MA Map Request Thread

Aliana Blue



I'd like to request all of the Sharkhead maps. The arc I'm currently working on would greatly benefit from the "Hell Forge" map, for example.

1.) Hell Forge -- This has been used for several missions, including (off the top of my head) Captain Petrovich's "Destroy the Ring" mission, and the "Sneaky Freaks" mission

2.) Shantytown -- Someone brought this up earlier. It's the tiny map where you "Kidnap Iron Billy" for Petrovich.

3.) The Ship -- Can't remember the exact name, but it was the sunken ship being raised, with all the scaffolding on it. You fight the Sea Witch on it for Captain Petrovich.

Ah, here are the relevant map names:




Originally Posted by Arshalla View Post
I would like the forest that is on fire map back or an explaination as to why it was taken away.
Yea same here why did they take it away?



Originally Posted by crazy local View Post
Yea same here why did they take it away?
The glowie locations were all messed up. Some of them would appear underground, and others would appear in the air.


Also, I was sure I'd posted here a while back, but I can't seem to find that post. I'd REALLY like the respec maps made available for the MA. I have an arc in mind that requires the player to visit sites across the world that are important to each particular origin, and had my heart set on using the Terra Volta Reactor for Science and the CoT Thorn Tree for Magic.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



At least one version of the Thorn Tree map is available. I ran someone's arc a while back and they used it for the final mission.



This is a sort of request - when GR goes live, I'm assuming that palces like Mother Mayhem's ruined asylum and Tyrant's lava lair will be replaced with maps that better match the new conept of Praetoria as a utopia rather than a ruined world - so I hope that they will still make the ruined asylum and lava lair maps available in the MA, even if they don't feature in normal missions anymore.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I REALLY would like the Winter Event Maps, even if they are unlockable or something.

Also the burning forest map would be nice to get fixed and put back in the game.

Nemsis lv50 Inv/SS
Arch-Nemsis lv 50 SS/Inv



I've unlocked everything. Is the Outbreak Map in there? I would love to make a follow up mission that goes there.

Also would like the University in Steel Canyon available as a outdoor map.

As for a custom map, I would love to have a hybrid outdoor/indoor map. Outdoor forest/open area with a building, with a single level indoor map.

I would a feature to link mission maps directly, so the player goes map to next map without returning to contact. The transfer point would not unlock until mission completes, and once through, it would exit to AE building and returning would put you at beginning of current map. It would be great for persuing type missions.



I second much of the above, especially Lord Mayhem's and all the stuff he seconded. I would like to add the map with the ship in dry dock where you fight the Sea Witch. I believe you get that from Bocor.

We also need outdoor Cimerora maps. I would like to see all of them from the ITF as well as the main island as it's own outdoor map. I have a mission I want to write but it takes you to Corsica and I have no town to use. The little section of town from Croatoa doesn't quite cut it.

Various outdoor dock configurations from Independence Port and Cap/Sharkhead would be nice and, as mentioned numerous times, the outside cargo ship to inside cargo ship transitions.

I do not know how difficult it is to take existing zone areas and wall them off for outdoor maps but there are tons of great areas that could be used like this. The Freakshow towns in Shark and Creys Folley, the Arachnos dig site in Faultline, the Abyss/Monster Island and The Fab in Grandville are just the ones off the top of my head.

Also if there isn't one, we need a sewers to abandoned tech base map and if there is one can someone point it out for me because I couldn't find one.

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Originally Posted by PapaSlade View Post
I second much of the above, especially Lord Mayhem's and all the stuff he seconded. I would like to add the map with the ship in dry dock where you fight the Sea Witch. I believe you get that from Bocor.

We also need outdoor Cimerora maps. I would like to see all of them from the ITF as well as the main island as it's own outdoor map. I have a mission I want to write but it takes you to Corsica and I have no town to use. The little section of town from Croatoa doesn't quite cut it.

Various outdoor dock configurations from Independence Port and Cap/Sharkhead would be nice and, as mentioned numerous times, the outside cargo ship to inside cargo ship transitions.

I do not know how difficult it is to take existing zone areas and wall them off for outdoor maps but there are tons of great areas that could be used like this. The Freakshow towns in Shark and Creys Folley, the Arachnos dig site in Faultline, the Abyss/Monster Island and The Fab in Grandville are just the ones off the top of my head.

Also if there isn't one, we need a sewers to abandoned tech base map and if there is one can someone point it out for me because I couldn't find one.
Yeah I second all of that - well, except for the stuff I already seconded that you thirded

While we're asking for new stuff, I'd like to see the compound behind the Crey headquarters complex in Nerva Archipelago as an instanced map. A Potter's Field (Sharkhead) instanced map would be handy too, and Fort Hades from Port Oakes.

I know this isn't what Dr Aeon wants, but I like dreaming out loud



I haven't been able to find it, but is the submarine base maps there? You know the ones where you zone into the base from the sub.

Also maybe some only unique to AE maps. Like Atlas Park in winter. Or the Talos Island boardwark.



I totally agree with you on the Shadow Shard maps. Though there is the Cave of the Ruladak, even some parts of The Shadow Shard could be successfully implemented. Storm Palace outdoor areas(It just looks cool ), and Cascade Archipilego would be awesome. I am waiting to see if they would put them in as Rularuu the Ravager figures deeply within my villains origin story. But yeah, you said it. Shadow Shard maps are awesome to look at. And adding the Rularuu AV's such as Faathim, Ruladak, and Lanaru would be very sweet.

"When war turns whole populations into sleepwalkers, outlaws don't join forces with alarm clocks. Outlaws, like poets, rearrange the nightmare." -Tom Robbins



I'd like something that seems like an evil palace or something of that ilk. The antagonist I have in one of my arcs is directing his men from such a place. However, none, and I do mean NONE, of the maps seem to represent the bloody thing. I did think I might have had a breakthrough with some CoT maps, but they have too much spots dotted around that just screams "It's underground!"

Username: @Royal
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Originally Posted by toilet_monster View Post
the ability to have ouroboros as a map would be pure win (tho i have a feeling we will soon see that in a new issue >_&gt . . .
I also would like to see the Ouroboros map for my Hawkman city.



Definitely Shadow Shard Maps, as I have seen in this thread. Perhaps a few of the places in the Shadow Shard, not just the prisons that house Faathim and Lanaru. For example, portions of the Storm Palace area and Cascade Archipelago would be great.

Parts of Rogue Isle Maps would be good too, along the lines of open maps. Sometimes story concepts don't fit with a war wall in regards to MA arcs .

Just my two cents.

@Ik's Last Stand, Virtue
Ik-Thazai lvl 50 Dark/Dark/Dark Master Defender
Hasdrabul Skaras lvl 50 DB/DA Stalker
Laurentian lvl 50 EM/EA Brute
Takaroa lvl 45 Rad/En Blaster

"When war turns whole populations into sleepwalkers, outlaws don't join forces with alarm clocks. Outlaws, like poets, rearrange the nightmare." -Tom Robbins



My biggest request would be the Winter Event Map...

Considering its only a re-texture of the Crotoa 05 Map this shouldnt be to much to ask for



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
Hey, I've found something to ask for!

I'd really like to have the map of the Mercy sewer works plant. If memory serves, it's in the Dr. Creed arc. It's a nice, sizable map, it unique and yet we only see it once (which I suppose might explain why it's unique, eh?). It would be perfect for my third arc (see sig) and I was disappointed to see it wasn't available.

This must change!
And I got my wish!

I've been meaning to send a thank you to the devs for this...



Honestly, I think it's safe to assume they're not going to add "special AE-only maps" to the game. The time and resources involved in adding maps to the game would generally be better spent adding more overall content to the game... which might result in new maps, which could get added to the AE.

As for some of the suggestions re: adding maps for specific, well-known locations IRL (saw Times Square suggested in here somewhere)... again, not happening, for the above reason AND due to the game not taking place in New York, or any of the other RL places that might have been suggested.

What I WOULD like to see are the return of several maps that WERE in the AE and removed due to "technical difficulties." The Floating Ziggurat is the first one that comes to mind. This map, and others, have been "broken" for how long now?

Get them Fixed.

Put them back.


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