Thank you Devs





Ultimately, though, this may be a sort of "Bentley Syndrome". The people buying these at these prices may already have all the Purples they can use, and they're looking for the next level of shiny to buy. There was a thread a while back in this forum by a guy posting how he'd slotted like 8 sets of purples, mostly just because he could. It probably can't explain all the purchases, but I'd bet that sort of thing explains the most extreme sale prices we've seen.

[/ QUOTE ]

I threw a couple sets into the Goat's build when they were 'fresh' because I had some generics to replace and thought their performance>price ration was way out of whack.

He'd been sitting at the market building up inf for 'the good stuff' and I'd been flipping some PvP IOs because prices were all over the place. Then I looked at the set bonuses, combined with the exemplaring thing, and grabbed some for myself.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I got 3 sets (and switch my build to get a 5th Purple set) pretty much purely because of the exemping.

In my eyes they are purple-lites, but with the added plus of being much more varied in where you can slot them, and the ability to slot multiples.

I would like to swap Doctored wounds in Dull Pain and Reconstruction for Panaceas, which would be a next 5% gloabl recharge, but even the crazy kitty that I can be looks at the cost/benefit right now and shaesk my head.

6 months time will be a different story, I'll have far more inf and the prices will be down from what they are now.

I'm guessing this kidna goes as one supportign the Bently Syndrome idea.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



somebody got really pissed off getting tp drone'd in PvP today.

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



While I find these threads hilarious, I do think it would be pretty cool if the devs could do something productive about pvp drops.

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They did, they changed the drop rates to rep based kills only, meaning that you can no longer get drops in arena and only in pvp zones and because pvp sucks so horribly in this game I do not foresee prices going down anytime soon.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't call making them harder to get productive

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



For example, they share the "no exemplar penalty" that purples have...

[/ QUOTE ]

I did not know this. That explains quite a lot, actually - there are no purples that give +def, for example, so a +def build that wants to exemplar sometimes has to make some painful choices.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



They did, they changed the drop rates to rep based kills only, meaning that you can no longer get drops in arena and only in pvp zones and because pvp sucks so horribly in this game I do not foresee prices going down anytime soon.

[/ QUOTE ]

They can be gotten in the Arena. But on the rep timer rules. So best case you could only get like 4-5 of them in a 30-minute match, assuming you won the lottery while being struck by lightning by getting a drop every time you were eligible based on the timer.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is the "10 minute" rule still?
Or is it another rule? Or something new?
And there are no other restrictions on PvP drops?

Sorry...I've lost track of the PvP goings-on a bit.

Repeat Offenders



believe the rep timer was reduced to 5 minutes



So, basically, me and a friend cant go into the Arena, whack the crap outta each other for half a hour, maybe get 1 or 2 of these things and call it a day?



Well, yes and no.

I thought these pvp IOs were added so that there was a reward other than rep for playing pvp, in order to entice more people into trying it.

So I would have thought the best way to go about that would be to have the pvp stuff drop fairly often. It doesn't seem very tempting to go try something you've never really been interested in because of a miniscule chance you might get something.

As for farming, yes if drop rates were increased and made separate from rep the pvp IOs would be easier to farm. But that's how it is in pve too, farmers have more influence/infamy and get more drops because they make a concerted effort towards that goal. The crucial difference imo, is that at least people who don't farm still get the money and drops, albeit not in the same volume of people who farm.

I guess what it comes down to for me is that by making the drops harder to get, it increases the disparity between what farmers can get and normal players can get, instead of decreasing it.

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



So, basically, me and a friend cant go into the Arena, whack the crap outta each other for half a hour, maybe get 1 or 2 of these things and call it a day?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well considering before you could keep killing each other until you did get a drop and then wait 10 minutes for the cool down timer, it will be far and few earned when you can only kill the same target once per every 5 minutes since the reward is now based off of the Reputation timer now.

Before you could kill someone 100-150 times and possibly earn 1-3 recipes, now you can only get 4 kills per 30 minutes in the arena, so as you can see your chances to earn a recipes have been drastically cut to a very slim chance to earn one now.

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But if you're in zones fighting a few people or doing team pvp in arenas, do you generally have a better drop rate now?

[/ QUOTE ]

COmpared to the old drop rate system, hell no, you could have 20 people standing still and killing them every 5 minutes and still not come close to achieving the amount of kills you could with the old system.

So yeah, the new system will yield rewards based off of your State Lottery system. you will be lucky if you ever see one drop on you again like they use to. I'm betting you could try farming this for 3 hours and not get one.

[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
Owner & Operator of...
[URL=""][/URL] & [URL=""][/URL]

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But if you're in zones fighting a few people or doing team pvp in arenas, do you generally have a better drop rate now?

[/ QUOTE ]

COmpared to the old drop rate system, hell no, you could have 20 people standing still and killing them every 5 minutes and still not come close to achieving the amount of kills you could with the old system.

So yeah, the new system will yield rewards based off of your State Lottery system. you will be lucky if you ever see one drop on you again like they use to. I'm betting you could try farming this for 3 hours and not get one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sadly that is true . . . . look on the bright side I guess, at least it is 5 minutes not 10 now? *Sigh* still sucks. . . especially considering that usually in PvP zones, you are only fighting maybe the same 5 or so people . . . and since the timer resets everytime you kill them. . . yeah.

So if you are trying to get recipies. . . don't kill before 5 minutes is up! XD



Also don't GET killed before 5 minutes is up- that will reset the timer as well. It's an assinine setup that makes NO sense.

I'm really tempted to rip out the full set of Gladiator's Fury I have in my tank and sell them, and be set money-wise till the servers close!

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



I thought these pvp IOs were added so that there was a reward other than rep for playing pvp, in order to entice more people into trying it.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's what we all thought. That's part of the frustration with the latest change to the drop rules. The PVP IOs were already rare under the original system. Now due entirely to the poorly thought out changes to the rep system, they're going to remain rarer than purples.

For something to really act as an incentive it has to be perceived as having a reasonable chance of being obtained.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Well, they had to do something about arena farming. they were 'easy' enough farm that way that it undermined the incentive factor.

But their reaction does seem like an over-reaction.

Totally ridiculous rarity undermines the incentive just as much as having them too common for arena farmers.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I have 2 sets on my scrapper that are getting gutted and thrown on the market once everyone knows that the drops were in fact nerfed.

Its funny how many people don't know about the pvp io drop nerf yet and still think its just a bug. I'm holding onto mine until it goes live and people see how horrid this "fix" really is.

I'm sure the RMT'ers are happy about the nerf. Large groups of organized people will be the ones that reap the 1bil rewards shown in the OP.



Well, they had to do something about arena farming. they were 'easy' enough farm that way that it undermined the incentive factor.

But their reaction does seem like an over-reaction.

Totally ridiculous rarity undermines the incentive just as much as having them too common for arena farmers.

[/ QUOTE ]
I honestly wonder if they thought the change through. I think they intended to change the drop availability from once per kill with a 10 minute blackout after a drop to having one chance every 5 minutes for a given foe. The problem is that due to the stupid way the rep timer works, the nominal 5 minute window can easily stretch to infinity.

I think what would help fix it is to fix the rep timer rules (instantiate only when you defeat someone and no resets) AND make it so you could exchange rep points for a PVP IO random roll. (Yay, another currency!) That would keep them essentially impossible to AFK farm while rewarding actual PVPers and not penalizing those who PVP in lightly populated zones. This wouldn't make the supply abundant but at least it'd act as an actual incentive and reward for PVPing.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.




I honestly wonder if they thought the change through.

[/ QUOTE ]

they've been making a lot of bad, knee-jerk decisions lately for whatever reason.

This is another one that smells more like I'll show those stinking farmers who's boss! than What's best big-picture solution to this issue?

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone




I honestly wonder if they thought the change through.

[/ QUOTE ]

they've been making a lot of bad, knee-jerk decisions lately for whatever reason.

This is another one that smells more like I'll show those stinking farmers who's boss! than What's best big-picture solution to this issue?

[/ QUOTE ]
To me what it seems like is they were in a big meeting covering lots of topics and they hit the agenda item of afk arena farming.

"OK, any suggestions for how to curb this?"

"Well, we could change it so that instead of getting a chance at a drop for every defeat, we just make it so you get a chance every 5 minutes."

"Sounds good, assign it to Joe."

And then Joe blithely implements it. Does a simple test: A kills B and sure enough A gets his rep and a chance at a drop and then can't get another chance for 5 minutes. Joe declares victory and goes back to coding for i16 or Going Rogue, not realizing the problem that has been discussed ad nauseum here, that the 5 minute timer can easily turn into a forever timer.

That's what gets me, the strong suspicion that they think they've implemented a 5 minute rule rather than a "never" rule.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.




I honestly wonder if they thought the change through.

[/ QUOTE ]

they've been making a lot of bad, knee-jerk decisions lately for whatever reason.

This is another one that smells more like I'll show those stinking farmers who's boss! than What's best big-picture solution to this issue?

[/ QUOTE ]
To me what it seems like is they were in a big meeting covering lots of topics and they hit the agenda item of afk arena farming.

"OK, any suggestions for how to curb this?"

"Well, we could change it so that instead of getting a chance at a drop for every defeat, we just make it so you get a chance every 5 minutes."

"Sounds good, assign it to Joe."

And then Joe blithely implements it. Does a simple test: A kills B and sure enough A gets his rep and a chance at a drop and then can't get another chance for 5 minutes. Joe declares victory and goes back to coding for i16 or Going Rogue, not realizing the problem that has been discussed ad nauseum here, that the 5 minute timer can easily turn into a forever timer.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah I have mentioned before, but I agree. It just seems like they let this one slip through in a "duh" moment. I'm HOPING that the fact this patch hasn't gone live yet means they're reconsidering. But the silence on that front is deafening...



I'd seen it best described, for me, as, "Not in MY dungeon!"

The Devs are, and you can't really blame them TOO hard for this, really just fallible human being like all of us. I do wish they would try harder to not be. It has to get worse over time as one struggles to prop up the game under the weight of ignoramuses like me pounding on their forum skulls and ooking in their forum ears with my whining.

I pretty much never pvp in CoX. I did and do PvP in WoW. In WoW they give out pvp gear freely enough that some folks call it "welfare gear" depending on which pieces you are buying. Sometimes the better PvP players whine that "everyone" can get their gear and the WoW devs tweak a setting here and there so that the better players can have some unique gear for a while but in the end it all trikles down to anyone investing enough time in the PvP zones and arenas. Sounds similar, but the amount of time is actually limited. There are daily quests to participate in PvP zones and arena rewards are gifted once per week if you played 10 games all encouraging you to play a bit then go do other things, rather than sit and grind endlessly for a random drop. Essentially they have merits for PvP, different though but it's a merit like system.

One of the benefits of a merit-esque system is you get to pick what you get. This is not as necessary in CoX as we don't have "bind on X" items where you can't trade them to other players as we can pickup and trade/sell/auction/consign anything but we do already have "but it nao" on merit vendors so might as well keep that up. CoX is definitely moving away from the model it had realized, that of multiple alts, and moving back to the "lets get them to have a main and sink time into it." I feel drops should be free enough in PvP to kit out your toon in about 2 weeks but that is just a fudgy cloud number, 2 weeks for one person might be 80 hours and only 8 for another. "2 weeks" to me means "quickly enough that you don't get bored and switch to an alt." CoX should play up it's Alt-friendly-ness IMO. Then rewards can be a bit faster and easier than other games.



Seems to me that if you make your set of IO's purple-level power, you should make them purple-level unavailability. If they're better than purples, they should be less available. And the devs are working on doing that.

The PVP IO's are purple-level power, yes? I haven't looked that closely because they're out of my comfort zone on price, and I don't farm diddly. . . but I have the impression that purples are more of a "once a day" thing than an "Every 5 minutes" thing.

(People do get 400 rep for badges, so there's a system in place that could be used to farm PVP io's, if it's tied to that. )

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



I see the main benefits for PvErs is that PvP IO's exemp down like purples, and some have good set bonuses. Purple superior bonuses are a much higher percentage then the PvP IO's. Its when you enter the PvP zones you see the major benefit of 2 set bonus come to play. So yes, in PvP they are great sets, arguably better then purple sets. In PvE I think purples are much better.

After this "fix" I see the sales dwindling to a short supply making these things available to only the billionaires. Here's hoping I'm dead wrong.