Will we ever get a new Primary for controllers?




Title of the thread pretty much sums it up..I love CoH dearly but after the first two years of playing it I've had to take breaks in between playing being the fact that I've actually ran out of many combinations to try with controllers.Controllers and doms are the only ATs I enjoy playing as such in terms of
Primaries we have the fewest and have never actually recieved a new primary unlike Scrappers, Tankers, Blasters, Brutes, Stalkers, and everyother AT besides the Khelds/Veats..We've only recieved plant ported over quite a few issues after it first came out when many had tried it already by that point..Can we please have a new set?..or maybe just promise us we'll get one someday? :P



Actually MMs have the lowest with 5. Soon to be 6. Which will tie the with Doms for the lowest. Controllers have 7.

Controllers and Doms could use a new set or 2 tho.

Dark Control would be awesome and Dark Illusion (For Doms) has been hotly wanted by many players for a long time.

I would love to see an Electric Control. Since most of the powers for it, like dark are already in the game. Someone put together a good list of all the powers that exist in game for both of those power sets.

Personally I would love to see a Gadget Control. Most of the powers already exist. It could be Grenades and Bolas!!!!

Or even a Control Arrow to go with Trick Arrow.

Tho I would really love an actual Spell Control. I really like the Rune of Warding temp power effect and think that would make a unique visual power set. All the animations could be arm movements like a traditional spell caster with nifty magic symbols like the Rune of Warding gets. The only bad side I can think of is the # of Doctor Strange clones would make the GENERIC POLICE very busy.

There is no shortage of ideas, just a shortage of what they devote time to.



I'd love to see an Electrical Control set that revolved around endurance drain rather than just being the same holds with different graphics.
I'm not holding my breath though.

In the meantime, maybe try out a Dark/Dark Defender or an Elec/Elec Blaster as a Controller in all but name? I found both these builds very Controller-y, or Dominator-y in the Blaster's case.



Tho I would really love an actual Spell Control. I really like the Rune of Warding temp power effect and think that would make a unique visual power set. All the animations could be arm movements like a traditional spell caster with nifty magic symbols like the Rune of Warding gets.

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The main issue here is that it is not origin-independent, or at the very least must be stretched to fit non-Magic origins. While there are already sets that feel origin-specific (AR, /dev, /traps, most MM primaries) it's my understanding that this is considered generally undesirable from a design-goals standpoint.



I think Chain Control would be interesting.



I'd like to see Time Control. Slow down, speed up, freeze time. Shadowy time echo decoys of yourself. Or a tier 9 that ports in a second you from the near future, so that for a brief period, every power you cast is doubled. You're your own pet!

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



Well Electric Control IMO will be the next control set for both controllers and doms. As it seems the devs are avoiding giving doms illusion and doms getting Electrical Assault last wave.

Most of the powers are already in the game. High chance the pets will be those electric gremlins running around Caps redside.



I'd like to see Time Control. Slow down, speed up, freeze time. Shadowy time echo decoys of yourself. Or a tier 9 that ports in a second you from the near future, so that for a brief period, every power you cast is doubled. You're your own pet!

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That would be the most awesome pet ever!!!!! Future Me, would you like a Hot Pocket....? Future Me, you complete me.....!



Well Electric Control IMO will be the next control set for both controllers and doms. As it seems the devs are avoiding giving doms illusion and doms getting Electrical Assault last wave.

Most of the powers are already in the game. High chance the pets will be those electric gremlins running around Caps redside.

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Aye, i've several times posted a complete electric control build that would work just fine. From what i remember some basides like elec cages/ST hold pets (i wanted electric imps but several gremlins seemed to be the way most people wanted)

Some key powers were things like a cone disorient, and a location ground power kinda like quicksand only electrical based animations and the secondary effect being tics of damage/-endurance/-recovery etc.

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Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



I'd like to see Time Control.

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I already view Gravity/Kin as a Time and Space controller. Speeding guys up, slowing them down, moving/wormholing objects, summoning potential future and past versions of yourself to assist you in the time line (Singularity), etc.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



I'd love to see the dev headaches for a future self pet. What happens if your future self gets killed? Do you randomly suffer 100% damage at some point (can survive if buffed)? Shouldn't your future self be a fully purp'ed out lvl 50 (cuz, we're all gonna get there "someday", right?), or does it auto-exemp ala Ouro mishes? And shouldn't you have to travel back to make up for the summons? Maybe a 60 sec forced phase period for every summons?

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



And shouldn't you have to travel back to make up for the summons? Maybe a 60 sec forced phase period for every summons?

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That's what I was thinking. Wink out for a bit to pay off your time debt. You can still move (like while shifted) but can't do anything until you fulfilled your obligations in the past.

I imagined that you and your doppleganger would take damage independently and even die (as much as anything in this game really "dies"), except if you die he/she winks out.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



I'm drooling for Insect Control, Air Control, or Water Control. Especially Insect since that is such a comic-booky type thing and not a concept that is supported anywhere else in game.




Try a /TA defender or a /traps corruptor.

"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator



I think Chain Control would be interesting.

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I'll have to second this one.
If you think about it, it could be WAY cool!

Root = Chains shoot up from the ground and wraps around your feet.
Hold = The Controller throws a chain at you that wraps around you and hold you.

AoE root / hold, with a twist = A Chain snakes up from the ground and wraps around the controllers target, then more chains shoot out from the target and wrap around it's neighbours, from there more chains shoot out and grabs even more enemies! Say, target + 2 or 3 steps out would be a fair area. And if you are good at bundling them together, a lot can be hold. Limit the range a bit too.

But the animation would be wicked!

PBAoE knockdown = The controller crouches and turns around himself, extending a chain at ground height that swipes peoples feet out under themselves.

Pet = A large chain moving around like a Snake would look awesome.
Ranged Damage = Hit 'em with a chain like a whip!
Melee Damage = Wrap some chains around the hands and whollup them with some nice brawling moves!
Line Damage = Shoot a chain out of your hand that shoots out trough the trhong of enemies, hitting them in the way, delaing damage. Then draw it back into you, damaging them again ... perhaps add barbs to the chain for extra damage.

There is a lot of potential in Chain powers, if you ask me.
Would work great with a Huge Male figure, i think.
It would be a controller with NO subtlety!

Only flipside would be the enourmous amount of SPAWN clones, that would appear.
Now we just need the Devs to notice us.



If you are looking for more controller-like characters to play, two I have taken to 50 are a Dark/Elec Defender (Two single target holds to hold bosses! Two pets!) and an Ice/Ice Blaster (Three single target holds, AoE slows, an immobilize, two AoE Rain powers with slows.)

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



If you are looking for more controller-like characters to play, two I have taken to 50 are a Dark/Elec Defender (Two single target holds to hold bosses! Two pets!) and an Ice/Ice Blaster (Three single target holds, AoE slows, an immobilize, two AoE Rain powers with slows.)

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I like my Dark/Ice too. You lose the pet, but get a 3rd hold (like you need more than 2), slows, and more damage (rain powers have blaster level damage). Dark/Dark is good too since you get a mass immob, or Dark/Son for the sleep/KB/stun in the secondaries. Dark defenders are really broken (in a good way!), unless you run into fear-resistant mobs.

Blaster-wise, I actually think Son/Ice is the most "controller-ish", since you get a cone sleep & KB, ST stun, ST hold, KD patch, mucho slows, and you can pick up a 2nd ST hold w/your epic. And you always get containment (cuz, you know, you're doing blaster damage...)!

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



I love trollers myself and seeing elec control would be bada$$. I thought of Time Control too but I'm not smert enuff to think of ways to make it work but other people here had some other good ideas too! What about water control? That would be difficult in places w/o water but it would be cool to see....



Personally I still think the way to go about this is to start from the "templates" apparent in the standing controller primaries, and their variation. Then try and decide which new concepts would best fit the most worthwhile variations.

1. A ST Hold and an AoE Hold (of some kind, if you include the cascading earth pseudopet).

2. An AoE Aggro management that's not (very) useful at ground zero of combat (sleep, phase shift, group invis, Smoke).

3. ST and AOE Immobs OR ST Dmg, ST Confuse, Cone Fear, but no selection from #5*.

4. A Pet. (Except for control sets that start with "M"*.)

5. A fast-ish recharge total control, e.g., AoE Stun, Arctic Air, Seeds of Confusion.

6. A specialty AoE Slow, and a specialty AoE pulsing knock. OR A multiple pseudopet and a vaguely defenderish power. OR A pair of ST damages. Or Mass Confusion, TK, and Mesmerize.

* M is for Moriarty

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



I would to see a new primary powerset for Controllers, in which you can have a player-character for a pet (like they do in "that other game").



Since when did defenders get trick arrow as a secondary o_O???

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My first 50 way back when was even was a TA/A. I've been villain side too long since then. Aren't all buff/debuff sets secondaries?

"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator



I'm drooling for Insect Control, Air Control, or Water Control. Especially Insect since that is such a comic-booky type thing and not a concept that is supported anywhere else in game.

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I will have to agree with Insect Control for both Trollers and Doms. That would be so sexy!



I would love water control with a secondary like healing waters to go with it. I think that would be amazing and maybe a dark control.



I'd like to see Time Control. Slow down, speed up, freeze time. Shadowy time echo decoys of yourself. Or a tier 9 that ports in a second you from the near future, so that for a brief period, every power you cast is doubled. You're your own pet!

[/ QUOTE ]I love this idea. For holds, you could "freeze" time, but the rest of the set would probably focus on slows and such. It would probably share a power of two with Gravity Control (can you say Wormhole?)