Arc Reviews




Micheal Bay would finally get his wish to title all his movies, "Mother@#$@ing Explosions!",

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd see that!



Well, if you're open to moar rekwestz, give my first arc a whirl. ID is in my sig.



Hey, Venture. I've looked at a lot of ways the people have been reviewing Architect Missions, and I think your way would be the best for what I would like. I would like a fair and honest critique of my first Mission Arc.

C-Virus Outbreak

@Mighty Pencil
Arc ID: 52269
Length: Very Long
Morality: Heroic
Mission 1: Unique map, level range 1-54. Contains Boss, Collection, A Destructible Object.
Mission 2: Large Size Map, level range 45-54. Contains Boss, Release Captive.
Mission 3: Unique map, level range 1-54. Contains Boss, Collection.
Mission 4: Unique map, level range 20-30. Contains Boss, A Destructible Object, Patrol, Release Captive.
Enemy Groups: Family, Custom Group, Slag Golems
Description: A mysterious outbreak has begun spreading in Paragon City, being the ever-vigilant types you are, you can't help but investigate this outbreak.

The mission is purely for comic value, the goal is to have fun and get a few laughs out of the experience. It is four missions long. I'd like a review so I can know how to make this arc better.



You know what Venture? Go ahead and take the revised "The Final Nemesis" off your list. I doubt many people want to read a second review of the same arc, I doubt you want to play through an arc you didn't like twice, and in all honesty, I'm really not that proud of it. Its a fun arc if you want to fight some cool AV's, but in terms of story it is WAY to overwrought for its own good. Ill keep it up for now, but when it comes time to start work on arc #4, I'm taking it down.

Besides, I am far more proud of "The Descender", and want to accelerate the process of you reviewing it.



I have to echo Squid here. Specifically, the upgrades from V.1 of the Descender to V.2 was so distinct I feel that any further refinement will be taken in good faith, and executed well.



I've currently got two of them up.

Arc #13579 (love that number) is a heroic, story driven arc about a kid that wants to become a hero. Story Title is "Falling Through the Cracks". The first mission caps at 14, the next 2 cap at 30, and the last two cap at 50.

Arc# 26420 is a Villain arc that takes has three missions that cap around 30-35, then the fourth is capped at 50. The last mission has a custom group that will take a little getting used to.

I'm currently writing mystery shorts for publication in a couple of magazines, so I'm far more interested in feedback on the story. Especially what I can do to improve it.

My first short story (detective fiction) came out in Jan-2012. Other stories and books to follow, I hope. Because of "real writing". COH was a big part of that happening.



I played this one, and I feel the need to make a few comments.

I think this mission was bad... But i believe it will make it into the Hall based on the rules of HoF as I understand them. As of my search today, this mission had 882 ratings, and showed a 5 star rating. As I understand it, Hall of Fame requires over 1000+ votes, and a rating of better than 4 or 4.5 (not completely sure which). If this really is the sort of mission that warrants Hall of Fame status, I submit that achieving Hall of Fame status is more about advertising than superior mission design and/or writing.

I played this one because I got a tell from a player that went something like, "I played your arc, gave you 5 stars, please play mine and rate me with a 5 to return the favor. I replied that I would play it and give feedback and rate it. I was a little surprised to get an auto-reply that asked me to review his mission, and began to wonder what was up, but I was curious enough to see what the mission was.

For the record, I always play mystery arcs with my Dark/Dark level 50 Scrapper. He's not heavily tricked out, but he does fine in standard PVE, and he has a lot of temps just in case things get dicey. When I first started I just found that there were lots of AVs in missions, and at Invincible this character is not gonna cut it solo. (I am curious to know what difficulty Venture normally uses).

Also, for the record, the mission is called "The Perfect Brew" by @Green Dwarf.

I did get past the mito, and let me say this. Killer GM'itis continues in the tale of the Green Brew.

I had never tried to melee a Blue Mito before, and I was curious. Honestly, I was intrigued from the start, because I hadn't considered using a Mito as an enemy before. For those of you more versed in Hami raids than I (and I suspect a lot of the player base won't know what the Blue is or how to deal with it), you should not be surprised that my Dark/Dark was kissing dirt without even denting said Mito.

So, I said to myself, Self, how many range attacks DO I have? I've played long enough that I have a Nemesis Staff, Dark Wand, and two of my ancillary powers grant me ranged attacks (Dark Blast and Tenebrous Tentacles, but only one slotted). So, I stood back and played wimply blaster, but it was enough to take down the Mito without much trouble. Good luck to you real melee's out there.

In the final mission, you have to go and brew the beer, defeat a boss, and you can gain the Green Dwarf as an ally (he spawned as an EB for me). It's an outdoor map filled with CoT, so no biggie, but a little annoying to find things. I believe that the kettle doesn't spawn until you free the Green Dwarf though.

The Kettle is guarded by a CoT mage who I suspect is a custom AV, but I can't be sure about that. Fortunately, no AV's for me. But, he is also set to get a pile of miscellaneous ambushes that come rusing over the horizon (it was kinda funny to see them coming for me and the Green Dwarf). Having learned a lot from my days as a blaster, I realized that this was really meant to lead to team wipes, but running away is always an option. Heck, they would ony spawn up to LTs anyway, so my buddy the Green Dwarf would be able to smack around a LOT of LTs anyway. There were definitely D.E. and CoT there. I popped my purples and finished smaking the boss, and the mission was completed, but still they came. I few into the sky just to see how many baddies would join the fray, and I'm thinking it was 15-20 or so spawns. I did go back in to take names and kick some behinds, but it was clearly killer gm'ing, and just dumb. Not what I believe should make it into the HoF.

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember playing that one. I thought the story was entertaining, but I didn't get much out of the combat. That's mostly my own fault though since I went into it with a level 8 illusion/FF controller, and everything was just a bit too tough for me to really fight on my own, so I basically killed everything by using Deceive on something next to it (including the mito), and finishing anything leftover off with Deceive, Sands of Mu, and Nemesis Staff. Not very sporting, but it did the job. I liked the writing though, it was fun overall

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.



To anyone who's thinking about following those links to Tvtropes just be warned, TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life. Do what I do and set a timer before entering. Bonus points for getting a friend to knock you unconscious if you don't exit after 2 minutes of the timer going off.

[/ QUOTE ]
I officially hate that site... but not as much as I like it. How many hours was that? (Just one more link, I swear!)



Arc #1297, "Redoubt Operations #1: Fires Over Kalago"
tl;dr: 3 stars. Offenses: "just a bunch of stuff that happens", gratuitous custom faction, some plot holes, problematic mobs

You're called in to help out "Redoubt": Robotic Extradition and Defense Operational United Nations Batallion Taskforce. Whee, Fun With Acronyms! People, you don't need to figure out what the letters in your SHIELD Expy's name stand for. The military assigns wacky names to things all the time. I think they have people on the payroll for that. Anyway, Robotic?

Moving on....

Nick Fu^H^H^H^H^H^H^HLieutentant Gilgamesh needs superpowered help in Kosn^H^H^HWakan^H^H^H^H^HKalago...OK, I'll stop now (but really, I hope we have a strikeout format code on the now-approaching-vaporware new forums)...a small nation in Africa. A new vein of Impervium has been discovered (um, I don't think that's actually an ore but we'll go with it...) and it's caused the already-unstable political situation to hit the fan. The Separatists have used Sky Raider mercs to kidnap the Prime Minister; you're going in to get him out. He's being held on a ship. Yep. You're capped at 34 for this.

On the (correct, as it turned out) assumption that I'd have to escort the hostage out, I cleared the path instead of stealthing past everything. Rescuing the PM immediately dropped a level 35 EB ("Spectre", Claws/Devices) and several friends on my head, including a bubbler just in case you're a squishy and were hoping to use controls to survive. I didn't last long, they didn't last long in the rematch. The EB did trigger two ambush waves as his health dropped. His defeat clue specifies that he telports out with an And Your Little Dog Too speech. The new players are from the "Mechanius Imperium", which from the bios is a Rogue Robots type outfit. Gilgamesh doesn't mention them at all in the debriefing, which I thought was a bit strange.

For the second mission, Sky Raiders are fighting Imperium forces in the capital with civilians caught in the crossfire. Your job is to rescue the civilians. Again, you're capped at 34. The map is total chaos with spawns of Sky Raiders and Imperium at each other's throats everywhere, which is very dramatic but makes it practially impossible to tell what's a hostage keeper and what isn't. I got dirtnapped once by a massive spawn of both, aided by prodigious amounts of -Defense...the Imperium gets Rad/Rad LTs starting with this map. I had to clear most of the map to find the hostages, who thankfully were not escorts.

And...whups! Two of the hostages you rescued were actually Cylo^H^H^H^H...yeah, I know, I said I'd stop...Imperium impersonators. "Morrigu" and "Alecto", who kind of did stand out last mission in a Definitely Not A Villain way, were actually two halves of "Kali Erinyes" (author insert), some kind of gestalt bot which is now teleporting troops into the base Redoubt was using to safeguard the Prime Minister. This one has a "bring a team" warning (though it's not highlighted, which is a nit) and is timed at 90 minutes, which you are not told before acceptance. You're still capped at 34. Kali is an Extreme/Extreme Dark Melee/Invul AV, and yes, she pops Unstoppable. It took three tries but she eventually went down. I'd expect her to be pretty difficult for anyone who's actually in this level range and/or doesn't have a strong build. The debriefing thanks you for saving the base for its tactical position and never mentions that you saved the Prime Minister's life.

The last battle is a strike at the main Imperium base. You have to take out their teleportation capability so they won't be able to reinforce their offensive in this region. Despite the lack of a "bring a team" warning, both Spectre and Kali Eryines are back for seconds. For some (unexplained) reason Kali is only an EB this time, not an AV, and was much easier to take out. You get a typical congrats from Gilgamesh. It's never really explained what the Imperium was doing there, other than being something other than a canon faction for you to hit.

The arc does have some problems in terms of gameplay, to wit: the Rocks Fall Everyone Dies ambush in act I and the turbocharged AV in act IV. There's a lot of -Defense being thrown around which may make this arc problematic for some builds, especially if you're actually within the level range and not autolevelled down. The storyline isn't horribly flawed but it does have some points that aren't as well explained as they could be, lacks a theme and uses custom versions of a lot of things that could be done just as well with existing factions and canon lore. (For instance, why invent Kalago when we've already got West Libertaria, another African country having Sky Raider issues?) I think it would benefit from some more work.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



To anyone who's thinking about following those links to Tvtropes just be warned, TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life. Do what I do and set a timer before entering. Bonus points for getting a friend to knock you unconscious if you don't exit after 2 minutes of the timer going off.

[/ QUOTE ]
I officially hate that site... but not as much as I like it. How many hours was that? (Just one more link, I swear!)

[/ QUOTE ]

As someone who edits quite often there, I have to wonder whether all these CoH/V players who're really familiar with TVTropes are editing there under different names. I recognize maybe three or four people from these forums over there.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



Is THAT what all the ^H^H stuff is supposed to be? Struck-out text? How does that work?

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Esc-H (or carat-H) used to be the 'escape' sequence that triggered a backspace.

So, for people who remember printer escape codes, it's a way to indicate where one word was swapped for another... hacker humor, yay.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Way back in the wee years of Usenet, some interfaces couldn't actually handle deleting things. Attempting to use the backspace key to delete things would input the key ^H (which is 'control-H', typically). Some parsers got clever and would show the person in question the ^Hs as deletions - ie, you would see [ QUOTE ]
You Suck

[/ QUOTE ]and you wouldn't see [ QUOTE ]
Your Mom^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^hYou Suck

[/ QUOTE ]So now you know.



Arc #2007, "The Green Brew"
tl;dr: 1 star. Offenses: Killer GM

Green Dwarf (author insert) needs you help in creating the perfect....

That's probably worth at least four stars immediately from the frat members.

Your first stop is Oranbega, to retrieve some magical water from one of its springs. Guarding the place is "Sinadria", one of the Dwarf's exes, who spawned frontloaded. At first glance she looked like a Succubus EB but is actually a custom with a lookalike costume (well done), a Claws/Couldn'tTell. I ended up needing to use Elude as the fight got pushed into the next spawn down the corridor. This was a small map and the glowie spawned about in the middle.

Your next task is to retrieve some special barley from a Redcap-infested field in Croatoa. Upon entering the map the nav bar instructs you to find "Alsae", who turns out to be a Grain Nymph ally (Boss, Plant/Thorn). Rescuing her triggers the spawn of the real target, Redcap Boss Iron Heel. Unfortunately this means you have to grovel over a large outdoor map again, and even if you choose to ditch the ally your stealth is blown off. Upon completion Alsae gives you a sack of barley and "another present to remember her by", If You Know What I Mean.

The next ingredient is hops...from Praetorian Earth. The nav bar says "Find the Alpha Wolf and assert your dominance" Taking him out triggers the spawn of EB "Loup-Garou", a Super Strength/Regen. Thanks to the current AI silliness the first thing he did was pop Instant Healing, meaning the first 60 seconds or so of beating on him just didn't count. After a effort roughly akin to felling the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring, he bought it.

Next up was a trip to Eden for yeast. You are warned to bring END insps and to stay out of melee range...nice thing to say to a Scrapper. I also noticed going in that this mission is level-locked to 50, which actually EXed me to 49. The objective target is, I kid you not, a gorram Blue Mitochondria. I did try to fight it but, as a Scrapper, that was just not happening. At this point I bailed out of the arc and one-starred it. If zero was an actual option I'd have used it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to disagree with you on this one - I played this arc and had a blast! I was on my Dual/Regen Scrapper - all i had to do to the Mito was stay above him (i have fly) and used my Black Wand Vet power to kill him, his ranged attacks were not very powerful and with my Instant Heal he was dead long before its timer was up - the mission after the Mito was also great with a lot of suprise twists - i might suggest if you dont have one of the vet ranged attacks you try buying the revolver temp power - if your not in Melee he is a piece of cake! As for the loup-garou he was also easy and i am only lvl 42, his bio text was an amazing either legend or piece of fiction - whichever it was it read great!

I gave it 5 stars for creativity. wonderful flavor text (if you bothered to read it) and actually making me have to find creative solutions to the problem!

I just read the thing on the vote swapping - i would like to say i dont know Green Dwarf from Adam, nor do i know if he did any of my arcs or if he did what he rated them. I personally feel that review threads might be done with the best of intentions but they then cause people who might not be as strongly free willed to go into an Arc with an unfortunate bias or just want to be "cool" with some board poster. Normally i stay clear of them, only reason i saw this one was Posi posting in it and it just happened to be in response to a review of an Arc i very much like and put on my replay list to try with diffrent characters. I am thrilled some one as well known on the boards as Venture took the time to do something like this, but sadly for many Arcs that same recognition of the reviewer will mean an untimely death to them. Now i am not saying everyone is a sheep or anything like that, as some postings beyond mine in this thread already prove, i am just saying it one thing to give a review but its another to have a big red "Do not Play" in the heading area.



Venture's point (AFAIK) was that not everyone comes to the fight prepared like that. For instance, I don't have any ranged Vet Powers... if it weren't for squeezing Dark Blast into my Stalker's build, I would be screwed versus that Mito.

Also, some people DO bring a knife to a gun fight...



Hey now, my knife is 3ft long and has killed giant robots... >.> I'd be more worried for the schmuck with the gun to be honest.

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Honestly folks...this is an MMO. How high a standard do we want here? Most people aren't going to be putting weeks tweaking their arcs. If the story is good, the mobs acceptable in challenge and the whole is engaging it should be noted by both players and Devs.

[/ QUOTE ]
And by that standard, anybody who picks something other than one of the standard pre-built costumes should win every costume contest they enter. And everybody who PvPs should always win. How high a standard do I want here? Melissa "War Witch" Bianco. If it's as good as anything she's written, it gets at least four stars, probably five, from me. No, I don't care how many hours of work you put into it. No, I don't care about your feelings; this isn't pre-school and I'm not your therapist and you don't get an A just for showing up. No, I especially don't care how many 5-star ratings you handed out. The story arc stands or falls on its own merits.

I'm also not interested in giving the benefit of the doubt to people who have trouble writing, and I'll tell you why. I don't rate arcs as a message to the writer. I rate them as a message to the other players that are looking for a good arc to run, because they out number the writer by about 200,000 to 1. I'm not going to lie to 200,000 people about how good your writing is just to salve 1 person's hurt feelings. I'm just not.

By the way, if you do write well, it's not "weeks." OK, my first story arc did take me 3 weeks to polish to maximum quality, but that was because I was still learning what the system could and couldn't do, what the various settings on objectives did, and so forth. My second story arc, which is currently averaging 5 stars, took me 15 hours to write, from initial inspiration through white-boarding the plot through initial construction and testing. Based on feedback from other players, I found an intermittent bug in the game and worked around it in less than an hour the next day. It only takes "weeks" the first time, if even then -- or else you can probably never do it at all.

This Green Dwarf controversy, though, is exactly why I've flat-out stopped sending feedback to anybody unless I know them personally until they find a way to anonymize it. Someone threatened me with a 1-star for giving his arc 3 instead of 5 stars on day one.



Arc #2007, "The Green Brew"
tl;dr: 1 star. Offenses: Killer GM

Green Dwarf (author insert) needs you help in creating the perfect....

That's probably worth at least four stars immediately from the frat members.

Your first stop is Oranbega, to retrieve some magical water from one of its springs. Guarding the place is "Sinadria", one of the Dwarf's exes, who spawned frontloaded. At first glance she looked like a Succubus EB but is actually a custom with a lookalike costume (well done), a Claws/Couldn'tTell. I ended up needing to use Elude as the fight got pushed into the next spawn down the corridor. This was a small map and the glowie spawned about in the middle.

Your next task is to retrieve some special barley from a Redcap-infested field in Croatoa. Upon entering the map the nav bar instructs you to find "Alsae", who turns out to be a Grain Nymph ally (Boss, Plant/Thorn). Rescuing her triggers the spawn of the real target, Redcap Boss Iron Heel. Unfortunately this means you have to grovel over a large outdoor map again, and even if you choose to ditch the ally your stealth is blown off. Upon completion Alsae gives you a sack of barley and "another present to remember her by", If You Know What I Mean.

The next ingredient is hops...from Praetorian Earth. The nav bar says "Find the Alpha Wolf and assert your dominance" Taking him out triggers the spawn of EB "Loup-Garou", a Super Strength/Regen. Thanks to the current AI silliness the first thing he did was pop Instant Healing, meaning the first 60 seconds or so of beating on him just didn't count. After a effort roughly akin to felling the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring, he bought it.

Next up was a trip to Eden for yeast. You are warned to bring END insps and to stay out of melee range...nice thing to say to a Scrapper. I also noticed going in that this mission is level-locked to 50, which actually EXed me to 49. The objective target is, I kid you not, a gorram Blue Mitochondria. I did try to fight it but, as a Scrapper, that was just not happening. At this point I bailed out of the arc and one-starred it. If zero was an actual option I'd have used it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to disagree with you on this one - I played this arc and had a blast! I was on my Dual/Regen Scrapper - all i had to do to the Mito was stay above him (i have fly) and used my Black Wand Vet power to kill him, his ranged attacks were not very powerful and with my Instant Heal and he was dead long before its timer was up - the mission after the Mito was also great with a lot of suprise twists - i might suggest if you dont have one of the vet ranged attacks you try buying the revolver temp power - if your not in Melee he is a piece of cake! As for the loup-garou he was also easy and i am only lvl 42, his bio text was an amazing either legend or piece of fiction - whichever it was it read great!

I gave it 5 stars for creativity. wonderful flavor text (if you bothered to read it) and actually making me have to find creative solutions to the problem!

[/ QUOTE ]

I gave his arc 5 stars. Of course, I was a Blaster and was pleasantly surprised that what I was expecting to be a tough battle (the mito) actually took about 15 seconds without using any inspirations.

I'd say if you have ANY ranged attack (including temp/vet powers) then give this arc a try. It's really fun.



The system I've been trying to stick to is this:

Everyone gets three stars by default. Story can swing that by 1 star. Fun factor can swing it by one. That gives it the full 1 to 5 range.

I got the rating tell on both of my arcs as well. Each had the exact same wording. That's not the best way to get me to review something. Actual feedback is.

My first short story (detective fiction) came out in Jan-2012. Other stories and books to follow, I hope. Because of "real writing". COH was a big part of that happening.



Arc #2007, "The Green Brew"
tl;dr: 1 star. Offenses: Killer GM

Green Dwarf (author insert) needs you help in creating the perfect....

That's probably worth at least four stars immediately from the frat members.

Your first stop is Oranbega, to retrieve some magical water from one of its springs. Guarding the place is "Sinadria", one of the Dwarf's exes, who spawned frontloaded. At first glance she looked like a Succubus EB but is actually a custom with a lookalike costume (well done), a Claws/Couldn'tTell. I ended up needing to use Elude as the fight got pushed into the next spawn down the corridor. This was a small map and the glowie spawned about in the middle.

Your next task is to retrieve some special barley from a Redcap-infested field in Croatoa. Upon entering the map the nav bar instructs you to find "Alsae", who turns out to be a Grain Nymph ally (Boss, Plant/Thorn). Rescuing her triggers the spawn of the real target, Redcap Boss Iron Heel. Unfortunately this means you have to grovel over a large outdoor map again, and even if you choose to ditch the ally your stealth is blown off. Upon completion Alsae gives you a sack of barley and "another present to remember her by", If You Know What I Mean.

The next ingredient is hops...from Praetorian Earth. The nav bar says "Find the Alpha Wolf and assert your dominance" Taking him out triggers the spawn of EB "Loup-Garou", a Super Strength/Regen. Thanks to the current AI silliness the first thing he did was pop Instant Healing, meaning the first 60 seconds or so of beating on him just didn't count. After a effort roughly akin to felling the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring, he bought it.

Next up was a trip to Eden for yeast. You are warned to bring END insps and to stay out of melee range...nice thing to say to a Scrapper. I also noticed going in that this mission is level-locked to 50, which actually EXed me to 49. The objective target is, I kid you not, a gorram Blue Mitochondria. I did try to fight it but, as a Scrapper, that was just not happening. At this point I bailed out of the arc and one-starred it. If zero was an actual option I'd have used it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to disagree with you on this one - I played this arc and had a blast! I was on my Dual/Regen Scrapper - all i had to do to the Mito was stay above him (i have fly) and used my Black Wand Vet power to kill him, his ranged attacks were not very powerful and with my Instant Heal and he was dead long before its timer was up - the mission after the Mito was also great with a lot of suprise twists - i might suggest if you dont have one of the vet ranged attacks you try buying the revolver temp power - if your not in Melee he is a piece of cake! As for the loup-garou he was also easy and i am only lvl 42, his bio text was an amazing either legend or piece of fiction - whichever it was it read great!

I gave it 5 stars for creativity. wonderful flavor text (if you bothered to read it) and actually making me have to find creative solutions to the problem!

[/ QUOTE ]

I gave his arc 5 stars. Of course, I was a Blaster and was pleasantly surprised that what I was expecting to be a tough battle (the mito) actually took about 15 seconds without using any inspirations.

I'd say if you have ANY ranged attack (including temp/vet powers) then give this arc a try. It's really fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

I also gave this one 5 stars after I got the "I gave you 5 now play my arc" thing he seems to be giving everyone (I normally hate those but I actually got to talk to him since I was on when he gave it, so I thought I'd give it a go). I thought using the mito was very clever, it's a fight you can't win by using your standard tactics as a scrapper (Which I was), and the flavour text was very well written.

Honestly, you know what would resolve all this? Green Dwarf, just put right there in the arc description: "You will not be able to complete this arc if you have no ranged attacks". Problem solved. Personally, I probably should have down rated to 4 for throwing a fight like that with no warning in the description, but he did warn me verbally before I ran it so I gave him a pass on it.

Astoria in D Minor, a horror arc. Arc ID: 41565 - The Beating Heart of Astoria: A Play in Five Acts. Arc ID: 170547 - Ignition of the Machine, a story with robots. Arc ID: 318983
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today. Arc ID: 337333 - Signal:Noise, where is everybody? Arc ID: 341194
@The Cheshire Cat - Isn't it enough to know I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

12 second horror stories - a writing experiment.



Honestly, you know what would resolve all this? Green Dwarf, just put right there in the arc description: "You will not be able to complete this arc if you have no ranged attacks". Problem solved. Personally, I probably should have down rated to 4 for throwing a fight like that with no warning in the description, but he did warn me verbally before I ran it so I gave him a pass on it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I see no harm in disclaimers, but i would hardly say you CAN'T complete it without ranged - I know several tanks and even scrappers with the right build that probably could. I would go more with "Might be difficult for some to complete without ranged"



I could imagine getting a headache having to use the Inherent ranged attack if you didn't have access to the Nem Staff/Black Wand or APPs...



...and now that we've derailed the entire thread...

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



It be a good idea to set up a Critic's corner and send some of the Arc critic results to the City Scoop.



Wow, how about another thread get's started to discuss whether or not green dwarf is getting shafted... I keep popping back in here looking for my feedback lol!