What's pvp like in CoX?
PvP in this game leaves alot to be desired plus it seems to be heading toward extinction of late as the last 3 pvp zones I was in were empty.
I'm a new player so I know little about pvp. Is it balanced?
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PvP, like many other games, has its balance issues as well as more "pvp" centric builds/AT's, which you will have to build towards if you want to stand a real competitive chance. PvP in this game is also a little more fast paced than others due to travel powers of course.
Well, it's "balanced" in a way (meaning all ATs basically do the same thing which is "do damage"), but it's also exceedingly complicated. Everything works way different in PvP than it does in PvE, even the way powers work and the roles of ATs. It's like an entirely different game.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
Well, it's "balanced" in a way (meaning all ATs basically do the same thing which is "do damage"), but it's also exceedingly complicated. Everything works way different in PvP than it does in PvE, even the way powers work and the roles of ATs. It's like an entirely different game.
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This is what changed me from a casual PvPer into a non-PvPer.
Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)
PvP went from flawed-but-enjoyable to completely-unplayable in issue 13, don't even bother.
I'm a new player so I know little about pvp. Is it balanced?
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PVP is awesome dude. Most people that do not like it now do not like it because they were used to it being one way, the devs release an update "i13" and completely changed it so that basically any powerset could pvp. If you really want to PvP though, I suggest you move on over to Freedom. Don't have an SG yet? Join mine, i'm making it all PvP anyways.
It is fast paced, Sirens Call has an okay pop these days but not what it used to be. The highest pvp zone RV is generally full of vills and heroes. If you are looking for 1`v 1s you can usually find that in a zone but there are no rules so that is based on the honor system, trur 1 v1 is in the arena but..most ppl just duel in zones.
Send me a tell @AresOwnsYou
You said u are new so i dont know if u know how to so...
/t @AreOwnsYou, hey Ares
PvP went from flawed-but-enjoyable to completely-unplayable in issue 13, don't even bother.
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Trust me, pvp is great. You wont know anything about the old PvP so you won't be missing out on anything. I have loads of fun today just like i did a year ago. -->Dedicated PvPer<---
PvP went from flawed-but-enjoyable to completely-unplayable in issue 13, don't even bother.
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How good PvP is post-Issue 13 is debatable - you'll hear some people say it ruined PvP and others say that it's been a good change. Many of the old guard of PvPers left over the change or at least stopped PvPing as a result of it, since it fundamentally changed the way PvP worked and this meant many of the old tactics and 'power builds' were no longer applicable. Also, the Devs aren't done tweaking PvP and it will probably be a few more months before we arrive at the final version of "the new PvP". Some, like myself, are holding back trying out the new PvP in a big way until these changes are complete

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
It's balanced once you save up a billion inf to spend on your toon. Good luck going in with no sets.
It's balanced once you save up a billion inf to spend on your toon. Good luck going in with no sets.
[/ QUOTE ]Actually, I thought that's what upset some of the old time PVPers - that' the IOs they bought didn't do as much anymore do to DR.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Id suggest that you try PvP in game and decide for yourself. I will also suggest that you find a busy server to have the best oppertunity to really try PvP.
It's balanced once you save up a billion inf to spend on your toon. Good luck going in with no sets.
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He is completely wrong, set bonuses have been nerfed dramatically with diminishing returns and such.
It's balanced once you save up a billion inf to spend on your toon. Good luck going in with no sets.
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He is completely wrong, set bonuses have been nerfed dramatically with diminishing returns and such.
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Those angry over the I13 PvP changes make these two critiques:
1. If you're not maxed out on IO Set Bonuses, you can't survive PvP.
2. IO Set Bonuses have been so nerfed, my IO Set Bonuses are now useless in PvP.
So... just try it and see what you think.
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PvP is like a comic book fight.
Hands down...PvP is the [censored].
As the answers here indicate, the community is quite divided about the new PvP changes.
You won't get a single coherent answer. Some people like it. Some people hate it.
But there are still people PvPing, even if the detractors insist it's dead.
Therefore: try it and see. Start with arena matches if you're not confident about heading to the zones.
Blue: Realpolitik, Leading Lady, Glass Lass, Superball, Alec Kazam
Red: Battery Acid, Obsolete, Bugfix
the devs release an update "i13" and completely changed it so that basically any powerset could pvp.
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First, this is incorrect. Now, more than ever (thanks to the changes that were supposed to stamp out this sort of thing), you'll have a hell of a time competing on anything but a FotM build, or slight variations thereof, unless you're really, really good. Thanks to the changes, if you want to survive for any length of time, you're almost required to take Phase or Hibernate.
It is fast paced
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Still probably a bit faster than most other MMOs out there, but compared to the old version, it's a snail's pace. Your movement is constantly suppressed whenever you attack or are attacked, your powers don't work the same way in PvP as they do in PvE (heals are less effective over time, holds last for only a few seconds, all your buffs and IO set bonuses are less effective thanks to diminishing returns, and so forth).
If you wanna try out PvP, you might have a good time because you didn't get to experience the old system, so you have nothing to compare it to except maybe PvP in other games you may have played.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
I'm a new player so I know little about pvp. Is it balanced?
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I hate to say it, because I enjoy casual PVP...
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson

Yeah right.... I have taken in 2 SO'd toons. A widow and a MM and lost terribly. Then took in a kat/regen io'd toon and a dm/sr io'd toon and won both times. I'd say SO's, and so did the toons in RV, don't stand a chance against an io'd toon. But how would you expect them too with all the regen bonuses and recov bonuses? O, and defense bonuses and so on... Must just be us though.
Is it balanced?
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Volt Sentinel Reference
Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.
It's balanced once you save up a billion inf to spend on your toon. Good luck going in with no sets.
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He is completely wrong, set bonuses have been nerfed dramatically with diminishing returns and such.
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It doesn't matter if the sets were nerfed. They are still providing a significantly higher bonus than the casual PVE builds that just want to do something different. I'm not about to go spend the time and effort necessary to get a build that MIGHT be competitive (if I even haz the right sets in the first place) while I L2P.
IMHO, get rid of enhancements altogether (for PVP). Just turn them off in the zone. Get rid of all the balance rules, and just play. Will some sets be better? Yes, that's the nature of the game. People who want to pvp hardcore will still get the FotM powersets. People who want to pvp casual will be able play their toon without having to learn a whole nuther game.
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson

...any powerset could pvp...
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Roll a non-FF Defender in PvP, then post what you learn here.
I'll cut to the chase for you: HAY TEH GANK BAIT IZ BAK GUYZ LULZ
Well, it's "balanced" in a way (meaning all ATs basically do the same thing which is "do damage"), but it's also exceedingly complicated. Everything works way different in PvP than it does in PvE, even the way powers work and the roles of ATs. It's like an entirely different game.
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This is what changed me from a casual PvPer into a non-PvPer.
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It's balanced once you save up a billion inf to spend on your toon. Good luck going in with no sets.
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And this is different than WHAT games? In any MMO game with pvp, if you want to "be" the best, you'll have to have the "best toys/gear" to get there with. Add in your own personal skills, and you have a top performer. Yes, even WoW requires the "best" gear and classes to actually put up a good fight in pvp.
CoX is no different in that sense.
I'm a new player so I know little about pvp. Is it balanced?