Am I the only one...?
I don't play villains, anyway, so... yeah unless it's got a whole slew of "in between-ness" (including zones, powersets and maybe unique AT's) I don't see this as anything I'm really flabbergasted about. I'll buy it, to be sure, but... not my thing, personally.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I will prefer Brutes to tankers and Defenders to Corrupters. Its a neat gimmick people have asked for for a long time. Im all giddy over it, Im actually looking forward to more powerset proliferation. I would love a SS Scrapper
I would never,ever pick a defender over a corruptors.That's crazy talk!
...That's *not* stoked about Going Rogue? For me, I see less pros and more cons. Like, if defenders make their way to villains, corruptors will most likely be ignored. People will prefer Tankers to Brutes. Am I just being overly-negative?
[/ QUOTE ]
It really is just you man...
More seriously, what I've heard other people complaining about is that *Tanks* will be ignored in favor of higher damage Brutes and *Defenders* will be forgotten in place of higher damage and nearly as buff-capable Corruptors.
...That's *not* stoked about Going Rogue? For me, I see less pros and more cons. Like, if defenders make their way to villains, corruptors will most likely be ignored. People will prefer Tankers to Brutes. Am I just being overly-negative?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not stoked until I know more. If side switching involves sacrificing badges/levels/whatever then I won't care for it. Also we have no idea what content beyond side switching this will hold. So waiting and seeing.
Also brutes are what scrappers should have been, not evil tanks.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Now you know how I felt about the Mission Architect. Only I was alone (Angry Citizen doesn't count). And you apparently aren't.
I don't see that particular problem, actually.
I vastly prefer playing a Corr to playing a Defender, though I have heaps of both. For one, Corrs don't have an Inherent that's useless past level 22 for most of them. Bringing them Blueside would actually be one thing to look forward to.
And incidentally, the best possible team makeup has just expanded from 8 Defenders/Controller to 8 Defenders/Controllers/Corruptors on either side.
As for Tanks replacing Brutes? Let them. Brutes were never meant to be Tanks. MMs were meant to be Tanks, but most MM players shiver at the prospect of losing one of their prized Henchmen. But then I try not to team with either Tanks or MMs.
As far as making teams goes? The numerical differences between the various incarnations of the Buff/DeBuff sets aren't that big. In some cases, sets behave exactly the same, numerically. Moreover, you can never have enough Buffers/DeBuffers until your team is full. Sure, the Corr has smaller numbers, but adds more Damage and is not a Blaster. That's two Pros to one Con.
What bothers ME personally is the supposed Alignment System. I portray my characters the way I want. Some are bad guys living in the Rogue Islands. Some are not so bad. Some are nice guys who just happen to live there. Same goes for Paragon. I definitely don't need a metric to tell me if I'm doing it right.
Winston Churchill
People will prefer Tankers to Brutes.
[/ QUOTE ]
...That's *not* stoked about Going Rogue? For me, I see less pros and more cons. Like, if defenders make their way to villains, corruptors will most likely be ignored. People will prefer Tankers to Brutes. Am I just being overly-negative?
[/ QUOTE ]
It really is just you man...
More seriously, what I've heard other people complaining about is that *Tanks* will be ignored in favor of higher damage Brutes and *Defenders* will be forgotten in place of higher damage and nearly as buff-capable Corruptors.
[/ QUOTE ]
...sooooo what will be the "PERFECT" makeup for team play:
any suggestions???
Prestige Award
My DA page
@Fire Chief
...sooooo what will be the "PERFECT" makeup for team play:
[/ QUOTE ]
*/* Controller
*/* Controller
*/* Corruptor
*/* Corruptor
*/* Corruptor
*/* Defender
*/* Defender
*/* Defender
There, even with Powersets added in.
Winston Churchill
Yeah,my */* is awesome...I should roll a */* defender tho.
I think it's far, far too early to get into overly excited or overly DOOM over this. It wasn't even supposed to be announced yet and it's obviously a long way from seeing even the test server. There's been a lot of concerns about the way mixing the ATs would affect balance on both sides, but it's not remotely clear how (if?) this system intends to address that.
Until that and many other things are known, it's far too early to be planning out one's blaster's career in the Rogue Isles or worrying that one's Scrapper won't be able to get teams because of the Brutes. For all we know you might have to go through some process that changes ATs in order to take the final step in sideswitching - assuming that switching sides means you get to inhabit the 'actual' other side that the other faction does and not an alternate other side in a separate world. There's a great deal we don't know yet.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
I'll play on that team.
Arc 55669 - Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal (video trailer)
Arc 64511 - The Wrecking Ball
Arc 1745 - The Trouble With Trimbles
Arc 302901 - HappyCorpse
Am I just being overly-negative?
[/ QUOTE ]
Honestly? Probably. The devs have a history of working towards balance in the game. I'm pretty sure they won't screw anything up very badly, and for 90% of the population the expansion will rock. (9.9% probably won't care one way or the other.)
Of course, I'll go on the record to say that there will be a contingent of people who will insist that this will destroy the game. They'll be very vocal about it, there will be a lot of bickering in threads about it, Mod 08 will have bloody fingers and chunks of skin on the mouse and keyboard the week it's released for locking threads.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
Am I just being overly-negative?
[/ QUOTE ]
Honestly? Probably. The devs have a history of working towards balance in the game. I'm pretty sure they won't screw anything up very badly, and for 90% of the population the expansion will rock. (9.9% probably won't care one way or the other.)
Of course, I'll go on the record to say that there will be a contingent of people who will insist that this will destroy the game. They'll be very vocal about it, there will be a lot of bickering in threads about it, Mod 08 will have bloody fingers and chunks of skin on the mouse and keyboard the week it's released for locking threads.
[/ QUOTE ]
he may need to deputize
...That's *not* stoked about Going Rogue? For me, I see less pros and more cons. Like, if defenders make their way to villains, corruptors will most likely be ignored. People will prefer Tankers to Brutes. Am I just being overly-negative?
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you are. The only thing I can possibly see is Brutes taking over the Tankers role even though Brutes aren't as durable except when buffed.
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE

Am I the only one...?
[/ QUOTE ]...who'll walk across a fire for me...?
-hee hee-
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
...That's *not* stoked about Going Rogue? For me, I see less pros and more cons. Like, if defenders make their way to villains, corruptors will most likely be ignored. People will prefer Tankers to Brutes. Am I just being overly-negative?
[/ QUOTE ]
People don't look for Brutes for tanking. Brutes are DPS. Corruptors are a good balance between DPS and buff/debuff/healer. Yes, you're being overly-negative. And wrongly pigeon-holing ATs into certain roles.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
...That's *not* stoked about Going Rogue? For me, I see less pros and more cons. Like, if defenders make their way to villains, corruptors will most likely be ignored. People will prefer Tankers to Brutes. Am I just being overly-negative?
[/ QUOTE ]
Your not alone, but my reasonings are different. Like many have
said the whole def/cor thing cor all the way
My issue is the what happens to those that dont chose to change
what is there "special" for staying one side. also badges if you do
switch what happens
Then there is the down right discust of the though of heroic MMs
or stalkers or VEATS or villainous scrappers or blasters or worse
Personly I hope they take there sweet time with it, I hope my current
pre paid time is over right around the time they release so I wont
have to see MM pets in atlas, or have to kick some scrapper off a
villain team thats not in a co-op zone.
...That's *not* stoked about Going Rogue? For me, I see less pros and more cons. Like, if defenders make their way to villains, corruptors will most likely be ignored. People will prefer Tankers to Brutes. Am I just being overly-negative?
[/ QUOTE ]
Not at all. I'm sure that when it comes out and we all get a look at it, many players will come to the forums to voice their outright RAGE at the devs for the way some things were handled and for not including free cookies/poisoned apples. There will always be someone out there who agrees and disagrees, this just happens to be your turn. Mine was introduction of the market and loot I adjusted and have made use of it, just as most of us will this change too.
...That's *not* stoked about Going Rogue? For me, I see less pros and more cons. Like, if defenders make their way to villains, corruptors will most likely be ignored. People will prefer Tankers to Brutes. Am I just being overly-negative?
[/ QUOTE ]
The game's going to be really hard to play when all Corruptors are replaced by Defenders, and all Defenders are replaced by Corruptors, to infinity until the game folds in upon itself.
Seriously, I see tons of complaints that all X will be replaced by Y. And just as many saying that all Y will be replaced by X. It works fine in co-op zones, doesn't it?
I saw a post just earlier today claiming that all Defenders will be replaced by Corruptors and all Tankers by Brutes. Now you're saying the opposite. I don't think either is true. I doubt any AT will be any less or more popular than it is now by any significant amount. People will still play the ATs they like, just on the other side. If people wanted to play Corruptors instead of Defenders, they'd already be playing Corruptors, for the most part.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
...That's *not* stoked about Going Rogue? For me, I see less pros and more cons. Like, if defenders make their way to villains, corruptors will most likely be ignored. People will prefer Tankers to Brutes. Am I just being overly-negative?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not stoked until I know more. If side switching involves sacrificing badges/levels/whatever then I won't care for it. Also we have no idea what content beyond side switching this will hold. So waiting and seeing.
Also brutes are what scrappers should have been, not evil tanks.
[/ QUOTE ]
Put me in this camp too.
Until there is actual information about it, it's on par with my gf telling me she went shopping
and got a new blouse.
My Response? "That's nice, dear" (as I turn my attention back to the Forum)
Same for Going Rogue. "That's nice, Devs" (call me when you're sharing actual information)
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
How is THAT reactionary? Sheesh, get with the program and do some doomsaying, at least.
Arc 55669 - Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal (video trailer)
Arc 64511 - The Wrecking Ball
Arc 1745 - The Trouble With Trimbles
Arc 302901 - HappyCorpse
...That's *not* stoked about Going Rogue? For me, I see less pros and more cons. Like, if defenders make their way to villains, corruptors will most likely be ignored. People will prefer Tankers to Brutes. Am I just being overly-negative?
[/ QUOTE ]
So long as they don't turn the regular game into City of MishMash and keep the mixed game in the Praetorian world then i'm not particularly worried about it.
That being said and even if its only in the Praetorian world, I hope they only allow 1 rogue character per account per server per direction and disallow them from epics/patron pools if they switch.
...That's *not* stoked about Going Rogue? For me, I see less pros and more cons. Like, if defenders make their way to villains, corruptors will most likely be ignored. People will prefer Tankers to Brutes. Am I just being overly-negative?