You only need three slots. Two lvl 50 common IO's will put you at pretty much the ED cap, and one more should be a Performance Shifter chance for +end. Also, one of the lvl 50 end mod should be from the Performance Shifter set so you get a set bonus.
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
I'm sure someone else will have a better answer but, I have Stamina on all my toons and slot it with 3 End Modification enhancements (IO's as soon as I can get them)...that always seems to serve my needs very well.
Unless you're running a particularly Endurance-heavy build, people have been getting by with three EndMod SOs for years. IOs will, of course, be even better, assuming they're level 35 or higher (before that, the bonuses from IOs are actually slightly less than from +3 SOs). Usually that's what I go with.
Without knowing more about your build than what you posted, I'd say three level 50 EndMod IOs and, since you've got a fourth slot to play with, a Performance Shifter: Chance for +End, should do you.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
My preference would be 2 End Mod IOs, 1 Performance Shifter proc, and 1 Performance Shifter: End Mod. Because even one little set bonus counts.
If you are dead set on running 4 slots, Backfire has it right. If not, then go with 3 slots, Performance Shifter: End. Mod and +End. proc and one End Mod IO.
Proud member of the Hard Liquor party
Unofficial leader of PAAS (Paragon Association for the Advancement of Stoners)
3x Lv50 Common IO
[/ QUOTE ]
+49.8% Recovery.
1x Lv50 Common IO
Performance Shifter: EndMod
Performance Shifter: Chance for +End
[/ QUOTE ]
+45.8% Recovery. You lose 4% Recovery, but the proc is around 0.2 EPS. This is what I tend to use.
Performance Shifter: EndMod
Performance Shifter: EndMod/Accuracy
Performance Shifter: Chance for +End
[/ QUOTE ]
Only +42.2% Recovery, but +1.87% HP. This is down 7.7% Recovery from ED-capped Stamina, though it isn't that bad considering you're still getting the proc. I used this slotting on my Controller and Defender, whose builds were both very tight on slots and had enough recovery from other sources that the lower enhancement values mattered less than the extra HP buffer.
Performance Shifter: EndMod
Performance Shifter: EndMod/Accuracy
Performance Shifter: EndMod/Recharge
Performance Shifter: Chance for +End
[/ QUOTE ]
+50.4% recovery (including 2.5% set bonus), another 0.2 from the proc and +1.87% HP, at the cost of 1 extra slot.
You may want to consider that additional endurance recovery may be achieved by slotting the Numina uinque, the miracle unique, and the panacea proc in health. Stamina is a base recovery buff of 25%, while the Miracle provides 15%, and the Numina provides 10%. The Proc's equivalent recovery will depend on your total endurance. Assuming you have 100 endurance though the PF proc provides ~12% improved recovery. If you have more that 100 endurance divide that number by (your endurance)/100. So if you have 110 endurance, that's only an ~11% recovery boost. The Panacea Proc on the other hand provides ~9% improved recovery (same modification applies).
So some numbers:
stamina no slots: 25%
Miracle Unique: 15%
Performance Shifter Proc: 12% (If you have more than 13.2 additional endurance, 1 slot in Stamina is better)
1 slot in stamina( lvl 50 IO): 10.4%
Numina Unique: 10%
PanceaProc: ~9% endurance (If you have more than 5.7 additional endurance a second slot in stamina is better)
2 slots in stamina: ~8,5%
3 slots in stamina: ~5.7%
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
Or you could do what I've done, not take Stamina on any character in many long years of playing! *gasp*
Just bought it on one of my toons yesterday and only because there were no other thematically suitable powers available to choose. So, depending on your playstyle, PvP'er vs PvE, solo or team, Archetype etc, I'm only commenting to point out that it's not the essential that I've heard so many people claim.
I'm just sayin'...
K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.
Or you could do what I've done, not take Stamina on any character in many long years of playing! *gasp*
Just bought it on one of my toons yesterday and only because there were no other thematically suitable powers available to choose. So, depending on your playstyle, PvP'er vs PvE, solo or team, Archetype etc, I'm only commenting to point out that it's not the essential that I've heard so many people claim.
I'm just sayin'...
[/ QUOTE ]
"I just hate running out of Endurance."
"I hate missing."
I see a lot of weird builds posted based on these long held, but rarely tested, beliefs.
Or you could do what I've done, not take Stamina on any character in many long years of playing! *gasp*
Just bought it on one of my toons yesterday and only because there were no other thematically suitable powers available to choose. So, depending on your playstyle, PvP'er vs PvE, solo or team, Archetype etc, I'm only commenting to point out that it's not the essential that I've heard so many people claim.
I'm just sayin'...
[/ QUOTE ] I have a few characters that don't have Stamina either.. but each of them have their own type of recovery bonus: Transference, Consume, Quick Recovery, Recovery Auras, etc..
and/or a type of Endurance discount like Vigilance or Conserve Power.
They seem to do just fine without Stamina... especially when paired with other people who have recovery buffs as well.
You may want to consider that additional endurance recovery may be achieved by slotting the Numina uinque, the miracle unique, and the panacea proc in health. Stamina is a base recovery buff of 25%, while the Miracle provides 15%, and the Numina provides 10%. The Proc's equivalent recovery will depend on your total endurance. Assuming you have 100 endurance though the PF proc provides ~12% improved recovery. If you have more that 100 endurance divide that number by (your endurance)/100. So if you have 110 endurance, that's only an ~11% recovery boost. The Panacea Proc on the other hand provides ~9% improved recovery (same modification applies).
So some numbers:
stamina no slots: 25%
Miracle Unique: 15%
Performance Shifter Proc: 12% (If you have more than 13.2 additional endurance, 1 slot in Stamina is better)
1 slot in stamina( lvl 50 IO): 10.4%
Numina Unique: 10%
PanceaProc: ~9% endurance (If you have more than 5.7 additional endurance a second slot in stamina is better)
2 slots in stamina: ~8,5%
3 slots in stamina: ~5.7%
[/ QUOTE ]
One reason why if I can I will slot the Performance Shifter Proc - it's not recovery. It's Endurance. Which means if I get hit and drained by a sapper who also floors my recovery, I can still have a shot at fighting back if the proc goes off, etc.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Or you could do what I've done, not take Stamina on any character in many long years of playing! *gasp*
Just bought it on one of my toons yesterday and only because there were no other thematically suitable powers available to choose. So, depending on your playstyle, PvP'er vs PvE, solo or team, Archetype etc, I'm only commenting to point out that it's not the essential that I've heard so many people claim.
I'm just sayin'...
[/ QUOTE ]
"I just hate running out of Endurance."
"I hate missing."
I see a lot of weird builds posted based on these long held, but rarely tested, beliefs.
[/ QUOTE ]
Absolutely possible. I only state my own experience, I don't mind running out of End when it happens, it's another thing to juggle, another challenge to keep on top of. Generally I find that 1 End Reduction slotted in each power is enough to keep my Endurance bottoming out at an annoying rate.
Of course... other players mileage may vary.
K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.
Or you could do what I've done, not take Stamina on any character in many long years of playing! *gasp*
Just bought it on one of my toons yesterday and only because there were no other thematically suitable powers available to choose. So, depending on your playstyle, PvP'er vs PvE, solo or team, Archetype etc, I'm only commenting to point out that it's not the essential that I've heard so many people claim.
I'm just sayin'...
[/ QUOTE ]
My guy is made for long hard battles, AVs. Right now i could solo and AV if i only my end bar lasted thats why i just want to give it an extra push. I'm also thinking of sloting merical and what ever the other one is to help me out.
With 4 slots I'd go with 4 pieces of performance shifter, endmod, endmod/accuracy, endmod/recharge, and the chance for endurance proc. It's slightly less recovery enhancement than the ED cap, but the 2.5% recovery bonus from 4 pieces gives you a little bit of an edge (0.01 end/sec according to mid's, but every little bit helps).
T... U....D....O...R.
The Sly Bold Renardine - " I am Scraptastic!"
Name + bad spelling = tuter king
its was suppose to be tutor not tudor
K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.
With 4 slots I'd go with 4 pieces of performance shifter, endmod, endmod/accuracy, endmod/recharge, and the chance for endurance proc. It's slightly less recovery enhancement than the ED cap, but the 2.5% recovery bonus from 4 pieces gives you a little bit of an edge (0.01 end/sec according to mid's, but every little bit helps).
[/ QUOTE ]
What level IOs are these numbers for? Level 50?
Global @StarGeek original is still the best!
My Hero Merit rolls
Accuracy needed for 95% ToHit spreadsheet
Forum font change stripper for Firefox/Opera/Chrome. No more dealing with poor color choices, weird fonts or microscopic text
Search Wiki Patch notes, add inurl:patch_notes to your Google Search
[/ QUOTE ]
My other name was toter -_- another misspell lol
With 4 slots I'd go with 4 pieces of performance shifter, endmod, endmod/accuracy, endmod/recharge, and the chance for endurance proc. It's slightly less recovery enhancement than the ED cap, but the 2.5% recovery bonus from 4 pieces gives you a little bit of an edge (0.01 end/sec according to mid's, but every little bit helps).
[/ QUOTE ]
What level IOs are these numbers for? Level 50?
[/ QUOTE ]StarGeek, look up at Laevateinn's post. 3x level 50 IOs = 49.8. 4 pieces of the Performance Shifter set give 50.2 plus the 1.87%hp, plus the proc.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Name + bad spelling = tuter king
its was suppose to be tutor not tudor
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait, so instead of being a king of the Tudor dynasty, your name is supposed to refer to being king of the private instructors?
Interesting. i'm guessing you teach something other than English.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Or you could do what I've done, not take Stamina on any character in many long years of playing! *gasp*
Just bought it on one of my toons yesterday and only because there were no other thematically suitable powers available to choose. So, depending on your playstyle, PvP'er vs PvE, solo or team, Archetype etc, I'm only commenting to point out that it's not the essential that I've heard so many people claim.
I'm just sayin'...
[/ QUOTE ]
"I just hate running out of Endurance."
"I hate missing."
I see a lot of weird builds posted based on these long held, but rarely tested, beliefs.
[/ QUOTE ]
Absolutely possible. I only state my own experience, I don't mind running out of End when it happens, it's another thing to juggle, another challenge to keep on top of. Generally I find that 1 End Reduction slotted in each power is enough to keep my Endurance bottoming out at an annoying rate.
Of course... other players mileage may vary.
[/ QUOTE ]
There isn't a single power in this game that is 'essential' so using that argument kinda fails. I believe people recommend Stamina to everyone because it is one of the few powers that has universal benefit and provides one of the three things you can never have too much of (Damage, Health, Endurance). For a character being built to solo AVs, Stamina is extremely useful since it helps to eliminate having to watch one bar (so you only have to watch the target's health and yours). I think suggesting someone drop a power they're clearly asking for advice in slotting, is akin to telling someone to sell their car when they ask for tips on customizing it ("Hey guys, what do you suggest I do to trick out my ride?" "har har, you should sell it because nobody really needs a car").
Maybe it's just me though.
@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions
Or you could do what I've done, not take Stamina on any character in many long years of playing! *gasp*
Just bought it on one of my toons yesterday and only because there were no other thematically suitable powers available to choose. So, depending on your playstyle, PvP'er vs PvE, solo or team, Archetype etc, I'm only commenting to point out that it's not the essential that I've heard so many people claim.
I'm just sayin'...
[/ QUOTE ]
"I just hate running out of Endurance."
"I hate missing."
I see a lot of weird builds posted based on these long held, but rarely tested, beliefs.
[/ QUOTE ]
Absolutely possible. I only state my own experience, I don't mind running out of End when it happens, it's another thing to juggle, another challenge to keep on top of. Generally I find that 1 End Reduction slotted in each power is enough to keep my Endurance bottoming out at an annoying rate.
Of course... other players mileage may vary.
[/ QUOTE ]
There isn't a single power in this game that is 'essential' so using that argument kinda fails. I believe people recommend Stamina to everyone because it is one of the few powers that has universal benefit and provides one of the three things you can never have too much of (Damage, Health, Endurance). For a character being built to solo AVs, Stamina is extremely useful since it helps to eliminate having to watch one bar (so you only have to watch the target's health and yours). I think suggesting someone drop a power they're clearly asking for advice in slotting, is akin to telling someone to sell their car when they ask for tips on customizing it ("Hey guys, what do you suggest I do to trick out my ride?" "har har, you should sell it because nobody really needs a car").
Maybe it's just me though.
[/ QUOTE ] You started your post saying his argument kinda fails, but yet it looks to me like you agree with him. lol
it's not the essential = There isn't a single power in this game that is 'essential'
While his original post may not be specifically useful to the OP's request, he did follow it up with more specific information about why he feels that way, and a "YMMV" to show that there are other alternatives out there that might not be for everybody.
And by the way.. if you run the entire tutorial without using Brawl once, I applaud you. That's essential enough for me. lol j.k
I am just wondering what is best to put into stamina at lvl 50? All i want from it is the best recovery rate i can get from with 4 slots on it.