26 -
I remember a lot of people being pissed about the way it happened. Statesman posted some long justification about this epiphany he had when playing his PSP or something (can't remember but it wasn't an MMO) and players got annoyed that the game was changing apparently based on his whim.
I still think it was handled badly, personally. But I was getting my MA/regen scrapper to 50 at the time -- /regen being one of the groups who were screaming their heads off about ED -- and remember reslotting and not noticing too much of a difference. I stopped playing for a while after that (not related) and now that I'm back I can't say I care one way or the other. -
In no order,
Travel power at 6 (except for all the respecs I'm going to have to do)
Oh, and speaking of which: respecs.
Sands of Mu
Base Transporter
Oh, and it's a small thing, but free costume changes for my broke and ugly toons. -
I went with Earth/Ice in the end because I had a concept that I liked, as well as the novelty of something I haven't played much. But I'm definitely going to roll a Mind/something since I know how good Mind is and Confuse (of any kind) is about my favorite power in the game, both for utility and for laughs. Might do something weird like Mind/Thorns.
So now that those problems have almost brought down the system
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What does that even mean?
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What it means is I was thinking entirely of the social system -- the badges, the Dev Choice player recommendations, all the stuff that's crashed because of the farming. I wasn't remarking on the technical system since, as you say, I don't have the information on that other than hearing some people had some problems since the patch, which doesn't seem game-breaking.
Sorry for the confusion; I should have been more specific about what I meant by "system."
I've been playing CoH since beta and I don't think I've seen anything divide and piss off the community (in-game, on this forum, on other forums, etc.) this badly since ED. And this seems worse to me because it was largely due to problems that were known about before the issue went live, as opposed to the vision of a designer that some players didn't agree with. -
I haven't played in MA since it went live. But in closed beta I remember a lot of proud dev pronouncements about how there would be no problems with farming and exploits. This continued through closed and open beta when the obvious problems (mentioned by many players on the forums) weren't addressed.
So now that those problems have almost brought down the system, the devs are in the position of cleaning up a gigantic mess and alienating people who came by their badges honestly.
I have no sour grapes since I'm not affected personally, but I think this whole process of closing the barn door and cleaning up all the giant piles of horse doo-doo once the animal was long, long gone is extremely unfortunate.
It doesn't entice me to go back to AE at the moment. I probably will eventually. -
Heh, you two crack me up as I just got it narrowed down to mind/ice or earth/ice. Earth because I haven't played it much and would like to, or mind because I've played it a lot blueside and like it. Might play around with both and see which feels better.
Thanks for the responses! Very helpful (although I haven't decided yet).
I do like that confuse. Maybe mind/ice or ice/ice, although the latter I'm sure has been done to death. (Baby.)
...who was mostly going to solo, and could not have fire or electricity as a powerset, what would you roll?
Obviously I'd prefer good damage but I know I'm already gimped by eliminating fire, so I'll take fun instead. I haven't played a dominator since my plant/thorns in beta so I'm kind of starting from scratch, and as such have no problem considering /psi as I'm not worried about possible upcoming nerfs. (I played a /regen scrapper through several and she's still my favorite.)
I've been leaning towards ice/psi, but also thinking earth might be fun. I'd even reroll my plant/thorns if that isn't just a recipe for disaster.
Thanks for your opinions. -
any woman who thinks they are proving women have what it takes to be a success in the video game (or any) industry by taking advantage of their womanhood are not only degrading themselves to a point where even if they were a confirmed female I wouldnt want anything to do with them, but are also only proving that they dont need to meet the standard because some guy with a hard on will carry them (duh).
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What a fascinating treatise. When you get around to your point, and if it doesn't boil down to "GIRLZ HAVE TEH COOTIEZ," do let me know, won't you? -
Surprised you didn't go with the kangaroo-ish legs, but she's damned cute like this too!
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So glad everyone enjoyed, and that the artist got some new followers!
As to the legs, I always envisioned Roo as sort of an unassuming, cute, happy young woman you'd never know there was anything "different" about. Until you saw the tail. (Or watched her jump or fight.)
Glad you liked it! Yeah, the artist is the nicest guy, and that's entirely his interpretation. I gave him reference screenies and the rest is all him, except that I did ask for a more roo-like tail. He definitely captured what I think of as her "personality." And being an artist in this economy, he's having trouble finding work, so it was win all around for my husband to help him out and me to get this!
RooGirl is my first and so far only 50. Never found another character I loved playing like her, although my fire/WP is coming close. I don't RP her, but her backstory is that she's an Australian aborigine who was sideswiped by a spell meant for another, which merged her spirit with that of a kangaroo. So she's got the jumping and fighting abilities (MA/regen) and the only other physical manifestation is her tail (which you have to imagine is that of a kangaroo). In other words, she's not a furry, just a regular-looking young woman who kicks butt. This explains her relatively uninteresting outfit.
As a Valentine's Day present from my husband, who is a videogame developer, I got a commission by an artist who used to work at his company. He's done cards for the WoW TCG among other things. (Roo always wears that heart T-shirt, not just for Valentine's. We don't share a fashion sense.)
Here's a screenshot of RooGirl.
Here's the commission! You can see his deviantART page in the corner if you'd like to see a higher resolution version of the image or peruse his other work. -
I bet its because, they don't know how to use windows, cause, you know the parts inside the machine are the same.
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That makes perfect sense. I play City of Heroes (and WAR) on my XP partition on my iMac but I have no idea how to use Windows. *eyeroll* -
Line breaks throw errors. In this case the Return/Enter key is not your friend.
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Heh, I tried deleting all my line breaks immediately after posting just in case, and that did it. Wish they'd mention it on the form! Thank you for the help anyway! -
EDIT: Of course as soon as I post this it magically works. Never mind.
SO EXCITED! Jack Emmert said this would never ever happen and as a long-time Mac user who had to steal her husband's PC before getting an XP partition to play on, this is fantastic news for me. I don't even care about the perks, I just want to play Macside.
Thank you so so so much! -
And force them to read a comic, gamer grrls are like sponges just ready to absorb other nerdery.
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This is true. I didn't read a single comic before I met my boyfriend; now I have quite a few favorites, although I'm pretty picky (Vertigo FTW!). I even get to be the first one to read the new "Fables" each month.
Still can't take Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, or Star Wars though (aside from the original and Empire Strikes Back, of course). And I will watch any number of Warhammer/Warmachine games but will never get into those. I am only a certain amount of spongy. -
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em...and then outlevel 'em.
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...and then drag your mom in!
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Wow, great memory you have!That's exactly right.
Any female character I've ever gamed with has usually turned out to be a man or young female teen.
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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that statement is untrue, at least if by this you're including teaming in COH. Many, many female toons are neither men or jailbait and I'm sure you've teamed with some that you don't know of, unless you do "A/S/L" to every teammate you've had, and you don't seem the type.
I am sorry that the ones you end up learning more about have all turned out to be not what you're looking for. Maybe there's a call for a matchmaking SG where people's toons should represent themselves as closely as possible in terms of age, gender, clothes, etc. and they can have social events...like RP except you have to play yourself.
How in the world do you people get so luck as to meet someone nice in an online game such as this? Incredible odds...
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It's incredible odds to find anyone whom you love and who loves you, I'd say! But I should also say that I would never, ever have considered looking for a romantic partner within an online game. Not to say anything against the people who hooked up that way! More power to ya. I think I've just always found the EQ marriages and so forth to be very weird, so I developed a little prejudice that way. And I don't tend to reveal much about myself to even my online friends whom I trust the most, so I don't think I'd ever have been "on the market" in COH.
And for the record, my ex-boyfriend was a peaceful, quiet guy who liked to stay at home, but he was also a competitive fencer and that's how we met. Maybe there's a community game night thing in your area...? -
My boyfriend got me into COH. We used to play together a lot, then RooGirl kind of made her mad break for 50, and now we have a lowbie couple that we play when we get a chance (BarkBoy and PurrGirl in my sig). He's a videogame programmer so it would have been the height of futility for me to get worked up about the time he spends playing games.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em...and then outlevel 'em. -
This is just awesome sauce. Printing out and will spend my next hours in COV programming and testing. Thanks also VERY much to Knight Marshal for posting the targeting bind (so sick of clicking on my robot each time).
I wish I could do some of the fancier stuff but the PC I'm on really balks at that keybind file loading thing so I have to keep it simple, and really appreciate the two versions of this system presented here. I will use it and love it and call it George. -
Fire Cat, nice post! I have a baby emp def and while she exists mainly for playing with my mom (who will learn from the ground up how to work with one), I know Owlet will end up on PUGs from time to time. This information both complements my view on healing and supplements my knowledge, as do the helpful responses in this thread. Thanks all!
Not to be snippy or anything, but people who camp the Kraken for hours/days and then don't broadcast when it shows up so they and their friends can get the badge kinda knew this already.
And yeah, I think it's a stinky system. I think there should be a happy medium between the "any damage you do awards you the badge" thing that lets people get in a measly hit and then run to safety and wait until someone else takes down the monster, and the current system. I've been thinking something like, any hit you land qualifies you for the badge, but you must be within x number of feet of the monster for, I don't know, 85% of the fight.
On the other hand, I do have to agree with others that while I don't like the competitive nature of the current system, if you get invited to a team, definitely join it. Look at it this way: yes, it fosters competition among teams...but your participation is at least helping your teammates have a better chance at the badge, right? -
I just hope that someone actually follows this guide, just to be very evil.
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This actually explains quite a lot about a recent mission or two and the H34lar thereon.
He read your guide. -
Another request that TF badges be awarded retroactively.
Either through datamining or by /petition, I don't care, but I got stuck between souvenir and badge in the Moonfire TF and I'd like something for it.
Thank you.