Magic Origin
Just an opinion:
It's a little bit easier to make a magic origin character because there's no solid rule on magic and it's easier to suspend disbelief when makign a bio.
Just an opinion:
It's a little bit easier to make a magic origin character because there's no solid rule on magic and it's easier to suspend disbelief when makign a bio.
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This is the reason most of my characters are Magic origin.
With Science and Technology, their powers, while fantastic, are often still somewhat grounded in reality.
This is even more restrictive for Naturals, whose "powers" are limited things that any normal human can do with sufficient training, barring those that were never human to begin with.
And as for Mutation, while their powers can be as diverse as the other origins, their origin stories don't allow for anything other than "I'm a human who was born with wierd genes," except in the implications of having them.
Magic, however, is the least restrictive it terms of what can be done, both in powers and stories, which is probably why it's my favorite.
Currently published Mission Architect arcs:
Arc ID# 70466: From the Abyss.
Arc ID# 403174: The Serpent's Revenge.
Arc ID# 534236: The Clockwork Angel.
Also, bear in mind the growing number of "urban fantasy" books, comics, TV shows, films, etc.
From American Gods to Hellblazer Pushing Dasies, the idea of the fantastic and supernatural impinging on the real world has always, to a certain extent, coloured modern-day storytelling. But recently with the growing fame people like Neil Gaiman, that area of storytelling is hitting an even bigger demographic than ever. Of course people are going to want to tell their own stories of similar content, theme or mood. And for roleplayers... well, CoX has a handy-dandy, versatile kit to create the characters that come from those stories.
The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."
For me, it's a question of AT and powerset. It's easy to make a natural Thugs/Traps MM. Harder to explain why a natural Brute can shrug off attacks from a Malta deathbot.
Similarly, while Mutation works for Super Strength or similar sets that represent an extension of normal traits, it doesn't explain things like Dark Melee or Necromancy as well.
I feel that Technology and Magic provide the most basis for the powersets I like and characters I make, so I tend to use those two a lot.
Then there's the question of what origin really fits a character. If my character shoots magic bullets out of a supergun, is that tech or magic? If he's a normal dude with a spell on him that gives him a weird death touch (DM/Willpower), is he natural or magic? Is an angel magic or natural? The power is from a supernatural source, but he's always been an angel, and those powers are pretty natural for him.
Isn't saying that all Magic-themed characters are D&D ripoffs, or created by players who like fantasy RPGs, just a huge stereotype?
I wouldn't think so.
I hope not.
Isn't saying that all Magic-themed characters are D&D ripoffs, or created by players who like fantasy RPGs, just a huge stereotype?
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I was referring to Diablo, WoW, Guild Wars, etc, being founded in the same system and setting that D&D established. Though frankly, D&D is the origin point of modern RPGs as a whole, so every RPG is a "D&D Ripoff".
My point is that that same old fantasy setting and style has overaturated the genre, and that when something new comes along that moves beyond the realm of elves and dwarves, people still cling to it for some odd reason.
Far be it from me to knock D&D or the fantasy genre, as I spent many an afternoon with a D20 and character sheet pretending to be a fireball-slinging elf with my friends. It just seems odd to me that there are so many fantasy-themed characters present in the modern/future world of CoX.
The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)
Virtue Forever.
Oh, so you weren't actually asking why the Magic origin is so popular, just why there are so many "High fantasy" style characters running around.
... Talk about a misleading thread name,
The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."
Isn't saying that all Magic-themed characters are D&D ripoffs, or created by players who like fantasy RPGs, just a huge stereotype?
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I was referring to Diablo, WoW, Guild Wars, etc, being founded in the same system and setting that D&D established. Though frankly, D&D is the origin point of modern RPGs as a whole, so every RPG is a "D&D Ripoff".
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Actually, that'd be a Chainmail ripoff, if we want to talk about origins.
I have the opposite issue, I can't do magic cuz I can't explain everything. I like explaning things :P Like E.M.O. armor on Villain. :P (it makes sense I swear!)
Hey! My favorite character and beloved Jack is a Magic Origin and damn proud of it! I take a fence to this thread!!!
*Steals everyone's fences*
What? It's offense? Well that doesn't make any sense...
As I was going up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I wish, I wish, he'd stay away.
-- Hughes Mearns (1875-1965) The Psychoed
Saint Fourth the Patron Saint of Dark Poetry
I like the anachronism of a high fantasy character in a city setting. It makes my character feel out of place and distinct, like a superhero would in reality.
The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue
My thoughts, not sure if others have already said it and in the event they did well I didn't read the whole thread, is that magic relates to the paranormal. Hellsing is sort of a paranormal dealing with vampires and such and it has seals featured. There's no doubt there's lots of WoD fans out there and magic probably suits them best. I myself made Seraph the first time as magic because I thought through that Circle of Thorns would be the most common encounter next to The Banished Pantheon. And since he himself is of demon-origin, Magic suited him. Of course I've gone to use natural on the BS/WP that will probably replace my BS/Regen.
Maybe they're all magic so they can find their SOs easier at the elite quarter masters.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
I have the opposite issue, I can't do magic cuz I can't explain everything. I like explaning things :P Like E.M.O. armor on Villain. :P (it makes sense I swear!)
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In terms of paranormal and fantasy, I'd say magic is among the most flexible. As games like Final Fantasy proved, you can have sub machine guns and floating fortresses and what not regardless of the time line while still choppy-choppy and wooshi-wooshi.
Maybe they're all magic so they can find their SOs easier at the elite quarter masters.
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That's just silly, no one would ever be that lazy -whistles to no tune in particular-
Although round 2, "what are SOs again?"
My thoughts, not sure if others have already said it and in the event they did well I didn't read the whole thread, is that magic relates to the paranormal. Hellsing is sort of a paranormal dealing with vampires and such and it has seals featured. There's no doubt there's lots of WoD fans out there and magic probably suits them best. I myself made Seraph the first time as magic because I thought through that Circle of Thorns would be the most common encounter next to The Banished Pantheon. And since he himself is of demon-origin, Magic suited him. Of course I've gone to use natural on the BS/WP that will probably replace my BS/Regen.
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Good point. Magic origin is probably the most open-ended.
Time-traveling confused fantasy characters?
The possessed?
Those using magical artifacts?
All these, just to name a few, would suit the magic origin, and many would not fit properly under the other categories.
Almost any origin can explain almost any powerset combo. The fact that people choose magic alot is exactly why you think, because they lack the ability to explain "Why", they'd rather the reason be "Just Because".
Also, to whoever said mutant origin cant descriibe dark melee etc, The Skuls are considered mutants.
@Mazzo Grave

Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
I thought Skulls were more magic since they seem more interested in the "occult" based where as Outcasts just don't give a crap.
But yes, it's a stereotype. However I don't think it's because "they can't explain why", that's stretching it. It's an interesting concept for many different sources you base your character criteria on.
For me more and more of my characters are magic oriented for several reasons..
1) as stated it gives a very reasonable explanations for their powers. A mage can heal, cast spells (including ones that allow flight since all my charcaters use that as a travel power) so have super powers based on magic makes sense
2) Concept I have a BS/SD Scrapper that is a Valkyre.. She has been given her powers by the God Thor so being magic oriented just makes sense. I have a DM/SD Scrapper that is the same way No not a Valkyre but a fighting mage of sorts that casts spells allowing her to drain end, life, etc from an opponent and use that to enhance her ability to continue to fight.
3) My vet bouses. After some careful testing, okay not so careful, I discovered that in the hands of a magic oriented character a black wand temp power is much more accurate than a nemesis staff in the hands of a tech or science based one. So now a lot more of my newer characters are magic based where before they were Naturals, Techs or Science. Hey I even base my selection of Non combat pets on origin.. Magic oriented get Red Caps or Demons and I lean more toward Red Caps, while Tech and Science get Mech men or Clockwork, Mutants lean toward Rikti Monkeys and Naturals just take whatever they dang well think is cute. LOL
DO I think COH is over run with them? No and while I have seen posts here in the past saying groups like the COT or BP should be removed cause this isn't WOW or D and D I don't agreee. Magic based heroes were around in comics long before either of those games ever existed and not having them and villain groups that use magic as well is cutting off an aspect of the game that should exist simply because the game is based on comic books and there are heroes in comics that get their powers from magc and face enemies that use it as well.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
I just took a quick check of my characters and out of 14 total characters I have:
3 magic characters; a level 48 BS/regen scrapper, level a 12 ice/kinetic controller, a level 2 earth/thermal controller...
and 1 magic character who should actually be natural but was created as magical for some unknown reason: Level 5 energy/kinetic corrupter WHO JUST WON'T STAY DELETED!!!
So a slim majority of my characters are magical. I therefore accept a small portion of blame.
But yeah, magic is so much more flexible in origin story imo.
Edit: Sorry, I wrote that last sentence without putting too much thought into it. I'm not really sure why the magic origin is so popular.
Eastern Standard Time (Australia)
is 15 hours ahead of
Eastern Standard Time (North America)
which is 5 hours behind
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
For a non RP based explanation you might consider the fact that hero side, magic gets lvl 13 acuracy SO's which is always a bonus, and then later in the game the multi origin SO vendors list Magic first. Back when SO's where the best you could get untill hami's this saved a lot of scrolling on the vendor's as they would "forget" where you had scrolled to when you slotted the enhancements you had just bought.
I know that a lot of my SG still default to magic out of habit from the days of SO's.
Plus never forget the wise words of lucy lawless "A Wizard did it"
I know I choose my origin based on how the origin power fits with my character and sometimes it makes easy sense and sometimes it makes a better character. for example
PAX Lawbringer is a post human cop from the far future, and it makes sense he would have a sleep dart to help capture criminals, although his powers come from nano-devices grafted into his body science still fits as an origin.
Scarlet Toxin however is a Poison/Merc MM whos "powers" come from her knowlege of chemitsry and biology. Sounds like a natural right? But I couldn't pass up an origin power that makes its victims stop and grab their throats and choke for a character who powers come from "tossed vials of toxic chemicals". So Scarlet has a mutant origin. So I built that into her character. Sure she's a mutant but her mutantcy is a form of severe total allergy syndrome. Forced to live in a biohazrd suit cut off from the rest of the world. No wonder she became a villian who really really hates those snazzy mutants with thier flashy powers!
As for the magic origin I use it where appropriate but I though people picked it becuase of all the origin powers its secondary effect of -def was more usefull longer in the game.
Join the ranks of The Dawn Patrol!

This isn't really a rant or anything, more so just confused rambling.
On an average day around the Rogue Isles, I run into a few Techs, several Naturals, a few Sciences, a once-in-a-blue-moon Mutant...
And a metric ton of Magic origin characters. Even long before the Magic booster, which has only amplified the matter further.
So what's the big deal about Magic? Personally, I've gotten so sick and tired of D&D-ripoff MMO's that I was thrilled when I first saw CoX. Most of my characters are Science or Tech, no Naturals and one Magic (Though he, as a Djinn, could also be Natural. But Djinn are magical beings, etc, etc...). This game is modern, with superscience and aliens, so why does it seem everyone is caught up on the D&D mentality?
To be fair, I do realize most good RPers cut their teeth in medieval themed environments, like the aforementioned D&D, MUDs, or in my case Tavern chatrooms.
Anyways, not trying to insult anyone's choice of Origin. Just trying to figure out why Magic seems to be most popular.
The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)
Virtue Forever.