Any new hero elite archetypes coming up?




Because that would be nice...



Vanguard or Rikti would be good candidates for an Epic AT, as has been pointed out. There's also Incarnates, and the "Blood of the Black Stream" if they ever decide to dig whatever that was supposed to be out of the dustbin.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



BotBS are Egyptian-based shape shifters, silly




Longbow and Nictus?

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Longbow are too bland and generic.
Nictus are too close to warshades/peacebringers.

Incarnates plzkthx.



I've always thought Mu (Villain side) and Legacy Chain (Hero side) would make for some interesting EATs.



The next epic will be neutral, since this is city of neutrals now.

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"I hate these filthy Neutrals. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me"-Zapp Brannigan



I'd love one of each style EAT on each side, a branching one, and a form one.

Longbow and Nictus?

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Going Rogue with a Warshade would be pretty much equivalent to a Nictus. SoA are a little different, you would still have the Arachnos costume and powers. However, that's just slot 1 for the costume, you could just make your second slot into a Longbow costume and say you're a defector.



villain: how about a Self Aware Arachnobot. That or a mu would be cool.

hero: Legacy Chain might be interesting. So would a rogue Rikti.



Half human/animal breeds. Mutant like.



BotBS are Egyptian-based shape shifters, silly

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I always thought a BotBS was a robotic standup philosopher.



SPIES/Lone Contractors!

It should be the EAT you unlock when you have a 50 vill AND Hero EAT.

They're mercs for hire and would have branching format sort of like VEATS but have access to all sorts of weopons based powers. Your origin would decide your primary branch (sort of like choosing a Widow or Soldier) which gives you access to certain initial powersets made up of a gathering of current powers in the game right now. At each level you can choose a power from your origin branch (so a mutant fire power, or magical dark power, for example) or a power from your "weopons" based branch (say, Cloaking Device or "clone self" pet summoning device, etc.)

The contacts for the storyline for them should be placed in Pocket D and that's also where they level up (via a hidden "arms dealer" there.) Why pocket D? Because these guys are NEUTRAl, it's the perfect place for a merc for hire. :-)



We're superheroes. All of us are elite. The "E" in EAT stands for "epic" which is code for "dev-written backstory." That's the only thing separating EATs from the core archetypes -- core archetypes get to write their own backstory from scratch without finger-waving away the dev-written one.



I really think for completeness there should be Longbow EATs on blueside

Longbow is generic but not any more so than SoAs. The branching powerset structure could be identical, just swap in a few 'Longbowish' powers. Sure you'd have your default Longbow costume, but it's got a decent enough variety, from the NPCs I've seen - again, as much as Arachnos does. And once you hit level 10 you need never wear it again, but I bet many still would...

Vanguard..??? Maybe. In a sense, regular ATs already become Vanguard though. We can join up, get the armor, etc.



I'd love one of each style EAT on each side, a branching one, and a form one.

Longbow and Nictus?

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Going Rogue with a Warshade would be pretty much equivalent to a Nictus. SoA are a little different, you would still have the Arachnos costume and powers. However, that's just slot 1 for the costume, you could just make your second slot into a Longbow costume and say you're a defector.

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I was always curious about this: what would happen if a Kheld fused with someone, willingly, of less-than-noble persuasion? It would still be a Peacebringer or Warshade, just an evil one?

Nictus attempt to dominate their hosts. The kheldian AT's are both more-or-less-equal partners, and yet the kheldian ATs seem to unerringly pick hosts who will become heros, never villains?

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



I was always curious about this: what would happen if a Kheld fused with someone, willingly, of less-than-noble persuasion? It would still be a Peacebringer or Warshade, just an evil one?

Nictus attempt to dominate their hosts. The kheldian AT's are both more-or-less-equal partners, and yet the kheldian ATs seem to unerringly pick hosts who will become heros, never villains?

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That's an interesting question. And I suppose it is bound to happen.

For Warshades, I guess they would just be Nictus. Maybe independent Nictus, having already made the decision not to control their host, but merely to partner with it, but the backstory seems to imply that the Warshades are merging with a willing human for the first time, as a sort of experiment. So the Warshades really start off as "evil", and take on good qualities because of their host and because they're tired of it. Merge with an evil host and they will probably retain most of their willingness to sacrifice and experiment on others to gain power.

A Peacebringer would be more interesting. It's possible that the Peacebringers that rebel against the others in some of the story arcs do so because of their hosts, for whatever reason the host is more aggressive and less trusting than the norm. It's also true that Peacebringers themselves are not particularly good, they seem somewhat amoral, with a code of conduct somewhat different from us, being made of energy. They also tend to distrust Warshades in their natural form, only learning to trust from being with humans.

So yeah, I could see all sorts of possibilities here. The Peacebringer could find himself manipulated by an evil human, and once their personalities merge, the darker nature of the Peacebringer itself could come out.



I think the next EAT should be neutral. Actually, I think it should be a Rogue Spy EAT that uses dual pistols to go along with issue 16. I'd go into detail, but I already made a thread about it.



I was always curious about this: what would happen if a Kheld fused with someone, willingly, of less-than-noble persuasion? It would still be a Peacebringer or Warshade, just an evil one?

Nictus attempt to dominate their hosts. The kheldian AT's are both more-or-less-equal partners, and yet the kheldian ATs seem to unerringly pick hosts who will become heros, never villains?

[/ QUOTE ]

That's an interesting question. And I suppose it is bound to happen.

For Warshades, I guess they would just be Nictus. Maybe independent Nictus, having already made the decision not to control their host, but merely to partner with it, but the backstory seems to imply that the Warshades are merging with a willing human for the first time, as a sort of experiment. So the Warshades really start off as "evil", and take on good qualities because of their host and because they're tired of it. Merge with an evil host and they will probably retain most of their willingness to sacrifice and experiment on others to gain power.

A Peacebringer would be more interesting. It's possible that the Peacebringers that rebel against the others in some of the story arcs do so because of their hosts, for whatever reason the host is more aggressive and less trusting than the norm. It's also true that Peacebringers themselves are not particularly good, they seem somewhat amoral, with a code of conduct somewhat different from us, being made of energy. They also tend to distrust Warshades in their natural form, only learning to trust from being with humans.

So yeah, I could see all sorts of possibilities here. The Peacebringer could find himself manipulated by an evil human, and once their personalities merge, the darker nature of the Peacebringer itself could come out.

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For my WS specifically, my character's own willpower keeps her nictus at bay while retaining the use of abilities in humanoid form. The combination of Dual Builds and Going Rogue will finally allow me the ability to let the nictus gain control in her moments of weakness, changing her into an evil tri-form who stalks the Rogue Isles. When she's able to gain control again, she goes back to being pure humanoid and fighting on the heroes' side.

For that character alone, I'm anticipating Going Rogue with much enthusiasm.

Main Hero : Annilixxion -- Lv50 Blaster
Main Villain : Menkaura -- Lv41 Mastermind
"You will bend to my will, with or without your precious sanity." --Dragon Mage




I wish stabbing pain upon the nether regions of anyone suggesting Longbow, Wyvern, Vanguard, etc...

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



I like the idea of "Elite" Epic Archetypes. To qualify you have to take a hero or a villain to 50, and then take an Epic to 50.

For a new EAT though, I thought someone had said long ago that it would be those little fish know the ones we can dress up as during the Halloween event?



For a new EAT though, I thought someone had said long ago that it would be those little fish know the ones we can dress up as during the Halloween event?

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Coralax, and yes they've been mentioned as a possibility for ages.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



"I hate these filthy Neutrals. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me"-Zapp Brannigan

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I want Melee Attack/Buff. Defenders have Ranged/Buff so why not go Melee? Keep the damage modifiers and damage cap low if necessary.

I want Katana/Kinetics
I want Super Strength/Sonic
I want Mace/Radiation
I want Martial Arts/Empathy



I really think for completeness there should be Longbow EATs on blueside

[/ QUOTE ]... And what do you give redside to make it 'complete'?

Just to remind you here, the redside lacks for two task force ranges, hazard zones, has about half the content overall, and the VEAT storyline is something spat out by an incompetent, so where exactly is this 'completeness.'?