Buy a sidkick?




just an idea, which im sure ill get a lot of negative feedback on, but what if you can actually buy a sidekick for 1 mill, and he would be your private sidekick, you can buff him and run solo missions or team missions... when he kills u get half the xp and half the inf. i think this new feature would add to soloing. side kicks include.

buffing asst.
weapon specialist

customization would be just like when you make your own toon make him wear whatever and give him a name choose his powers and such, i know what your thinking well it would make you too powerful but he can be capped at lvl 40 so when your a 50 he will remain a side kick only..let me know what you think peeps.



Be kinda like an xp-stealing one pet mastermind?

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



I think this would be a great idea, frankly. Diablo 2 did it somewhat well. It could be the cure for soloing "low damage" defenders (scrapper-esque sidekick), soloing "squishy" blasters (tanker-esque sidekick), etc.

I'm not sure I'd want to see it outside a solo environment for balance purposes, but this would be a very neat feature. You can somewhat do this in the MA, but this is more interesting.



well the xp goes to you..but yea like a one pet mm ...well just throwing it out there lol thanks for your response )



It wouldn't be terrible if the sidekick was only usable when solo, ie. It couldn't be summoned when on a team, or dies if you join one when it's out.

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



well the xp goes to you..but yea like a one pet mm ...well just throwing it out there lol thanks for your response )

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I think sidekick damage should probably net you less than full exp if they're not increasing the mission size.



Suggestions forum thattaway ---->

That said, quite honestly (a) I tended to find them pointless in D2, and often worse than useless in Guild Wars, and (b) given the AI we have, would you *really* voluntarily pick up another Fusionette or Lady Grey? :P




I like it. As G_Tanker said, it worked well in Diablo 2. Agree that it would have to be un-usable on teams. Would definitely have to have character level customization to be a true sidekick.




Would definitely have to have character level customization to be a true sidekick.

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Given the level of customization in the MA, players would loooooove making all sorts of sidekicks and backstories for them.

Again, as long as they disappear when you're on a team, I think this is a great idea. I'm a little concerned by buffing sidekicks given how powerful buffs/debuffs already are, but I'm sure the devs know this.

Abuse example: After I-16 where I can customize mission size, what's to stop a fire/kin controller from getting a fire/rad sidekick and milking drops/inf in missions set for 8 people? In fact, higher level sidekicks... who wouldn't want a fire controller along for more damage?

I think the idea has merit. I'm just thinking about the balance issue potential.



1 million for your very own pocket emp or kin ?

You could make it 1 billion and you'd still have people queuing up for that.

/No to rent-a-buffbot.



I bought a sidekick. I call it my second account. I get all the xp, inf, drops, and debt. That is, when I bother to run both accounts.



exactly im sure it could work on a lot of levers.



im new to the forums i didn't think about suggestions forum but i guess i can cut and paste lol



I can understand the worries about "rent a buffbots"; on the other hand, my pre-pet controllers with teamcentric secondaries would love it. And it might actually encourage me to play a Defender.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



The simple solution would be to limit rented NPCs to offense-based only. You could accomplish this with two:

Quasi-Brute - SOme sort of mixture of a scrapper and tank, kinda like a brute. Has moderate tanking ability and melee damage, but is relatively unreliable in holding aggro compared to a real tank.

Blaster - Just a straight-up, pure ranged damage NPC. More HP but lower damage makes it more survivable, but less powerful. Most likely no CC whatsoever.

All these would be is an extra body. Something to add damage, or take damage, nothing more.

Additionally, they should count as a team member, so you can't effectively have a 16 man team. The NPC would take one slot, and each person may have only one. Four players could have four NPCs, making a full team.

Possible addition: Every NPC on the team after the first adds to the mission difficulty. The aforementioned 4:4 team would be like having a 7-man team. One person and one NPC would have standard one player difficulty.

In any case, I'm honestly not for or against this. I've seen it work, but I really don't care. Just offering my input on how it could work.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



What is with some of you saying "overpowered in a team?"

This would be best while solo and considerably less useful if not negative if you have a team.

It would be cool though.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



I'd be even more for it if it really was "Rent-A-NPC." Available to all players for a cost, and eventually free as a veteran reward like the veteran pets we have now.

I'd love a rent-to-own "solid holographic" Captain Mako. Or a Numina. Maybe even a Hamidon.

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator



I like this idea. Glad you shared it.



You can always create your own custom ally in your MA missions



Suggestions forum thattaway ---->

That said, quite honestly (a) I tended to find them pointless in D2, and often worse than useless in Guild Wars, and (b) given the AI we have, would you *really* voluntarily pick up another Fusionette or Lady Grey? :P

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Whoa, what crazy layout you using with the suggestion forum over there?! Or is it open in another tab? lol



I suggested something similar to this about 2 years ago. It got a lot of play on the forums but, as you can see, it went nowhere. I like the concept and think it could be implemented under the current code (you get quasi-side kicks in certain missions already) and could be done in a way that maintains balance. Plus it would add a lot to the "concept" driven characters that could add to their story line by having a customizable side kick. I would love, for example, if my Shield Tanker could get a TA/A defender or an MA/SR Scrapper as a side kick (think Captain America and Hawkeye or Falcon). Either as a purchasable temp power, an unlockable mission temp power, a vet reward power or maybe part of a booster pack or some combination there of.



Really does belong in the Suggestions forum.

With the requests for a blue-side equivalent to MMs, sure, why not? Make a new AT that is somewhere between a controller and a MM. Make it a Melee AT with a control secondary containing the Sidekick.

[/ QUOTE ]Going Rogue will have blue-side MMs.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



I'm for sale but I'm not cheap. You can pay me to be your teammate.



I suggested something similar to this about 2 years ago. It got a lot of play on the forums but, as you can see, it went nowhere. I like the concept and think it could be implemented under the current code (you get quasi-side kicks in certain missions already) and could be done in a way that maintains balance. Plus it would add a lot to the "concept" driven characters that could add to their story line by having a customizable side kick. I would love, for example, if my Shield Tanker could get a TA/A defender or an MA/SR Scrapper as a side kick (think Captain America and Hawkeye or Falcon). Either as a purchasable temp power, an unlockable mission temp power, a vet reward power or **maybe part of a booster pack** or some combination there of.

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Emphasis added in the only way I know to add emphasis here (not a clue on how to bold ect.) This would be perfect for the natural super booster. (if you noticed there is a sci, tech and magic origin booster already) just think a natural hero with a sword and shield pulls out a long range communicator and calls in an archery whatever (mabey you can design the costume like a second hero or villian but only have powers to level 20-no pool powers no app's just half the levels worth of normal powers.) Then this would be possible.