What's the coolest character name you have?




Blue side, my favorite name is my energy/energy blaster, Kilojoule.

[/ QUOTE ]

One of our teams has a sonic/electric blaster named Kilajoule. We are always calling him Killer and he keeps correcting us "It's KillA... not KillER"

heh... loads of fun.



Stinky is what i named my dark armor scrapper.



Cow, my battle axe/invuln tank.



I'd have to say the name (maybe not my best, but still...) that gets the MOST comments every time I log him on is:

"Worst Warshade Ever"

I like it. Keeps expectations low. All I can do is impress from that point on... :P

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I have a bunch, on different servers, that I think rock:

Las Vegas

...and so many others. Names are key to my relating to the character...



Almost forgot a villain I'm proud of: Djinn and Juice. He's genie with a mild hip-hop theme (his master used his wishes to become a rap star, then discovered his sick rhyming ability was due to a brain tumor)

He speaks in rhyming iambic pentameter. And yes, I can do that on the fly.
Rhymes or it didn't happen.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



[*]V for Vraisemblance[*]A Little Pain
Passive Aggressive[*]Hero Lion of Iron[*]Ace Rimmer[*]Weird Al Swearengen
My Bajingo[*]Faintly Saintly
Dentrassi Chef
Tachyon Rose[*]Pynchon for Dummies
Shade of Mauve
Return to Innocence
Tachyon Squeeze
Daphne O'Gothic
Deathless Scrivener
Cinnamon Snowflake[*]All Terrain Human
Wild Salvation Jane
Rictus Hep
Banichi-ji[*]Nemesis Nemesis
Lebowski's Rug[*]Cptn Thought-Process
Archvillain Q
Offensive Monica
Relentless Revenger
Admiral Kremmin
Tiny Tuff Controller[*]Tarot Tart[*]Hospital Junkie
Ossifier of Bones[*]Meadow Dopamine
Naked Honest Truth
Diceotron 5000
Tiresome Girl
Guru Meditation
Major-General Riker[*]Rather Talented Cat
Siona Weedstrangler[*]CTRL-Freak
Gattaca Polaris
Happyness Quotient
Common Warshade
Manny Widdershins
Severus Seven
Sounds Terrifying
Jayne the Calamitous
Risk Vs Reward
Hideous Orangutan[*]Stump Jumper Gump
Bene Gesserit Witch
Broken Hallelujah[*]Tricksie Trixie[*]-50 DKP[*]Absolute Brutality
Part-Troll[*]Rishathra Robot
Synaptic Maelstrom
Stompy McBot[*]Fish with Bicycle
Gillian Ganker
Molecular Acid Man
Advocatus Diaboli
Turtle Waxer[*]Harq Al Queda
Gunky Factotum
Huggity Thuggity
Lensman Altruist[*]Demented Toxophilite
Fat Archangel
Scrith Maiden[*]Heavy Companion Cube
Dread Icy Norsk
Volatile Valentine[*]Revered Incendiary[*]Herdin' Bacon
Rubescent Hiro
Rhyolite Marahaba
Looks Surly[*]Ray D O'Starr
Neon Laughter



Part-Troll, who used to be Excession777, now playing pantomime with people's mindlets.



Dusk Sovereign, probably.

(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)



Heh, there's some awesome names in this thread. Anyway, most of my characters are in my sig, but the one I'm most proud of isn't:

Steam Engine

I picked that up after the first name wipe way back when. He is, of course, a Victorian steampunk technologist.

[/ QUOTE ]

Siege Symphony






My female Rad/Rad deffender, MutaJenn.



The Perceptress - Illusion controller
She uses the face with the closed eyes and third eye in forehead and a purple/teal blend costume that I like a lot.

And it's a terrible pun but I'm fond of my Peacebringer, PB Angeli.
Her costumes are always gold/tan and grape.

I had one character I bought a name change for, she started out as a tribute but her backstory and powers were original, only her costume and name were similar to an existing anime character. Ditched the costume and gave her a new name to suit her backstory.

She used to be a research librarian for Crey. One night there was an accident with a machine she thought was a high tech copier but which was actually some secret Crey weapons tech. She became an elec/elec blaster and her newer name is Lexi Kon.

Global: @MomentaryGrace
Servers (to date): Liberty (primary), Infinity, Protector, Virtue, Justice, Pinnacle
MA Arc: ID #143659 "Visit Scenic Arcadia!"
MA Holiday Arc: ID #346847 "Yule Laugh, Yule Cry (Yule kiss a happy holiday good bye!)"




Ray D O'Starr

[/ QUOTE ]

You got a lot of good ones in there, but that's GREAT!

I've got:

Hell-Lion, a Claws/Regen in a lion-themed costume (thinking about re-rolling him as a Claws/Fire )

Jennifer Ranger, a MA/SR whose bio reads "I'm NOT a super-spy, I just play one on TV." (which makes sense if you rearrange the letters in her last name....)

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



Nachtschadel, my Dark/Dark brute, and The Antisaint of Sorrow, my Zombie/Pain MM.

It'd have to be one of those.. Cant just pick one.

"Loyalists: Our way is the only way."



My fave's are;

Lost Nova (PB)
Lord Fury (SS/WP Brute)
Arc Havoc (E3 Blaster)
Northman (Inv/Mace Tank)
Dragon Moon (Kat/SR Scrapper)

Virtue and Freedom
Hi, my name is Northman, and I am an Altoholic. No wait, I'm Lost Nova, no wait, Arc Havoc, no, Dragon Moon, no, Lord Fury......



Black n' Blue Sue, clearly.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Mutant Outlaw
Sick Twist
Full Tilt Boogie



My coolest?

My second favorite would be Hausfrau.
She is a Sonic/Kinetic Corruptor. She yells at you all the time and sucks the life out of you....can you tell I'm not married?

My third favorite is Tutankh-Elvis. He is a mummified Elvis impersonator.



Lots of great ones in here!

I'm very fond of Evil Death Bee and Cosmic Ice Cube, my two highest characters, but I think my scrapper Twelfth Knight has gotten the most comments. CoX has quite a few Shakespeare fans, it seems.

I nabbed Attack Force for my Robotics mastermind, which is the one name I have that I was really surprised was available, and fans of Bob Dylan will know where I picked up the One Eyed Undertaker and the Goddess of Gloom. Those are two more I'm really fond of.

Oh yes. And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Forbidden Donut.



I tend towards 2-part names, so I've managed to get most of the ones I've thought of.

BEST: Junk Gaint - Inv/SS Tank. I acuatually had the name for quite a while because I was waiting for an oportunity to make him as a scrapper; but eventually I bit the bullet and maed his as a Tank. He is now Lvl 45 & will be my next 50.

Other Noteable mentions:
- The Rascal King
- Steel Oni
- Kit Bash
- White Harlequin



That would have to be my character called, "Coolest Name Ever".

It says so right in the name.



My spines/regen is named Rash Action. the old school regen.

Carnel Delights
celestrial wanderer

heck, naming them is half the fun!!!



I am seriously considering

Chester FogDucker


Part-Troll, who used to be Excession777, now playing pantomime with people's mindlets.



It's hard to choose. But I am undeniably pleased to have snagged 'Mortal Wombat'



I like Futurias and Undoing myself.

Still here, even after all this time!