Is it possible?




So, just got my MM Bots/Traps to 50 and decided it was time to start working on my level 6 Kheld PB again. Got on this weekend and now up to level 17. Unlike my level 50 Warshade, which I built mostly around the Squid and Rino and left the human part almost completely out of the build, I wanted to see what I could do with my PB with the human build. This means no squid or rino, only human form.

With that being said, I read somewhere in these forms that the ranged attacks of the squid outweigh the ranged attacks of the human Kheld. In addition, I think I also read that the Rino can withstand much more blunt force damage in battle than the human Kheld even with all their shields on. Not sure about that one?

So, I want to try it. I want to go full human kheld and want to know what you guys think. Is it doable with just the human build? Can one survive long enough in the later "harder" levels to make this a go? And those that have done this, what are your thoughts on how this build works? Thanks in advance to all who reply.



Possible? Yes.

But...your blasts won't be as potent as the Nova blasts, and you'll not be anywhere as sturdy as you would be in Dwarf.

However, the trade-off is that you have some pretty good melee powers and blasts, plus shields, a heal (or two) and access to use pool powers 100% of the time in human form. If you add that to a large team of 6+, the team-link bonuses will make you pretty tough to deal with.

I personally would never go all-human, but it can be done and I"m sure it can be fun - which is the point to all this.

I'd say play around with it, stick through those tougher low levels and I'm sure you can make it work and have fun with it.



I'm playing a human/dwarf but so far she's basically human, I hardly use dwarf since it's basically unslotted at the moment. The main advice I'd give to help survivability is to take build up, radiant strike, and incandescent strike as soon as possible, with hasten in there to help with the slow recharge of human powers. Without nova's blasts, being able to take out voids/quantums quickly really helps.



I went all human. I have a triform build and a all human, but i havent played triform in nearly 20 levels. My human feels like a suped up scrapper. His ranged attacks are lower than the Nova, but his melee attack out do the Dwarf by so much. He has great AOE capablities (Solar flare, Photons, Dawn Strike,etc.).

I recomend going triform until about 26, then you can do a respec for all human. Triform will just increase your damage and surviability in the lower levels.

And yes you can survive in the higher levels. I have about 70% resistance to S/L damage and on teams, usually my resistance caps. Plus I have two self heals and a self rez....



All-human got a lot better not too long ago. It's definitely viable. My all-human shade's been coming along rather nicely, much easier than leveling my tri-form shade back in I3.