Will we ever get a new Primary for controllers?




About the time-travel reduplicated you-- I think it'd be cool to make the pet genuinely invincible, but buffable & effective, with a recharge time substantially longer than a fixed duration, and a short but mandatory phased & invisible period when the pet despawns at the end of its duration.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Time control has one major problem though ... it's really, REALLY hard to visualize time. Which means no graphics ?

As some might have guessed from my earlier post, that's why I want a Chains powerset .. it would be awesome looking.



I'd Rather just get Electric Control..It would take very little to actually to be put together..

For Example just quick a set with few powers needed to be actually created:

Electric Fence (ST Immob) from Blaster secondary or Defender Anc. set
Electric Shackles from Mu mastery for the ST Hold or Tesla Cage
Electric Fences from Mu again for AoE immob
Thunderclap with mag buffed to 3
AoE Tesla Cage or Shackles
And the Cap Gremlins for a pet
To give it a Unique Flavor possibly give it Power Sink and all that would be left would be the set defining power/soft control to it and Voila new power set Once the mix and matched AT power values have been properly adjusted for controllers.



I'm fairly sure a new control set will be the next truly new set to be put in the game. The last couple were melee sets, the next ones coming are ranged and MM sets, so control should be next. Personally I'd like to see a gadget or device themed control set.



Originally Posted by _Ail_ View Post
Since when did defenders get trick arrow as a secondary o_O???

[/ QUOTE ]

My first 50 way back when was even was a TA/A. I've been villain side too long since then. Aren't all buff/debuff sets secondaries?

Defenders are buff/blast

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Gotta say I love the Time Control idea! I imagine the Freeze Time power, proposed by someone else, to be an AoE hold and to stick enemies in the generic frozen pose and grey them out. Then you could have a Slow Time power, a target AoE foe -speed -recovery -regen, and maybe you could have a PBAoE ally +speed +recharge +recovery +regeneration, similar to Accelerate Metabolism...Accelerate time maybe? I would LOVE this to happen!

EDIT: actually, thinking about it, Time Control could also be a controller secondary, because of the Accelerate Time buff, and you could also have a resurrect power which would simply be the animation for dying reversed I like!



Originally Posted by CosmicThunderer View Post
I would love water control with a secondary like healing waters to go with it. I think that would be amazing and maybe a dark control.
I million times this! Water anything would be nice.

The Time control idea does seem cool. Graphics wise i'd go with blurs (if thats possible) or something along the line of Grav, Kin, or the prestige sprint that looks like white circles.



On Time control...
I feel like this would work best if players were okay with phasing like gravity's dimensional shift power. Rather than holds it would probably focus heavily on slow and -rech. Hold animations would be a bit strange though, I think the best visualization effect would be to simply keep the enemy's current position when the hold hits. So if it is, say, firing a gun, it remains in that position for the duration. The images are already there, it would just be a question of maintaining a single image for a while.

As for pets...I think it would be much easier if, instead of drawing you from the future it drew you from the past. I don't know how powerful controller pets are, having never gotten high enough on my controller to get the single pet. But if they have relatively few powers it could work best as a sidekicked version of your powers at, say, level 2 but with it using whatever enhancements you slot in this power rather than in the powers it has. Or just give it the first two time travel power and the first of your secondary power. Your first costume (hope you liked it) and then health and defenses for a pet...I have no idea if this is overly complicated since I am not a programmer but it sounds reasonably balanced.

I was thinking
1. Slow Enemy (redshift?)- minor dot/-movement/-recharge (attack rate)
1. Pause - minor damage and the target is held...for something like 1/4 the duration of a normal hold
2. Freeze - single target hold
6. Age enemy- rather high Dot / -regen
8. Delay (makes an enemy literally no longer exist for like 30 seconds then reappear where it was, treat as intangible for purposes of slotting and actually as intangible for pvp)
12. Slow group (as 1 but group)
18. Freeze Group ( as 2 but group)
26. Remembrance-young version of yourself as stated above pet
32. Extend (lengthens the durations of your powers by...say...1/4?no idea what's balanced here) loooong recharge time
I figure sounds can be metronome like...with remembrance setting off far away bells or some such.

Just a few thoughts i had that i will now post over in the suggestions forums.



Of the ideas I've seen proposed, I would prefer Chain Control, Air Control, and Electric Control, in that order.

Air Control should have a power called "Whirlwind" that has a visual effect similar to Tornado, but a much wider base, equal to Ice Slick. It should function just like ice slick, except it is a knock-up field, not a knock-down field. It should be just as reliable, but maybe without the slow component (since knockup takes longer to recover from than knockdown I think).

You could also have a "Suffocate" power that removes oxygen (AoE Hold). Choke could be the single target hold. I'd like to see a Lift equivalent with a very small mini-tornado effect under the victim. Call it "Gust" perhaps.

I would want the pet to look just like Tornado, but with maybe some electric eyes deep in the center. It wouldnt explicitly chase any anyone down, but anything running up to it would be flung/stunned as per Tornado. It could use Choke and Gust (my Hold and Lift equivalent). I would call it either "Twister" or "Dust Devil".

Combine this with Storm, and thats a nice graphics-card crushing combo.

OH! Also, I dont see why people get super excited for Time Control, when they can just roll a Grav/Kin. It is basically the same thing. I know I already said it earlier in thread. It might be more of a "Time and Space" controller, but the combo has slows, speed buffs, weakening effects (age), it can move people out of time (Dim Shift), it can slow them in time so they are helpless (holds), its got the wormhole time and space thing, and can use its wormhole powers for the Propel to pull objects from other times. The singularity is the you from another time. Even the heal and the end refill could be viewed as accelerating the passage of time on yourself to simulate a nice period of rest that takes no time. The subtle ripples and swirls of grav and kin even look all "Timey Wimey".


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"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
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"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



I can't believe we still don't have magnetism...And no, gravity doesn't work, I am talking about controlling iron/metals. Basically like Marvel's Magneto or Polaris. We could even have an assault/debuff set around that idea.

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if they can think up graphics for Gravity, I'm sure Time won't be a challenge.

Maybe a debuff/buff toggle accelerates you and nearby teammates for every target slowed? More of a secondary effect, tho'...

Maybe an AoE placate that can wipe away the memory of all that ugly aggro?

An PB AoE toggle that makes all nearby teammates fight as if they were one level higher (for hit rolls, debuff/buff effects, etc.) That could be a pretty potent Tier 8, especially if you got a few of those stacked.

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Originally Posted by Sagamemnon View Post

I would love to see an Electric Control. Since most of the powers for it, like dark are already in the game. Someone put together a good list of all the powers that exist in game for both of those power sets.




Like REALLY, REALLY like to see an energy or laser controller. I'm sure someone could flush out the details for me....



Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
I'd like to see Time Control. Slow down, speed up, freeze time. Shadowy time echo decoys of yourself. Or a tier 9 that ports in a second you from the near future, so that for a brief period, every power you cast is doubled. You're your own pet!
Yeah! Awesome! And if the current you dies while the future you is around, a time paradox is created that deletes your entire account! I like this idea!

Srsly though, controlling time in an MMO is about as likely as fish landing on the moon. Play console games if you want to be able to do that.

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Originally Posted by Nebulhym_NA View Post
I can't believe we still don't have magnetism...And no, gravity doesn't work, I am talking about controlling iron/metals. Basically like Marvel's Magneto or Polaris. We could even have an assault/debuff set around that idea.
Saying "we should have X and Y" isn't nearly as likely to get them as saying "For X you could have power 1 do this... power 2 do this... power 3 do this..., For Y you could have power 1 do this..." etc. Want something implemented? Start posting details. Use existing sets as a framework for what devs might consider putting in play.

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Originally Posted by Edsel View Post
I would to see a new primary powerset for Controllers, in which you can have a player-character for a pet (like they do in "that other game").
Silence! Do you want to be sued? How bout the devs use their brains and not rip off other peoples ideas? Oh, and make a mind controller, with stacked confuses this is already possible.

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Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
The subtle ripples and swirls of grav and kin even look all "Timey Wimey".

"Timey Wimey?" Someone is as much a Whovian as I am.



Pasta control! (Ramen, Lasagna, Penne)
Drunken-fighting control! ("Hey guys - watch this")
Carnie control!


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Trollers definitely need a new primary or two. For those of us who have been playing them a long time, the sets are rather dusty to say the least (i mean my 2nd ever toon was a fire troller, made in 2004. 5 years later and what, 1 'new' set?).

Id love to see dark/dark come to controllers, but i dont think it ever will. That would be my dream tho. Other than that, id settle for electric or a 'Tech control' set - where you use various technology as your means of control - this could then go with a porting of /traps for controllers.



Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
Well Electric Control IMO will be the next control set for both controllers and doms. As it seems the devs are avoiding giving doms illusion and doms getting Electrical Assault last wave.

Most of the powers are already in the game. High chance the pets will be those electric gremlins running around Caps redside.
Agreed. Perhaps they could be akin to Fire Control, having more soft control and damage than solid lockdown. I could see summoning 2 or 3 gremlins that run around for you, as well as a summoned DeBuff/Sontrol power that Slows and gives a Recovery bebuff. Would't be as powerful as Fire Control in overall damage, but it could e a nice alternative, as well as a solid set overall.

I cannot see dark control working for Controllers and Dominators though. The point being that Dark Miasma is a set littered with controls as it is, not to mention Dark/Dark/Dark defenders have as much or more control options than a controller as it is.

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Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



I've been thinking more about Time Control and you could have both a Time manipulation primary and secondary. They'll all probably need a little nerfing because they seem a little overpowerd but here's a list of some possible powers for the 2 sets:


Undo Wounds:
Ally +Heal, +Res (Effects)
Recall: Ally Resurrect
Great Haste: PBAoE, Ally +Speed, +Recharge, +Recovery, +Regen, +Dmg, +Def


Toggle (PBAoE), Foe -Speed, -Def, -Res
Impedance: Toggle (PBAoE), Foe -Speed, -Recharge, -Dmg
Hindering Field: PBAoE, Foe -Speed, -Recovery, -Regen


Ranged, Moderate DoT (Psionic), Foe -Speed, -Def
Glimpse into Probability: Ranged, High Dmg (Psionic), Foe Disorient
Time Rift: Ranged (Target AoE), Foe Intangible
Eye of the Storm: PBAoE, Foe Hold, -regen, -recovery
Flashback: Summon Doppelganger: PBAoE, Foe -Speed, -Recharge, -Regen, -Res

Just thinking about the possibilities made all of my other controllers seem really boring lol



I read through your Air Control thread and wasn't all that impressed.

My grav/storm is supposed to be air/storm. I just explain the transparent ripples as controlling air pressure to crush and immobilize the foes. I have your "Updraft" power in Lift and I call my Wormhole "Air Funnel". I don't really need we need that one.



Originally Posted by Yoshitomo View Post
I've been thinking more about Time Control and you could have both a Time manipulation primary and secondary. They'll all probably need a little nerfing because they seem a little overpowerd but here's a list of some possible powers for the 2 sets:


Undo Wounds:
Ally +Heal, +Res (Effects)
Recall: Ally Resurrect
Great Haste: PBAoE, Ally +Speed, +Recharge, +Recovery, +Regen, +Dmg, +Def


Toggle (PBAoE), Foe -Speed, -Def, -Res
Impedance: Toggle (PBAoE), Foe -Speed, -Recharge, -Dmg
Hindering Field: PBAoE, Foe -Speed, -Recovery, -Regen


Ranged, Moderate DoT (Psionic), Foe -Speed, -Def
Glimpse into Probability: Ranged, High Dmg (Psionic), Foe Disorient
Time Rift: Ranged (Target AoE), Foe Intangible
Eye of the Storm: PBAoE, Foe Hold, -regen, -recovery
Flashback: Summon Doppelganger: PBAoE, Foe -Speed, -Recharge, -Regen, -Res

Just thinking about the possibilities made all of my other controllers seem really boring lol

Heh, you've just described Radiation Emission with different graphics.



Originally Posted by Ben_Arizona View Post
Tho I would really love an actual Spell Control. I really like the Rune of Warding temp power effect and think that would make a unique visual power set. All the animations could be arm movements like a traditional spell caster with nifty magic symbols like the Rune of Warding gets.
The main issue here is that it is not origin-independent, or at the very least must be stretched to fit non-Magic origins. While there are already sets that feel origin-specific (AR, /dev, /traps, most MM primaries) it's my understanding that this is considered generally undesirable from a design-goals standpoint.
I agree. I would prefer to see new animations that would fit the various powers, so you could select a spell caster animation for Spectral Wounds (for example)
