Mission Architect List




Arc ID: 102790

Title: Time For Reflection
Faction: Neutral
Difficulty: Easy to Medium
Length: 3 Missions. 1/2 hour run on both my Tank and Crab Spider

Notes: 1 Elite Boss encounter. Allies


What if you did not exist but were force to? Shattered memories and fractured dreams of a mad god yet to have no hope of your own?

Such is the life of the Shadow Shard Reflections. Yet even in their state of eternal purgatory something is changing. An Overseer calling it’s self “The Watcher” has sought you for purposes unknown.



Arc Name: Knives Reforged
ID#: 107498
Factions: Vanguard (1), Malta (2), Custom (2-4); 2 bosses, 1 EB, 1 AV at max diff.
Difficulty: Medium to Hard, depending on AT and difficulty
Length: Long; 4 missions (1 escort; 1 seek clues, 2 defeat boss)
Summary: After the destruction of the Knives of Artemis cell in the Rogue Isles, Arbiter Daos hears of new Knives of Artemis activities. He thought the message was sent that their presence and actions will not be tolerated at all. Apparently, they want to ignore that message and he knows you are the one person that will teach them the folly of their ignorance.

Notes: This idea is based off continuation of the contact mission arc: Breaking Knives and a concept character I have played based on the same arc. Can be a bit harder for some ATs/diff settings. I did make the maps smaller in length to reduce time of the arc. So could be done <1 hr.
Hope you enjoy and feedback welcomed.



Arc Name: Zombies From Space!
Arc ID: 2411
Faction: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: Biowraith
Difficulty Level: Medium, maybe Hard
Synopsis: It's a zombie apocalypse. From space!
Estimated Time to Play: 1-1.5 hours solo, not tested teamed.

Arc Name: Die Hardcase, Die!
Arc ID: 1366
Faction: Villain
Creator Global/Forum Name: Biowraith
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: Ever since the Vivacious Verandi arc I've wanted to kill Hardcase. And now that I can I'm letting everyone else have a crack at it too. Over and over again.
Estimated Time to Play: 1-1.5 hours solo, not tested teamed.

Besides a few issues I can't (see a way to) avoid with the current MA options, both arcs are pretty much where I want them to be. Feedback is still welcome though (esp. regarding powersets, whether the EBs should be AVs to give teams a challenge, etc).

And anyone who's "played" Progress Quest may get a small kick out of my third arc, whose ID I don't have handy. Or they may think it's retarded - I was just messing around.



Here's a thread about my arc

Arc ID: 51728
Speeding Through Time
Story-based, in-continuity (as closely as possible anyway)
Contains Elite Bosses and Allies
4 missions containing 5th Column, Ghosts, and Arachnos
Length: You could probably run this in half an hour if you're not out to defeat everything

A mysterious figure claiming to be a member of the Freedom Phalanx of the past comes to you for help. There's a threat from his time that is just too big for him to handle. This arc involves time travel and while I'll freely admit you're not going to earn a ton of XP or tickets on this one, I think you'll have a lot of fun.



Arc ID: 81002

Title: Last Line Gathers
Faction: Heroic
Difficulty: Medium
Length: 5 Missions

Notes: Allies, Bosses, AVs towards end


Own custom made characters and stories. A wise mage sends you to different realities to recruit a motley crew of characters to form the ultimate hero team.

Arc ID: 64824

Title: War of the Women
Faction: Neutral
Difficulty: Medium to Hard
Length: 4 Missions

Notes: Many AVS and Allies

Summary: A special story that cameos almost all avaialable female characters from COH/COV

Arc ID: 72567

Title: The WEB
Faction: heroic
Difficulty: Medium to Hard
Length: 5 missions

Notes: Numerous AVs and Allies

Summary: Assist the heroic version of Arachnos against Praetorians. Almost all Praetorians appear as well as heroic versions of all Arachnos characters like Recluse.



Deadly Nightshade Task Force

I've got an arc to share. It's a three chapter arc with the remaining chapters in Part 2 (Working on it). Feel free to try it out, constructive criticism welcome {praise is welcome, too }.

ID #95255


I C O N S (Chairman)
Anthelios 50 BS/Regen scrapper
Deadly Nightshade 50 elec/dev blaster
White.Tiger 50 peacebringer
Ghost Orchid 50 necro mastermind
Flashfire 50 fire/kin controller
VICTORY server
Global handles: @irishhawk @irishhawk1 @irishhawk2



Arc Name: Coyote Task Force -- Welcome to the Freedom Phalanx
Arc ID: 114659
Faction: Arachnos, PPD, Longbow, custom, others.
Author: @LifeGuardian
Levels: Recommend only level 50s, level 40+ allowed
Length: 5 missions, very long
Morality: Hero
Synopsis: An old mentor needs your help. He needs to congratulate you on being invited to join the Freedom Phalanx! Very long TF-style extreme challenge. More than a dozen AVs, including signature AVs. Story is loosely a sequel to STF and a hero story arc. NOT FOR SOLO OR CASUAL PLAY!

There are a couple of quirks with this one -- it's hard to get things to spawn in sensible places and so on. I hope you guys throw teams together and give it a shot, though. Please don't down-rate for things like that -- if villain X spawns way off in the middle of nowhere, there's not much I can do about that until they make the MA more dynamic. Please share any feedback!



Free at last, thank god almighty I'm free at last! After three grueling weeks of working obsessively on this bloody arc it's finally done. The vexing part was figuring out how to get two bosses to spawn in a mish the way I wanted them too without it being all buggy. Talk about a crash course in what the MA can and can't do. There are lots of ambushes and hard bosses but I tried to include ways to finish the missions in order to make avoiding the worst of the onslaughts possible if you are careful as well as provided allies which can be used strategically so that soloing it isn't out of the question for any AT. There is a defeat all in one mission but it's a small bank map so don't worry

Arc Name: Alternate Realities
Arc ID: 115015
Faction(s): 5th Column, Snakes, Council (with some suprises)
Difficulty Level: You decide (Ambushes, EB, 2 AVs).
Creator: Irresponsible
Synopsis: My attempt to take all the most fun elements from both safeguard and mayhem missions and jam them into one arc with a few non-canonical twists thrown in just for kicks. Hopefully the story actually makes sense too. Neutral alignment.
Estimated time of play: About 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete all 5 missions, less if you rush through.

Now that that's done I can finally start going through and playing all of you guys' arcs here. The few I've done so far have been pretty great. Victory does rule.



Arc Name: The Order of the Black Flame
Arc ID: 122457
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Vanum / Vanum
Difficulty Level: High level but soloable with the right build.
Synopsis: A story line anyone can play but was mainly created to provide background info, in story arc form, for my villain group The Order of the Black Flame. Basically puts you back in time and has you taking a part in the group's current power structure.
Estimated Time to Play: 30 minutes for stealthers, more for others.
Link to More Details or Feedback: My global works, or you can PM me here too.

Victory PvP Boot Camp 2.0 - Rules Committee Member



Arc Name: Ang Pagkagising Kaluluwa
Arc ID: 71345
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Bayani
Difficulty Level: Several Elite Bosses on difficulties higher than Challenge Level 1
Synopsis: It's somewhat-story driven. The mission is a simulation of the trial of combat Bayani completed to earn his powers and occurs from his perspective, only the players will battle through the trial instead.
Estimated Time to Play: It's one mission, large map.



Heroic Arc
Arc Name: The Return of Fu Leng part 1: Shadow of the Viper
ID# 120870
Faction: Ninja
Difficulty: Medium to Hard
Mission Lvl: 14-40
Synopsis: Help the Crimson Samurai uncover the Shadow Viper Ninja Clan's latest plot.



Arc Name: A Most Precious Cargo
Arc ID: 17747
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Valdy
Difficulty Level: Moderate/Hard
Synopsis: Help a reluctant hero retreive something valuable taken from him. Four missions overall. Two with custom enemies. Mid-sized teams are excellent for this arc. I designed this arc to be something a team isn't supposed to "walk-in, walk-out" of. I put a lot into the writing and strategy of this arc. DPS is a nice plus for the end EB/AV.
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours.
Link to More Details or Feedback: Please use in-game feedback or PM me here.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've also posted

Arc Name: Under The Wire
Arc ID: 103823
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Valdy
Difficulty Level: Moderate/Hard
Synopsis: Crey has managed to get their hands on some technology that will help them in their recruitment efforts. Time gets shorter and shorter as you try to foil their plot! This is a blast to play with a big team on level 3 or 4. It starts off easing into the arc and gets more frenetic near the end. Coordination is vital with the last two mishs. There is no EB/AV at the end, but the last mission can be one heck of a rush!
Link to More Details or Feedback: Please use in-game feedback or PM me here.

Leader Rank in NightShift SG and Shifted Night VG

"I'm too scatterbrained to come up with a snappy catchphrase."



Heroic Arc
Arc Name:Enter the Yagyu Kage clan
Arc ID:136118
Creator Global/Forum Name:@Viking698
Difficulty Level:Medium to Hard
Synopsis:Find out what the Yagyu Kage clan is doing in Paragon City.
Estimated Time to Play: 1.5-2.5 hours depends on what diffculty setting you are on.
Link to More Details or Feedback:PM me here.

This arc is using my villian group as the main opponents. There are a total of 5 AV/EB's in the missions. I tweak the setting as best as I could. Comments welcome.



Arc Name:Crustacean Fancy Pants Plaza
Arc ID:3009
Creator Global/Forum Name:Jack Drek
Difficulty Level:Medium
Synopsis:Basically, it's an extension of a level 40-45 hero arc, but there are no spoilers. Mostly, I ran around thinking what if there really was a place called Crustacean Fancy Pants Plaza, took notes on the arc, and threw in one or two of my toons because they seemed to fit in with what would be the story. You'll either get all the allusions, some of the allusions, or will just think it's total wackiness, so it's not for everybody, but some will love it.
Estimated Time to Play:30 minutes average, I'd say
Link to More Details or Feedback:Just use the Victory Feedback thread.

Arc ID:4345
Creator Global/Forum Name:Jack Drek
Difficulty Level:Easy to Hard (see below)
Synopsis:It's starts with you going undercover in a startup hero group to cause some mayhem.... Note-This can be easier or harder, depending on how much you wish to do, notes will appear in the arc, for example, suggesting that you ignore the first villain AV and allow the mission to fail.
Estimated Time to Play:30 minutes average, again depends on what you do.
Link to More Details or Feedback:See above arc.

Arc Name:Volunteer Firefighting
Arc ID:128512
Creator Global/Forum Name:Jack Drek
Difficulty Level:Easy
Synopsis:Run errands for the fire department. There are no AVs or EBs, though the last villain group can be fairly tough.
Estimated Time to Play:Soloed it in 17 minutes.
Link to More Details or Feedback:See above arcs



Arc Name:[color= yellow] The Baryonic Cell[/color]
Arc ID:[color= orange] 125344[/color]
Faction: both Heroes and Villains can play
Author: @Baryonic Cell
Length: one mission, untimed.
Synopsis: A group of Portal Corporation scientists stumble upon design plans for a nuclear powered battle robot and turn rogue. You must venture into their laboratory and destroy the prototype before they have a chance to perfect the design!

<ul type="square">[*]
I had a great time designing the Portal Corporation scientists, there is plenty of variety in the mobs. It's just the one mission, you defeat the prototype of this nuclear robot to keep it out of the hands of the rogue scientists.[*]
If the idea of a mission based on part of an origin story is unappealing you might want to pass on this one, however it is not intended as a vanity piece. BC isn't going to be flying around wailing on mobs for you, he's going to be attempting to kick your butt, which I think is pretty cool. He spawns as an Elite Boss, and I made sure to remove his top-tier attack so he shouldn't be one-shotting any squishies. No knowledge of the character required to play.[/list]
Should be a fun way to take a punch at me. Tell me what you think.



Arc Name: The Scaven at Noon
Arc ID: (look it up under @Peterbilt)
Faction: Rat Men of the underworld
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: The ratmen are ready to break out of the sewers in a plot to take over Paragon City.
Estimated Time To Play: 1/2 hour

This is my son's first mission. He created a very interesting villain group that needs some tactics to beat. (Don't just go running out there.)

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Arc Name: Rescue the 4th Wall
Arc ID: 92390
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: Camper
Difficulty Level: Easy Peasy
Synopsis: A short jokey mission that I don't want to say much about or I'll give away the already somewhat feeble joke.
Estimated Time to Play: I dunno. 15 minutes or so.



Arc Name: The Cathedral of Mild Discomfort
Arc ID: 153712
Faction: Heroicl
Creator Global/Forum Name: Heraclea
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Synopsis: What mad scheme could motivate the 5th Column and its Roman allies to attack the world's greatest warriors?
Estimated Time to Play: 1 hour

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Arc Name: The Platinum Records
Arc ID: 28844
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Bluemont
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Synopsis: This is a documented record of the evolution of a unknown group of congregating specialists known as Seculars and the events that led to the movement known as the Platinum Rise.
Estimated Time to Play: 45min – 2h (time entirely based on personal/team desires)
Link to More Details or Feedback: None.
(known to be soloed by the following: scrappers, tankers, blasters, brutes, stalkers, dd pet controllers, dd dominators) / (EB/AV encounter eminent)

Updated 05.05.09

Platinum Records now has a story arc souvenir to collect at the end.

Mission 2’s “Defeat All” objective has been retired. Only generators need be destroyed.

Mission 4’s patrols are no longer present. Keep an eye out for ambushes however.

Blacktop (BT) Pathfinders have shed their Electrical Armor for Invulnerability. Bring a hammer.

Blacktop (BT) Shotsmen now no longer resurrect.

The final EB/AV has traded in their Dark Armor for a more appropriate type of skill.

Unresolved Issues

Mission 4’s objective processes incorrectly. There are three (3) allies that require your help to complete the mission objective yet they do not appear in the objective window. This mission is still capable of being completed.



Arc Name: Finding Bunny's Ears
Arc ID: 159599
Faction: neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @FooFooBunny
Difficulty Level: 1-54
Synopsis: Bunny needs you to find her ears and kick someones butt for stealing them.
Estimated Time to Play: Fairly quick. 10 minutes or so.
Link to More Details or Feedback:

My first attempt. Be nice, I'm still trying to figure everything out.



Arc Name: Jerk Hackers!
Arc ID: 162482
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Heraclea
Difficulty Level: Moderate; custom mobs, no EB, no AV
Synopsis: Don't let them go to the Americans!
Estimated time to play: 3 missions. Less than an hour.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Arc Name: [u]Holy Hydra![u]
Arc ID: #180128
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @VoodooGirl
Difficulty Level: Low, Hydra
Synposis: Go and stop the Hydra Attack in Steel Canyon and Free the Police Officers! Ideal for low level toons looking for a simple one mission arc to do with a team.
ETP: 1 mission &lt; One Hour



Arc Name: For my Friend
Arc ID:164260
Faction: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Crystalblue
Difficulty Level: Medium (centered around levels 40-41)
Synopsis: The Hero Idun is in a Coma, the Keep sends you out in a long mission to help save her
Estimated Time to Play: Very Long

Arc Name: ..of Roses &amp; Thorns
Arc ID: 188373
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Crystalblue
Difficulty Level: Medium (centered around levels 40-41)
Synopsis: Idun is safe, but is there an evil Clone of her at large? The Keep needs to know.
Estimated Time to Play: Very Long

//AtCbM// www.crystalblue.dk
Victory - Mare,Dagger of Pain,Keep,Hogun and Bloodpetal
The Keep-Arcs: 164260, 188373, 192610, 196090 and funny side-chapter 218575.
Mender-Arc: 266163



Arc Name: Rider's Ribs Restaurant Rescue
Arc ID: 163967
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Chocolate Rage/Zamuel
Difficulty Level: Medium to possibly hard. Fluctuates a bit based on where certain enemies spawn and in which amounts.
Synopsis: [SFMA] Your best friend's father has been known throughout the neighborhood for the quality of his restaurant which is run inside the Lucky Six Casino. However, someone has a sinister plan to shut him down...permanently. -Originally created as a project for Simulation &amp; Game Development @ CPCC-
Link to More Details or Feedback: Feedback thread

Designed as a final for one of my courses in the Simulation &amp; Game Development curriculum, it is a character story done in a way to put the player's character in a role that would have otherwise went to the character Chocolate Rage.

Feedback gladly appreciated.



Arc Name: The Rule of Law
Arc ID: 191959
Faction: Hero or Villain
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Cyber-naut
Difficulty Level: Hard - Custom critters &amp; AV's - bring team or play on heroic
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 Hours
Synopsis: Join a covert government agency tasked with bringing lawless super-powered beings under control. This arc ends with a choice to continue with one of 2 different arcs, 'Just Outlaws (ID 177335)' or 'Just Law (ID 189598).

Give 'em a try if you think you're sexy enough...