How not to get into a group.
While my group and I are hunting bosses on the zone map, coming out of no where and assassin striking the boss before saying "I'm a lvl 22 energy assassin can I get on the team?" Then doing it again while I'm talking to you and my team starts on another one, followed by saying "Well I wouldnt be leeching xp if I were in the group..." you arent going to bully an invite out of me, sorry.
Naming your character "StankSkank" and psting me "If you let me in I'll let you in." That's ****ing disgusting, plus all girls on the internet are little boys, 1/3rd of which are annoying, another 3rd of which are old men looking for little boys, and the final 3rd of which are cops looking for old men.
Making your character look like link and naming yourself "The Triforian" I will rofl and never take you seriously, seriously.
Talking to be about:
How drunk you were last night.
The dump you just took.
How you were with some girl and are thinking of seeing the doctor because you think you might have the drips.
How much chicken you just ate.
Anything related to your [censored] what so ever, before asking for your invite. Also, while just casually talking about your boobs makes you slightly more tactful than "StankSkank" it's not going to help you with me.
With Regards
[/ QUOTE ]
1. I concur
2. Really, so those of us in this game who are actual women are just little boys, see it's that kind of thinking that set back women gamers so far.
It's easy to tell who's not a real woman behind that keyboard, don't lump us in with the pathetic people, (some are actual girls who do this too), that act that way.
3. Yeah so many people copy without reading the rules, I report and move on.
4. Er..., I've been on some teams and seen chat scroll by that makes me stop and go "Wait, WTF?!", I either express my displeasure or ignore them and go on.
How to not get on a team with me:
1. Act like an elitist male body part *nod*
2. Beg constantly through tells even after I've told you no.
3. Tell me you know someone who could team you when I don't, (go ask them, IF they exist!).
4. Invite me to a team of lvl 54 bosses, and then end up being level one, subterfuge isn't looked kindly upon.
5. Get invited by me and spend 30 minutes RPing out of nowhere with someone while we're wondering what the hell you're doing.
6. Be under level and complain about xp gain or inf gain, there is a limit to how much xp a level can gain, your lazy [censored] will get kicked and blacklisted.
2. Really, so those of us in this game who are actual women are just little boys, see it's that kind of thinking that set back women gamers so far.
It's easy to tell who's not a real woman behind that keyboard, don't lump us in with the pathetic people, (some are actual girls who do this too), that act that way.
[/ QUOTE ]
I get this [censored] alot. [censored] or gtfo.
Wow,what server do you play on?I don't have any of this fun stuff happen to me
Wait wait wait! I'm a little boy? But but but... I have no.... Um, my parts aren't like boys I've seen so where did my....
I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.
See [URL=""]Useful Tagging for the good of the Forum[/URL], my guide to tags.
Ladies (if you are, indeed, ladies):
People who assume that there are no girls on the internet (hyperbole) do so out of practical experience. We aren't making a judgment about you by doing so, we're just trying to protect ourselves from having sweet, sweet cyber with a 12 year old boy or male 37 year old Best Buy Geek Squad worker.
I assume that everyone I play with is male until I hear them on Ventrilo. I don't *want* you to come on my vent, I'm fine with assuming you're a dude, I just take everything you say with a grain of salt. If you are a chick after all, good for you. If you are a dude pretending to be a chick...I'm sorry.
It's not anything the ladies of the internet have done to shake our trust in them, it's the faux-ladies of the internet.
We aren't making a judgment about you by doing so, we're just trying to protect ourselves from having sweet, sweet cyber with a 12 year old boy or male 37 year old Best Buy Geek Squad worker.
[/ QUOTE ]
Fail, EPIC mind you...
People who assume that there are no girls on the internet (hyperbole) do so out of practical experience.
[/ QUOTE ]
Fail. Just read the quote above this to see why.
Ladies (if you are, indeed, ladies):
People who assume that there are no girls on the internet (hyperbole) do so out of practical experience. We aren't making a judgment about you by doing so, we're just trying to protect ourselves from having sweet, sweet cyber with a 12 year old boy or male 37 year old Best Buy Geek Squad worker.
I assume that everyone I play with is male until I hear them on Ventrilo. I don't *want* you to come on my vent, I'm fine with assuming you're a dude, I just take everything you say with a grain of salt. If you are a chick after all, good for you. If you are a dude pretending to be a chick...I'm sorry.
It's not anything the ladies of the internet have done to shake our trust in them, it's the faux-ladies of the internet.
[/ QUOTE ]
i hide in the shadow of anonymity most of the time, my personal life isnt brought up much because i dont play video games to remember work or that guy at the bus stop who took his shoulder out of the socket so he could make out with his elbow.
any woman who thinks they are proving women have what it takes to be a success in the video game (or any) industry by taking advantage of their womanhood are not only degrading themselves to a point where even if they were a confirmed female I wouldnt want anything to do with them, but are also only proving that they dont need to meet the standard because some guy with a hard on will carry them (duh).
there are exceptions to the rule that all women on the internet are little boys, but that dosent mean men should open up and end up getting arrested or hitting on something they dont want.
Just for the record, I totally agree with what you said in your original post.
there are exceptions to the rule that all women on the internet are little boys, but that dosent mean men should open up and end up getting arrested or hitting on something they dont want.
[/ QUOTE ] however, got me going WTF?!
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
I'm not really interested in teams. Unless of course I can watch them try to escape the Burrow.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
I don't understand how you people can not understand a simple joke.
*shakes head*
< QR >
And this is why I sometimes hate being a female gamer. *facepalm*
And a related note, this thread would've actually been nice and mildly amusing if you didn't so bluntly generalize the growing female gamers population. Yes, we're rare. But we do exist. And I, and many of my other female friends who play this game, hate the fact that most people actually want PROOF that we're girls. What a shame.

MC Lars lyric:
"I wrote a song about girls and the drama they bring."
Seriously, people. I'm pretty sure the OP wasn't talking about girl gamers. Do you girls name yourselves things like "Stank Skank" and talk about your boobs to your group? Get right over yourselves.
MC Lars lyric:
"I wrote a song about girls and the drama they bring."
Seriously, people. I'm pretty sure the OP wasn't talking about girl gamers. Do you girls name yourselves things like "Stank Skank" and talk about your boobs to your group? Get right over yourselves.
[/ QUOTE ]
No, but as I said, the OP was very very blunt.

Here I was thinking this was going to be another one of those threads where ppl continue listing what they don't like out of parody and it turns into an OP bashing.
How is it that one thread of this type carries on the tradition while this one gets bashed?
Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile
The main reason why I solo is evidenced by some posts in this thread.
And if you can't figure out which ones...

| Issue 9 Fly poses | IO's and ED
| Cycling the Combat Monitor | Load Macros from a Text File |
The main reason why I solo is evidenced by some posts in this thread.
And if you can't figure out which ones...
[/ QUOTE ]
All of them?
any woman who thinks they are proving women have what it takes to be a success in the video game (or any) industry by taking advantage of their womanhood are not only degrading themselves to a point where even if they were a confirmed female I wouldnt want anything to do with them, but are also only proving that they dont need to meet the standard because some guy with a hard on will carry them (duh).
[/ QUOTE ]
What a fascinating treatise. When you get around to your point, and if it doesn't boil down to "GIRLZ HAVE TEH COOTIEZ," do let me know, won't you?
Girls do have teh cooties. I read it on the interweb.
Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u][u]

Girls do have teh cooties. I read it on the interweb.
[/ QUOTE ]
Only some.
Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile
< QR >
I, and many of my other female friends who play this game, hate the fact that most people actually want PROOF that we're girls. What a shame.
[/ QUOTE ]
double standards suck, dont they?
but, they exist, get over them.
i want no proof that you are female, but i do not want an unproven female hitting on me either.
any woman who thinks they are proving women have what it takes to be a success in the video game (or any) industry by taking advantage of their womanhood are not only degrading themselves to a point where even if they were a confirmed female I wouldnt want anything to do with them, but are also only proving that they dont need to meet the standard because some guy with a hard on will carry them (duh).
[/ QUOTE ]
What a fascinating treatise. When you get around to your point, and if it doesn't boil down to "GIRLZ HAVE TEH COOTIEZ," do let me know, won't you?
[/ QUOTE ]
my point is this:
i dont think girlz have teh cootiez, just you.
but i do not want an unproven female hitting on me either.
[/ QUOTE ]
u tez.

While my group and I are hunting bosses on the zone map, coming out of no where and assassin striking the boss before saying "I'm a lvl 22 energy assassin can I get on the team?" Then doing it again while I'm talking to you and my team starts on another one, followed by saying "Well I wouldnt be leeching xp if I were in the group..." you arent going to bully an invite out of me, sorry.
Naming your character "StankSkank" and psting me "If you let me in I'll let you in." That's ****ing disgusting, plus all girls on the internet are little boys, 1/3rd of which are annoying, another 3rd of which are old men looking for little boys, and the final 3rd of which are cops looking for old men.
Making your character look like link and naming yourself "The Triforian" I will rofl and never take you seriously, seriously.
Talking to be about:
How drunk you were last night.
The dump you just took.
How you were with some girl and are thinking of seeing the doctor because you think you might have the drips.
How much chicken you just ate.
Anything related to your [censored] what so ever, before asking for your invite. Also, while just casually talking about your boobs makes you slightly more tactful than "StankSkank" it's not going to help you with me.
With Regards