PUG Moan & Groans
>.> another PUG story...
Yanno they announced HUE SHIFTING today... Its so much more excitinger than yet another PUG didnt go the way it should have post
Soloing is great. Things always go the way I want them to.
On the rare occasion I put together a team, I work very hard to keep things moving and keep everyone entertained.
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

i, too, have been on a bad team
here, let me tell you all about it in a way that makes me look both morally and intellectually superior:
That's reason to quit the team all right.
This is really doom.
i, too, have been on a bad team
here, let me tell you all about it in a way that makes me look both morally and intellectually superior:
[/ QUOTE ]
Hey, I enjoy reading about other peoples bad pugs ... Makes me know I'm not the only one
this is so really intersting
i, too, have been on a bad team
here, let me tell you all about it in a way that makes me look both morally and intellectually superior:
[/ QUOTE ]
Hey, I enjoy reading about other peoples bad pugs ... Makes me know I'm not the only one
[/ QUOTE ]Ditto. For the same reason. And for the
1. I always try to check people's levels to make sure everyone is going to get the travel power if they want it. I've been in exactly that same position where I said, "Sonso is not going to get this travel power" and people didn't believe me until it happened.
2. I don't care who's running the team, I ALWAYS talk to the detective so that I have my own radio, and when the team's completed 3 missions and is ready for the bank mission, I grab one too. I don't know that the team I'm on isn't going to screw everything up somehow, but I can run my own bank mission solo if I have to.
3. Red Side, #2 is about a zillion times more important because a large PuG is going to screw up the bank robbery something like 80% of the time.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Lowbie Sidekick, "I didn't get anything. @#$$#, mage!"
Lowbie Sidekick, "Waaaaah." (I actually got a chuckle on that one.)
...Lowbie Sidekick rage quits
Another possibility is if Lowbie Sidekick had all the radio missions down
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There are children who play the game...it's hard to tell online but the behaviour gives it away. So I think Lowbie Sidekick would not have been capable of the type of thinking/persuasion to get himself his pack.
"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato
Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50
Lowbie Sidekick, "I didn't get anything. @#$$#, mage!"
Lowbie Sidekick, "Waaaaah." (I actually got a chuckle on that one.)
...Lowbie Sidekick rage quits
Another possibility is if Lowbie Sidekick had all the radio missions down
[/ QUOTE ]
There are children who play the game...it's hard to tell online but the behaviour gives it away. So I think Lowbie Sidekick would not have been capable of the type of thinking/persuasion to get himself his pack.
[/ QUOTE ]
There are also adults who act like children when they play this game.
Soloing is great. Things always go the way I want them to.
[/ QUOTE ]
Never solo'd a Kin/Rad I see.
Bad Team bingo anyone?
[/ QUOTE ]
Bookmarked for the next PUG I join.
Lowbie Sidekick, "I didn't get anything. @#$$#, mage!"
Lowbie Sidekick, "Waaaaah." (I actually got a chuckle on that one.)
...Lowbie Sidekick rage quits
Another possibility is if Lowbie Sidekick had all the radio missions down
[/ QUOTE ]
There are children who play the game...it's hard to tell online but the behaviour gives it away. So I think Lowbie Sidekick would not have been capable of the type of thinking/persuasion to get himself his pack.
[/ QUOTE ]
There are also adults who act like children when they play this game.
[/ QUOTE ]
Why is everyone looking at me?
Attache @ deviantART
Attache's Anti-401k Art Collection
Lowbie Sidekick, "I didn't get anything. @#$$#, mage!"
Lowbie Sidekick, "Waaaaah." (I actually got a chuckle on that one.)
...Lowbie Sidekick rage quits
Another possibility is if Lowbie Sidekick had all the radio missions down
[/ QUOTE ]
There are children who play the game...it's hard to tell online but the behaviour gives it away. So I think Lowbie Sidekick would not have been capable of the type of thinking/persuasion to get himself his pack.
[/ QUOTE ]
There are also adults who act like children when they play this game.
[/ QUOTE ]
Why is everyone looking at me?
[/ QUOTE ]
'Cuz you look funny. Quick, guys. This is the part where we throw our heads back and laugh. Ready?
QR: Seen tonight on a team...
We're all standing around waiting for the MA mission to start. On the team: a level 44 Blaster of some kind. Dare I say a DAWGGY kind...? Hrm.
Leader: All of you will be hanging around until we get done with this mission, right?
Snoop DAWGGY DAWG [not his real name]: If this team dies more than twice, then I'm quitting! it aint a you thing, its a me thing!
I check his badges and he's allegedly a 48-mo. vet. Oh great.
rest of team: ......
Snoop DAWGGY DAWG: If this team dies more than twice, then I'm quitting! it aint a you thing, its a me thing!
TM #1: So, if you're a Tank is it good to have Tough and Weave? What do you guys think, I hear both ways.
Snoop DAWGGY DAWG: If this team dies more than twice, then I'm quitting! it aint a you thing, its a me thing!
By now, Bad is already in a bad mood. Leader: Mish is up, let's do this.
Spawn #1: SNOOP is down for the count! Hosps.
Spawn #2: SNOOP is down for the count! Hosps.
Spawn #3: SNOOP is playing Blaster Area Rug yet again! Damn, he's good. Hosps.
SNOOP: My AoEs are getting me into trouble. It would help if the Tanker had Taunt, dayum.
[Bad pulls up Tanker's stats: sure enough, there's Taunt.]
Tanker: I AM taunting.
Spawn #4: You got it, its a beautiful Blaster Area Rug in your choice of colors! Hosps.
Spawn #5: Wash/rinse/repeat. Blaster quits.
At this point, Bad dies. Hey, it happens. I hosp and while running around to the tp-beam to reenter, I see:
SNOOP DAWWGY DAWG: Level 54 Boss farm forming! All Tankers must have taunt!
I successfully resist the urge to shout for all the zone to hear, "YOU ****ING MORON!" I want to say this; yet my good side triumphs.
.... this game is good for epic lulz, if nothin' else.
I used to get invited to PUGs all the time. Seems like I rarely get those invites these days unless I'm on a mid-high level character and happen to be in Atlas. And then it is, of course, a let's-crowd-around-this-pillar-of-light-and-do-boring-outdoor-mission-maps team.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Snoopy shoulda been punted after his second faceplant since y'all weren't courteous enough to drop with him so he could leave.
I've been on bad teams plenty of times. Sometimes they'll take a long time to get going, and it's boring waiting for 5 or 10 minutes between missions. Sometimes some players keep playing badly and making the mission harder than it should be. Those, I don't mind as much as I just adapt my playstyle around them. I get ready to retreat faster, I grin when someone obnoxious faceplants, I go into a defensive playstyle.... things like that. Sometimes though, a team just gets nasty-bad. Doing the Statesman Task Force, two of the players grew an increasing dislike towards each other, and were fighting towards the end. It was pretty ugly. It was the worst team I was ever on because the chat window was a hostile environment.
As long as the people on a team aren't hostile or mean, I can usually grin and bear it.
Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break
The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens
"PUG Moan & Groans"? Sounds like a good pug to me!
/EM go buff post!
Just pointing out for anyone who hasn't seen it, there's already the huge How to know you're in a pick-up group.
Global @StarGeek
ParagonWiki.com-The original is still the best!
My Hero Merit rolls
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Forum font change stripper for Firefox/Opera/Chrome. No more dealing with poor color choices, weird fonts or microscopic text
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Kryhavoc wrote:
Also you have to be level 10 to get anything in KR bank mish.
[/ QUOTE ]
See? I did not know this. Would read thread again.
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
So I jump on my level 14 Scrapper in The Hollows doing solo missions and just get Frostfire mission. I get a tell asking me to join a team.
I say, "Great timing, I just got Frostfire."
Leader, "We are doing radio and bank mish in KR."
I hadn't done the KR bank mish yet so I agree. Get invited and slog over to KR, fly to radio mish and enter just as they complete mission. Exit and several teammates head to Blue Steel to level. Leader just stands at entrance of mission and waits...and waits....and waits.
New Teammate finally asks what we are doing and leader says bank mish and he finally goes to detective and puts mission up. It is the Kings Row bank mish.
Lowbie Sidekick, "Hurray, I finally get Raptor Pack."
I check and see that he is a level 9 sidekicked to level 13.
Me, "Lowbie Sidekick is not going to be happy."
Lowbie Sidekick, "Why?"
Me, "KR bank mish don't give Raptor Pack, it give Zero-G Pack. Also you have to be level 10 to get anything in KR bank mish."
New Teammate, "No he doesn't, he'll get something. I got Raptor Pack earlier today on this same toon. Maybe he'll get both?"
Leader, "We'll try it and see what happens."
We enter mission, since Lowbie Sidekick has no travel powers, he encounters mobs and gets faceplanted. We finally get to bank and succeed and everyone gets a Zero-G Pack...except Lowbie Sidekick.
Lowbie Sidekick, "I didn't get anything."
Other teammates, I got Zero-G Pack.
While the team moved on to get badge, Lowbie Sidekick exited.
Lowbie Sidekick, "I didn't get anything. @#$$#, mage!"
Lowbie Sidekick, "Waaaaah." (I actually got a chuckle on that one.)
We are busy battling Clockwork at the badge so I answer, "Busy now."
I fully intended to explain the same info I gave before the mission, but Lowbie Sidekick quit before I could say anything.
As soon as I exited the mission (I didn't even try to stay around for the side missions), I quit the team.
It would have been so simple for someone else to get a radio or regular mission and run that so that Lowbie Sidekick could have gotten to level 10. Another possibility is if Lowbie Sidekick had all the radio missions down, he could have gotten his Atlas Park bank mish, set to level 5 Invincibility and we could have done his bank mish to get him a Raptor Pack, he would have leveled to level 10 and then we could have done KR bank mish to get Zero-G Pack.
But no one would listen to me. At least, I didn't say, "I told you so."
[/ QUOTE ]
Sorry, Im with your team-mates on this one. They should have been less ignorant, and explained the situation more clearly to him, rather than pretending he would get something that any veteran should know he wouldn't. That having been said, no one forced him to join a team higher than he was - in fact its a pretty safe bet he asked for it specificaly himself. The other team-members don't owe him anything.
Maybe its time for a AE Moans & Groans thread?
Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.
So I jump on my level 14 Scrapper in The Hollows doing solo missions and just get Frostfire mission. I get a tell asking me to join a team.
I say, "Great timing, I just got Frostfire."
Leader, "We are doing radio and bank mish in KR."
I hadn't done the KR bank mish yet so I agree. Get invited and slog over to KR, fly to radio mish and enter just as they complete mission. Exit and several teammates head to Blue Steel to level. Leader just stands at entrance of mission and waits...and waits....and waits.
New Teammate finally asks what we are doing and leader says bank mish and he finally goes to detective and puts mission up. It is the Kings Row bank mish.
Lowbie Sidekick, "Hurray, I finally get Raptor Pack."
I check and see that he is a level 9 sidekicked to level 13.
Me, "Lowbie Sidekick is not going to be happy."
Lowbie Sidekick, "Why?"
Me, "KR bank mish don't give Raptor Pack, it give Zero-G Pack. Also you have to be level 10 to get anything in KR bank mish."
New Teammate, "No he doesn't, he'll get something. I got Raptor Pack earlier today on this same toon. Maybe he'll get both?"
Leader, "We'll try it and see what happens."
We enter mission, since Lowbie Sidekick has no travel powers, he encounters mobs and gets faceplanted. We finally get to bank and succeed and everyone gets a Zero-G Pack...except Lowbie Sidekick.
Lowbie Sidekick, "I didn't get anything."
Other teammates, I got Zero-G Pack.
While the team moved on to get badge, Lowbie Sidekick exited.
Lowbie Sidekick, "I didn't get anything. @#$$#, mage!"
Lowbie Sidekick, "Waaaaah." (I actually got a chuckle on that one.)
We are busy battling Clockwork at the badge so I answer, "Busy now."
I fully intended to explain the same info I gave before the mission, but Lowbie Sidekick quit before I could say anything.
As soon as I exited the mission (I didn't even try to stay around for the side missions), I quit the team.
It would have been so simple for someone else to get a radio or regular mission and run that so that Lowbie Sidekick could have gotten to level 10. Another possibility is if Lowbie Sidekick had all the radio missions down, he could have gotten his Atlas Park bank mish, set to level 5 Invincibility and we could have done his bank mish to get him a Raptor Pack, he would have leveled to level 10 and then we could have done KR bank mish to get Zero-G Pack.
But no one would listen to me. At least, I didn't say, "I told you so."