Most/Least Popular Trainer?




Most used? Likely Castle, then Luminary, then Ms. Liberty. I suspect Ms Libs has been gaining on Castle since i14 though.

Least used? Probably Ravenstorm. Most people don't even know he exists. Back Alley Brawler, Minx, and Aurora Borealis are other little used ones.

My personal favourite is definately War Witch, though.



It might also be that they didn't want to have a huge amount of signature character that exist purely to stand around and train people (that's not particularly villainous). More than half of the heroes that survived the Rikti War have the primary purpose of standing around doing nothing. I think they wanted to avoid that. Personally, I wouldn't have been adverse to heroes leveling up at similar individuals in which they are simply registering their new powers rather than being taught how to use them by someone who should in no way have any knowledge of my heroes actual powers. Ms. Liberty should have about as much expertise telling my Fire/Therm troller how to use her powers as an English Literature professor has telling me how to build a computer database.

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This. I guess I can agree with you this once, Umbral. :P



Level 1-5 Miss Liberty, since the TO store is handy and I start there in AP. The exception being a new Warshade toon does these levels in Galaxy.

Level 6-49 I almost always use BaB in Kings Row, since the next stop is a WentWorth stop to fill the new slots. Plus there is a store right there to sell the extras, and a base entrance to build stuff. No other place in the game has all the stuff you need to equip so closely bundled. Once in a blue moon if I am in Talos at a ding I will just use Luminary since the WW, store, base distances are fairly convinent too.

At level 50 it is back to Miss Liberty. Being under the statue where it all began seem most heroic and appropriate.



I just go to whoever's closest, so I probably use Luminary the most due to her convenient location. Tbh I kinda resent having to visit a trainer; in MMOs in general, and particularly in a superhero one. It's not a huge deal or anything, but I dislike it.




Level 6-49 I almost always use BaB in Kings Row,

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Ohh man, I would be carefull. If Blue Steel heard you called him BaB, he might get upset

BaB is in Galaxy City, Blue Steel is in Kings Row.



Usually whoever is closest.

Only on my first 50, Justice Girl (Claws/Rergen) as the daughter of Ms. Liberty (through stolen dna), I made it a point to go to her every level.

That said, I still don't think of them as actually training any of my characters. It really just doesn't make sense to me, that they could.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Usually whoever is closest.

Only on my first 50, Justice Girl (Claws/Rergen) as the daughter of Ms. Liberty (through stolen dna), I made it a point to go to her every level.

That said, I still don't think of them as actually training any of my characters. It really just doesn't make sense to me, that they could.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup. A lot of game mechanics that need to be simply "pretended" around IMO. I know folks who will RP in certain things like security levels as it's explained in the original manual. I just find that too restrictive. So I simply ignore what gets in the way.

So for me it is whomever is closest.

As far as starting zones, I tend to choose Galaxy and BABs though. For two reasons. BABs on the boards is cool as sin and Galaxy is free of AE spam.



Generally who is closest, My 50s will generally get levelled at a relevent place (Which generally seems Ms Liberty since she's usually their first). One character trained with Ms Liberty at every level if I remember right, wasn't that big a hassle really because I didn't always rush to level the moment I levelled.



I usually train under whoever's closest. My favorite hero trainer is Infernal, though.
"You must strike swiftly, and without hesitation. Like a shark with ADD."

My favorite villainside trainer is Arbiter Diaz. I mean, think about it. On a daily basis, he probably deals with HUNDREDS of annoyingly overconfident supervillains just off the chopper who think they could take on Statesman by themselves. And not ONCE has he slapped one upside the head or berated them, opting to let survival of the fittest take its course when the player finds that they don't like(or simply suck at playing) a particular powerset combination and swiftly deletes them.

Formerly known as Stormy_D