Arc Reviews




Arc #2693, "Black Sunrise"
tl;dr: 2 stars. Offenses: no descriptions on custom faction Minions/LTs, gratuitous violation of canon, gratuitous new faction, throws the Idiot Ball, "just a bunch of stuff that happens"

The arc posits that the "Knights of Malta" are actually a hero group that is somehow "hiding" inside the Malta Group. This is at odds with the established continuity and doesn't really gel with history, not that any of the in-game history on the Knights is the slightest bit correct in the first place. You are first sent to fight Rogue Arachnos to recover the arming codes for a nuclear weapon currently in the Malta Group's possession.

The second mission of this "Heroic" arc requires you to clear out a Longbow base -- defeat all. Um.... Moreover, the /info on a "Knights of Malta" Boss hostage says that the Inquisitor class of Knights ensures the loyalty of all members using mind control technology stolen from the Malta Group (which is just called "Malta" throughout, it seems, to add some ambiguity). These are the good guys? I expect to find out by the end of this that I've caught the Idiot Ball.

The third mission is a clear-all in a Cimerora cave map against Malta to recover the warhead. Note that at this point you will be providing the Knights with both a nuclear weapon and the arming codes for it.... The fourth mission calls for you to fight Longbow again in a 30 minute timed attempt to rescue technicians. The timer is because the bomb is armed and counting down to detonation. Since the game can't kill you if you fail this is a pretty poor dramatic device. Also, you are informed that the Knights intend to keep the bomb. This mission also includes one of the author's PCs, Sierra Foxtrot 7-4, assigned to a faction named "Black Sun" that hasn't been introduced to you yet. She is an MA/Shield who hit me with a 1600 point Crane Kick followed by a 1400 point Crippling Axe Kick, which needless to say I did not survive. She folded like a busted flush on the rematch.

The fifth mission explains that Black Sun is a special division of Longbow created especially to deal with the, yeah. It also sends you to fight Sierra Foxtrot 7-4 again, along with her boss Echo Tango 8-3, and to destroy a bunch of objects. In exchange for you doing this the increasingly less Heroic Knights of Malta will release some bureaucrats they were going to indoctrinate. This map has custom Black Sun mobs that lack /info. Foxtrot's dialog during the fight:

Sierra Foxtrot 7-4: No! I'm not filling out those requisition forms again!
Sierra Foxtrot 7-4:


The Black Sun mobs themselves aren't too annoying, consisting mainly of some Blaster and Defender sets. The "Photon Guardians" do have Energy Aura with its autohit END drain, though. Echo Tango 8-3 is a Dual Blade/Sonic Resonance AV, which is kind of an odd combo...the EB versions didn't fare too well against my main, a heavily setted/purpled Claws/SR Scrapper.

While the ending doesn't rub your nose in it, it does feel as though you've caught the Idiot Ball. You end up giving a nuclear weapon and its arming codes to a clandestine group that uses mind control on its members and was preparing to do the same to hostages, and requires you to clear Longbow bases to do it. This sounds like a Villain arc, except it's labelled Heroic and makes references to the PC being a hero at times. It needs a lot of work.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



I am going to keep posting about this arc until you all love it.

Name: The Final Nemesis
Arc ID: 14826
Length: Very long.
Morality: Neutral
Mission 1: Medium size map, level range 41-54. Contains Boss, Collection, Patrol, Battle.
Mission 2: Large size map, level range 30-54. Contains ambush, Collection, Patrol.
Mission 3: Large size map, level range 41-54. Contains 8 Av's
Mission 4: Unique map, level range 30-54. Contains AV, ambush.
Enemy groups: Nemesis, Soldiers of Rularuu
Description: What is the Shadow Shard's true purpose? Where is Rularuu himself? And what is Nemesis's final master plan?

For this arc I decided to go for a truly epic feel. Nemesis is such a fun character to write for and Rularuu is such an interesting one that I decided to combine the two. Also of note is that this arc will be quite hard solo. The third mission contains no less then eight AV's all in close proximity (but not so close that you cant safely pull them apart), and the final mission contains....well...I'll just let you see for yourself.



Arc #10721, "The Horrible Mr. Caractacus"
tl;dr: 5 stars. Nits: weak theme, no souvenir

This is a pretty solid arc. The Contact, P. D. Caractacus, is very well-written in an unusual format for City, presenting himself as a servant. He first offers you a chance to defeat an angel, claiming it will eventually get in your way. Caractacus appears in the mission to fight beside you but is not really necessary, as the target is only a Boss.

For the second mission, he suggests a raid on the heavens themselves -- but to do that, you will need to consume the essense of a fallen angel. Thus you must make a detour to hell for a match against "Rhiomekh the Despised", a Dual Blades EB, uncertain of the secondary. Rhiomekh speaks entirely in his own language during the fight, a nice touch. You must then obtain the necessary ritual from the Midnighters' Club. This mission is a bit annoying as it causes a sudden level drop to 29. There is a Succubus ally available but not required, if you want it.

Your next and final "opportunity" is to attack the realm of the seraphs. This is an outdoor Croatoa map with four EBs. The first one I found, "Judge Charokiel", a Mace/ElecA, got lucky and dropped me in three hits. Very annoying since I'd burned a large red up front...his good luck continued on the second try, routinely managing to hit against a 20% chance. The second EB, "Acheluma", went quickly. Her powers looked like Archery/Ice Melee...not sure of the second, could have been Manipulation or Assault, but all she used was Ice Sword. Next up was "Rezekiel", who attacked with Fire Melee and died far too quickly for me to tell what the secondary was. The final EB, "Meriqual", used Katana and Sonic Blast, and also didn't last very long. It might be a good idea to bump up one of the seraphs to AV status, maybe with an increased power setting.

My only real complaint is that the arc has a weak theme, bordering on "just a bunch of stuff that happens". I didn't deduct for that because within the context the author chose to work in, it would have been difficult at best to do anything stronger without powerposing. Caractacus' dialog is excellent, and the angel custom faction is very well designed.

Now, if only Caractacus gave you Mumford and Pooley's Original Gentleman's Relish recipe in the souvenir....

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Arc #10855, "Tomorrow Belongs to Me"
tl;dr: 4 stars. Offenses: bugged mobs, semi-gratuitous faction, throws the Idiot Ball, "just a bunch of stuff that happened"

This is another one with an unusual Contact: a desk. Actually it's labelled "Telephone", with the voice on the other end being Manticore. This does let the author pull a switcheroo about halfway through.

The first mission is pretty straightforward, using the "Council Warehouse" map normally only used in the early Mutant missions. Things start getting hairy in the second mission, which is where the "Fifth Column Special Projects" mobs start showing up. This adds healers, psi damage and unfortunately some very buggy Ninjitsu mobs, which really should have been changed out at least until the bugs are fixed. These mobs are likely to be particularly troublesome for squishier builds when teamed with the aforementioned healers. The Special Projects sub-faction is semi-gratuitous; adding the buggy ones pushes it over the edge. Another small issue with this map: it has some optional "bio vat" targets that can spawn in bad locations, blocking tunnels and such. This mission is also where you get tossed the Idiot Ball when you find the "body" of Sister Psyche...right after being told about the cloning experiments that went on at this base. While the player technically doesn't catch it, Manticore starts doing free throws with it, and having the Contact catch the Idiot Ball is pretty much the same as having the player catch it.

The third map does have a cute bit of dialog:

[NPC] Raserei Ubermenschen Rocket: So... I guess I can ask now. The big room, with all the water tanks in it? What's that for?
[NPC] Biotheker: You know, I have no idea? I guess it's meant to ... cool something?

I'm sure we've all wondered that.

The third map also marks the first appearance of Messergeist, the arc's main AV, who is DB/Ninjitsu. Since she was a downgraded AV I wasn't able to KD her. Twice she oneshotted me, bypassing the anti-oneshot code thanks to DB's DOT attacks. She also brutally cut down the EB ally Swan after killing me the first time. Theoretically it is possible to have Sister Psyche along as well when you face her, but that wasn't a possibility given the spawn I had to work with. The fourth and final map has some of the Freedom Phalanx join Manticore for a pick-up game with the Idiot Ball, and requires taking down three AVs, one of which is Nosferatu. This map cuts your level to 44 for reasons that aren't clear, which turned off my Aid Self. Wehrmachtsengel, a Fire Blast/Electric Armor AV, is also problematic, as mobs with tier-9 attacks are opening with them. I engaged his group, took down the Ninjitsu LT and was instantly killed by Inferno, which somehow had 95% ToHit. On the rematch I ended up having to burn Elude thanks to multiple healers joining the action.

The dialog is very good, and the plot is decent though it doesn't have any real theme or point to it...except that it does kind of require the characters fall for an obvious trick. If I can presume to make suggestions, I'd fix it by having the heroes see through the fairly obvious trick and changing the funeral ambush to a heroic trap that doesn't quite go off as planned when the 5th show up with more force than anticipated.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Some rather nice reviews so far Venture. I'm honestly surprised. You've always struck me as being a pretty strict grader when it comes to these sorts of things.

Keep 'em up. Good feedback is so hard to get these days.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



My guess is he's been playing the architect quite a while. Once you see some of the really half-[censored] stuff out there, you start to appreciate the ones that are tight and well-made even more, even if the missions aren't the next ITF or LGTF.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Arc #1702, "Vicarious Vision"
tl;dr: 3 stars. Offenses: mangles continuity, some annoying maps

This mission purports to be a historical mission covering the Warburg crisis during the Cold War. The Warburg missiles were removed in 1982, so you have an immediate problem when you see your Contact...a Ballista. Longbow didn't exist at all in 1982 (created in 2005), and the Ballistae in particular are a recent invention.

The first mission calls for the rescue of a Soviet ambassador...on a large warehouse map. Hostage escorts on large maps are not what a lot of people want to see. The Contact goes on to make some more historical errors: he identifies Malta as an affiliated military branch of the CIA (Malta's existence wasn't known until it was revealed in-game, and it was never affiliated with the CIA or any government), and it identifies Roger Vrabel as head of the Titan program (Titan was shut down in 1967, Vrabel may or may not have been dead in '82 -- in one of Crimson's compound tasks the player finds a personality recording of Vrabel made in 1981, and it is implied that it was made just before his death).

The second map asks you to rescue some supers from a Malta cargo ship, and look for evidence. It has an embarassing typo as the supers are assigned to the "FSBA Scouts" faction...that's "FBSA", Federal Bureau of Super-powered Affairs. Both of the supers have to be escorted out, so you get to run all over the map three times, at least, and both talk as though they were conscripted by the CIA/Malta, a practice that ended in 1967. The "evidence" is some files, but you don't get to read them because there's no Clue. The third caps you at 44 and brings the Circle of Thorns into the picture. The Circle wasn't publicly active in 1982. That could be fixed by putting the desired Circle mobs into a custom "Mysterious Mystics" faction, demonstrating that even though the player knows who he's fighting, the character doesn't. (A similar trick could be used with Malta...I'd recommend leaving out the Titans and Sappers, both of which the faction only developed recently.) What's a bit more problematic is that a Clue shows Recluse is openly dealing with the Circle, which really shouldn't be happening yet. (The Circle stayed in hiding until the Rikti broke into Oranbega.) Belladona Vetranno puts in a pre-death guest appearance; she's the wrong class (Fortunata, should be Night Widow) but that's a nit...she may have respecced, after all....

The last map has you enter a cave system to defeat a number of named mobs, destroy some control terminals and recover launch keys. The plot is a Thirty Xanatos Pileup: Malta is trying to use the Arachnos missiles to nuke the USSR, Arachnos wants to launch a strike on America and the US and USSR are trying to stop both. One of the named mobs, "Helix Jaguar" was taken out by a patrol or nearby battle or such well before I found him. Another was "Moment"...whose existence, again, was only suspected until the "World Wide Red" arc. He was using Ice Blast/Mind Manipulation, giving him a nuke and two BuildUps...not good. At some point (I didn't notice exactly when I got the Clue) you find a letter from Vrabel to Neil McIntosh that doesn't gel with the canon in ways already addressed for the most part.

The mission doesn't have any overly-obnoxious custom mobs in it, and it's reasonably fun if you just look at the action. The plot, unfortunately, is a mess. It's not beyond salvage though.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Some rather nice reviews so far Venture. I'm honestly surprised. You've always struck me as being a pretty strict grader when it comes to these sorts of things.

Funny, I thought I was being strict...I shall have to raise my standards...:-)

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Thanks for the thorough feedback Venture, informative and very useful. I'll take this kind of beating any day over generic 5 or 1 star ratings. Rewriting significantly and updating as I'm typing this.



throws the Idiot Ball

[/ QUOTE ]

I knew you would use that phrase.

Thanks for the reviews. Not a word I'd consider unfair.



I submit mine as well o.@



"Intrigue in The Arcana"

This was a REALLY fun arc to play. The costume designs of the mobs are fun, they're interesting powerset-wise but not too tough (at least on villainous), and the story is engaging, if not terribly original. It has a definite Carnival feel, in the classic New Orleans sense rather than the in-game sense.

Would be interest on other people's (read:Venture's) take on it. And no it's not mine.

Mine would be:

Soul Train: Origins
Arc: 9590
Levels: 1-14, 5-30, 1-14
Length: Medium
Contains: Skulls, Lost (Rikti at level 30), Custom Boss, Rescue, Timed Mission, Ally.
Synopsis: Origin of Soul Train, told as a flashback "story". Low-level friendly, although end boss might prove dicey without help.

The Delilah Pact
Arc: 9584
Levels: 5-54! (expect some exemplaring and sidekicking)
Length: Very Long (5 missions)
Contains: Custom Groups (no custom chars), AV, Allies
Synopsis: A magickal job gone south sends your destiny in an unexpected direction.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Great Reviews Venture. I'll have keep tabs on your thread.

Classic Dungeon Crawl Arc ID: 2232-"A satirical look at your average dungeon"
Down the Rabbit Hole Arc IDs: 24346 24397-"Rescue a little girl from an insidious dream invader."



These reviews are very good and quite thorough... very nice job.

I would love to hear your thoughts on my arc: Arc #1462 Foundation 2.0: The First Op

Ashes to ashes,

The Cape Radio

"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman



I've put arcs people have requested (that they gave numbers for) into my queue, which now has 11 arcs in it so it may be a while before I get to you.

If the City Scoop folks want to reprint my reviews, they're welcome to.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



I've put arcs people have requested (that they gave numbers for) into my queue, which now has 11 arcs in it so it may be a while before I get to you.

[/ QUOTE ]
You're, of course, welcome to review mine (linked in sig), though I honestly shudder to hear it.

I'll need to brush up my writing chops most likely.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



I would definitely like a review of my "Nobody of Consequence" villain arc if you're interested (Arc# in my sig).

My concerns are whether Mez effects are balanced in the custom mobs (I play a SR scrapper and a mastermind, so it's really hard for me to figure out balance there with testing).

Storywise, I'm curious as to whether the plot direction makes actual sense and whether the motivations of the custom heroes you fight are clear (Had to cut some stuff out to get it under max storage).



Awesome stuff!!

I humbly request your review of the teaser for my full arc:

Getting to Know Crey Financial: The Teaser (formerly known as "The 11th Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Get Away With It")

Arc ID: 1034
Length: Very Short
First Published: 04/08/2008 01:39 PM
Morality: Heroic
Mission 1: Small size map, level range 1-54, Contains Collection, Patrol, Release Captive, Ally.
Enemy Groups: Custom Group
Description: A civilian plans to teach Crey Industries a lesson in Accountability 101. *****This is a teaser of what will be a 5 mission arc***** This mish is lighthearted, solo-able on Heroic, and does not contain a boss as the arc will get progressively more difficult and darker. OFFICE HUMOR--Enjoy!

Much appreciation in advance!



Arc #14826, "The Final Nemesis"
tl;dr: One star. Offenses: Wall Banger plot, Killer GM, "just a bunch of stuff that happened" (or actually, didn't happen)

The arc opens with General Hammond asking you to stop a Nemesis attack on a Rularuu stronghold. This immediately puts me at DefCon 4, as asking the player to help one villain group against another is an easy way to throw the Idiot Ball. This is doubly true when one of the villains is Nemesis. The mission itself is a Rularuu cave. I didn't actually run into any Rularuu mobs, though I did hear some of them barking from battles and such...the Nemesis mobs must have killed them off. There is one Clue, a device "to draw together and consolidate one's mind", which has a fairly obvious purpose if you know your Shadow Shard lore.

This is confirmed in the briefing for the second mission, in which Hammond tells you that Nemesis is trying to re-unify Rularuu himself. (It's too bad you can't change Contacts easily; this part should be delivered by Major Exposition....) The mission takes place on a Rikti base map; you find evidence that Nemesis is going to deploy dozens of the "psionic attractors" at a "Nexus" point where Rularuu's energy signature is strongest. You also find notes on negotiating with dieties, with Rularuu at the top of the list. In a typical Nemesis arc this would mean you now know what Nemesis is NOT trying to do.

The next mission Hammond sends you on, which is predicated on the assumption that the plans you found in the last mission are legit, requires you to take out all the aspects of Rularuu. The first one I ran into was "Aloore the Watcher", who inconveniently spawned at +2. He appeared to be a Rad/Rad and despite firing off Aim to start got dropped like a bad habit. Next up was "Uuralur the Mirror", also a +2, appeared to be a Mind/Illusion Controller. This was very annoying thanks to the stupid non-positional attacks and multiple Fears, but with two BFs and Elusive Mind I got through it. Next up were Faathim and Ruladak, who turned out to be within agro range of each other thanks to some Watchers. I died twice fighting them, the second time due to insane amounts of lag...I had to stand there watching Faathim heal back to full as none of my commands were going through. On the third try they were dropped like bad habits. Faathim was Psy Blast/Empathy; Ruladak a Super Strength/Energy Blast. Lanaruu was a bit of a pain due to heavy END drains. (All of these were +2 spawns...I didn't wait for Elude to recycle on Lanaruu.) "Kuularth the Greedy" was next, also a +2, and he dropped me in one shot with Shadow Maul (14% tohit, rolled a 5). He used Dark Melee and Spines powers, potentially giving him two BU's if he'd ever hit with Soul Drain.

Once he was down I came around the final turn just in time to hear Nemesis (AV/EB) congratulate me for catching the Idiot Ball. How...totaly expected. Nemesis' REAL plan (so he says) is to destroy Rularuu, causing the Shadow Shard to collapse. Since the Shard touches all other dimensions they'll all collapse with it, and with Nemesis standing at the convergence point all versions of him will merge into a single being. The numerous absurdities in this plan are left as an exercise for the reader. The last aspect of Rularuu was "Chularn the Cruel", which I had to defeat to end the mission despite the fact that doing so would now be beyond idiotic. He was a Psy Blast/Force Field; if he used Detention Cage on me, he missed. He did repel me a lot though it didn't do him much good. Despite having "defeat all enemies" in the nav bar, the mission ended when Chularn snuffed it.

For the fourth map, Hammond (who is suffering from the effects of the dimensional merging that isn't affecting you for some reason) sends you to the "Agony Hall" map to fight "Nemesis Prime", the new godlike version of Nemesis. This is a custom mob with Energy Blast and Force Field, and it summons waves of Fake Nemesis Bosses to attack you during the fight. This might matter to a build that doesn't have Elude. After the EB fell I stuck around to clean up the attack waves, which required running away a few times to let Elude recycle (which would not have been necessary if I'd gotten better inspiration drops from the ones that fell). I counted 15 of them after the mission was done. In the debriefing Hammond says you were "shielded by the Nexus", yeah, so what happened to the alternate versions of me that...oh, whatever...and that defeating Nemesis Prime pushed the Jolly Candy-Like History Eraser Button, so everything is back the way it was and neither Nemesis nor Rularuu remember what happened.

Um, yeah.

What we're left here is a plot with the same structure as "The Eternal Nemesis", an arc that makes most players want to puch the developers in the neck, only this time you have to beat eight AV/EBs before being told you've caught the Ididot Ball. Then you get to fight another AV/EB that drops waves of Bosses on you. The arc has no theme and no consequences. Yep, that's a one-star.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Yeah, on retrospect I realize that I do have a lot of plot holes in that one. Its a bummer that you ended up taking out Nemesis in the third mission before chularn. What I had was all the aspects set on "spawn at front" and nemesis was "spawn at back". This was in response to an earlier version of the arc, where I used that big hazy Ruludak map, and had each boss spawn only after the next one was defeated. This however, resulted in a lot of annoying backtracking to hunt down the next aspect, so I had them all spawn at once. Unfortunately, due to the non-linear nature of the mission, this meant that Nemesis could be killed before the rest of the aspects had been defeated. Perhaps since I switched to a linear map I should go back to having all the bosses spawn one at a time now.

Also, that "defeat all enemies blurb" was a complete lie. That actually is the blurb for "defeat nemesis", but since I didnt want to give it away, I just put something in that I assumed most players would end up doing anyway.

As for the fact that you were immune to the effects of dimensional merging...yeah...I kind of just...handwaved that...Maybe in a revision of the arc I could throw some applied Phlebotinum to help explain things, but that really only covers up the plot hole rather then fixing it.

In short, if you liked "The Eternal Nemesis" and enjoy a challenge, then I think you will like "The Final Nemesis". If you don't, then well, you won't.

Edit: Still, I am going to make changes to this arc. You can expect to see such things as both rularuu and nemesis being your enemies during the first mish, another extra mish in the middle to help clear up the "Not affected by dimensional catastrophes" plot hole, and the removal of the hunky dory everything is back to normal ending.



Somehow I knew you were going to get swamped when I saw this post. Still even if it'll take a while I'd really love to get a review of Arc 1297 if I could. Real constructively analyzed advice is worth it's weight in gold.

I warn the arc can be on the hard side. Having played it a few times with different groups it seems either people adapt to the new types of enemies, or keep getting smacked around.



Alright, I made adjustments to "The Final Nemesis" based on your criticisms Venture, mostly dealing with plugging up the plot holes. I did not however, change the difficulty of the AV's since all of them are SUPPOSED to be very hard (in fact it reccomends that you should run this arc with a team right there in the arc description). I know you have a lot on your plate, but hopefully you would be kind enough to take a second look.

Once again, that is arc ID: 14826



Eh, why not? I'll toss this in here since there's such great reviewing going on. I do hope you at least get some enjoyment out of it


Arc Name: Shadowlight: Part I
Global: @Phoebe Pondera
Arc: 20696
Length: Very Long
Morality: Heroic
Level Range: 1-54

M1: Contains Boss (LT), Collection
M2: Contains Boss (Boss), Defeat All (It's a very tiny bank, not a lot of mobs to begin with)
M3: Contains Boss (Boss)
M4: Contains Boss (EB and Optional Boss, although the map layout can force you into fighting the Optional Boss. It can also cause the EB to be nowhere near the back end...not sure how I can really fix this though)

Difficulty: Moderate (Bosses on M2, 3, and 4 are a little above the general difficulty curve)

Enemy Group(s): Shadowlight (Custom)

Summary: Time traveling thieves are stealing relics from the past. You need to retrieve those relics before they can be placed into the hands of King Staunton.


As you can guess, there is meant to be a Part II and III eventually. No worries about it though, each Arc (including the first) is a self contained story. No cliff hangers or anything like that.