Most/Least Popular Trainer?




Actually, now that I think of it the "named" heroes vs villains doesn't work out at all in CoH.

I mean, think about it... In the comic books every hero has like.. what?... 400 bad guys that hate them exclusively? Flash had his Rogues' Gallery. It seems like Spiderman has a villain for every day of the year and don't even get me started on Batman.

In the comics the "named" villains outnumber the heroes by a factor of 200 to 1 or more. But in CoH it's the exact opposite. And I don't count the "no name" villain armies like Arachnos, Council, Malta, etc. Henchmen don't count.

Any-who... My favorite trainer is probably War Witch. However the one I end up going to most often is Valkyrie but that's because I view Steel Canyon as "one stop shopping" for all my selling/leveling/crafting/buying needs.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



I just use whoever's closest to me when I need to train up. I really don't have a favorite.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



For villains there all usually used so I'll say that Pocket D trainer is the least used. The most would be cap just because of all the AE farmers.



My first 50 went from PI to Atlas to train at Ms. Liberty because I felt it was appropriate to train my last level with the same person I trained the first level.

As far as Most/Least popular based on number of people training there:

Due to AE farming in Atlas, Ms. Liberty is most popular by a landslide.

Poor Ravenstorm in probably the least popular. I keep forgetting he even exists, and I'd be willing to bet a lot of other people do to.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



My guess is they realized after CoH had been out for a while and they started adding new task forces, mission contacts, and other things that they wanted to use these signature characters for more than just training. Now, if they ever decide that they want a Ms. Liberty Task Force, for example, they would have to come up with or move a NPC over in her place to be a trainer in addition to setting up her character's story. Having a generic long-bow as a trainer, similar to how they did the Vanguard Drill Sergeant, makes it easier to add content for the cool signature characters they have setup. Of if BABs decides he wants to play BABs one day, he can go to Galaxy City without causing a paradox.



Of if BABs decides he wants to play BABs one day, he can go to Galaxy City without causing a paradox.

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BABs has a great story about his doing just this and wreaking great havok upon Galaxy City. IIRC, he disappeared the BAB trainer while simultaneously spawning a BAB hero under his control at the same location. From how he tells it, he ran around and beat of stuff with a number of other people in the zone, but then BABs had a problem finding where he put the BAB trainer when he was finished running around. I believe he had to resort to resetting the server to get him back in place for everyone.



Is there a trainer in Eden?

I think she would be the least used trainer, thus making her an unpopular hussy.



Whoever is closest, but I have a thing for War Witch



Most-used: Luminary just because Talos is the center of the CoH universe.

Least-used: Infernal or Foreshadow. I never seem to ding while in Founder's Falls and try my best to skip the Hollows entirely.

Favorite: Blue Steel is cool.

Umber's Hall of Heroes & Villains



Is there a trainer in Eden?

I think she would be the least used trainer, thus making her an unpopular hussy.

[/ QUOTE ]

There isn't a trainer in Eden, nor is there a trainer in Crey's Folly or Boomtown. The Hollows and Striga Island shared the unique distinction of being the only hazard zones with trainers in them until the Faultline revamp was done.



I've trained a Luminary the most, for the reasons everyone else stated.

The one i've used the least is easily Aurora Borealis. If I ding in IP, I go to Talos to level because it's easier to shop/sell there.

My favorite trainers, however, are War Witch (watching my husbands alts chat her up is always good for a giggle) and Castle (watching people yell "LOL PVP" at him, the same).



Flash-back my tank will only train with Blue Steel

Philoktetes my TA/Defender would train only with Swan.

Nylonus would train with who ever was closest, except when he hit 50. Then it was back to Atlas park to train one last time, where it all began for him.



Never given it much thought. I've always just gone to whoever was the closest. Doesn't even register to me that these people are supposed to be 'training' my character in their powers, as my own little role-playing completely ignores that they might be even remotely involved in that process.

[/ QUOTE ]

This. "Training" is just a metagame chore I have to do every once in a while to get New Kewl Powerz

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



But... Miss Liberty is the only trainer in Atlas Park, so how could there be other trainers?

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



I just use the console command. I don't need some other hero telling me how to use my powers.

Infatum on Virtueverse



I just use the console command. I don't need some other hero telling me how to use my powers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ooh...I like this sentiment. What's the console command?




Every single one of my heroes starts and ends their career with Ms. Liberty.

My favorite is Castle, if only because we went so long without a trainer in PI

And I'll echo the fact that Talos is the center of the CoH universe

Red side it hardly matters, because the Arbiters have no personality.



I just use the console command. I don't need some other hero telling me how to use my powers.

[/ QUOTE ]

There's a console command? How do you do that? I'm very interested in that.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



I'd have to say the least popular Trainer would be the one in Independence Port. Show of hands, who actually does missions in IP? Anybody?

I visit IP only to get the Tailor mission or do a TF. If a regular mission takes me there 'Drop mission.'

"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me

Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.



I hate having to train using an Arachnos person, but then I'd hate having to train under any other villain. Shame they couldn't have put some other means to level that wouldn't require you to yet again humble yourself.

[/ QUOTE ]

You could always go to Pocket D and have War Witch train you. Sure it would be a pain, but if it's important to you...

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



I think Mynx is pretty low on the trainer totem pole. When asked "where does nobody go?", Skyway City is simply ignored. Because nobody cares about it. Not even enough to say that nobody cares about it.




There isn't a trainer in Eden, nor is there a trainer in Crey's Folly or Boomtown. The Hollows and Striga Island shared the unique distinction of being the only hazard zones with trainers in them until the Faultline revamp was done.

[/ QUOTE ]

And the Hollows has a hospital too now, doesn't it? I guess that leaves Striga with the distinction of being the only Hazard Zone with a Trainer and two TF contacts but not a hospital.



I think Mynx is pretty low on the trainer totem pole. When asked "where does nobody go?", Skyway City is simply ignored. Because nobody cares about it. Not even enough to say that nobody cares about it.


[/ QUOTE ]

I thought of something to say here, but I just don't care enough to say it.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



But... Miss Liberty is the only trainer in Atlas Park, so how could there be other trainers?

[/ QUOTE ]

I see what you did there.

I generally train with whoever's handy, although I've often gone back to Atlas and Ms. L for the 50 training, for old times' sake. That would make Luminary the most frequently trained-with, although my favorite in terms of story and such is War Witch. I'm not sure I've ever trained with Ravenstorm. =(

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



I think Mynx is pretty low on the trainer totem pole. When asked "where does nobody go?", Skyway City is simply ignored. Because nobody cares about it. Not even enough to say that nobody cares about it.


[/ QUOTE ]

That's my case really, unless i'm REALLY lazy, i won't go within 100 feet of mynx because i don't want her dirty futa catgirl germs on me