Heroes and Villains at the Con
It's official. My office mates now think I'm insane. I laughed out loud several times, trying to supress but just couldn't.
This is classic. Thank you for making my Friday less painful, Steel!
Wretch: NEEEEERRRRDSSSS!! NERRRRRRDDSSSSSSS!! (think Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds)
[/ QUOTE ]
So full of win. Thanks for the laughs!
Boy, it's gonna be fun on the new forums with you, PK, and Golden Girl.
(just jealous because I don't have a fancy title )
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Wretch: NEEEEERRRRDSSSS!! NERRRRRRDDSSSSSSS!! (think Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds)
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So full of win. Thanks for the laughs!
[/ QUOTE ]
I did laugh at that one. I'm a curmudgeon, I know.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
This one was one of the best yet! Steelclaw, I can't decide if you're a mad genius, or just mad.
I think when he was allowed to choose, he took both... AND RAN.
Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued
"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque
Boy, it's gonna be fun on the new forums with you, PK, and Golden Girl.
[/ QUOTE ]
ZOMG, that's right. Golden Girl will probably have access to the new forums, and Niv and 8 probably aren't familiar with her posting history.
Jim Temblor (on his cell phone): What do you mean you got lost on the way to the Con?!
Love this one.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Victory: @Brimstone Bruce
Brimstone Bruce (lvl50 Stone/Fire Tanker) Broadside Bruce (lvl50 Shield/WM Tanker)
Ultionis (lvl50 Dark/Dark Defender) Cortex Crusher (lvl50 Mind/Kin Controller)
Patronox (lvl50 Kat/Dark Scrapper) Harbinger Mk.7 (lvl50 Bots/FF MM)
NightShift for Life.
Valkyrie: "Sorry I'm late. The floor manager sent me to the Guild Wars booth by mistake."
Lovely! Really liked Black Scorpion as well!
www.paragonwiki.com is a great source of information for this game.
New or returning to the game? Want advice from experienced players who want to help YOU?
The Mentor Project: Part of the New Player Council.
Silver Mantis: I get turned on and excited by violence
by the threat of violence too
when Im getting beaten on by someone who is skilled and powerful in the art of combat
it just makes me feel so alive.. makes me tingle.. I start getting turned on the moment I see someone who I think can push my limits and beat me real good.. Pauses to look out over the Con crowd. I have never been more depressed in my life.
[/ QUOTE ]
The Crystals - He Hit Me (And It Felt Like A Kiss)
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
That would have been a great idea...too bad comic-con is already here.
PAX 09 anyone? Hero con? Lepzig?
Me: "So you really cannot use that sword?"
Ms. Liberty: "No."
Me: *plants a big sloppy kiss on Ms. Liberty*
*KAPOW* I go flying across the covention hall to hit the far wall.
Later, I wake up with Ms. Liberty hunched over me..
Ms. Liberty: "I'm so sorry. How can I ever make it up to you, honey?"
Then I really wake up in the hospital with a police officer at the door.
*ow* It hurts when I do that.
Thanks a lot, Steelclaw. Now everyone in my Dreamweaver class is looking at me funny because I'm trying and failing not to laugh. (Yes, I'm sneaking onto the forums during a class.)
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
This one was one of the best yet! Steelclaw, I can't decide if you're a mad genius, or just mad.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well... The genius part maybe... but Mad? Hmm... today I'm mostly happy with a side of silliness.. Could I be a Happy Genius? Nah... let's just say Manic Genius.. Manic is the happy side of insanity anyway...
Oh... and once more for all those people who read my stuff at work, school or in the presence of so-called "sane" people...
We here at Steelclaw Studios are more than happy to provide our viewing public with material from the mind of Steelclaw. However, realize you are experiencing Steelclaw at your own risk.
Steelclaw Studios takes no responsibility for the following conditions that occur during or as a result of the use and/or viewing of Steelclaw:
* sudden spewing of drinking and/or eating materials on self, others, electronic equipment, upholstery or pets...
* Loss of dignity, friends, employment or wages as a result of truthfully answering the question "What's so funny?" when asked.
* Loss of sleep due to not getting the joke that everyone else in the forums claim was the best of the list.
* Divorce and/or relationship problems occurring when your significant other realizes you like "THAT" kind of humor.
* Any bodily injury occuring as a result of reading Steelclaw material while in a public place and trying desperately to hold the laughter in.
Side note: Regarding that last one... never... NEVER invite me to a wedding, church, political speech or the like. I WILL be the person in the back trying their best to make you laugh out loud and get kicked out of the place. And yes that has happened once... the mother of the bride (the bride was a friend of mine) came back and told a friend of mine that if he didn't stop laughing she'd have to ask him to leave. He blamed me.
* We accept no liability should you make the mistake of trying to repeat a Steelclaw joke to a friend... If you attempt such a thing the best thing you can hope for is a look of blank incomprehension... the worst... well... let's just say self-defense courses are always advantageous.
* Any attempt to sing any Steelclaw Studios parody song in public are done at your own risk. This one actually goes for Steelclaw himself too.
* Remember, you enjoy Steelclaw Studios productions at your own risk.. any toxic, neurological or phamacological side effects are not our fault.
Thank you for your support.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
Interestingly, Ms. Liberty and Desdemona actually are at the Con.
Nemesis: "This isn't what I had planned."
Boy, it's gonna be fun on the new forums with you, PK, and Golden Girl.
[/ QUOTE ]
ZOMG, that's right. Golden Girl will probably have access to the new forums, and Niv and 8 probably aren't familiar with her posting history.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, how i loved going back and forth when GG was here.
The scary thing is...I have been to comic-cons, sci-fi cons, and anime cons and they all seem to go like that...
Thanks for the belly laughs, I REALLY, REALLY needed it today.
No DOOM today, DOOM tomorrow. There's always a DOOM tomorrow.
Global: @Kiriko-chan Test: Myskatz Kittens Beta Test: @Plantrezz
Arcs: 5318 ROUS (just a little beat 'em up)
8500 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road.
244321 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road v2
Boy, it's gonna be fun on the new forums with you, PK, and Golden Girl.
[/ QUOTE ]
ZOMG, that's right. Golden Girl will probably have access to the new forums, and Niv and 8 probably aren't familiar with her posting history.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually I talked to Ocho about this yesterday and he knows about her. Remember that most of the people modding the forums do play - and he does play a lot
He's been here for a while, including around her. Apparently GG heard about us randing and posted something on the eu forums in response
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Steel Claw, you make me happy inside.
And BTW: I totally read the Wretch line as Ogre BEFORE seeing the side-note, once again proving that you know your audience all to well.
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
great as always
Desdemona doesn't look into it in any of the pictures.
One of Six, Cannibal 6
What if the actual heroes and villains from City of had to attend the Con to do advertising for the upcoming Issue 16 and Going Rogue?
Sister Psyche: Booth girl? BOOTH GIRL?! Ive saved the world from destruction twenty times over already and you want me to stand around letting nerd-boys and alpha-geeks ogle me all day long? Im a married woman! What do you mean Manticore suggested it?!
Positron: After standing there all day in Steel Canyon, this really isnt all that bad. At least people arent whining about my Task Force as much. I only have one question why is everyone calling that bearded guy over there Positron?
Statesman: Look, I know Im supposed to be here only to promote the game. I just dont think you see the other potential benefits of my presence here. Look at all these young men who dont have any goals or aspirations in life. If just happen to pass out a few military recruiting brochures These fine young male Con-goers may make excellent soldiers why are you laughing?
Ghost Widow: No, I will not stop. The next male who attempts to touch me or suggests something inappropriate is going to be spinning in my hold as well. Besides, it seems to amuse the ladies in the crowd few of them as there are.
Wretch: NEEEEERRRRDSSSS!! NERRRRRRDDSSSSSSS!! (think Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds)
Swan: Why are all the other Booth Girls glaring at me like that?
Manticore: Have you seen my wife? No? Oh good for some reason she seems to think I told the director to make her a Booth Girl Wait a second Wasnt Synapse talking to the floor director earlier? Oh that son of a B .!!!
Lord Recluse: I would like to welcome you all to what you thought was the Con The developers of the game have been disposed of If you will all kindly form a line here at the table to my right we shall begin your in-processing Welcome to your career in Arachnos!
Back Alley Brawler: Welcome to the Con Why dont you try out our upcoming Issue 16 preview on one of the free computers to my right? Hmmm? No.. Im sorry I cant shake your hand errr after what happened at the last Con Ive been informed our liability insurance cant handle it High Five? Sure I guess that would be okay.
Infernal: When will this Con END?! Ive journeyed into the precincts of hell itself.. Ive stared dead in the face of infernal eternity and even *I* cant see the end of this day in sight. Are you SURE I cant summon my minions? Ten bucks says I could have this building cleared in five minutes . Okay Twenty bucks. Matt get out your stopwatch.
Luminary: Pardon my interruption Mister Miller but I must pose an interrogative regarding my duties here at the Con. I have been approached by several customers who have indicated an interest in uploading their hardware into my software and completing an input/output loop. I understand that your technology here is far inferior to my own; but it was my understanding that software was placed into hardware and not the other way around. Could you please explain?
Ms. Liberty: Standing in one spot all day smiling while hundreds and hundreds of people in weird costumes walk up and talk to me. Why does this seem so familiar?
Jim Temblor (on his cell phone): What do you mean you got lost on the way to the Con?!
Synapse: Oh hey! Manticore umm good to see you! Oh come on that was just a joke! What are you going to do with that arrow? Hey wait a second.. its way too crowded in here for you to fire that arrow at me too crowded for me to run too.. what do mean you dont plan to shoot it you plan to stick it? Eep. HELP!!
Mynx: He deserved it! He gave me a bag of cat litter and a rubber mousey and said he knew just how to make me purr! Oh stop being so dramatic Im sure the doctors will be able to re-attach it. If he comes back to consciousness tell him thanks for the catnip though.
Captain Mako: Oooohh I feel sick You gotta let me outta this place or Im gonna hurl! Dammit Matt! Sharks hunt by their sense of SMELL! Do you know how long its been since most of these people have bathed?!
Silver Mantis: I get turned on and excited by violence by the threat of violence too when Im getting beaten on by someone who is skilled and powerful in the art of combat it just makes me feel so alive.. makes me tingle.. I start getting turned on the moment I see someone who I think can push my limits and beat me real good.. Pauses to look out over the Con crowd. I have never been more depressed in my life.
Scirocco: I am SO looking forward to Going Rogue! Finally villains will be able to become heroes! Im as giddy as a school girl! Have I reviewed my contract stipulations? No No I havent not recently why do you ask?
Ice Mistral: What were you thinking?! Youre old enough to know that when you lick something ice cold your tongue is going to stick! Well.. Ill just have to take care of this Oh stop your whining You should never have accepted your friends dare in the first place. It will only hurt for a moment.. and I am NOT going around all day with you stuck me like this.
Black Scorpion: Hey Matt Im back. Where have I been? Oh umm nowhere in particular.. just wandering around spreading the good word about the game. No No I dont know anything about the explosions and fire at the World of Warcraft booth. And Im positive there isnt a witness left alive to say I was anywhere near it.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw