Going Rogue?




Will you go rogue with either of your Khelds? Will you rool a new Kheld to go rogue?

I will roll a new Kheld and take that one rogue, my current ones would not fit thematically. Most likely a Warshade.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



My peacebringer would go rogue, but I feel it's more (story-wise) easier to be a warshade that went evil.



I'm probably taking my Warshade redside. It fit's his story line he's a bit of a hellion and a rebel. I think the freedom and lawlessness of the Rouge Isles, would suit him better as a mercenary.

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi



Great I am pretty sure we will see a few more people do this as well.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



My Warshade. Even though he considers himself a hero, he will stop at nothing to bring the world in his view of justice even if it means taking a few lives to do so.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Evil PB all the way...time to shine the "Light" on redside.

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



I'm curious about those awards that 'exemplary, never-went-rogue' Heroes and Villains will get. How can you get an award for 'never going rogue' unless there's a point where you can't switch. I've read some hints that it's at lvl 50 that you get these awards.

My lvl 50 PB (who I just love to play) will probably (and then switch back later). Falling and Redemption. However, if she auto-gets those 'Uber Hero' rewards because she's already 50 *and* if switching will make me lose those forever, then I may rethink it...



Depending on the mechanics and how easy it is to switch back and forth, I will probably have my WS go redside then switch back.



Unless the devs also merge the markets, I expect changing sides will result in a loss of all influence/infamy and, quite possibly, of enhancements salvage and inspiration. I'm not going to decide on any existing characters to side switch until after I know more about things like that. My current PB has billions of inf worth of inf and IOs.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



Since I love my WS i plan to take her Redside at the launch of going rouge since i found blueside completly boringand bland most of the time.not to mention that it was nearly impossible for me to figure out where i was suposed to go without researching every area which became more of a chore than anything else.

Besides most of the people i play with are on redside anyway.The only reason i see for going blueside is for badges and accolades ,but thats another topic.



Well, while thematically warshades could go bad easier... I can see peace bringers going bad more. Why? Look at the in game lore.

Nictus who reform become Warshades, and to a man their all fighting the nictus and council.

The peace bringers however aren't so cut and dry. Early PB arcs even show that some PB are going too far and turning evil. Some even siding with the council to eradicate the warshades. Likely those ones don't realize the council is in league with the nictus.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Unless the devs also merge the markets, I expect changing sides will result in a loss of all influence/infamy and, quite possibly, of enhancements salvage and inspiration. I'm not going to decide on any existing characters to side switch until after I know more about things like that. My current PB has billions of inf worth of inf and IOs.

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Out of all of the varoius ways they could immplement the side switching, that has to be the most retarded way to do it. I don't think that proposal made it out of commitee.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Unless the devs also merge the markets, I expect changing sides will result in a loss of all influence/infamy and, quite possibly, of enhancements salvage and inspiration. I'm not going to decide on any existing characters to side switch until after I know more about things like that. My current PB has billions of inf worth of inf and IOs.

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Out of all of the varoius ways they could immplement the side switching, that has to be the most retarded way to do it. I don't think that proposal made it out of commitee.

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I'm not taking it for granted. If there's no "material" penalty for side switching but they don't merge the markets, people will just mule things from one side to the other and get the cheaper of either side.

The devs have said in the past that they have conceptual reasons as well as practical reasons for not merging the markets (largely that conceptually, infamy for doing evil doesn't get 'restored in public opinion' to the same amount of influence for doing good, if you take off your black hat and put on a white one).

Unless and until the details on this emerge, all of the developer statements (which you like so much) that we do have on the matter seem to indicate that at very least, we shouldn't take for granted that they're going to allow commerce between sides.

And it's not necessarily retarded from a game design perspective. If there's not a significant enough penalty or drawback to changing sides, people will do it casually and the distinction between the sides will effectively disappear. Instead it depends on how often or lightly the developers want us to take side switching. A loss of all wealth - inf and equipment - would certainly make people think about it seriously.

From a developer standpoint, wanting your choice of side to be taken seriously is not retarded at all.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



This post by Miladys_Knight probably better explains what im thinking about it:

If the expansion Going Rogue allows me to switch the "real" Paragon City from the Isles and vice versa the developers have a sale. If not and its an alternate "reality" I won't be buying.

If the dev intention of the market is to allow the free flow of goods from one player to another rather than allow for profiteering (which seems to be the case since they have added merits and tickets rather than increasing drop rates) then keep the markets separate is going in the opposite direction from that goal.

If Going Rogue puts you in an alternate "reality" complete with it's own self contained economy it will just further dilute the markets on both red and blue side since the total CoX population will be spread across 3 non-linked areas rather than 2.

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They had better do this right because at the end of the year people choices are going to expand several fold and a mistake here could end it all, which would be sad.

The margin for error is so small for a five year old niche game like this.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I wouldn't be surprised if going rogue were limited by character level the same way a level pact is. Sure, some old players might be miffed they can't take their level 50's to the opposite side to do whatever, but maybe NC thinks they can sell some more character slots or even accounts to people who think they'd like to play a blueside brute or redside tank. If switching sides is a one time deal, similar to how EQ2 was originally (not sure if it's changed since launch) then they don't have to worry about the markets or what to do with inf switching nearly as much.

I think Flux Vector has a point.



Nethergoat wrote:
they're not going to hang a retail box release on another co-op zone. they know people want side switching, they're going to give us side switching.

the only question is how much of a time sink they'll attach to it and what the mechanism will be.

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Man if they miss on this its over. They had better get it right is all im saying.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I wouldn't be surprised if going rogue were limited by character level the same way a level pact is. Sure, some old players might be miffed they can't take their level 50's to the opposite side to do whatever, but maybe NC thinks they can sell some more character slots or even accounts to people who think they'd like to play a blueside brute or redside tank. If switching sides is a one time deal, similar to how EQ2 was originally (not sure if it's changed since launch) then they don't have to worry about the markets or what to do with inf switching nearly as much.

I think Flux Vector has a point.

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I suspect lvl 50 will be some sort of cutoff point, but I hope not...



Nethergoat wrote:
they're not going to hang a retail box release on another co-op zone. they know people want side switching, they're going to give us side switching.

the only question is how much of a time sink they'll attach to it and what the mechanism will be.

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Man if they miss on this its over. They had better get it right is all im saying.

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In case the devs miss the mark and u go...can I has ur shtuff?

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



I "will" be leaving the COX world, it is only a matter of time and no singular event will change that fact.

AE and I14 is the only real reason that I am still here. I had burned out on dev content with 20+ 50's and I14 came just as I was going to take a break. The new villian black market saved the day, allowing me to kit my villians.

However, later this year new games that have things I find interesting are going to get a play. The fact of the matter is Going Rogue must be good for me to comeback after moving to the new games coming later this year. I don't think I am alone.

Finally to answer you lame attempt at humor, HELL NO "YOU" CANNOT HAVE MY STUFF. "If" I ever left "for good" I would be giving stuff to people that have contributed to the Kheldian community like Lord Xenite, not the likes of you.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



If we can, I will take at least one of each (PB and WS) Rogue.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.




To be honest, I'm currently taking a break from CoX as I've re-discovered MASS EFFECT (XB360/PC) and have found inFAMOUS (PS3) and PROTOTYPE (PS3/XB360/PC) to be enticing and then some.

Will I be back for Going Rogue? I honestly don't know, since by the time Going Rogue comes out, other games that will hopefully be more story/content oriented, may come out and be even more appealing to me.

As far as I'm concerned, if Going Rogue simply means you get to take a Blueside characters into the Redside and there are no consequences to the shift, I'd be very disappointed, and not very interested. What consequences will I consider as a worthy price to pay for switching sides... that remains to be seen and depends on what the Devs have in mind...

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Yep, fired up Mass Effect yesterday.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I've been dying to have a WS, or would that then be nictus, on Rogues Isle. So yea I'm looking forward to it.



Oh, its been quite a while since I ventured into the darkness.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.