Walmart and Gamestop
I was in target 4 days ago (in the SF Bay Area) and they had them with the jump pack. Also about 50% of the local 7-11s have them.
why buy from a store and pay tax needlessly? unless you live wherever nc is based.
why buy from a store and pay tax needlessly? unless you live wherever nc is based.
[/ QUOTE ]
Because for some people it is easier to live within their means by buying game time cards. Also people like me who work commission often go through boom bust cycles, so one month I could by like ten cards and put them in my file cabinet but the next month NC Soft hitting my bank account means me going into the negatives.
Interestingly, I found an advert for them at my local Circle K.
Badging in a PvP zone?
If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.
This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious
I was in target 4 days ago (in the SF Bay Area) and they had them with the jump pack. Also about 50% of the local 7-11s have them.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, nearly every 7-11 I go to has a time card, which, in my opinion, makes things pretty hilarious.
"Yeah, I wanna get a Double Gulp, some Doritos, and, uh, how's about a month of City of Heroes? I'm really in the mood for some City of Heroes."
Bestbuy has a whole self of COX stuff now. MIssion architect eddtion, GVE edition, game cards, etc.
Note that a game card for any NCsoft game will work for this one. I picked up some Auto Assault cards on the cheap when that game shut down.
Note that a game card for any NCsoft game will work for this one. I picked up some Auto Assault cards on the cheap when that game shut down.
[/ QUOTE ]
Auto Assault! I remember when I posted a constructive post on their forums which said (nicely, without using the word [censored] or any expletive at all and which even said "nice game otherwise" in an attempt to placate them), "The player avatars look like [censored] in this game," the post was deleted and I got a warning.
Sweet justice...
"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator
Target in VA used to sell them but not anymore near me. However, I found some for some friends at the local 7-11's. Its about the only place that sells them now. I can expect when ever the new expansion hits that more stores will carry more game cards for it.

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
You know, for a top 10 (last I checked) MMO, you'd think enough people play the game
But yeah, neither Wal Mart or Gamestop carry the cards here at all. In fact, I think my local Gamestop has 1 card left, that I havent bought yet.
I tend to buy them and give them out to friends in game on a whim.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
You know, for a top 10 (last I checked) MMO, you'd think enough people play the game
[/ QUOTE ]
That's because no one plays any MMO except for WoW anymore. Didn't you know?
You know, for a top 10 (last I checked) MMO, you'd think enough people play the game
[/ QUOTE ]
That's because no one plays any MMO except for WoW anymore. Didn't you know?
[/ QUOTE ]
ugg WoW. I played the trial. and refuse to go back

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya
You know, for a top 10 (last I checked) MMO, you'd think enough people play the game
[/ QUOTE ]
That's because no one plays any MMO except for WoW anymore. Didn't you know?
[/ QUOTE ]
ugg WoW. I played the trial. and refuse to go back
[/ QUOTE ]
Better than me Bought it, played one month, went yuck (never left CoH during that month). Expansion came out, tried it again (because ALL my friends played it)...yup...what was that...50 bucks for less than a weeks worth of play time >.>
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
To each their own. I play both WoW and CoH, but I do not understand the scarcity of CoH boxes in major outlets.
Actually, Wow is a very good fantasy MMO. I just happen to be very much over fantasy MMOs...
Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name
The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636
Actually, Wow is a very good fantasy MMO. I just happen to be very much over fantasy MMOs...
[/ QUOTE ]i've heard the former, but i am the latter, so i haven't actually tried WoW.
i tried the Tabula Rasa trial and was in the the Exteel beta. i still prefer CoH/V.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
My walmart and gamestop or target do not have them but i get mine at BestBuy. Thats the only place that has them in my part of michigan.
Actually, Wow is a very good fantasy MMO. I just happen to be very much over fantasy MMOs...
[/ QUOTE ]
CoH's travel powers, character customization (everyone in WoW is basically trying to look the same), my love of playing super heroes, has kept WoW from being appealing.
I did find it better than FFXI however. WoW just isnt for me. But if your looking for fantasy, I don't see how it's bad.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Exactly. I didn't get into WoW until the Burning Crusade expansion, but after 3+ years in CoH (at the time), I decided to try something new. I met some good people and I enjoy how many things there are to do.
I miss the character customization we have here and the travel powers (which aren't missed too much once you get your epic flyer) but WoW does have more depth to it. Whether people view that depth as a feature or a detraction depends on whether you enjoy the other aspects of the game.
why buy from a store and pay tax needlessly? unless you live wherever nc is based.
[/ QUOTE ]
Because for some people it is easier to live within their means by buying game time cards. Also people like me who work commission often go through boom bust cycles, so one month I could by like ten cards and put them in my file cabinet but the next month NC Soft hitting my bank account means me going into the negatives.
[/ QUOTE ]Its the same amount of cash. I dont see how its helping you. Just about every bank has a free debit card that you can get. If you cant remember how much money you are spending then maybe you dont need to be playing in the first place.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

When I used multiple accounts, I'd always use gamecards for the additionals. I'd always check Gamestop first, as I have not one, but 2 of them within 5 minutes. They never, ever have time cards. They sometimes have game copies of CoX, but that was it. At one point I asked the managers why stock an MMO, a successful one at that, and not time cards when they've got an entire display full of WoW products. More or less the same answer, noone buys them, the sipments haven't arrived, sold out...yada yada. Needless to say, I don't buy games there anymore. Best Buy always has them but I don't like driving 30 minutes for a time card. Never shopped at Walmart so I couldn't tell you about them.
Actually, Wow is a very good fantasy MMO. I just happen to be very much over fantasy MMOs...
[/ QUOTE ]WoW is a decent game. But it's not such an amazing game to attract millions of players on its merits alone. That's due to brand recognitions and advertising.
WoW is a decent game. But it's not such an amazing game to attract millions of players on its merits alone. That's due to brand recognitions and advertising.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd disagree with this. What is there to compete with it? EQ and EQ2 aren't near as polished; neither is Age Of Conan. Warhammer, possibly, but that game won't appeal to PvE'ers. LoTR I've never tried. Guild Wars is on its last leg, as people await for GW2 (this isn't a shot at GW; I enjoyed that game)
There seems to be the perception that there is this huge glut of fantasy MMO's out there when the reality is there are only 6 or 7 that appeal to people from North America and Europe. If you add in all the Korean and other Asian MMO's this number would multiply, but those games can have a large language barrier.
WoW is the biggest for a reason; it is by far the most polished and offers depth to keep people interested.
I'm more curious what will happen within the superhero niche with the upcoming releases of DCUO and CO; I sincerely doubt the market segment who these games appeal to will be able to support 3 MMOs (including our CoX) adequately.
I have pulled my bank card off my accounts and went shopping today. One item on my list was a gamecard for my main account. I figured I have been here for 5 years so might as well keep the main account current just to see if any big"wow" hits me in future issues. I found that neither of these stores carry game cards for Cox any longer. In fact? The salesrep at GameStop said,"We don't carry those anymore. Not enough people play that game." I didn't bother trying trying to find a Wally World rep.Anyone know where I can get a 30 day game card?