Ditch Guantlet. Ideas for a new Inherant.




If any tweaks to Tanker/Brute balance made (which wouldn't surprise me), I think they will mostly be Brute-side.




Let's see how much taunt capability I have playing as a Fire/SS tank.

Blazing Aura

Looking at that small list, I have four tools in my disposal that'll keep the baddies pissed at me. Four? A bit overkill wouldnt you say? (Dont even get me started with a Ice/fire) Especially when the last one listed there was made specifically for the AT.

While I dont mind the Gauntlet the way it is, I do agree that there needs to be something added to it to make the tank more unique among its fellow ATs. I kinda liked the fear proc mentioned a couple posts back.

"As you tear through foes with your uncanny resilience, your enemies begin to lose hope as they fear that there is no way to match your awesome might." I think they'd be a nice addition to the tanker theme.

- Im Not Talking Fast, You're Just Listening Slow.
- To Each His Own




Johnny has said that he quite likes brute mechanics. What other AT can one-shot lieutenants without enhancements at level six?



Ya know I have always thought it funny that the Brute class was based on the HULK. A Hero.

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I consider Hulk in most incarnations, an anti-hero.

He does the right things, but sometimes for the wrong reasons.

He fights the Leader not because the Leader is a bad person who wants to hurt people, but beause he keeps sending mutants and robots to attack the Hulk.

I think the 2nd movie really drove that home where the Hulk strangles the Abomination and Betty has to basically stop Hulk from tearing his head off. He sees the expressions of the crowd. The people are afraid of him. He sees he's made Betty cry, and he realizes he's the monster at that point, and he flees.

That's how I interpret the scene anyways.

Perfect fodder for something like Going Rogue. I wouldn't object to blue side Brutes on those grounds.




For Tankers?


Same idea as a Fury bar, but substitute +Resistance in for +Damage. Make it top out at +20 Resistance to all.

Doing so would promote Tankers to keep moving and keep at the front of the fight, as well as promote them to grab as much aggro as possible. In addition, it would be useful in solo play. IOs don't normally do much for Resistance (which is why I don't think it should add to Defense), so it would be even more of an incentive for fully IO'd out characters to keep a full bar.

I would like to see Gauntlet hang around, though. It's a tremendously amazing inherent for teaming, and really helps out in maintaining aggro. Not only that, but it also promotes punchin' stuff and staying at the front of the fight.

Helps survivability. Promotes keeping the Tanker moving and at the front of the fight. Seems about right.




Helps survivability. Promotes keeping the Tanker moving and at the front of the fight. Seems about right.

[/ QUOTE ]

Except the last thing Tankers need more of, or could even use more of, is survivability.

More survivability wont make Tankers more fun solo, on teams that's what buffers are for.

The last things Tankers need are better survivability and more aggro control. They do both almost too well. What they don't do that well, is solo and deal damage, especially in the lower levels. Tankers "being boring" and "lacking punch" are the two biggest reasons given by people when asked why they don't player Tankers. I don't see how giving them more survivability will make them less boring.




Except the last thing Tankers need more of, or could even use more of, is survivability.

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought only your granite tankers were survivable enough to tank AVs without specific (de)buff assistance, and even unstoppable wasn't enough because it didn't last long enough to finish the fight.



With that, you're running into the other side of the spectrum... tanks should need a little help with those, otherwise Defenders and such get more marginalized. But even then, I think almost all tanks can handle most of the AVs in this game without support. When appropriate, they need some support (AVs on TFs and such).

Tankers in this game have a good amount of survivability, and stand out well enough there. It's the other pieces mentioned that maybe need a little help, as mentioned.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Tankers "being boring" and "lacking punch" are the two biggest reasons given by people when asked why they don't player Tankers.

[/ QUOTE ]

As you so aptly said in the other thread...




Tankers "being boring" and "lacking punch" are the two biggest reasons given by people when asked why they don't player Tankers.

[/ QUOTE ]

As you so aptly said in the other thread...


[/ QUOTE ]

Any thread about Tankers vs Brutes vs Scrappers.




Any thread about Tankers vs Brutes vs Scrappers.

[/ QUOTE ]

So.... you don't have one.

All I needed to know. Thanks.



I have 4 Tanks(50, 43, 39, 38)and have been playing since CoH Beta (off & on), have no problems with Gauntlet what-so-ever.

Survivability: Tanks are my favorite for survivability, which they do better than ANY other AT in the game short of purple IO setted Scrappers. So increasing that would be kinda silly and as someone else mentioned a "not-gonna-happen" step backwards(i6) for the Devs. AVs have gotten significantly more difficult, but how many of those are you going to be soloing? I'm thinking none. Even if you can survive solo, you're definitely not going to do nearly enough damage.

Damage: The best damage I've seen on a Tank is Super Strength setup for recharge... Hasten(3 rchg), Rage(3 rchg), Knockout Blow(1acc, 1endrchg, 1endrdc, 3dmg) & Footstomp(1acc, 1endrdc, 2 dmg, 2 rchg). It is possible to attain triple Rage which translates into 250(aoe) dmg Footstomp, 1000 dmg KoB & 500 dmg Haymaker for short periods of time. (ref: 50 INV/SS) Shield Defense/SS also comes close when built for recharge adding in ShieldCharge.

Taunt/Tauntless: A tank without Taunt is going to have less control hands-down. As mentioned, Blasters will get themselves killed in a rapid fashion if given the opportunity.(experience speaking) I ALWAYS take Taunt on my Tank as it IS HIS JOB. Do I think they should get it for free? NO. Do Stalkers get Hide for free? NO. Point being they are not the only class that has a "power-tax".

Other: As for Tanks being the least played class, somehow I doubt that. Obviously a statement by someone who doesn't play one very often, especially during prime times, because finding a team that doesn't have a Tank already can sometimes be challenging. 9 times out of 10 a team will not invite more than one Tank unless they are desparate for teammates. (I personally avoid playing Defenders like the plague being as "Controllers/Corruptors can do the Support" and "Blasters/Corruptors do more Damage". That's MY preference however and thank you to those who enjoy the Defender class, you are appreciated.)




another inherent taunt, or allow me to slot the one I have to effect more than 5 mobs. 5-mob taunt is craptastic, and doesn't help team at all. well very little.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=114726][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



I've always thought that tankers should be the AoE experts of the melee archetypes. I have, in the past, suggested a splash or shared damage effect tied to Gauntlet for all ST tanker attacks. With input from others in the these forums that has evolved into applying the secondary effects for a ST tanker attack to all mobs effected by Gauntlet for that attack.

Both suggestions don't really change Gauntlet, they merely make it more visible.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Man, ay got to read the Hulk comics. The Hulk is always doing the right thing. Saving the kid from the burning buildings. Fighting off the monster who about to eat the family. Shattering the Massive astroid heading toward earth and just wanting to be left alone. Banner the Hero... Man Banner the guy always putting Hulk in the messed up positions that he has to get them out of. Oyea banner says I would love to help out shield or whatever and then Opps ya made me mad. Banner the hero. Lol



Am I the only Tanker that thinks Gauntlet is fine as is?

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It has the one effect my scrapper lacks for tanking, so I love it.

50s: BS/Inv Eng/Eng Blaster Grav/Rad Fire/Stone Brute AR/Kin Emp/Arch Mind/Sonic Dark/Dark Stalker Fire/Kin Thugs/Poison EM/Inv Dark/Thermal

In works: WP/SS Tank Demon/Dark Claws/Elec Brute Elec/Psi Dominator