How to get Damage Badges on Def toons





I need the 10,000,000 damage taken badge for an Accolade and the toon is a Def based Widow. She has taken a mighty 2,500,000 damage on her way to lvl 50. So I need another 7.5 million damage.

I need a way to get that damage because theres no way Im getting that badge any time soon unless I turn off my defenses and die

Any ideas? And Im up for whatever, even farming or leaving the toon in a mission all night for a week, whatever it takes.



Just wait for I16 to come out and you will have it


Born in Battle: This Villain Accolade now requires:
  • Earn the Iron Man badge (1,000,000 points of damage taken) instead of the Unbreakable badge (10,000,000 points of damage taken).
  • Earn the Hammer Down badge instead of the Raider badge.
  • No long requires the Lanista badge.
  • NOTE: Even though this badge’s requirements are changing, players who already have this Accolade should keep this Accolade even if they don’t have the Hammer Down badge.

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



Thats much better. That Accolade was totally unfair to Def based toons.

Thanks for the info



Sweet, I may actually get this accolade now



I am so glad they changed that accolade. Stupid PvP requirements...



Originally Posted by SlyGuyMcFly View Post
I am so glad they changed that accolade. Stupid PvP requirements...
1,000 times, THIS.



And if someone still needs an idea of how to get damage when defense based, just make a second build without defense.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
And if someone still needs an idea of how to get damage when defense based, just make a second build without defense. . .
and die a lot, as a bonus you get to work on the Debt badges at the same time!

I finished the sentence for you.

"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me

Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.



Rest in front of a orange/red CoT thorn and let him stab you all night. Thats how I have always done it for the 10 mil damage badge. Go to bed, and when you wake up the next morning, you have your shiny 10 mil damage badge.

Obsolete come i16, unless you really want the 10 mil badge, since it will only be 1 mil for the accolade requirement with the new issue. 1 mil shouldnt require any real tricks to get.



Originally Posted by Unitron View Post

I need the 10,000,000 damage taken badge for an Accolade and the toon is a Def based Widow. She has taken a mighty 2,500,000 damage on her way to lvl 50. So I need another 7.5 million damage.

I need a way to get that damage because theres no way Im getting that badge any time soon unless I turn off my defenses and die

Any ideas? And Im up for whatever, even farming or leaving the toon in a mission all night for a week, whatever it takes.
As a comment aside, I've always wondered about those debt and damage badges, and whether they're really badges of honor! Seriously, I'd rather *not* accrue debt or get whacked any more times than I possibly can. Now, I understand the desire to acquire badges (it's a fun side game for a lot of folks here), but these are badges I that I will probably never acquire as hard as I try to avoid (and have my teammates avoid) damage and debt.



Originally Posted by Unitron View Post
Thats much better. That Accolade was totally unfair to Def based toons.
Why is it especially unfair to Def-based characters? I can understand how Regen- or Heal-based protection has it easier because they take full damage from all attacks (well, 50% of them). But a Resist-based character has the same issue as a Defense-based: they take less damage during a fight.

Defense-based, softcapped = 5% hit, full damage = 5% total
Resistance-based, 90% capped = 50% hit, 10% damage = 5% total
Resistance-based, 85% capped = 50% hit, 15% damage = 7.5% total
Resistance-based, 75% capped = 50% hit, 25% damage = 12.5% total
Squishy, Regen, or Heal-based = 50% hit, full damage = 50% total

Edit: I just realized that the damage taken badge might count pre-resist damage. if that's the case then I totally agree and withdraw my question.

[SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow][U]Virtue Heroes (Serenity's Children):[/U] [B]@Eek a Mouse, The Devil's Mark, Outlaw Sniper, Gas-Soaked Rag Man, Amazon Prime, Friday's Child, Hot Blooded,[/B][B]Flower of the Moon[/B], [B]Rouge Demon Hunter[/B], Stimulated Emission, Animatronic Wench, [B]Lennie Small[/B]
[U]Virtue Villains (Serenity's Orphans):[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [B]Eek a Rat[/B], [B]Bomb Blondeshell[/B], Babe Brute, Jeanne Dark, Fallen Angle[/COLOR][/SIZE]



Originally Posted by perwira View Post
As a comment aside, I've always wondered about those debt and damage badges, and whether they're really badges of honor! Seriously, I'd rather *not* accrue debt or get whacked any more times than I possibly can. Now, I understand the desire to acquire badges (it's a fun side game for a lot of folks here), but these are badges I that I will probably never acquire as hard as I try to avoid (and have my teammates avoid) damage and debt.
Yeah, I also fail to see why you should have to be defeated often to get an accolade, especially the debt badge for the +HP accolade on villain side. It may make sense the way the imagine High Pain Threshold to work, but it doesnt make sense that you have to play bad to get a bonus, especially since on hero side you can get it by... I forgot, 100 Fake Nemeses? By winning in any case, instead of losing.



Originally Posted by perwira View Post
As a comment aside, I've always wondered about those debt and damage badges, and whether they're really badges of honor!
Historically, scars were considered a badge of honor. And when I say "historically", I mean right up to the 20th century in some sub-cultures.

In CoH, if you're never defeated, you're not facing tough enough challenges.

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Originally Posted by Eek a Mouse View Post
Why is it especially unfair to Def-based characters? I can understand how Regen- or Heal-based protection has it easier because they take full damage from all attacks (well, 50% of them). But a Resist-based character has the same issue as a Defense-based: they take less damage during a fight.
Better to ask why it's more unfair to someone with Def than it is to any non squishy. The protective set you have is completely irrelevant if you are working on a damage badge via the accepted method of getting hit while Resting, since Rest negates them. Since that's the case, it's the ATs with fewest hit points that lose out, since they have a much lower threshold for damage throughput.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill