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  1. So I run with the powers numbers window open and my Damage Bonus goes up when I jump into a mob as it should when RttC is running. But then I noticed an odd behavior. My Damage Bonus jumped up like 40% and then jumped back down. It then jumped back and forth by 40% even though I was not moving and the mob was clustered around me.

    Is this a bug or how the power works or what?

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
    Were you just not paying attention or does it not overlap?
    It overlaps, I just wasnt paying close enough attention... too caught up in pummeling bad guys.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    Sure. But the cost of not having Hasten up at a key moment in combat is a few seconds difference in even long-recharge attack powers. The cost of not having Active Defense up at a key moment in combat is being held.
    I had Hasten on auto thinking I had time to click Active Defense due to it overlapping and ended up Stunned... changed my auto power
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    Based on a cursory glancing-over, Airhammer's build looks pretty good.

    High recharge will let you bring up Shield Charge and Footstomp and Knockout Blow more often -- these are all hard-hitters that include substantial mitigation. Note that Airhammer's point is you can still soft-cap and have good recharge.

    One thing about Perma-Hasten -- as a Shielder, you'll already have Active Defense, your status protection clicky, on auto. So you won't be able to put Hasten on auto anyway. So I wouldn't bust a gut trying to get it exactly perma, since you'll be clicking it manually anyway. But more recharge is still nice, of course.
    Yeah, I didnt sweat the last few seconds. Its plenty fast enough... unless I win an Inf Lottery, then I will make it perma with Purple sets galore!!!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    The only problem I can see with the +Rech route is going to be your endurance usage. Yeah, it may sound great on paper ... but having your end bar continually bouncing to zero makes for a lousy tanker.

    If you can't sustain your attacks with all that +Rech over a nigh indefinite period (think steamroller team or mothership raid) then you're a lot better off going with the soft capped DEF build.
    Yeah, my end bar drops if I hit Footstomp whenever it comes up. I tend to Shield Charge into the group, Footstomp, Fireball, then ST attack Lts and Bosses. If there are 4 or more baddies still standing when Footstomp is back up, I will use it and use a blue if needed.

    This is a really fun and active toon
  6. So through more research on these forums I found some great info. I am at 43% Pos Def and only 2 seconds off of Perma Hasten... YAY!

    Thanks to Minotaur from another thread

    "More than you wanted to know about how defense works: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=121258

    tl:dr version, you want 45% defence to all the positions (melee/ranged/AoE), any extra just helps with debuffs and foes with +to-hit most of the time.

    Fortunately this is very easily attainable with a shield tank with fairly minimal IOing.


    Deflection and battle agility give you a little under 23% def to all slotted.
    Phalanx fighting gives you 5% def all unenhanceable
    Weave gives you 8% def all slotted
    Combat jumping gives you 3% def all 1 slotted.

    So that's 39% def all with no IOs. Now throw in a steadfast protection res/def unique for 3% def all and you're nearly there. The last bit can be done pretty cheaply and in various ways.

    One set of touch of death, one set of mako's bite, and one set of 5 sciroccos dervish will softcap you, but there are cheaper alternatives using multistrike and red fortune for example that might be preferable. "

    So thanks for the info and to everyone who continues to answer questions
  7. So I am at lvl 47 on a SD/SS Tank and Im currently slotted up on generic IO's. I am playing around in Mids and two different builds occur to me. One is to soft cap Def and be highly survivable, the other is to max Recharge and use Footstomp and Shield Charge as often as possible.

    I am leaning towards the +Recharge build as it gets me perma Hasten and that gets me footstomp every 5.5 seconds or so and I really like and offensive toon. My question is this....

    Will Fottstomps KD mitigation and my AoE attacks being up so often offset my Def of only 27% vs 44% on the +Def build?

    Thanks for any input
  8. Thanks, happily it seems I will qualify for all three tiers
  9. Where can I find information on how to get in the Rogue Beta? I assumed you'd get in with a pre-order, and of course the people they choose nad random lucky people, but what other ways?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    I made a bind that creates a new target bind each time.

    /bind DIVIDE "beginchat /bind TILDE targetcustomnext "

    All I do is press "/" on the numpad, and most of the command is written for me in the chat, and then I type what I want to search for. Then all I have to do is keep pressing the "~`" key to find my target.

    This is one of my standard binds I have on ALL my characters. If I end up on a mission that requires a named boss/object/hostage, I can set up the bind quickly and find it easily.
    Does it find the target, be it a npc or bad guy, even if they are not in range?
  11. Thats much better. That Accolade was totally unfair to Def based toons.

    Thanks for the info
  12. Hello

    I need the 10,000,000 damage taken badge for an Accolade and the toon is a Def based Widow. She has taken a mighty 2,500,000 damage on her way to lvl 50. So I need another 7.5 million damage.

    I need a way to get that damage because theres no way Im getting that badge any time soon unless I turn off my defenses and die

    Any ideas? And Im up for whatever, even farming or leaving the toon in a mission all night for a week, whatever it takes.
  13. /bind h "targetcustomnext consigliere$$follow"

    This is what ended up working. it targets and follows the Consiglier. Thank you for the bind help
  14. Thank you, this will work perfectly
  15. Hello

    I am looking for a bind that will target a named mob. I want it to find Family Bosses for me in St Martial. Is this possible?

    Thank you
  16. Hello,

    Im working on badges and searched out some very nice Excel documents for marking off what badges I have. I cannot find one that is simply the Accolades with what badges are needed for each Accolade and how to get each sub-badge (like mission or number of damage taken requirements)

    Is there such a beast out there? Do you have a link to it?

    Thank you for any help
  17. no, the cheapest item in the group of items less then the bid is sold.
  18. DOH! More research before building FTW!!!!

    and thanks for that excedllant link.
  19. Thanks for reading

    I built the advanced database and placed it in my control room. I did not have enough power for it so I added more power, but the database is still not attached even though it has the needed power. I deleted my old Databases so I have 2 items (1 moniter bank and 1 holodisplay) attached to the mainframe. The Advanced Database sits in the room, unattached and I move it about with no results. Being a built item, i cant sell it and buy a new one without buying more salvage and so forth. Am I missing something?

    Any help is appreciated
  20. Howdy people

    I am looking for a base design for a fully functional base. I can build it but need some help with the design or I can invite you and give you edit permissions. Its a Base for my own toons, not a huge SG. I am going to populate it with me and my alts. I have around 1 million in Prestige as I play the market and converted Inf to Prestige (no pointing and laughing, I have more Inf then I need to continue playing the market)

    I want all the goodies in it, plenty of storage and Teleporters to most or all zones. This is on Guardian, and we can do blue side or red side. My toons blueside have the badges for all the zones, but i can get them redside soon enough.

    Thanks for any help, ideas, links to pics of personel bases, or whatever else you can help with.
  21. Sounds fantastic! I am in for both the teaming and the lvl Pacting. I have no MM experience as Im a Blaster or Brute player mainly but this sounds way fun. Let us know the play schedule and Ill hopefully be able to join in the fun.
  22. It is completely legit. I have a lvl 50 that I pacted to Murphy and he leveled the toon for me. I paid him in Inf. The lvl pact system is not an exploit. It is simply Smurphy giving me half the xp he gains. So he plays twice as long, no big deal.

    I have no idea what you are going on about. Are you thinking Smurphy is trying to trick ppl into lvl pacts and then they get their toon deleted? I still have mine. Are you thinking Smurphy is just talking about this because of the Devs recent backlash against PLing? He is not, I am a satisfied customer. I may even get in on it again. I have many 50s of my own and the content in game has been run by me several times over and is boring before lvl 40.

    Smurphy is for real as is his lvl pacting deals. He is honest and fair in his dealings. He even refunded ppl the Inf paid when he did not get the toons past lvl 22 (I think it was around lvl 20 anyways)
  23. I can see your point, but I actually enjoy the market and making Inf. The Inf just ends up being a way to tally the points up, just like getting a toon to 50. You enjoy playing the game, running missions, so forth and at times \, I really enjoy just plying my ebil trade in the market

    I am happy that there are multiple waysw to enjoy this game.
  24. I will prefer Brutes to tankers and Defenders to Corrupters. Its a neat gimmick people have asked for for a long time. Im all giddy over it, Im actually looking forward to more powerset proliferation. I would love a SS Scrapper
  25. I hear you on the skd toons not being as effective. But it sure makes it easy to form a team without counting how many sk's needed and all that. I play with ppl that have been around most of the 5 years and we all have very different levels of toons so....