MA Map Request Thread

Aliana Blue



To add my voice to the chorus:

1) Crey Revenant Hero cloning facility map
2) Great Ceremony outdoor CoT map
3) Burning Forest map
4) Fashion Show Atlas map
5) Snowy Croatoa map
6) The Shadow Shard portal maps (found on Dark Watcher's arc where you fight the Automatons of Positron and Manticore)

If you need the exact mapnames, I can get them for you... I might have the filenames saved as demofiles or else I can probably get them off Scuzzbopper's CITY OF HEROES CODEX.

*looks up to see Zombie Man's post*

Or, you can just get the file names off that list.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I'd like some more maps of the Rikti War Zone- Especially the one of the Conference room that transitions into the Vanguard base from part one of the Dreams of Peace and Acts of War arc given by Serpent Drummer.

There is already one map that allows you to transition from indoors to outdoors in the MA system, it's Marchand's office map under unique maps, but for one of the office floors there is no available map to help people navigate through it which makes it problematic to use since the floor is somewhat maze like. If this could be fixed this map would be much more playable.

Any maps based in the Shadow Shard would also be most welcome.



Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
I'd like some more maps of the Rikti War Zone- Especially the one of the Conference room that transitions into the Vanguard base from part one of the Dreams of Peace and Acts of War arc given by Serpent Drummer.

There is already one map that allows you to transition from indoors to outdoors in the MA system, it's Marchand's office map under unique maps, but for one of the office floors there is no available map to help people navigate through it which makes it problematic to use since the floor is somewhat maze like. If this could be fixed this map would be much more playable.

Any maps based in the Shadow Shard would also be most welcome.
I thought they'd already done some work on that Marchand map. I know I was seeing minimaps when I poked around.

Another problem is that it doesn't seem to respect back/middle designations, though front works fine, so you can't actually reliably put something on the roof.

EDITED TO ADD: Also, there are several current maps (I've encountered smooth/cimeroran caves most notably) which don't seem to have any minimap or support any objectives. Where can we report those?

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



<QR> I want the Sharkhead maps back in the game please. Most notibly the Sharkhead dock map. thanks!

Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



I would also like:

1. The (tiny, outdoor) Sharkhead Scrapyarder shack-camp map from Lorenz Ansaldo's "Find and Kidnap Iron Billy" mission.
2. The outdoor Grandville map from Regent Korol's "Assist Subverted Spiderlings" mission.

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge



Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
Hey everyone,

There are some great proposals in this thread and I just wanted to chime in here to help guide the future suggestions.

Please keep try to keep suggestions focused on maps that are currently in the game but not in Architect. A good example of what I'm looking for is Lord Mayhem's write up for the SERAPH lab map. It's also very helpful on my end if you can specify what mission you found it in, as it can help me track it down easier.
I already stuck in my suggestion for added spawn points in the Midnighter Club, but what is really needed is to get the bugs fixed and the maps that were removed back in the MA. Specifically the Crey Revenant Hero Clone Lab and the Burning Forest. I don't use either in any of my arcs so far, but I know people that do, and ran arcs that did before they were removed. They are 2 really great atmospheric maps and need to be fixed and returned.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
I thought they'd already done some work on that Marchand map. I know I was seeing minimaps when I poked around.
The fourth and final floor of Marchand's office still doesn't have a minimap availaible. Not as big a deal as with the lower floors since it's mostly outside but still it would be nice to have one. On a related note I can't seem to get the loyalists to spawn as an enemy group. Whenever I try it nothing shows up just as if it was set to empty.

I'd also like to request the Sewer transition to Nocturne's escape point map that is in part 3 of the Rumblings of the Past arc given by Jim Temblor and the underwater longbow base map from part 6 of the Web of Intrigue arc given by Operative Vargas as they are two of my very favorite.



If it hasn't already been said, please fix all the maps that were in MA but taken out for technical reasons. A lot of good ones have gone missing. I want my Crey cloning room back.

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)



I would like the Sewers to Caves transition map from Gordon Bower's "Defeat all Tuatha in Sewers" mission.

Also, all the maps from the Ouroboros arcs, including the outdoor maps from Twilight Son's arc, the CoT map from Twilight Son's arc, and all the maps from both of Silos's arcs.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
Please keep try to keep suggestions focused on maps that are currently in the game but not in Architect. A good example of what I'm looking for is Lord Mayhem's write up for the SERAPH lab map. It's also very helpful on my end if you can specify what mission you found it in, as it can help me track it down easier.
How about if I just say "all of them" and leave it at that?

And I am (somewhat) serious.



Originally Posted by milk_weasel View Post
If it hasn't already been said, please fix all the maps that were in MA but taken out for technical reasons. A lot of good ones have gone missing. I want my Crey cloning room back.

Tore out the last map of my MA arc...Not good.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
Please keep try to keep suggestions focused on maps that are currently in the game but not in Architect. A good example of what I'm looking for is Lord Mayhem's write up for the SERAPH lab map. It's also very helpful on my end if you can specify what mission you found it in, as it can help me track it down easier.
Oh, you did not want to go and do that! Now you've opened the door for me to request another map.

When I made my third Council-heavy arc "Overshadowed by History" there was one map I searched for in MA yet couldn't find, but I knew it existed as I recalled playing a Striga Isle mission on it. What I needed was a Council tunnels map with hatches in the floor that you drop down through at the beginning (see this picture for reference), which then led on to a fairly standard layout Council base - however I didn't want to use the Mega-Mek maps from the Hess TF (which are already in MA), because the Mega-Mek had nothing to do with my arc story.

I don't play on blueside much, so it wasn't until recently that I re-discovered that particular map and was able to type /whereami to get the map name, and also pin down exactly which mission it was used in:

Map type: Council unique
Used in mission: Destroy the Vampire Lab
On the arc: Return to Vampyr Mountain (L25-29)
From contact: Tobias Hansen
In the zone: Striga Isle

So I'd be very grateful if you could add this map to the MA please, Dr. Aeon - if you do then I promise not to kidnap and beat you up in-game for at least two weeks... (actually, is it even possible to avoid a "kidnap and beat up Dr Aeon" mission in CoV? There are so many of them! ).

Oh and I would also love to see all of the maps added to MA that Kobolt_Thunder, Dark_Respite and Zamuel listed earlier in this thread. Thanks Dr. A!

Oh and while you're at it, and because I know Mad Science is capable of anything, I would also like to have Christmas four times a year...
...and a flying car...
...and a full scale Optimus Prime statue in my garden...
...and a moonbase with a death-ray that can target Earth...
...and a pony...

...a gold-plated cybernetic pony with lasers for eyes and rocket-assisted hooves!



Originally Posted by RaiderRich2001 View Post
OK, I'm tired of being limited to Paragon City and Rogue Isles maps. No matter how much text description I put into it, it's still going to look like Paragon City or the Rogue Isles
I agree, but the solution cant be fancy unique hard-to-do popular sights.
Exactly how many authors have a story that takes place as the Time Square you suggest e.g.?
Sure it would be neat to have a long running list of fancy popular spots, but how much work will that be for the devs compared to how often each map is used?

I'd much rather see a good deal of generic maps that you can use for whatever story.

When my story needs a random city that is not Paragon City nor downtown Manhattan, the Time Square doesnt do me any good.
But a generic city map will.
Maps with no war walls or distinct houses or Carnival tents or Paragon City labels all over it. Just a few generic Kings Row style brick areas, industrial areas, downtown areas, Boomtown style areas, a container pier, and park areas. *

No new textures or buildings are needed, and you can tell whatever story you want in there, because it can be any part of any town anywhere.

* Maybe one that looks futuristic with no or only egg-shaped cars, too.



I'd like to see:

The small ruined lab map from the Time After Time arc you can get from all four patrons. More info here.

More ship maps. I'm planning an arc with pirates, and could use some more ship maps. Some of the ship exterior to ship interior maps would be ideal.

More docks maps. Again, for my pirate arc. I want the last mission to be an epic clash on a beach or docks, but right now all I can really use is the Grandville Beach map.



I want a Map builder and a way to submit them. Leaving our imaginations hostage to the 1/2 dozen designed still working on this project is stifling.

Open source the builder, and give us a way to give back to the game. ESPECIALLY outside AE. Have a contest to design content. Invest in us, we are worth it.



These three have possibly already been requested but here goes:

The Mercy Clocktower map - Defeat All Snakes in Area - from Kalinda

Johnny Sonata's - Defeat Johnny's Soul (or similar) - at the end of his arc - it's the smallish cave with the central 'teeth' rock formation where his soul is standing, waiting to be whooped.

The burned Crey lab in Tavish Bell's arc where you have to defeat the Demon. I just love that map and cannot find it in the MA. It has much potential.


And, of course, maps such as the Cloning Lab and the Burning Forest need to be there!



I want to second someone's earlier request for the Tsoo Tattoo Parlor map.


The mission is: Recover some the Tsoo's tattooing materials
It is given by level 15-19 Natural origin contacts.



How about the cave map that is under the graveyard in sharkhead. It appears at the beginning of Mako's second arc on the mission "Interrogate Circle leaders" and it's just a really small cave but the entrance is inside a crypt, so I've always thought it was kinda cool.



Hey, I've found something to ask for!

I'd really like to have the map of the Mercy sewer works plant. If memory serves, it's in the Dr. Creed arc. It's a nice, sizable map, it unique and yet we only see it once (which I suppose might explain why it's unique, eh?). It would be perfect for my third arc (see sig) and I was disappointed to see it wasn't available.

This must change!



Thanks for putting the Crey Hero Lab map back in and for all the recent new additions. This is huge for us who love that map. Anyway we could get a full list of the rew ones and their locations? I saw one map of Atlas with one of the huge statues being repaired cause of a meteor strike that I just can't seem to find in the editor.



Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
How about the cave map that is under the graveyard in sharkhead. It appears at the beginning of Mako's second arc on the mission "Interrogate Circle leaders" and it's just a really small cave but the entrance is inside a crypt, so I've always thought it was kinda cool.
I've got you covered:

Originally Posted by Lord Mayhem View Post
And again, in case any Dev notices this post, I would also like to have the map from Captain Mako's 2nd patron arc "The Perfect Killing Machine" added to the MA. The mission's entry door is in Potter's Field in Sharkhead through one of the small crypt buildings - I only mention this because the entrance room for the instanced map is a perfect transition, as it shows the inside of said crypt and you drop down through a hole in the sarcophagus into a smooth caves map.

Again, the /whereami info for that map is: V_MOS_TO_SMOOTHCAVES_30_LAYOUT_08