Deadliest Warrior COH Style
Snakes rule the day? huh. Right on.
Be well, people of CoH.

What, no Tank Smashers or PP? :P
Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!
Two reasons for doing this. The first is because its fun. The second is knowing which groups are the hardest and easiest. If the PUG I am leading doesn't have a good balance I can switch to the easier groups. If people complain and say the missions are too easy then I can pick a harder group.
When I finish I will have a road map from level 1 to 50 for running PUGs using the basic NPC groups.
Two reasons for doing this. The first is because its fun. The second is knowing which groups are the hardest and easiest. If the PUG I am leading doesn't have a good balance I can switch to the easier groups. If people complain and say the missions are too easy then I can pick a harder group.
When I finish I will have a road map from level 1 to 50 for running PUGs using the basic NPC groups.
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Careful, though. Many villain groups have enemies, with some hardcore debilitating effects, that aren't bosses. Furthermore, some status effects are quite nasty to PCs, but have little effect on NPCs- end drain, for example.
I've noticed that in battle spawns, one side has more enemies and higher ranks in it's spawn than the other. Unfortunately, your battles were skewed towards whoever was in the slot that spawns the most.
Don't know if they ever fixed it but boss Night Widows used to be almost unkillable in gladiator matches. Were there any fights involving them?
Not to mention, certain bosses may well do better against certain other bosses, much like players with different powersets, damage types and effects.
Wouldn't Freakshow Tank Smashers have an unfair advantage because they can play dead? (ressurrect)
Afterall... If you are going Deadliest Warrior, then the fight between two vicious groups, freakshow would have to take a flat out leathal hit to be put down otherwise that could jolt theirselves back into motion before the final blow could be delt.
I think this would work better if we actualy compared what they could do... >_>
And the computer cheats... even against itself.
I like this. The controversy to the methods of the original post are the same kind of controversy with the show itself. (How their primary method of determining who's the deadliest warrior is by rating weapon's ability to one hit kill over all other factors.)
Fun concept.
Seriously though, where were the Freaks? One Tank Smasher or Swiper should be able to outlast all of those.
And I'd agree that this isn't necessarily going to give you any kind of "roadmap" for anything in game. You're never just fighting bosses. You fight whole factions. Bosses from different factions may win against each other just because they have something the other doesn't. I'd imagine Snakes slaughtered everyone because they have fast lethal and lots of toxic. Not much toxic resist amongst the NPC factions.
If you were doing this for real to see who was king amongst the NPC factions, you'd have to pit whole spawns of roughly matched groups against each other, and have some sort of "weight class" based on level.
Longbow v Arachnos
RIP v PPD (but this is limited to low levels)
Outcasts v Hellions
Trolls v Igneous
CoT v Carnies
Rikti v Malta
Freaks v Council
Who are the Deadliest Warriors?
The old yet powerful Circle of Thorns
The corrupted nature of the Devouring Earth
Is it the controllers of ancient magic or the self sustataining mistakes of science?
Find out on the next, City of Deadly Warriors
I've noticed that in battle spawns, one side has more enemies and higher ranks in it's spawn than the other. Unfortunately, your battles were skewed towards whoever was in the slot that spawns the most.
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That can be fixed. If you change your difficulty setting to the lowest level, pick the right map, and then create custom factions using the random boss spawn then its always 3 on 3. I have a special saved MA mission just for this. I also use a third group to lock in the level I want for the fight.
Freakshow tanks reply - The Council and the 5th Column both have Warwolf transformation similar to Freakshow Tank Rez. Rez is not a factor against a competent opponent the same way the Rez is not a factor against a competent team or soloist. Rez almost always happens after the battle has been decided. 5th Column got a few extra kills with War Wolves against Arachnos Boss NPCs. The Council War Wolves got the stuffing beat out of them by the Hydra Tentacle Bosses when they spawned.
Second Round
Snakes get a pass for best round 1
Arachnos 9 Tuatha 0
Hydra 5 Longbow 2
RIP 6 Family 5
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Dere iz a Jebus!
Glorrrrble vs. Stop in the name of my red underwear!
Yay for Hydra
Oh, and if I may submit my favorite (unfavorite) boss for a future bout, may I suggest Vanguard Wizards!
Global: @FuzzyOne
Find me playing these servers: Champion, Justice, Freedom, Virtue and Pinnacle
When a friend and I played Gladiator matches, we also found that the Snake Cobras were unusually tough. Not only do they have a Dull Pain clone and a toxic damage cone attack, I believe one of their melee attacks is also an AoE. In our matches the Snakes beat even Freakshow Tanks in even numbers. Only a few things could take them out - Tsoo bosses being one of them (Critical strike, kin powers), Archmages of Agony and Nemesis Warhulks.
I'm just curious but what level were the Snakes at. Cause the 40+ Snakes are pretty brutal
So enemies I'd like to see enter the ring
Civic Squad vs Rogue Isle Villains
Another good Test would be to find out which of the Tsoo Bosses is the best!
Always remember, we were Heroes.
my vote goes to the Rularuu giant eye balls that summon allies. or tank smasher that everyone else is saying. or the Succubus from CoT..
i hate them all
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
Second Set of Matches was NPC groups who have level 15 Bosses but do not have level 30 Bosses. This was a battle of the beginner groups.
Round 1
Vahilzok 9 Warriors 2
Trolls 10 Spetznatz 0, Trolls get a pass for best score
Shivans 4 Spectral Pirates 3
Outcasts 9 Mooks 3
Luddites 8 Minions of Igneous 3
Gold Brickers 8 Clocks 2
Banished Pantheon 6 Minions of Batzuul 3
Round 2
Shivans 6 Vahilzok 5
Luddites defeated Outcasts in a Tie Breaker
Banished Pantheon 6 Gold Brickers 1
Trolls get a free Pass
Round 3
Banished Pantheon 6 Luddite 4
Shivans 5 Trolls 2
Round 4
Shivans 9 Banished Pantheon 3
The Goldbricker Bosses were the only NPCS I have seen so far that can actually escape fights. For every other Boss so far fleeing is futile.
The matchup of the century that I'd love to watch: Rularuu Vs Vanguard.
IMO, the two most powerful groups in the game. (Malta are obnoxious, but those two take the cake)
My money would be on...
[censored], I don't even know. I guess I'd vote for Rularuu.
Level 30 Groups (no level 45 Bosses) Bracket Round Robin Style
Group A
Fir Bolg
Legacy Chain
Group B
Midnight Squad
Rogue Robot
Group C
Sky Raider
Slag Golem
Group D
Round 1
Legacy Chain(Tellus of Earth) won Group A
Midnight Squad won Group B 24-0
Scrapyarder (Foreman) won Group C 24-0
Lost won Group D by 1 over Tsoo
Second Round - Round Robin Style
Legacy Chain (Tellus of Earth)
Scrapyarder (Foreman)
Midnight Squad
The Legacy Chain squashed everyone else winning 3 matches by 31-3. The Earth Tellus Boss has holds, pets, knockback attacks and armor. Just for fun I ran the Legacy Chain against the Cobras and Shivans. The Shivans were also squashed 12-0 while the Cobras lost 7-3.
The Prisoners were clearly the weakest bosses in this bracket. Their bosses are built very similar to the Spetznatz who did very poorly in earlier test fights.
Get some Kronos Titans in there and watch the carnage they can unleash.
The 45 bracket is giant because I bought all the optional enemies with my tickets. I did get a chance tonight to use my roadmap and it worked very well.
Which Bosses are the roughest to fight? I created a MA mission with a large open area. In this mission there were 5 fights between two groups of bosses. The two sides were the random boss spawn for the group (no minions or lts). Then I counted the survivors. The most survivors won the fight.
For the first fights I used groups which list over a wide range of levels like Arachnos or Longbow
First Round
Arachnos 6 5th Column 5
Tuatha 10 Winter Horde 0
Snakes 11 Paragon Police 0
Longbow 7 Nictus 3
Hydra 7 Council 3
Rogue Island Police 8 Cage Consortium 1
Family 7 Security Guards 2
Second Round
Snakes get a pass for best round 1
Arachnos 9 Tuatha 0
Hydra 5 Longbow 2
RIP 6 Family 5
Third Round
Snakes 11 Arachnos 0
Hydra 6 RIP 5
Final Round
Snakes 6 Hydra 2
Most Dangerous Bosses
Cobra (Snakes)
Giant Tentacle (Hydra)
Deadly Ripper (RIP)
Least Effective were the Paragon PD and the Winter Horde who got slaughtered.