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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm pretty sure that the heroes of the silver age were still meant to be, you know, people.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, they didn't act like fully fleshed out people. Unless the only people you happened to know where extremely conservative with a whole laundry list of items they won't even allow themselves to say, I imagine. The comics code was a huge hindrance on portraying real life situations. I can see the appeal of silver age comics if you grew up watching BAM! POW! Batman on TV, but otherwise I don't get it. The pulp era was so much better, to me, and so was everything once the CC dropped a little. Silver age comics are nostalgic the way people imagine the 50's was, rather than how it actually was.

    [ QUOTE ]
    A final word to the OP, what you need is a good pen and paper group or a SG that uses Ventrillo/Teamspeak in a somewhat required fashion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow, I can't think of a thing that would make me want to RP less than listening to people trying to talk in-character over ventrilo. Ugh. Ultimate immersion breaker.
  2. Wow Elysienne, if you have characters regularly referencing sex, drugs, and boozing, your silver age SG sure does play it lax. Or perhaps isn't clear what silver age means, or has no clue what the comics code was, etc. etc.

  3. When people have nothing intelligent to add, they flame. That is why there's all the ridicule.
  4. LuckySamurai

    Does AE need XP?

    Just remove all the AE's except in the higher level zones. Experienced players will be able to navigate their way there just fine, while level 1's won't be suckered into grinding the same three stupid farm missions over and over.

    I like the AE, I want to get XP on it because otherwise I'm just going to be grinding paper missions to get my characters past the boring as all get out teen levels. But I think overall it is doing more harm than good.

    A lot of dumb arguments in this thread. "Lots of people are doing it and not complaining for more PL so it must be the majority want it that way!" You could say the same thing about cocaine; it doesn't mean it's a boon to society.
  5. LuckySamurai


    OP sounds really young and, as such, I figure even if the VG got off the ground it wouldn't outlive the summer.

    Too bad, redside needs more RP.
  6. LuckySamurai


    [ QUOTE ]
    The lack of healing/buffing for the ninjas will make things quite difficult. Ninjas are very, very frail.

    You'll want to keep the ninjas close to you so they benefit from the PBaoe effects (Steamy mist, possibly hurricane.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah I'd rearrange that - hurricane, possibly steamy mist. Mist did next to nothing for me, but hurricane was a godsend for keeping me and the cardboard crew from faceplanting.

    My one complaint? O2 boost. Takes forever to cast, hardly heals worth a damn. With that and aid other, though, I was able to keep my ninjas alive fine most of the time, and even played healer on quite a few teams.

    Well, I guess I could also complain about Gale. The only use I ever found for it was blowing away all the civilians in mayhems so I could tab with ease. Otherwise it's much worse than the forced power from.. well.. seems like every other secondary.
  7. My PB is 25 at the moment, almost 26, and I never took Nova. A friend advised me against skipping it if only for when I ran into quantums and voids, but beyond taking on a seeker and losing pitifully at low level, I haven't missed it. I hit hasten and build up and blow the smithereens out of Q's and V's, and regular groups have, thusfar, been no problem at all.

    I have no IOs yet and only a few DOs that haven't been outlevelled. No SOs. It's been fine. YMMV, though. Actually, at 20 when I took dwarf, I sort of wish I'd taken stamina first and dwarf at 22, since stamina was the only area I ever really felt a sting.

    I felt I should add that I've almost entirely soloed. I did a sewer team to 5 or 6 and I've joined in one one radio mission. The bank missions have been a blast to solo since previously I'd been playing a controller and didn't manage to solo a single one
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Assorted "I'll buff who I want, and buff 'em extra hard if they ask me not to" types... I'd like to take preemptive measures to avoid encountering people like you in game. My global is @Eisenzahn, please /gignore it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And repeat for @luckysamurai. I don't want to group with jerks, no matter how awesome sauce you think your toon is. I'd rather have a good time dying than a bad time winning.

    And for the record, I've often asked not to be bubbled. My computer runs it just fine, but the graphic makes me queasy. Yes, on regular old FF bubbles. I have no problem dying and always carry some awakens (unless I'm giving them out mid-mission to others). I have a PB that I love but I just have to quit playing her occasionally because her shield makes me sick to look at after awhile. Also, the sound of the bubble bothers me immensely.. right up there with sewer splashing or robot footsteps. Still don't know what sound to replace to disable that horrid activation sound.

    Curiously enough, neither sonic nor thermal have ever bothered me, and those are the ones I've only heard others complain of. Actually I love thermal's warm glow
  9. LuckySamurai


    I can't imagine how frustrating that would be. I hate getting teleported.

    I skipped Hurricane because I'd only ever seen clearly-retarded defenders using it to ill effect blueside. I'd taken jump kick for concept (and because I'd never done it before) but when I got fed up with it and decided to respec to pick up Combat Jumping instead, I grabbed Hurricane instead of Steamy Mist. Life could not have gotten better, and there's no way my squishy ninjas could have survived most of the CoT missions without it. Herding behemoths into corners and keeping them debuffed? Very yes. Providing melee protection to blast-happy corrupters on teams? Sure thing, thanks. Once my zombie storm gets high enough he'll grab it first thing - it might even be the power from Storm I consider least skippable at this point.
  10. LuckySamurai


    I hadn't thought of that since my necro isn't high enough to use soul extraction, but that's a pretty good idea rather than waiting around for a pet to die. Hmm.

    Doubt I'd ever take detonator but there were many times I wished I had it on my ninja/storm, just to teach those dang genin a lesson.
  11. LuckySamurai

    Magic Origin

    I have more magic or tech related ones because they seem most capable of playing the part. I have a few naturals, including a bow-using psychic and an Atlantean refugee. But by far powers can be explained easier with magic or tech. It isn't about being lazy.. it's that I can craft excellent backstories about either that don't rely on deus ex machina to explain why some things work and others don't.

    I have two or three mutants, pretty sure all of which are Nuclear 90 ideas. I don't think I have a single science character I took seriously because there isn't a single science hero in comics that I am even remotely interested in. I did try to make a grav/kin troller several times, the result of deliberate scientific pursuit, but it just wasn't interesting to roleplay. My magic themed heroes often have built-in conflicts relating to either their magic usage or their magic origin. I can continue to harness that through their lives. Science? No. I could rip off Hulk or Spider-man and do a few form changes, or someone wants to kidnap me to study me... but frankly those storylines often do not mesh well with others.

    My tech heroes are often in direct opposition of people like Dr. Aeon, Crey Industries, etc. I have magic characters ranging from a changeling, a ninja (think Tsoo Sorcerer), and a Lovecraftian hero who recieved a boon and a curse from contact with mystic texts buried in Antarctica.

    I'll note that science heroes and villains are also my least favorite out of established CoX personalities. I just don't care about them. They aren't interesting. It makes me sad, because I'd like to make them.. but.. meh. Mutants are possibly less interesting without some unifying theme, which I would indulge if there were a guild dedicated to it (like the Nuclear 90 which I so dearly love)
  12. LuckySamurai


    Well obviously damage would be scaled back per explosion.. it wouldn't be the equivalent of 6 detonators going off rather than just one. That would be ridiculous.
  13. LuckySamurai

    Build Help

    Er, I just noticed I typed left hand side, but it's really the right hand side. You would have figured that out, but I thought I should point it out anyways.

    I haven't slept enough lately.
  14. The buff will apply to the ninja as long as it is alive. What this generally means is that you apply it once after you summon all your ninjas and then you are good to go until you zone or a ninja dies.
  15. LuckySamurai


    You know, now that buffing pets eats all your endurance, I'm inclined to think that Detonator should be changed to explode all your pets. That way you could think of it like a nuke with a heavy end crash (resummoning and rebuffing).
  16. I'm so sick of dark powers that I haven't made a WS yet. Changing the color might help alleviate a little of the problem.

    My PB won't be touched, though. That's sacrilege.
  17. LuckySamurai

    Build Help

    On the toolbar, hit Window and choose Sets & Bonuses. You can see what set bonuses you have there. If you break the rule of five, the first text in the left hand side of the S&B window will tell you that you aren't receiving all your bonuses, and then if you scroll down, powers that aren't contributing will have that particular set bonus in red text, so you know what to adjust. I didn't even know about the rule of five until I noticed that in mids.
  18. LuckySamurai

    Is it possible?

    I'm playing a human/dwarf but so far she's basically human, I hardly use dwarf since it's basically unslotted at the moment. The main advice I'd give to help survivability is to take build up, radiant strike, and incandescent strike as soon as possible, with hasten in there to help with the slow recharge of human powers. Without nova's blasts, being able to take out voids/quantums quickly really helps.
  19. LuckySamurai

    Build Help

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm glad to mentioned Rech Intensive; they're not in Mids.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nothing to add except that I suggest you update your Mids. The recharge intensive pet sets are there in the latest version.
  20. LuckySamurai


    I believe that what he's trying to say is that because ninja are made out of wet paper bags, a single target heal alone will not be able to keep up with the amount of damage it's possible for 6 minions to take, while an aoe heal allows you to keep on healing most or all of the minions enough that single targets can be applied.

    Basically he's saying that Pain's aoe and heals keep them alive better than O2 boost.
  21. LuckySamurai


    Some people like having more than a single power to have fun with?

    I liked my ninja/storm but early on it was fairly rough. Commanding Genin are like herding ADHD children at a fun birthday party. Doable, but hectic. It's a fairly busy secondary but O2 boost can't quite keep up with 3 mischievous genin in all situations, so I'd recommend taking aid other as well. I mostly loved ninja/storm for forcing me to really learn how to play storm. Most of the defenders I've grouped with are totally clueless to some of the finer points since they aren't trying to keep alive completely retarded squishies (okay, maybe some are.. >_&gt

    Force field I can't stand so I won't say anything about it. Some people swear by it but the sound alone of bubbling makes me want to jump from a cliff. If that wouldn't do it, the monotony of rebuffing constantly would. Ironic that I don't mind constantly healing even when it's essentially the same as buffing.

    I have a lowbie thugs/pain and so far I am loving pain domination. It's great survivability so far but I am worried that later the buffs will not be all that great. For tankerminding I'd think FF would be your best bet, then possibly pain where you can run your regen toggle and keep your pbaoe heal on auto then follow your ninjas into melee when possible to both spread damage with bodyguard and heal some at the same time.

    I wish I had more to say about the later parts of pain but I haven't gotten that far. Thinking about it, though, I sort of want to try ninja/pain. Letting your jounin and oni bring the pain up close while keeping your genin back on defensive follow seems like it would alleviate some of the problems I had using them with storm.

    YMMV but if you like running around a lot and being both proactive and reactive, go with storm. If you like standing back, using only a few powers on the enemy and otherwise buffing/healing/commanding pets, go pain or ff.
  22. The lingering whine of bubbles has already been posted a few times, if that's what you mean.

    Unfortunately I've read this whole thread and not found what I want - the activation. I won't play with bubblers because I hate the sound of their constant buffing. Once the power is on me I don't mind, it's the activation noise I hate so much. If it's in the thread, I've missed it somehow. Any help, please?

    Also, which sound is the kheld dwarf footstep sound? I could stand to play dwarf form more if I weren't BOOM BOOM BOOMing all over the place.
  23. LuckySamurai


    Dear Goddess. I can't believe the flame that has been ignited! WA calling people losers, essentially, for cross-gender "roleplaying" when the real losers just happen to be the people who got suckered into cyber and were then too homophobic to get over it.

    I would never tell my true gender to an SG mate who wasn't a good friend in real life. Why? It has no bearing on the game whatsoever, whether you're RPing with me or not. If it makes a single iota of difference to you whether I've got an innie or outie, then you're a sexist and I don't care to know you. I want to be judged on how I play the game, or the level of RP fun I can bring to the table. Anything else is 100% irrelevant to the game.
  24. While I had a merc/poison, a necro/dark, and a thugs/dark, it was ninja/storm that really made me able to play a mastermind. Hell, my thugs/dark was so easy I took almost none of my secondary. I didn't need it to solo, so I didn't see the point.

    Ninja are squishy as sin starting out. Even in teams I had trouble keeping three genin alive. They're a bit like fire imps in that they love to jump into other groups to agro. This forced me to learn storm aggressively in order to solo, as well as the finer points of macros, keybinds, and pet positioning. My nin/storm was my first villain to 50 and now I can hardly stand to play with storm defenders blueside because it's clear how many of them never have to learn their powerset in order to survive.

    Incidentally, going from nin/storm to, well, just about anything, was a walk in the park. I wouldn't suggest ninja/storm for someone unwilling to learn, but it's definitely rewarding and very powerful for the dedicated mastermind.
  25. Cool! I'm glad you're liking your WS. I have felt the same similarly about my own human/dwarf PB. She plays very much like a scrapper to me, with a couple ranged powers very useful for pulling or hitting runners.

    I haven't tried a WS yet since I'm tired of the dark look (having DA scrapper, DM/DA brute, and dark/dark def), but I'm still looking forward to it eventually.

    I hope you keep having fun!