TF "Must Haves"?
I don't require any particular build to start a TF. I do however try to build a balanced team, and will search out components if I feel we are lacking in any one area. It also depends a lot on the TF.
For instance, if I am making a PuG team, and find that I have 5 members and no control, I will look for a troller or two, heck, maybe even a second tank (assuming I have one). I also sprinkle Khelds into my invites b/c they can no doubt fill in one or more roles that may end up lacking once the TF gets underway.
As far as I'm concerned, the only 'required build' for anything in City of Heroes/Villains is one with a competent player behind it, or else one who is willing to learn from a competent player.
Case in point, Guardian's recent All-Blaster ITF (man, do I wish I hadn't been working that night >.<.
"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates
MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"
You MUST have 2 characters.
That is all, one of them doesn't even need to stay logged in.
The ITF has been completed by all AT teams by my SG, except for stalkers. The all Khedlian was a bloodbath admittedly, and the stalkers got to the last fight and just couldn't quite pull it off.
So then we did themed, all fire , all ice etc. Covered all of those as well.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
It's not just the time. Some people have had bad experiences with people quitting when the going gets tough, or not even being able to complete the TF, or frustration when they hit a rough spot, etc. so they're willing spend more time assembling a team that stacks the odds in their favor.
The only must-haves I require on any team I do are the following:
-Commitment towards getting the TF done
-Ample time to see the TF through - if you know you have to leave after X time, make darn sure X is twice the 'average' for the TF just to be on the safe side
-A team-friendly attitude: If you're going to be a snarky, whiny, controlling sod, go find someplace where that crap flies. Only things that fly here are birds, planes, bugs, and the morons I punt into the distance for disrupting the mood.
Anything else doesn't really matter that much to me, though there have been some instances where we've hit problems with TFs where we didn't have the necessary stuff to pull it off in the end (Ghost Widow on a 6-man STF of mostly melee characters comes to mind), but everyone there had all three points down.
My most memorabe LGTF consisted of 3 brutes, 3 VEATS, a dom and a corr (non-healy type). We did it in 28 minutes.
The same team then tried to do a master RSF run and we got down to the final 3 members of the phalanx before one of the brutes got 2 shotted with successive hits through soft-capped defence.
-A team-friendly attitude: If you're going to be a snarky, whiny,
[/ QUOTE ]
good to see i won't ever be in YOUR tfs!
-A team-friendly attitude: If you're going to be a snarky, whiny,
[/ QUOTE ]
good to see i won't ever be in YOUR tfs!
[/ QUOTE ]
Bah, you know you're an exception cause you're funny.
-A team-friendly attitude: If you're going to be a snarky, whiny, controlling sod, go find someplace where that crap flies. Only things that fly here are birds, planes, bugs, and the morons I punt into the distance for disrupting the mood.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait, so they can't have Flight for a travel power?
Is that so they're not constantly asking for teleports by being the slowest to any non-Shard mission door?
As for teams on various TFs... I want competency over anything else, although I will try to balance a team if I have the capability to do so - and I tend to avoid MMs more than any other AT simply due to the overall gross incompetence of the ones I've run into in anything other than standing around in bodyguard mode and walking through a map.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
The only must-haves I require on any team I do are the following:
-Commitment towards getting the TF done
-Ample time to see the TF through - if you know you have to leave after X time, make darn sure X is twice the 'average' for the TF just to be on the safe side
-A team-friendly attitude: If you're going to be a snarky, whiny, controlling sod, go find someplace where that crap flies. Only things that fly here are birds, planes, bugs, and the morons I punt into the distance for disrupting the mood.
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree with all of this except the time thing. If the average time for a particular TF is 3 hours, and we're creeping up on the 6 hour mark I start looking for the exit. It may not even be a time constraint problem. But there is obviously something very wrong at that point. Of course in the interest of disclosure I have to say that I've been on disaster TFs where something has gone terribly wrong, stuck it out, and we managed to finish.
As a general rule though I think at a certain point it's just wise to call it a bust and move on. Sometimes it's not going to happen.
"If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?"
- Abraham Lincoln
-A team-friendly attitude: If you're going to be a snarky, whiny,
[/ QUOTE ]
good to see i won't ever be in YOUR tfs!
[/ QUOTE ]
Bah, you know you're an exception cause you're funny.
[/ QUOTE ]
why do you say things you know will hurt me?
>> Sheesh. People'll nitpick anything.
The time point, though, is actually a valid one. 'Ample time' means different things to different people, but I absolutely despise when people expect the lowest possible time, then ditch when they don't get it. Or they know that the TF takes at least X amount of time, but they know they can only be around for Y, and then dump on you in the middle. :/
The TF Average x 2 time was just a general guideline I try to use specifically for the majority of TFs (which can be done in around 1.5 to 2 hours for the most part, though obviously exceptions apply).
The flight thing is just silly, though, and doesn't deserve much more consideration beyond that. :P
It's becoming increasingly more aggravating to get into a TF PUG lately. Seems there are becomine more and more "must have" builds - and if you dont have that build - no need to apply. Is this game turning into Guild Wars?
[/ QUOTE ]
If it were, I wouldn't have Task Force Commander on my TA/Dark.
For that matter, I wouldn't have completed the Posi TF with that TA/Dark on a team with zero characters with any healing capabilities, at all.
As far as I'm concerned, the only must haves are a good tank and a decent healer
[/ QUOTE ]
Irony. You has it.
I run almost nothing BUT TFs anymore. Normal teams are now almost boring to me. Take a look at my signature to see my team forming method. I also form and run my own teams.
You want to know what is a "must have" in my TFs?
Eight warm bodies. That's it. I supposed they can be cold if they're undead or have ice powers or something. But all I need is 8 people, and I can guarantee you I can get any TF done in a decent time.
Hi Hercules.
I still haven't gotten to run the STF on any of my scraps.... but my troller was/is always in high demand.
We ran a Synapse last night with 2 tanks, 2 blasters, 2 controllers, a defender, and a scrapper. Had SUCH a good time. We just blazed our way through. And I took my emp/dark from 16-21. Good times.
It's becoming increasingly more aggravating to get into a TF PUG lately. Seems there are becomine more and more "must have" builds - and if you dont have that build - no need to apply. Is this game turning into Guild Wars?
You "must have":
- A stone tanker
- A Kin
- A Rad
- A Cold Fender
etc., etc., the list goes on.
As far as I'm concerned, the only must haves are a good tank and a decent healer (and perhaps 1 controller) - the rest of the party is fairly flexible. Yes, there are team builds that go a lot faster than the random pick up group - but I saw someone spam last night for an hour to get that "perfect" team. I'd be really curious if that team build made up for the hour+ of broadcasting.
[/ QUOTE ]
The only things I know of that require a certain team makeup to be successful are MoSTF and MoRSF runs. And even then there is room for adjustment.
The only things I require for a TF are:
1) Something to hold agro, any kind of tank will generally work. A WP or Shield scrapper will do in a pinch. A controller that can lock everything down consistently is acceptable as well.
2) Something with some form of heal that is usable on others. A dark or a kin will work for that. Alternately, sufficient buffing ability to make heals unnecessary works too. I'd rather have a good bubbler than a bad healer.
3) Damage dealers. This includes everyone on the team. If you're playing an empath, and have no one in need of healing, and all your buffs are applied, you damn well BETTER be hurting something. I don't care if you only have one attack, USE IT!
4) Players who aren't going to take the whole thing too damn seriously. I usually don't make speed runs, and players that complain about it taking too long are liable to get kicked if they annoy me enough. It takes a LOT of annoyance to get me to the point of kicking someone though.
5) People who actually talk. I don't like running missions with complete strangers who never say anything. Crack a joke, make a comment, ask a question, ANYTHING but stoney silence!
I've been told that my requirements are too harsh. I don't think they are at all. Do you guys?
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
It's becoming increasingly more aggravating to get into a TF PUG lately. Seems there are becomine more and more "must have" builds - and if you dont have that build - no need to apply. Is this game turning into Guild Wars?
You "must have":
- A stone tanker
- A Kin
- A Rad
- A Cold Fender
etc., etc., the list goes on.
As far as I'm concerned, the only must haves are a good tank and a decent healer (and perhaps 1 controller) - the rest of the party is fairly flexible. Yes, there are team builds that go a lot faster than the random pick up group - but I saw someone spam last night for an hour to get that "perfect" team. I'd be really curious if that team build made up for the hour+ of broadcasting.
[/ QUOTE ]
The only things I know of that require a certain team makeup to be successful are MoSTF and MoRSF runs. And even then there is room for adjustment.
The only things I require for a TF are:
1) Something to hold agro, any kind of tank will generally work. A WP or Shield scrapper will do in a pinch. A controller that can lock everything down consistently is acceptable as well.
2) Something with some form of heal that is usable on others. A dark or a kin will work for that. Alternately, sufficient buffing ability to make heals unnecessary works too. I'd rather have a good bubbler than a bad healer.
3) Damage dealers. This includes everyone on the team. If you're playing an empath, and have no one in need of healing, and all your buffs are applied, you damn well BETTER be hurting something. I don't care if you only have one attack, USE IT!
4) Players who aren't going to take the whole thing too damn seriously. I usually don't make speed runs, and players that complain about it taking too long are liable to get kicked if they annoy me enough. It takes a LOT of annoyance to get me to the point of kicking someone though.
5) People who actually talk. I don't like running missions with complete strangers who never say anything. Crack a joke, make a comment, ask a question, ANYTHING but stoney silence!
I've been told that my requirements are too harsh. I don't think they are at all. Do you guys?
[/ QUOTE ]
Win. This post has it.
Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb
Fair requirements, Claws. I would ask that the chatter isn't in the middle of a fight, however.
A tank and a scrapper having a discussion about the validity of the Iraq situation during a fight leaving the two squishies to get wiped was NOT funny. Especially as they sounded like two teenage policial sci students who never done anything more dangerous than risking a papercut.
I would say to whoever puts a team together that battering people over the head with info is not a bad thing. EG "xxx taskforce, level xx-yy, time xx hours, xxx merits, meet in xxx" as an opener. And for pete's sake ask if anyone hasn't done it before and give them directions if they haven't.
I'm lucky enough to usually have the wiki open but not everyone can see two screens. Plus a bit of an idea as to a plan isn't a bad thing.

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info
5) People who actually talk. I don't like running missions with complete strangers who never say anything. Crack a joke, make a comment, ask a question, ANYTHING but stoney silence!
[/ QUOTE ]
OMCC do I know what you mean! I was on a PuG recently that said virtually nothing... so I said: "Hey, does anyone not like hot dogs?" That got things moving!
As far as I'm concerned, the only must haves are a good tank and a decent healer (and perhaps 1 controller)
[/ QUOTE ]
Not so much. We did a Numina's "Inconceivable" TF last Saturday with 4 blasters, 3 defenders and a /regen scrapper who "tanked" for the team. Zero controllers (although the defenders included two cold, so they were kinda controllerish). The only "healing" was Transfusion from a Kin/Rad defender.
We finished the TF in well under 3 hours, taking our time and chatting all the way through it.
I second the multiple voices who are saying all you need are reasonably good players, although I do think you need more than 8 "warm bodies".
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
To make sure you get invited onto that TF/SF?
Start your own. is a great source of information for this game.
New or returning to the game? Want advice from experienced players who want to help YOU?
The Mentor Project: Part of the New Player Council.
I would say that no special builds are needed for task forces, except that I remember us failing miserably on the Statesman Task Force because we just couldn't hurt Ghost Widow. After pounding her for 30 minutes, and seeing her health, once again, go back up to 100%, it became clear that our current team makeup just wasn't going to do it. But then again, that is a very difficult task force and not the norm.
My only requirement for task forces are people who are willing to see it through to completion, and willing to be active in it. I'd prefer people who don't want to speed-run. I have no problem with speed-running things at times, but I don't want to be doing it 100% of the time. I got on a Manticore a few days ago, and it turns out the leader just wanted us there for the AV at the end. Every mission, he'd superspeed to the end of the mission and do the objective. We'd have people still zoning into the mission, and he'd already be on the third floor completing the objective. Yeah we did it fast, but I play because I want to play. I'm not interested in just getting some rewards. I found the time we spent on it to be a waste because I didn't achieve my objective.... having fun.
Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break
The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens
Hi Hercules.
I still haven't gotten to run the STF on any of my characters at all
[/ QUOTE ]
I edited your post to match what I've experienced. The only character to ever even get asked to join one is my Tank, and the second question they always ask (after "Are you interested") is "Are you a Stone Tank?". I say "No", they say "Nevermind."
Same goes for the villain side. My 'main' level 50 there for a long time was my Robots/FF MM, and I couldn't land on the LRTF if my life depended on it.
My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question
It's becoming increasingly more aggravating to get into a TF PUG lately. Seems there are becomine more and more "must have" builds - and if you dont have that build - no need to apply. Is this game turning into Guild Wars?
You "must have":
- A stone tanker
- A Kin
- A Rad
- A Cold Fender
etc., etc., the list goes on.
As far as I'm concerned, the only must haves are a good tank and a decent healer (and perhaps 1 controller) - the rest of the party is fairly flexible. Yes, there are team builds that go a lot faster than the random pick up group - but I saw someone spam last night for an hour to get that "perfect" team. I'd be really curious if that team build made up for the hour+ of broadcasting.
131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )