Ditch Guantlet. Ideas for a new Inherant.




The very least I'd like to see done to Gauntlet is:

<ul type="square">[*]Increase the radius of low tier attacks. Powers like Barrage and Jab have a 3 foot radius. That is ludicrously small for it to ever hit 5 targets. (Those are also powers that Tankers can't skip in favor of larger radius attacks.) Barrage in particular should be raised due to its new longer recharge / higher damage.

I think the minimum radius for Gauntlet should be about 5ft. That would be big enough to actually hit 5 targets with it if they're close, but small enough it wouldn't disrupt the current standard of quick attacks having a small radius and slow attacks having much larger ones.
[*]Give is some form of graphical effect. I wouldn't want it to be anything large or flashy, but something subtle to give us some way to tell which targets Gauntlet is/isn't hitting. An effect along the lines of Taunt's graphic would be good. This would not only let us know its working, but give us a way to actually leverage it. Right now, it's completely invisible. (This addition would only apply to single target attacks, and not AoEs.)[/list]
I still think the AoE component of Gauntlet is a weak inherent compared to auras. aoes, and Taunt, but it would make it more serviceable without gigantic changes.

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For your second point we already have a graphical queue when Gauntlet doesn't work ... the Blaster's health bar



Gauntlet is useless when soloing.

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Drastically reducing the number of runners in any given fight while soloing is useless?



For your second point we already have a graphical queue when Gauntlet doesn't work ... the Blaster's health bar

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Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



I think we should keep gauntlet and get another inherent. Blasters get pseudo-mez protection and a damage buff, controllers get criticals holds and containment damage, so why not give tankers a second effect.

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Yup! Give Tankers CRITICAL Taunt! Once enemy get critically Taunted, it will be angered at the Tanker for DOUBLE duration! WOOT!

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




Hmm...how about a critical taunt providing fear?

"I insulted your momma so bad, you cower at my presence!"

Can also crit by smacking people and standing close enough to them and breathing heavily (I know that works against me)!



I like Guantlet but it would be kinda neat to have a choice between 2 inherents during character creation..kinda like picking your Origin.

Maybe depending on your characters mindset...offensive/reckless inherent or defensive/conservative inherent

perma jump is ---> /up 1



What if, in addition to gauntlet, we got something that buffed our primary? You know, just like every other AT in the game has?

What if, seeing as we are the only AT with a Self Defense primary, we got a scaling, minor, resistance to the unresistable? Hami Damage, Crystal Titan Damage, PvP (Blasters unresistable damage, scrappers unresistable crits, defenders unresisable debuffs.......). Basically anything in the game, that is either unresistable or untyped, we'd get a scaling, minor resist to it.

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Am I the only Tanker that thinks Gauntlet is fine as is?

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I'm fine with it.

Pipe Dream, though: I'd like to see a short range control splash from powers that is tied to the Gauntlet effect on single target attacks (e.g., KoB would throw multiple mobs into the air, radiating from the primary target). And with powers that feature debuffs, a splash from that. With both? Probably one-or-the-other or both in a weaker state.

It'd make the proliferated sets different enough for Tanks to be fairly amusing (going back to KoB...that screen shake just deserves an AoE knockup).

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Something like this has been mentioned in other threads and is a great idea! It doesn't really change gauntlet as it works now it simply adds another, more visible, form of aggro management and, IMO, gives tankers a more powerful feel.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Yeah, sure dark one. Tanks aren't already the pet archetype! Make them more powerful.

Tankers get the Gauntlet inherent because many players deny the fact that Tanks were meant to Taunt. Taunt is a very important power in the pool for archetypal reasons. Since many Tanks decided that they did not need this key power, the DEVs were forced to make Tanks do their job as part of a team.
One of them was the punch-provoke. The other is Gauntlet.

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Gauntlet is punch-voke.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Gauntlet is just fine....though that doesn't mean I wouldnt like a better "meat shield" inherent. I like the steel skin idea, or even the idea of demoralizing your enemy over time (fear proc). They changed defiance so I'm sure with enough complaining anything is possible. In my opinion they got it right with brutes. Live long = more damage. Easy to understand as its very fitting to more comic mythos heroes. Having a second passive taunt is useless, and far too redundant. I rather take taunt or have a taunt mechanice built in behind the scenes and have a better inherent. Or combine both, more taunting and more damage. Brutes farm whole maps so its not like many will be screaming OP.

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



TBH, I find myself wishing I could have some inherent status protection, simply because I don't feel tanky when I'm getting mezzed...the only problem with that as an inherent would be, it would be completely useless after the anti-mez shield is picked up



I think we should get the flipside of the Brute inherent, where Tankers would do more damage after they die



no angst with Gauntlet here

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



I have no problems with Gauntlet.
It *could* be cooler... but I'd rather the Devs take a look at Defenders' Vigilance first.



I'm cool with Gauntlet as is. I think it's a critical tool in aggro management, and at least that portion shouldn't be changed.

If they were to add another component on top of that, however, you'd hear no complaints from me... it's a very "behind-the-scenes" kind of power as it currently is.

Victory: @Brimstone Bruce
Brimstone Bruce (lvl50 Stone/Fire Tanker) Broadside Bruce (lvl50 Shield/WM Tanker)
Ultionis (lvl50 Dark/Dark Defender) Cortex Crusher (lvl50 Mind/Kin Controller)
Patronox (lvl50 Kat/Dark Scrapper) Harbinger Mk.7 (lvl50 Bots/FF MM)
NightShift for Life.



Yeah, sure dark one. Tanks aren't already the pet archetype! Make them more powerful.

Tankers get the Gauntlet inherent because many players deny the fact that Tanks were meant to Taunt. Taunt is a very important power in the pool for archetypal reasons. Since many Tanks decided that they did not need this key power, the DEVs were forced to make Tanks do their job as part of a team.
One of them was the punch-provoke. The other is Gauntlet.

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Couple of things wrong with this post.

Punchvoke = Gauntlet. Saying those are two things is like saying brawl is the best power twice over because you can punch with either hand.

If big T Taunt-as-a-power was so damned important from the dev's perspective, why don't Tankers just get it free as an inherent? Other games have tank-types reliant on a highly arbitrary taunt mechanic, but this one doesn't.

We don't deny the need for a way to hold aggro, we just prefer to open our minds to ways of holding aggro that don't involve spamming a bizarrely random power that explains how both the humblest Hellion and a Giant McHuge Deathbot Mk 4 can be influenced by the same silly gesture and grunt.

Nobody expects tankers to out-DPS scrappers. They would just like to kill bosses in less than three minutes.




Nobody expects tankers to out-DPS scrappers. They would just like to kill bosses in less than three minutes.

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Indeed. It's not Tankers vs Minions anyone ever complains about. It's Tankers vs Bosses, EBs and to a lesser extent, LTs and AVs.




Hmm...how about a critical taunt providing fear?

"I insulted your momma so bad, you cower at my presence!"

Can also crit by smacking people and standing close enough to them and breathing heavily (I know that works against me)!

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I luv this. I don't see it happening but I luv it.

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.



All other comments aside I like gauntlet. The ability to affect aggro is what gives tanks their feel and it is something I badly miss when I play any other melee class.
Damage is where it should be in my opinion aggro control plus survivability plus any increase in damage whatsoever would simply be too much.
Tweaking gauntlet to intensify it's ability to mitigate for teamates, particularly in multi tank situations is another matter entirely. But not by any means at the cost of it's current aggro control capability.

Taking It On the Chin I-16 Tanker Guide
Repeat Offenders



Conceptually, I like gauntlet better than taunt, simply because if I'm hitting you, or your buddy, that should make you pay attention. It works fine in teams, but I also take taunt because the ranged AOE aspect gives me more options.

Things I'd like to see in addition to simple gauntlet
a) If you hit something not targeting you, you do more damage.
Rationale : Helps second tanks, gives a better storyline reason for mobs to suddenly really want to target the tank, and can boost tanks alpha while soloing.

b) -level/10 damage from each incoming attack.
Rationale : I really dislike seeing -1s floating over my head. Just for theme, I'd like there to be some level of damage I am flat out immune to. Perhaps -level/5 for Invince.

c) Perhaps take a page from brutes and doms. Have gauntlet applications serve to slowly recharge a "Fiery Embrace" style +dam 20sec button. I don't expect it would effect team damage substantially, but might be a nice bonus solo.



Nobody expects tankers to out-DPS scrappers. They would just like to kill bosses in less than three minutes.

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What Boss can't you defeat in under three minutes?

By the time you get to SO Enhancement levels, over one minute should be rare. Unless you're ignoring your offense, of course.



Well honestly nice to see some many Tanker running to the defence of the Gauntlet power. I stand corrected. Always seemed kind of weak to me but then the Tankers I like Fire Arua and my Currunt Fav is my level 50 Dm/Fa. With all the AEs agros just so Easy and Blazing aura owns. Healing greats. So if the majority generally happy with it. Sounds good to me.




What if, in addition to gauntlet, we got something that buffed our primary? You know, just like every other AT in the game has?

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Except for controllers and defenders. Controllers inherent buff their damage, it is based on their primary to do damage, but it does not buff it. Defenders though are the complete opposite, their inherent is based on them ignoring their primary, since it only works when team mates are not supported.




What if, in addition to gauntlet, we got something that buffed our primary? You know, just like every other AT in the game has?

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Except for controllers and defenders. Controllers inherent buff their damage, it is based on their primary to do damage, but it does not buff it. Defenders though are the complete opposite, their inherent is based on them ignoring their primary, since it only works when team mates are not supported.

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Controller's primary controls and does some damage. Containment buffs the damage portion of that. Thus it buffs their primary.

Defender's buffs/debuffs cost endurance to run and cast. Vigilance buffs their primary by reducing it's endurance cost. It's not great, and in fact should be up above tanks in getting a better inherent, but this isn't the defender's forum.

Let me be totally clear. I'd not touch gauntlet. However any additional inherent should address some, if not all of these issues:

-Buff a tank's primary in some way

-Have an effect in PvP

-Not diminish anything tanks currently do

-Provide flavor and fun, especially at lower levels before those new to tanks give up on them. (should be effective and noticeable at level 1)

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-Buff a tank's primary in some way

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You'd have to show that every Tanker primary set needs a buff.