Assuming customization reaches Kheldians...
Tint the forms...?!!!!! Here's hoping!
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
My Pew will turn a darker blue, just to take some of the edge off of that white.
A darker color might fit my PBs description, too. The human half is a former suicide hotline worker who likes to dare people to do things, and the Kheldian half likes to blow open holes in reality "to see what comes out."
Too many alts to list.
Tint the forms...?!!!!! Here's hoping!
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I had been so so about the color changing thing. Lots of people want it, thats cool, I wasn't planning on messing with it much though. But if we can color customize the forms (which hadn't even occured to me)? Ok now I'm excited.
I want a deep dark blue PB and a dark red WS.
Bubblegum Warshade
Everything is Hubba Bubba pink ...

I wouldn't touch my Warshade. I love the snazzy purple.
As the OP, I'll also go with a goldish coloration on my powers and auras.
Both of my Kheldians aren't really Kheldians, that's sort of their concept. One is my main Jade Dragon, recreated as a PB. As I couldn't make his powers green, I had to change his name. I will probably just put his colors and powers back to green, once I can.
I will probably keep the explanation that the artifact that gives him his powers was carved from a dead Shadow Cyst. I'll just say the magics that were used to harness the energy turned it green.
My Tri Form supposedly isn't a Kheldian either, but a shape shifter that chose to use the Kheldian forms after seeing them in action. Since his normal color is, like the OP, a combination of gold and white, I will likely make his forms and powers gold as well. I may make the WS version a little darker gold, just to try and be consistent...
If customization includes sounds, I'll make a PB. The current sf/x are terrible and the bright white is hard on the eyes. As to my WS, I'll add some nictus red to the purple.
Funny I like the sounds and FX. But it would be a godsend to give some originality to some of them. I'd play around a bit with my main, see what colors go well but most likely I'll keep as is. I have a Warshade I've styles as an Eclipse of the sun, so I'd be curious to see what I can try on that. Then there is my lovely experiment, a Human non-WS (in my mind) who is a doorway between here and the netherworld, well her I'd love to try something entirely different, but she's got no Forms.
I just hope that even if they don't let us change the colors of the Forms they allow us to do the human only powers. I have a sneaky suspicion Khelds as being a story driven Epic AT we won't even get a choice in the matter.
I'm so sick of dark powers that I haven't made a WS yet. Changing the color might help alleviate a little of the problem.
My PB won't be touched, though. That's sacrilege.
I've always wanted a blood-red Warshade... That would just pwn. :P
"The One"

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)
I've always wanted a blood-red Warshade... That would just pwn. :P
"The One"
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I've always wanted a blood-red Peacebringer.
Back when the VEAT was supposed to be Nictus, some friends and I had long discussions about what would be changed to include an evil version of a Peacebringer, and in that discussion, red Peacebringers came up. I forget the name we came up with, but it was like War Harbinger or something along those lines.
I'd love to be able to do it for real, even if he's still a stinkin' hero(Here's hoping GR is everything we're expecting so that doesn't have to be the case forever.)
If customization includes sounds, I'll make a PB. The current sf/x are terrible and the bright white is hard on the eyes. As to my WS, I'll add some nictus red to the purple.
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When I climbed my journey from level 1 to level 50 over a period of like, 5 or 6 months, my peacebringer was very enjoyable. SADLY, I have to agree, the [censored] sound effects are what made me take so long. I KNOW I CAN TURN THE SOUND OFF, but why would I want to rid myself of hearing attacks of other players? SFX clue me on on taunts, holds, and upcoming nukes and other very important powers that I'll be needing to hear from my team.
What I'm trying to say is: If SFX are included in a PB's customization, I'll roll another or actually PLAY old one (It's been a couple years.)
And Warshades? Purple is the classic color and I know I'll see teams of hot pink Warshades running all over atlas, but I'm thinking of going with a dark "herb" green. I think that'll pleace me both.
O oh ohoh!! And For my Stone tank? I dunno what I'll do. It has me quite excited.
Won't touch my PB, except maybe to change the blue tint, as his costumes are all white and light blue. Might make a warshade, never much cared for the evil purple coloring before.
I would try to make my PB stuff like the WS stuff and my WS stuff like the PB stuff...See if I can really confuse anyone.
...I just hope that even if they don't let us change the colors of the Forms they allow us to do the human only powers. I have a sneaky suspicion Khelds as being a story driven Epic AT we won't even get a choice in the matter.
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I too have this fear (I won't grovel, but please allow customization for Khelds too, Devs)
If it does reach Khelds, you'll probably have to keep their powers near what they are. For example, cool colors for WS and warm for PB. But you never know. I'd like a white-fire sort of thing on my PB
I would try to make my PB stuff like the WS stuff and my WS stuff like the PB stuff...See if I can really confuse anyone.
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Same here. If I can look like I just turned off white dwarf before I activate teleport I know it'll confuse some veteran khelds.
Do you have any ideas in mind for what you'll be doing to your PB / WS ?
My PB has always had this white and gold motif and if they allow us, I'll be adding gold to some or all of the powers.
The one thing I wonder is if they will allow us to tint the forms. I imagine that at least the aura around them will be tintable, but I guess we will see. This could be huge for those of us who don't want to look like every other PB/WS out there when we're transformed!