Dumb question time - why tailor fees?




Fees for enhancements and inspirations I understand - they make your characters better. Fees for common IO recipies and for crafting enhancments I understand for the same reason. Even fees for changing your reputation I understand - it can change the way the game plays and how you earn rewards.

But why fees for changing your costume? Other than to cut down on traffic at Icon or the Facemaker, what practical reason is there for tailor fees? Unlike the other things for which fees are charged, changing your costume does not affect the ease with which you are able to play the game, or the rewards you are able to earn. Do costume changes burden the game's software or hardware in some what that makes limiting them desirable?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Removing money from the game helps keep inflation down.



Fees for enhancements and inspirations I understand - they make your characters better. Fees for common IO recipies and for crafting enhancments I understand for the same reason. Even fees for changing your reputation I understand - it can change the way the game plays and how you earn rewards.

But why fees for changing your costume? Other than to cut down on traffic at Icon or the Facemaker, what practical reason is there for tailor fees? Unlike the other things for which fees are charged, changing your costume does not affect the ease with which you are able to play the game, or the rewards you are able to earn. Do costume changes burden the game's software or hardware in some what that makes limiting them desirable?

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Do you want the real time reason or the in-game reason?

In-Game you influence/infamy is reduced because your appearance has changed and you are not as recognizable.

The Real Life Reason is what Slive_Draver said.





Both good answers, thanks.

I wonder why they never instituted a fee for using the trains? I know I'd be less impressed by Sooperdooper Guy if I saw him hanging onto one of those little handles on the train on his way to fight Larry Larceny than if I saw him flying through the sky over the city.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



I wonder why they never instituted a fee for using the trains? I know I'd be less impressed by Sooperdooper Guy if I saw him hanging onto one of those little handles on the train on his way to fight Larry Larceny than if I saw him flying through the sky over the city.

[/ QUOTE ]'Cause you'd be even LESS impressed if Sooperdooper guy couldn't afford train fare and you saw him jumping the turnstile or hanging on to the outside of the train on his way to fight crime



Both good answers, thanks.

I wonder why they never instituted a fee for using the trains? I know I'd be less impressed by Sooperdooper Guy if I saw him hanging onto one of those little handles on the train on his way to fight Larry Larceny than if I saw him flying through the sky over the city.

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Better yet, I wonder why they never decided to charge a cover fee for Pocket D. It is a night club after all.

See my thread The Lion, the Witch and the Closet! for a new idea to help alleviate repeated costume changing needs.



Removing money from the game helps keep inflation down.

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Good answer, but I haven't needed to pay a tailor in a long time - vet rewards and such.

Fight My Brute



Trains and Pocket D don't have fees because they still want to encourage players to move around the city and to see new areas. It would be a major turn-off to have a new player unable to move to a mission in, say, Kings Row, because they can't afford the train ticket (yes, they could move through zones, but that's also a big bummer and a waste of time). And Pocket D is just snazzy-looking, and people like the look of snazzy things.



Trains and Pocket D don't have fees because they still want to encourage players to move around the city and to see new areas. It would be a major turn-off to have a new player unable to move to a mission in, say, Kings Row, because they can't afford the train ticket (yes, they could move through zones, but that's also a big bummer and a waste of time). And Pocket D is just snazzy-looking, and people like the look of snazzy things.

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At least the tram is free AND we don't have to have visited the destination station and got permission to get off there beforehand.

Main Hero : Annilixxion -- Lv50 Blaster
Main Villain : Menkaura -- Lv41 Mastermind
"You will bend to my will, with or without your precious sanity." --Dragon Mage



Removing money from the game helps keep inflation down.

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Good answer, but I haven't needed to pay a tailor in a long time - vet rewards and such.

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Back in the day, when there was no market and there were no IOs to spend ridiculous amount of influence on, the Tailor was about the only place where a high-level character *could* make use of their ever-increasing wealth.

Nowadays, with more useful things for players to spend inf on, there's no real reason for the devs to be stingy with free costume changes. After all, cool costumes keep people happy, and they want the players to make use of the new art content anyway. So the Tailor's role as an inf sink is pretty much obsolete.

Of course, they can't just make it free to change costumes... not now. Because that would make everyone's free costume change tokens worthless, and they'd have to come up with new vet rewards.



I always wanted to see instanced missions on the train during travel where you fight enemies on the train as you travel from stop to stop..but oh well...

Why does the tailor cost inf?
Do you know how much it cost to make those fancy duds?
The boots alone!



Fees for enhancements and inspirations I understand - they make your characters better. Fees for common IO recipies and for crafting enhancments I understand for the same reason. Even fees for changing your reputation I understand - it can change the way the game plays and how you earn rewards.

But why fees for changing your costume? Other than to cut down on traffic at Icon or the Facemaker, what practical reason is there for tailor fees? Unlike the other things for which fees are charged, changing your costume does not affect the ease with which you are able to play the game, or the rewards you are able to earn. Do costume changes burden the game's software or hardware in some what that makes limiting them desirable?

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In-Game you influence/infamy is reduced because your appearance has changed and you are not as recognizable.

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*Looks at his 30+ free tailor sessions* Cant beat free publicity

- Im Not Talking Fast, You're Just Listening Slow.
- To Each His Own



Unlike the other things for which fees are charged, changing your costume does not affect the ease with which you are able to play the game, or the rewards you are able to earn. Do costume changes burden the game's software or hardware in some what that makes limiting them desirable?

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Here's the flipside:

Given that you never HAVE to change your costume, why not charge a fee?

I've been here since before there WAS Icon. Used to be you were stuck with what you started with. Likewise, you used to be stuck with your original power choices. The first guide I ever used only went up to level 20- so you didn't gimp yourself TOO badly in the starting levels and have to reroll.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



This game has a lot of things left over from when it was a very different game, made with a different mindset and vision. Most absurdities you see are probably artifacts like that.



My only issue is that it costs a million influence to change your scales at level 50. Even if it's a tiny 1% change to just one of the scales.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Every issue, and sometimes inbetween issues, you get one costume change token per costume slot on each character. Even if you don't have a million to spare on your 50s, you've probably got a costume token. Or *checks his oldest toon* 30+. Failing that, log out in Icon for 24 hours (no sneaking in ealry, or the counter starts over!) and get a 25% discount coupon.




Every issue, and sometimes inbetween issues, you get one costume change token per costume slot on each character. Even if you don't have a million to spare on your 50s, you've probably got a costume token. Or *checks his oldest toon* 30+. Failing that, log out in Icon for 24 hours (no sneaking in ealry, or the counter starts over!) and get a 25% discount coupon.

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Not quite "Every" issue. I think it's been a year or two since they gave out a round of free tokens. Yeah, I have a character with 54 tokens or something, but most of my fairly new characters have zero.

Anything that pulls inf out of this game is a good thing in my mind.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



No way it's been two years, because I have a metric <bleep!>tonne on several toons, and I get my 24 month badge in about a month.

I get my 12 month badge in a couple days on my second account, and have a pile on my oldest toons there.




Every issue, and sometimes inbetween issues, you get one costume change token per costume slot on each character. Even if you don't have a million to spare on your 50s, you've probably got a costume token. Or *checks his oldest toon* 30+. Failing that, log out in Icon for 24 hours (no sneaking in ealry, or the counter starts over!) and get a 25% discount coupon.

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Not quite "Every" issue. I think it's been a year or two since they gave out a round of free tokens. Yeah, I have a character with 54 tokens or something, but most of my fairly new characters have zero.

Anything that pulls inf out of this game is a good thing in my mind.

[/ QUOTE ] No way it's been two years, because I have a metric <bleep!>tonne on several toons, and I get my 24 month badge in about a month.

I get my 12 month badge in a couple days on my second account, and have a pile on my oldest toons there.

[/ QUOTE ]This. I agree there isn't necessarily one given at every new issue, but there is usually one given every time a costume is changed or added. This can be during a full issue release, but it can also be during a regular update. Within the last 2 years there should have been several tokens given. For example, when the Wedding, Roman, Cyborg, Valkyre, and Magic costumes were added.. at the very least.

I just checked a character that I created at i12's release (13 months ago), and she has 9 unclaimed free tailor sessions, not including Vet Rewards or free sessions I may have already used. That's fairly significant for only 1 year.

Edit 2:
Going back to my first character (36 months ago that I never use), he only has 21 remaining,
but my main character (created 35 months ago) has 38 remaining.

While free tokens do stack with each other, maybe you you have to log the character in at some point between updates to be awarded more than one at a time?

Another character I frequently use (32 months old) has 25.
Yet another character I use a lot (only 20 months old) has 31.
A character I created the same day as above (only 20 months old) has 24.
Another pre-i12 character (18 months) only has 3 remaining.
And my Widow (post i12 - 11 months) has 10 remaining. (and I know have used a few on this one)

Note: These large variances are not due to me using dozens of free tokens at a time. A few of these characters only have 1 costume that hasn't changed since creation (other than adding cape/aura). I make a major change and stick with it.



I just checked a character that I created at i12's release (13 months ago), and she has 9 unclaimed free tailor sessions, not including Vet Rewards or free sessions I may have already used. That's fairly significant for only 1 year.

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They give out a lot more than I realized.

Lemme look at Niefelherse... currently sitting at 14 free tailor changes. Only ever got two costumes. Created Jan '07 .

Looks like I cashed in one vet costume token (new axe, shorter beard.) So... seven or eight give-outs in 2.5 years.

Backup Singer, created last July: cashed in all but two vet tailor tokens, has five costumes, has 14 tailor tokens. So that's... umm, nine vet I think, at least four used, I don't know how many costumes she had when the tailor tokens hit, but there's been at LEAST two over the last year.

(They give you a tailor token for every slot you have. So if you have five costumes you get five tokens.)

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



(They give you a tailor token for every slot you have. So if you have five costumes you get five tokens.)

[/ QUOTE ] I had forgotten about that. That would account for some of my variances as well.

On a side note, I just checked one of my newer characters as well (4 months old). He doesn't have any free tailor sessions. I don't know if that's because I used them, or that we didn't get any for i14.

I also checked one that was created after i12, but before i13 (i don't remember exactly when). I never really use him and found 3 unclaimed sessions there. He has 2 costume slots, and I know I did use one session... so that tells me we were granted at least 2 sessions per slot within the last year.



iirc, they last gave free costume tokens at holiday-time. They usually give them out then so people can make costumes using the Santa hat, etc.



iirc, they last gave free costume tokens at holiday-time. They usually give them out then so people can make costumes using the Santa hat, etc.

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No, I don't think they've ever given a free token as part of any events (though you can get a token as part of some purchases from the Candy Keeper during the Winter Events now). Sometimes the events just happened to coincide with the release of issues or patches where free tailor sessions were given for other reasons.



No, he means there was a free costume token handed out to everyone during the Christmas and Valentines events. It wasn't part of a mission or something.

We also got one for the i13 release the beginning of December so that was like 3 free costume changes on all those characters in a 3 month period.

In fact... was it 4? Wasn't there one handed out shortly after because of the tailor issue we had about then.

Right after i13 I got my 6 month badge and tailor cost concerns finally became a thing of the past for me so I may be misremembering.



No, he means there was a free costume token handed out to everyone during the Christmas and Valentines events. It wasn't part of a mission or something.

[/ QUOTE ] I don't think there was. As I have pointed out, I'm pretty sure we were only given 2 (per costume) within the last year. I do remember getting tokens specifically for an event before, but I think it was a year or more before that... I could certainly be wrong though.

We also got one for the i13 release the beginning of December so that was like 3 free costume changes on all those characters in a 3 month period.

In fact... was it 4? Wasn't there one handed out shortly after because of the tailor issue we had about then.

[/ QUOTE ] The tokens weren't issued at the same time the issue was released. It was a week or two later (after those issues were mostly resolved). There was actually only 1 given.

Right after i13 I got my 6 month badge and tailor cost concerns finally became a thing of the past for me so I may be misremembering.

[/ QUOTE ] You also might have been thinking of the free tokens you get as veteran rewards. The free sessions we are talking about are separate from those.