The time has come




I have finally decided to officially stop playing CoH. It is with great pain that I do so because I still have so many great friends around but I just can't see paying for a game I no longer play.

CoH has been the best MMO I have played with unparalleled customer support. I really don't have a single negative thing to say about the game. I wish my interest could have lasted.

Who knows maybe I will come back some day. But to all my friends, who are too many to name(and I'm afraid if I do I will leave someone off the list and hurt someone's feelings) I love and will miss you all terribly. For those who don't have my info and want to contact me Masque, Valdy, and Fyreknight have my info. Oh and I'm playing Warhammer if anyone wants to look me up there. My 40's are both named Thessela and I'm Order on Vortex server and Destro and Volkmar server.

Thanks for a great run and stay classy Victory.



Aw, bye.



Bye Chrys, have fun on that other game.



Boo, you're leaving us for yet another fantasy MMO? I feel so hurt!

Just kidding. Have fun in your other endeavors, and I hope you return. The community is what I really love about COH, so I hate to see anyone leave.

Although... you should try some MA stuff, maybe that will hook you!

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



boo hoo!

Hope you return soon.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!




Horatus - lvl 50 Fire/Elec Blaster



Take care on your new journeys!




Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Sorry to see you go.




The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



I've come and gone a couple times now since '04. You'll be back

Have fun on Warhammer, I haven't played it, but some of my friends are right now. I played WoW for three years, but nothing compares to this game, really. We'll see how Champions looks soon.



Aw, damn.

Have fun on Warhammer.

Victory: @Brimstone Bruce
Brimstone Bruce (lvl50 Stone/Fire Tanker) Broadside Bruce (lvl50 Shield/WM Tanker)
Ultionis (lvl50 Dark/Dark Defender) Cortex Crusher (lvl50 Mind/Kin Controller)
Patronox (lvl50 Kat/Dark Scrapper) Harbinger Mk.7 (lvl50 Bots/FF MM)
NightShift for Life.



Your study hall will forever remain in the Sacred Brotherhood. Mostly because I care, partially because I have no reason to take it out.

:] glhf

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



I have finally decided to officially stop playing CoH. It is with great pain that I do so because I still have so many great friends around but I just can't see paying for a game I no longer play.

CoH has been the best MMO I have played with unparalleled customer support. I really don't have a single negative thing to say about the game. I wish my interest could have lasted.

Who knows maybe I will come back some day. But to all my friends, who are too many to name(and I'm afraid if I do I will leave someone off the list and hurt someone's feelings) I love and will miss you all terribly. For those who don't have my info and want to contact me Masque, Valdy, and Fyreknight have my info. Oh and I'm playing Warhammer if anyone wants to look me up there. My 40's are both named Thessela and I'm Order on Vortex server and Destro and Volkmar server.

Thanks for a great run and stay classy Victory.

[/ QUOTE ]

Big hugs!!

Have fun wherever you end up. I do hope to see you around again someday



Sorry to see you go, Chrysalis, even though I don't play much anymore either

Take care; and enjoy RL



Your study hall will forever remain in the Sacred Brotherhood. Mostly because I am too lazy to change anything in the base unless Ryxx screws it up and I have to fix it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dusty Trophies



Bug Hugs to ya Chrys...

"I swear you could fling a man hole cover across the street and hit more notes than 90% of those idiots on American Idol" -Desmodos
"Every time you post I feel like I been hit with a fist full of smart! Thanks." - Volken re: Sucker Punch
Arc #36984 V'kta A'cha Vox'm



k back

brb loling



Good luck Chrysalis, you always remained a class act.

Don't mess with Texas!



although i am not as well-known as Chrysalis, i still feel its nessacary to post this good bye.

I too will officially be ending my endeavors with this game as i have become completeley unmotivated about most of the content and the devs. it has been a fun 4 years and i will not forget the people who have helped me. Pretty much anyone on VB/VB09. Just to point out a few:

Snap Fuey

and of course everyone in my SG/VG. The 18th my account is playable till, after that i am done and do not plan to come back. If anyone here is on facebook, please feel free to hit me up @

Peace out,


Ice Hole
Night Orchid
fiery Chaos
Sinfinate Chaos
Saint Kaos
Ch4otic Justice

Chop Suey

@The REAL Chop

My teachers always told me to follow my dreams. To bad they are all Nightmares.



Damn, I've been hearing alot of chatter about how much life there is left in this game. I am optimistic that there is still alot this game can offer us as players.

I for one feel MA has put some life back into this game with the ability for the players to showcase our imagination.

See you around man. I hope there will be something to draw you back to this game, if not its been great teaming/pvping with you.

GLHF Chaos.



See ya Chaos and Chrysalis! Wish I got a chance to play with ya. Good luck in everything you do and your future. We loves ya!