No set proliferations in I15?
So I saw some nice additions on Posi's little pop up window I got last night in game, and on a few places here on the forum. But no mention of any new powersets, or proliferations.
I was really hoping for dark or rad blasters.
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If we're getting any proliferation, it's going to require a bit of testing, which means it'll require a longer beta period. I'm pretty sure that they're trying to get out I15 as quickly as possible so I'd expect that we'll be getting any proliferation later. Plus, I expect that Castle has been pretty busy with all of the MA balancing and, as such, hasn't really had the time to intensively test and number crunch sets for proliferation.
So I saw some nice additions on Posi's little pop up window I got last night in game, and on a few places here on the forum. But no mention of any new powersets, or proliferations.
I was really hoping for dark or rad blasters.
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They wanted to push something out for the Anniversary, so they took everything that was ready and called it an Issue.
My guess is that Castle and crew, having just come off the Architect Critter Creator, which is almost entirely their baby, hasn't had time to finish the work necessary for the next round of Proliferation. I'd be surprised if they have had time to even catch their breath in all the rapidfire bug and whack-a-mole fixes follwing Issue 14.
Since Issue 15 is "what's ready," expect it to go into Beta sometime in the next two weeks, and expect it to be a short Beta, maybe one or two weeks. I think we are looking at a month for Issue 15 to go live, tops.
I would expect a new round of Proliferation in Issue 16, and Positron has hinted that the next new Powersets will be Pistols (presumably for Blasters, Defenders, and Corruptors) and Demon Summoning for Masterminds. They may be far enough along on these sets that they will be in Issue 16, or they might be planned for Issue 17. We don't know enough information yet.
New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
And I read can't find the link right now but everyone one is allowed in to closed beta. So I guess it won't really be closed.
After having just read all those interviews with Matt Miller from various sites, I'm just hoping they complete powerset proliferation before throwing out everything else they have "up their sleeves."
I want my Ninjitsu Scrapper damnit!
Ninjitsu scrapper will be waiting a while, I bet.
My guess for next round of proliferation --
Scrappers -- Energy/Energy
Tankers -- Electric/Electric
Controllers -- ?/Cold Domination
Defenders -- Thermal/Fire
Blasters -- Rad/?
Brutes -- ?/Regen
Stalkers -- ?/Invuln
Corruptors -- Archery/Trick Arrow
Masterminds -- ?/Sonic
Dominators -- Illusion/?
After having just read all those interviews with Matt Miller from various sites, I'm just hoping they complete powerset proliferation before throwing out everything else they have "up their sleeves."
I want my Ninjitsu Scrapper damnit!
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Wha ?!?
What the do you mean complete it???
<ul type="square">[*]The devs Have never promised complete proliferation.[*]Not only did they not promise it, they never suggested that it might be.[*]The devs have said it will probably be a few issues before any other proliferation.[*]They have said some powersets will never be given to some ATs.[/list]A few of you are acting SHOCKed, just SHOCKed, that there is not a lot of proliferation in I15?
Really? . . . Reallly?
Then . . . I am just SHOCKED!! that they didn't add a GodMode Button in I15 for everyone!
I want my Ninjitsu Scrapper damnit!
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Since it looks like Stalkers will probably never get Shields, I have a feeling Ninjitsu will end up staying unique to them as some sort of compensation.
Since it looks like Stalkers will probably never get Shields, I have a feeling Ninjitsu will end up staying unique to them as some sort of compensation.
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SD probably wouldn't be all that great on Stalkers, but yeah, for it to make the port over the devs would have to acknowledge their double-standards when it comes to what is or is not appropriate for "concept reasons".
Invuln would also be a pretty poor secondary for Stalkers. Ice (primary or secondary) would need a few more than the usual tweaks and Fire/Firey, well again they'd probably raise some kind of nonsense about "sneaky" concepts... pay no attention to the brilliant ball of crackling electricity that is the elec/elec stalker, of course.
In other words, as a Stalker fan, I am not holding my breath. I'd roll up a Ninjitsu Scrapper in a heartbeat though. Double Caltrops, ftw.
Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer
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Well, while I15 looks nice and all, i'd be disappointed if nothing was proliferated.. still, we'll see how it goes, but i'm hoping that they'll manage to finish up the testing/balancing/tweaking/etc required.
I want my Ninjitsu Scrapper damnit!
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Since it looks like Stalkers will probably never get Shields, I have a feeling Ninjitsu will end up staying unique to them as some sort of compensation.
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The comedy of Hide with a shield as the tool is something that can't be underestimated.
6 Things I wanted to see for i15, Any of those six would been nice.
1. Archery/Trick Arrow for Corrupters
2. Akimbo Pistols for Corrupters/Blasters
3. New M.M. Primary
4. Psi Melee for Stalkers, Brutes, Scrappers, Tanks
5. Sonic Secondary or Thermal Rad Secondary for M.M.s
6. Thermal Rad/Fire Blast for Defenders
I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.
How come I15 looks more like an update than an actual "issue"? Yes, I know an "issue" is also an update but still....
It would be nice to see a few proliferations.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Um, can you imagine the DPS a radiation blaster would put out just by spamming neutrino bolt with some procs?
Utterly ridiculous!
Some ideas for MM primaries:
Animal-ish people (oh comon, a werewolf pet for an MM would rock!)
Enslaved heroes
Clowns. of death.
Ok, thats all I got. Sonic would be a cool secondary for MM. I would also like to see shield defense there too. Might be less useful until later, but an aura when you want aggro, and some additional defense for your minions would make for an interesting toon IMO.
Some ideas for MM primaries.
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Not proliferation.
Sonic would be a cool secondary for MM.
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I would also like to see shield defense there too. Might be less useful until later, but an aura when you want aggro, and some additional defense for your minions would make for an interesting toon IMO.
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Not proliferation, directly.
Something like this would require some very specific reworking of powers but I could actually see it functioning--some sort of 'Commander' secondary focusing on motivation buffs, kind of like the VEATs in a way. 'Functioning' in the sense of being more 'logical' than "Peek-a-Boo!" Shield Stalkers. Granted, maybe the 'Hide' for SD on Stalkers would take a page from MGS and make the Stalker hide under a cardboard box or barrel or something.
Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~
I want my Ninjitsu Scrapper damnit!
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Since it looks like Stalkers will probably never get Shields, I have a feeling Ninjitsu will end up staying unique to them as some sort of compensation.
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I dunno. Shields just don't match sneaky ninja types. I wouldn't expect them to give Ninjitsu to Tanks, but it could suit Scrappers just fine.
It's not like the "this is my unique set!" thing has held up very well. Doms lost all their unique primaries when Controllers stole Plant Control. Stalkers stole Elec, Blasters got Psi. There's not many unique sets left.
I want a Nin Scrapper!
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
I dunno. Shields just don't match sneaky ninja types. I wouldn't expect them to give Ninjitsu to Tanks, but it could suit Scrappers just fine.
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Brutes can get Sheilds, so it's not like it is UNIQUE to anyone. There would be nothing wrong with giving Ninjistu to Stalkers and Scrappers, and leaving Tankers and Brutes their own sets that only a couple of meleers have.
The one problem I have is when a set is unique to either red side or blue side, like Electric or Ice. I don't think Ice would be out of place for Stalkers, and it would be better than not having the set available at all for villains, as it currently is. If the devs only wanted to give Electric to Tankers or Scrappers but not both, then that would be fine, too.
There's also the possibility that something similar to cold using melee powers will come out for Brutes, but with a different set of secondary effects than -recharge.
Granted, maybe the 'Hide' for SD on Stalkers would take a page from MGS and make the Stalker hide under a cardboard box or barrel or something.
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The devs haven't bothered to explain how Hide works on ANY Stalker set, let alone potential future sets. The explanations you'd have to come up with for for how an SR hides, or an Elec, Willpower, Regen, etc. would be either equally absurd or just as plausible for a SD Stalker.
This is not a barrier (pardon the pun) to bringing shields to Stalkers. It is yet another red herring.
Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer
Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!
I dunno. Shields just don't match sneaky ninja types.
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Nor is it possible to "arrest" someone by hosing them down with a flamethrower, but that doesn't seem to prevent the devs from giving all manner of terrible weapons and powers to heroes who are generally expected to defeat, not kill, the bad guys.
Why is "concept" brought up only for certain cases of proliferation and given a complete bypass for others? Villains can't heal each other with Empathy but heroes can go to town on a purse snatcher with a massive BATTLE AXE of all things? Stalkers can't hide or move silently while carrying a shield, but they can do so while surrounded by a brilliant crackling field of electricity?
The clear case of double standards aside, I see no reason why a Stalker carrying a shield made of negative energy, or advanced stealth materials/gadgetry can't be silent or invisible. Not to mention the fact that a Stalker spends less time attacking from stealth than just scrapping it out.
Good ones anyway.
Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer
Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!
Why is "concept" brought up only for certain cases of proliferation and given a complete bypass for others?
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Because devs like concept and have made changes based on it. This is why villains don't have Empathy and heroes don't have Poison.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
Concept-wise then, Scrappers need Ninjitsu. Right, Batman!?
I dunno. Shields just don't match sneaky ninja types.
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I think it's a possibility shield proliferation to stalkers might somehow resemble last issue's empathy proliferation to corruptors and masterminds.
I dunno. Shields just don't match sneaky ninja types.
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I think it's a possibility shield proliferation to stalkers might somehow resemble last issue's empathy proliferation to corruptors and masterminds.
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"Shield" Stalker, once proliferated.
Main Hero : Annilixxion -- Lv50 Blaster
Main Villain : Menkaura -- Lv41 Mastermind
"You will bend to my will, with or without your precious sanity." --Dragon Mage
I dunno. Shields just don't match sneaky ninja types.
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I think it's a possibility shield proliferation to stalkers might somehow resemble last issue's empathy proliferation to corruptors and masterminds.
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"Shield" Stalker, once proliferated.
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imagine an assasin strike ... they poke a hole in the box and poke the enemy

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya
So I saw some nice additions on Posi's little pop up window I got last night in game, and on a few places here on the forum. But no mention of any new powersets, or proliferations.
I was really hoping for dark or rad blasters.
Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.
May the rawk be with you.
Arc #'s
107020 Uberbots!
93496 A Pawn in Time