them, and that means less effective in combat. Mobs are designed with levels in mind, so it's not really feasible to remove them at this point.



While the OP's idea isn't really feaseable, I empathize with what he's wanting, which is essentially a broader playing field.

Similiarly, I wish there was some incentive for higher level characters to go back to 'lower' zones on occasion. I like playing my 50s; I love the zones of Striga and Croatoa - but they went their separate ways long ago...

I wish there was some mechanic where I could go to those zones on a 50, explore a bit, and experience a challenging fight here or there. The OP's mechanic would allow that, but brings in a whole slew of other problems.

Even so, I wish there was *some* way to do it...

[/ QUOTE ]

Go to Ourobouros, start a Flashback mission in that level range, and you will be autosidekicked down to that level. You can even do all of the Croatoa story arcs via Ourobouros if you missed them on the way up. The fights can even be made more challenging. There are settings where you can't use Inspirations, or Termporary Powers, or your powers are unenhanced.

Wish granted?

[/ QUOTE ]

That's really only an option unless you're wanting to solo all the time. Lower levels can't get there and the mechanic doesn't allow new members to join, and it only allows you access to one whole story arc at a time. Which, is why the zone is pretty much only used as a short cut.

seriously, the suggestion of Ouro as a substitue is pretty weak

[/ QUOTE ]

How was my answer a weak one to the poster's question?

If the team can get to Croatoa, or Striga, or whichever zone, then they can get to the missions. You can form the team before you start the "Task Force." If I recall correctly, the only limitation is that you cannot set the mission until all of you are in the same Zone (unless they fixed that bug at last). Nobody said you all had to be in Ourobouros.

Not that Ourobouros is the be all, end all, but it does address the concerns of the poster to whom I responded, in every way. If he wants to come back and ask about teaming with Ourobouros, that's another issue. His issue was about being able to go back and have fun in lower level Zones with his 50 and still have a challenge.

Wish still granted.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)




Explain. Why would you be spending most of your time in down time? I spend most of my time, even solo,

[/ QUOTE ]

because if I jump on wanting to team and I'm killing time as you put it. I consider that down time. I think most people would. If your not really enjoying yourself and just filling time so you can do what you want to do ( for more then a few seconds here and there) ...then there is something wrong.


There is no setting lower than Heroic (by the way, your idea completely removes the ability for a player who is being challenged on Heroic to gain a level to make things easier.

[/ QUOTE ] if that's an issue add one.

I take it that you have never teamed with a good Controller and a good Defender as a Tank? What isn't locked down by the Controller is being debuffed by the Defender, or the Defender is buffing you into a jackhammer of destruction.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have played with many good players in my 5 years of playing, but as you know it also depends on the type of controller/tank/defender. you can quibble all you want, but the point is that not all powers sets are as compatible as others and the game is balanced (primarily) with full teams or solo in mind.

You don't have to run on Invincible you know.

[/ QUOTE ]
The point is at some level the reward and pace of the game based upon the party make-up isn't worth it. That varies depending on the individual, but most people aren't going to stand for running with 2-3 teams 25-50% of the time they play. You can say they should do sonething else and keep them selves busy in other ways as much as you want, but they will and it will be not playing this game.

The fact that you can never gain a level over your content is a problem with your idea. Some missions I know are going to be tough, so I plan to ding during the mission so that the final fight is easier. If I time it really well,

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, because other then the very rare exception this is how people plan their mission choice. that's weak and nothing but argumentative.

You are playing a video game. One of the many definitions of "killing time."

[/ QUOTE ]
But that doesn't mean you don't have goals or want to set in front of a blank screen because you are wasting time. When I want to play, I want to jump on and play not have to find things to do in hopes that I can play either. Most people are like that.


So, the de facto leader doesn't have to worry about sidekicks or exemplars any more? I'm pretty sure, just like you are, that they still won't want the star because it still requires them to take responibility for something.

[/ QUOTE ]
Like I said it has to do with time. Most people don't want to send out tells for 15-20 minutes looking for players. Broading the field makes it much easier to find players.

Your suggestion does nothing to provide incentive for the a player to have the star.

[/ QUOTE ] But it makes having the star far less of a burden. ie time suck.

So, explain again to me how the Skulls, a lowly street gang, should still be posing a challenge to a team that took down the Freedom Phalanx?

[/ QUOTE ] I don't think they do. a full team of level 50's are going to sweep right through a skull mission. The level system makes that immersion worse though...why should something I beat the crap out of all the time now be untouchable because it's a higher level?

Nor have you addressed that in order to do so, you would need to add 30 levels of capability to the Skulls (new mobs, expanded power selection, etc.).

[/ QUOTE ]

actually, I have touched on it. essentually you don't. a skull is a skull is a skull.

For a while, there was a Family Farm that took advantage of the fact that you had outleveled the Family by ten levels for phat xpees. They finally had to gut their experience output because they were being farmed.

[/ QUOTE ]
I can't confirm that. However family are a pretty simple mob even if they are within your level range. It's not anymore farmable because now your ten levels higher. In fant it's less so. your still better farming freaks/wolves as they give more xp.

If you are going to gut the experience so much that they aren't worth fighting, why bother fighting them?

[/ QUOTE ]
I didn't say I was going to gut the xp, I said the xp is already balanced based upon their difficulty.


The SK either learns his lesson that that +7 is too tough for him, or he manages to hold out long enough for back up to arrive. Your suggestion also eliminates the chance for this kind of heroic stand against the worst of odds.

[/ QUOTE ]

That has nothing to do with it. It's not an either or situation. It's not like just because you can't fight a mob that is even more purple that you aren't heroic. The ability to fight a +8 or farm them (which the devs aren't particulary thrilled with anyways) measured against the ability for a broader range of your players to actually play together isn't even equatable.



If I understand correctly why you want this (so that it's easier to find teams, since the level spread won't be as big of a deal), then I'm not sure the idea will really help all that much.

For me personally, and a lot of other people I play with as well, we don't like to invite people a lot lower level than us to a team, even if we have the sidekick room. 5 levels is about my limit, due to the fact that every level lower means fewer powers, with fewer slots in them, and that means less effective in combat. Mobs are designed with levels in mind, so it's not really feasible to remove them at this point.

[/ QUOTE ]

there are people like that, however there are much more that aren't. There are much more that don't care what level, or are ok with 10 levels, or 20 or 30. But it would be a lot better then the current optionss and would give more options based upon who is on to play at any given time..



... Have you ever even played this game? I don't think you really have a clue what you've even said here. I certainly don't.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



... Have you ever even played this game? I don't think you really have a clue what you've even said here. I certainly don't.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you Zek. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that was wondering that.



I'm not sure how any of this addressed my answers that there is more then mob level in deteming how challenging a monster is?

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The whole idea of these games is to provide the player with a scenario that has to be overcome by using the tools the player has. This isn't a chess game, it's a math-game made interesting by skewing the odds in favour of the AI (at least at first) and allowing "random" numbers to affect the players tactics... when the numbers are skewed later on in favour of the players, the AI loses constantly, so I'm not sure what sort of challenge you think will be left if you remove "level debuffing"?

Can you perhaps give me an example of how an NPC would have a chance to fight at all without the "unfair" advantadge of "level debuffing", and without changing the games' engine to include more sophisticated AI scripts?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I'm not sure how any of this addressed my answers that there is more then mob level in deteming how challenging a monster is?

[/ QUOTE ]
The whole idea of these games is to provide the player with a scenario that has to be overcome by using the tools the player has. This isn't a chess game, it's a math-game made interesting by skewing the odds in favour of the AI (at least at first) and allowing "random" numbers to affect the players tactics... when the numbers are skewed later on in favour of the players, the AI loses constantly, so I'm not sure what sort of challenge you think will be left if you remove "level debuffing"?

Can you perhaps give me an example of how an NPC would have a chance to fight at all without the "unfair" advantadge of "level debuffing", and without changing the games' engine to include more sophisticated AI scripts?

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not saying there isn't debuffing. I saying there would be a a hard cap of +4-5 and that the con level would be the same for everyone on the team reguardless of their level.

However, that's not what we were dicussing before. Before we were dicussing how a level 10 mob (a mob that usually would be capped at level 10) could be balanced for a level 50 player. And, I said it doesn't need to be the xp reward is already balanced for a mob based upon how hard they are to defeat.