I remember the good ol' days. (PM Edition)
Most of mine I ALREADY deleted the LAST time they said this, so they're already gone. Had some gems in there too.
Let's see what I have left.
Oh, here's a simple one -
Castle: Thanks!
(smiley was in the message) Now if only I could remember what that was for....
Here's one from today:
AnonymousPoster: Ha, that's FAR too noble. You made that up to impress me with your selflessness and modesty, didn't you! I'm on to you!
Uh, yeah, riiiiight.
Oh, dear... I have the weirdest PM ever, and I know for certain y'all won't be able to top it.
Ler Bwerpathon
Hai ther personneighbor! ^.^ Are you Bwerp?
Did you just say No?
Well, PENALTY. You now playing the BWERPATHON.
Rules: You must survive the Bwerpathon! For SOME STUPID REASON, a character of YOUR selection HAS BEEN selected BY ME. This character will have to go through a series of horrible events for the lulz of it. ^.^ The character will have many pant legs. Must choose. If you choose human flesh, you GO ONTO the next event. If you choose DOGGIE, your arm and most of the other bones in your body goes BWEAK.
So choosy yes nums. ^.^ Goodk, amirite?
It looks like your horrible luck is being dolled out though, cause everyone else on the forums that I know is also trapped in the Bwerpathon. Many will enter. Only 1 will be the sum of all errors.
The more RP toons you have, the better the top of the sky you are in chances. More characters you have, more LIVES you have to proceed through Bwerpathon. If you dont have any characters, THEN GET A LIFE.
You also start the Bwerpathon with 100,000,000 HP. If you lose all HP, you lose all lives and instalose. Spirit of fraking city, yes?
Each event below has set answers. Each answer has set result. Send your answers back, along with the number of lives you had, and Ill post the results and the winner, along with handing out a prize. ^.^
I will restate, for clarity, that every question has a set answer. No matter how the question is phrased, or what options you are given, there is only one actual answer. Some questions may require pure luck to answer, but all of them are references to popular culture. The exception to this rule is the last question, in which I will take a variety of answers based on who is answering them and how.
If you are ready for the Bwerpathon, continue.
EVENT ONE!!!:@-+
A cute baby needs his food to survive. He asks you to feed it HUMAN FLESH. You do not have any other humans, but you do have a DOGGIE. Do you feed the baby HUMAN FLESH taken from your body, or do you feed the baby the DOGGIE?
Question 2!
The baby from the last question grows uber powerful after feeding it and transforms into a Temple of Beth Israel. The Temple of Beth Israel attacks you using COMFY COUCHES. Do you defend yourself with RELAXATION AND MUSIC, or MOOLAH from your wallet, or AN EXCLUSIVE BRICK?
You are running to the West, and you must pass through Amuricuh. To get through the West, do you use a SILVER REPLICA OF THE LOST ARC WITH AN H, or SLINGSHOT LAG, or THE MAGICAL STAR GOLFBALL?
What do you think of the Bwerpathon so far? WHAT, or WHAT, say WHAT, and WHAT?
A question:
Does your answer happen to be THE NUMBER TWO, a NEW PIECE OF MUSIC, a BIG DRILL BIT, or a GREEN TROLL, or perhaps even MUSTARD GAS?
The same question as last time:
Does your answer happen to be THE NUMBER TWO, a NEW PIECE OF MUSIC, a BIG DRILL BIT, or a GREEN TROLL, or perhaps even MUSTARD GAS?
You are feeling under the weather? Well, what is the best medicine for that? GREEN BILE, YELLOW BILE, BLACK BILE, WHITE BIBLE OR DIET LIME COKE?
Which question is this? Question L, Question 10, Question 9, L, a question asking you which question this is, or a question asking you which question is this?
Easy Question
What is my favorite drink? Moonbeam Absinthe or Ketchup?
Insidiously hard question to make up for the last one%
What is the answer to this question?
What does OMGIOFFPSSPMO stand for?
Charles Simmons tries to teleport inside of you using the mailbox cheat! What do you do?
Silver Meniscus kicks you in the nuts! If the character you are using as your current life is male, you may lose either 1 life or 5 hp.
Commander Cynic tells you to drop and give him infinity. There is some whipped cream, a clown, and an octopus, and a crystal ball within immediate range. WHAT VOODOO DO YOU DO?
Masquerade falls down dead in front of you. What do you do?
Send in your answers NOW.
Peace and Leis. ^.^
- Poster_Name_Here (As if it wasn't obvious to those who knew him)
[/ QUOTE ]
I only have 9 messages total
I mean, I deleted alot regarding my SG I was recruiting for, or the SG's willing to let my 7 yr old play with them, that sort of thing, but as for real, honest messages, only 9 . I think I'm unloved or something....:P
I didn't know that there existed ANY letter combination that would give ZERO GOOGLE RESULTS AND NO ALTERNATE SPELLING SUGGESTION!
I didn't know that there existed ANY letter combination that would give ZERO GOOGLE RESULTS AND NO ALTERNATE SPELLING SUGGESTION!
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok, this just made my day!
On another forum, I have a saved PM from none other than Gary Gygax, made two or three months before his death. I don't intend to EVER delete that one.
"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot
Hehehe, I was just clearing mine out and found this little two-message gem. It was when I was taking more info for my elf-drawings and such,
*** Message 1***
Due to lack of sleep from the past few days, It turns out I cought up on lost sleep and woke up around 6pm today. @_@
So... I don't have the pic for you >_>
I'll get it to you Sunday. A pic, might be a year old pic, might be a week old, but I'll get you one!
*** Message 2***
Well... insted of waking up and getting my pic ready to send to you, I slept for 12.5 hours and was late to work
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Oh, dear... I have the weirdest PM ever, and I know for certain y'all won't be able to top it.
Ler Bwerpathon
Hai ther personneighbor! ^.^ Are you Bwerp?
Did you just say No?
Well, PENALTY. You now playing the BWERPATHON.
Rules: You must survive the Bwerpathon! For SOME STUPID REASON, a character of YOUR selection HAS BEEN selected BY ME. This character will have to go through a series of horrible events for the lulz of it. ^.^ The character will have many pant legs. Must choose. If you choose human flesh, you GO ONTO the next event. If you choose DOGGIE, your arm and most of the other bones in your body goes BWEAK.
So choosy yes nums. ^.^ Goodk, amirite?
It looks like your horrible luck is being dolled out though, cause everyone else on the forums that I know is also trapped in the Bwerpathon. Many will enter. Only 1 will be the sum of all errors.
The more RP toons you have, the better the top of the sky you are in chances. More characters you have, more LIVES you have to proceed through Bwerpathon. If you dont have any characters, THEN GET A LIFE.
You also start the Bwerpathon with 100,000,000 HP. If you lose all HP, you lose all lives and instalose. Spirit of fraking city, yes?
Each event below has set answers. Each answer has set result. Send your answers back, along with the number of lives you had, and Ill post the results and the winner, along with handing out a prize. ^.^
I will restate, for clarity, that every question has a set answer. No matter how the question is phrased, or what options you are given, there is only one actual answer. Some questions may require pure luck to answer, but all of them are references to popular culture. The exception to this rule is the last question, in which I will take a variety of answers based on who is answering them and how.
If you are ready for the Bwerpathon, continue.
EVENT ONE!!!:@-+
A cute baby needs his food to survive. He asks you to feed it HUMAN FLESH. You do not have any other humans, but you do have a DOGGIE. Do you feed the baby HUMAN FLESH taken from your body, or do you feed the baby the DOGGIE?
Question 2!
The baby from the last question grows uber powerful after feeding it and transforms into a Temple of Beth Israel. The Temple of Beth Israel attacks you using COMFY COUCHES. Do you defend yourself with RELAXATION AND MUSIC, or MOOLAH from your wallet, or AN EXCLUSIVE BRICK?
You are running to the West, and you must pass through Amuricuh. To get through the West, do you use a SILVER REPLICA OF THE LOST ARC WITH AN H, or SLINGSHOT LAG, or THE MAGICAL STAR GOLFBALL?
What do you think of the Bwerpathon so far? WHAT, or WHAT, say WHAT, and WHAT?
A question:
Does your answer happen to be THE NUMBER TWO, a NEW PIECE OF MUSIC, a BIG DRILL BIT, or a GREEN TROLL, or perhaps even MUSTARD GAS?
The same question as last time:
Does your answer happen to be THE NUMBER TWO, a NEW PIECE OF MUSIC, a BIG DRILL BIT, or a GREEN TROLL, or perhaps even MUSTARD GAS?
You are feeling under the weather? Well, what is the best medicine for that? GREEN BILE, YELLOW BILE, BLACK BILE, WHITE BIBLE OR DIET LIME COKE?
Which question is this? Question L, Question 10, Question 9, L, a question asking you which question this is, or a question asking you which question is this?
Easy Question
What is my favorite drink? Moonbeam Absinthe or Ketchup?
Insidiously hard question to make up for the last one%
What is the answer to this question?
What does OMGIOFFPSSPMO stand for?
Charles Simmons tries to teleport inside of you using the mailbox cheat! What do you do?
Silver Meniscus kicks you in the nuts! If the character you are using as your current life is male, you may lose either 1 life or 5 hp.
Commander Cynic tells you to drop and give him infinity. There is some whipped cream, a clown, and an octopus, and a crystal ball within immediate range. WHAT VOODOO DO YOU DO?
Masquerade falls down dead in front of you. What do you do?
Send in your answers NOW.
Peace and Leis. ^.^
- Poster_Name_Here (As if it wasn't obvious to those who knew him)
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
howcum u never rite back?!!1!
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I didn't know that there existed ANY letter combination that would give ZERO GOOGLE RESULTS AND NO ALTERNATE SPELLING SUGGESTION!
[/ QUOTE ]
However, this thread now shows up on Google...
I didn't know that there existed ANY letter combination that would give ZERO GOOGLE RESULTS AND NO ALTERNATE SPELLING SUGGESTION!
[/ QUOTE ]
However, this thread now shows up on Google...
[/ QUOTE ]
Wasn't there a website dedicated to search terms that would only show up ONE result in google? Dunno if it's still around now though.
I didn't know that there existed ANY letter combination that would give ZERO GOOGLE RESULTS AND NO ALTERNATE SPELLING SUGGESTION!
[/ QUOTE ]
However, this thread now shows up on Google...
[/ QUOTE ]
Wasn't there a website dedicated to search terms that would only show up ONE result in google? Dunno if it's still around now though.
[/ QUOTE ]
There used to be a game where you'd enter two words into google, no quotes, and try to get as few results as possible. Can't remember what it was called, or the site, though.
haha nice catch spacey
Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker
my main concern is what to pick for my *PERMINET NON CHANGING EVER* avatar, vault boy...or the medic?
PMs well...no one ever writes me *sits on porch like lonely old man*
I didn't know that there existed ANY letter combination that would give ZERO GOOGLE RESULTS AND NO ALTERNATE SPELLING SUGGESTION!
[/ QUOTE ]
However, this thread now shows up on Google...
[/ QUOTE ]
Wasn't there a website dedicated to search terms that would only show up ONE result in google? Dunno if it's still around now though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes. http://www.GoogleWhack.com
my main concern is what to pick for my *PERMINET NON CHANGING EVER* avatar, vault boy...or the medic?
PMs well...no one ever writes me *sits on porch like lonely old man*
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait, what?
i thought it was just the new forum handle that was permanent. i must've forgotten to read what wasn't actually said again.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
i dunno, i read over PK's rename thread and he mentioned name and i think avatar, but i dunno where to source that.
My favorite PM
From me:
please stop posting...
[/ QUOTE ]
From: Perfect_Pain
do not send anything to me ever again. i sent this to ex libris. hopefully she can teach you some mannors.
[/ QUOTE ]
The rest tend to be from the Mods telling me to stop this or that, or notifying me that my post was modded.

I just deleted them all---even the ones from States I was saving.
Hardly relevant these days, anyway.
Let's try to keep some self-control.
Also, the name that you keep is what will be permanent. The avatar will be changeable.
My oldest goes back to 07/13/05 02:15 PM, but there are a lot of messages in there over the years.
I probably wont end up saving any of them.
My oldest goes back to 07/13/05 02:15 PM, but there are a lot of messages in there over the years.
I probably wont end up saving any of them.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think I have some from Hobo. I'm having them bronzed.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
My oldest goes back to 07/13/05 02:15 PM, but there are a lot of messages in there over the years.
I probably wont end up saving any of them.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think I have some from Hobo. I'm having them bronzed.
[/ QUOTE ]
Collect them all! Trade them with your friends!
I don't have many left from that far back, but I did have a number of really tasty ones from Friggin_Tazer. We didn't just squabble on the forums, we took it out on each other over PM as well.
I have others from posters I don't get along with, telling me what a giant jerk I am, and even a few saved responses where I tell them where they can stick it.
Mostly my "interesting" PMs are all drama.
Brother of Markus
The Lord of Fire and Pain
The Legendary Living Hellfire
Fight my brute!
Well, supposedly we're going to be switching to some shiny new forums soon. Seriously this time!
As the little forum announcement suggested, I decided to delete a few of my PMs to lighten the load during the transfer. 153 received PMs later, I can't help but smile about the cheesy little conversations I had over the past two - three years. One PM, I'm welcoming Ex Libris to the forums with a series of unusual questions. Another PM, a friend of mine is linking some snapshots of Sexy Jay at work while remembering the Issue 10 beta, smashing through aliens with JLove on our three person team. There's a 'Thank you' message or five from me officially welcoming some people to the forums, right next to the four PMs of different people wanting to know how I was able to walk in-game.
There's a lot of stories within those Private Messages of yours. Are there any of them y'all feel like sharing before blasting them in to oblivion?
Received: 153
Sent (Saved): 2
New: 17
Sent (Saved): 1