Mission Architect List




Arc Name: A Different Destiny
Arc ID: 205723
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: Major_Force
Difficulty Level: 40-50. Gets harder as you progress
Synopsis: A different take on the DESTINY (Red side) story
Estimated Time to Play: Not long. 4 Missions

205723: A Different DESTINY
When Soldiers of Arachnos got their names added to the Destiny List, Longbow managed to get a copy of the list and began rounding villains up. But one name on the list shocked them...



Title: Lesbian Hellion Liberation!
Arc. No. 208830
Length: Long
Morality: Villainous (nominally)
Groups: Custom, Paragon Police, Circle of Thorns

Synopsis: Doc Delilah played a part in the defeat of the Lesbian Hellion takeover of Atlas Park --- but now she finds herself missing one of them. She is calling for your help in breaking one out of jail.

But in doing so, you will uncover corrupt influence on the Paragon Police force, and ultimately confront one of history's most sinister figures.

Discussion thread

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Heraclea, I'm so sad. I went to take a group on your Philosophers mission and found ... it was taken down. That was a fun one too.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Philosophers is still active. The arc that I removed for the new one was "Cathedral of Mild Discomfort", an epic story with AVs and such that was rated five times during the time it was live.

You may have been searching with the default, which does not display any mission you have rated. You have to remember to unclick that if you want to replay a mission you have already been through.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Douse the Phlegethon Legion's Flame:
Arc ID: 215143
Faction: N/A
Creator Global/Forum Name: Kobolt Thunder
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: Help Marcus Valerius stop the mercinaries of the Phlegethon Legion from joining Romulus. (Custom group of melee NPC's set on hard. No AV's or EB's. Just a short, hand-to-hand fight for those who like them.)
Estimated Time to Play: 10 minutes

It is better to ask forgiveness than permission.



After having shinied everything up with some color here's Arc 3+4 of the Keep Saga.

Arc Name: You're in Big Trouble Now
Arc ID:192610
Faction: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Crystalblue
Difficulty Level: Nasty (levels 40+)
Synopsis: It's time to pay the price for what you have done. This wil put you face to face with your old contact "The Keep"
Estimated Time to Play: Short

Arc Name: Free the Keep
Arc ID: 196090
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Adam the Mage
Difficulty Level: Medium (levels 41+)
Synopsis: The Keep is unjustly in Prison, and a mysterious Lady in Gray wants YOU to free him.
Estimated Time to Play: Long

And a silly little one-shot (limited time only)

Arc Name: He Cut Me
Arc ID: 218575
Faction: Villain
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Adam the Mage
Difficulty Level: Medium (levels 20+)
Synopsis: About the Harsh world behind the scenes of producing AE-Entertainment movies.
Estimated Time to Play: Short-Medium

//AtCbM// www.crystalblue.dk
Victory - Mare,Dagger of Pain,Keep,Hogun and Bloodpetal
The Keep-Arcs: 164260, 188373, 192610, 196090 and funny side-chapter 218575.
Mender-Arc: 266163



Arc Name: [u]Holy Hydra![u]
Arc ID: #180128
Ideal for low level toons looking for a simple one mission arc to do with a team.

[/ QUOTE ]

This delivers on it's promise - no more but no less either. I'm not fan of kill all missions since it seems they aren't really meant to be completed, but after having calmed down (spending 30 minutes looking for the next-to-last mob on foot, and another 45 NOT finding the last mob made me kind of cranky since I'm a finisher) I upgraded my original overzealous score to *** (3) stars (good). It's not VG's fault mobs falls thru' the map.

//AtCbM// www.crystalblue.dk
Victory - Mare,Dagger of Pain,Keep,Hogun and Bloodpetal
The Keep-Arcs: 164260, 188373, 192610, 196090 and funny side-chapter 218575.
Mender-Arc: 266163



Hey everyone!

I just made and published my first MA Story Arc. It's a story based 2 mission arc, 25-54. Please play it and rate it/post comments/critisize. Its my first try ever, so any and all comments are wanted.

Arc ID: 236002
Defender of the Elves.



They spoke, She listened...

my 'serious' mish. Overhauled for i15, let me know if I missed something, or something isn't spawning right. Was working for me, but ymmv.

Fighting cimeorans, lotsa hostages, an escort, some bosses... can get hectic if you try and plow through. Stop and read the text, as I tried to write a developing story as you progress in the mish, yet still have it on the short end of completion time.



Arc #230100
Arc Name: Pagkagising ng Kaluluwa
Faction: Heroic
Diff Level: 40-50
Playtime: 30-60 mins

Challenge the Filipino martial arts masters of the Limang Paralaan.



Arc ID No. 247372
Title: Death by Snoo-Snoo!

Alignment: Heroic
Length: Short (1 mission)
Level: 53

Rogue Amazons have reverted to their old ways of kidnapping men. But this time, they have set their sights on Paragon City's hero population! The unfortunate heroes are not quite equal to the challenge they present.

Are you tough enough to take on these Amazons?

This is a high level (53 only) mission, intended to be a physical challenge as well as being humorous. The minions have been designed specifically to resist attempts to avoid them in melee. It is suitable for teams, and will automatically SK every player to level 50.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Re-posting due to current changes in the MA system. It has been altered with past feedback for a little more fluidity. There are still CoT maps being used, but I've tried to limit their annoyances; these types of maps have to be used due to the story line. While the mission/story is basically the same as before, I have added a story element that I think adds to the atmosphere I'm trying for, hence the re-posting.

Arc Name: What the Vudu?!?!
Arc ID: 18911
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: VoodooCompany
Difficulty Level: Medium to Hard
Synopsis: An old group has sprung up to try to take over the Circle of Thorns. Can you find out more about them and hopefully prevent them from becoming too powerful? Contains custom mobs of all varities, including 3 AVs. Set up for Levels 35+ only. The missions were created to challenge players. It is geared towards teams but is COMPLETELY soloable depending on what Difficutly level you choose.
Estimated Time to Play: 30+ minutes

Please use the *in-game feedback* or PMs if you have problems, see mistakes, are confused about something, etc.

1) There does appear to be some issue *still* with mob/goal placements; no matter the setting, there is overlap for the areas within missions deemed front/middle and middle/back. This can cause not-so-clean triggering of events. If I can find the perfect solution where it does what it's supposed to do 100% of the time, I'll gladly do it.

2) There is some kind of delay/perception issue with allies where they stall at random and won't follow for some time even if you're right there with them. The ally is not needed, and doesn't have to survive, but he is useful.

Tip: Make sure to know which mobs are more dangerous if left alone.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Arc Name: The Danger Rangers in Paragon
Arc ID: 254652
Faction: Heroes
Creator Global/Forum Name: @LadyEvander LadyinChains
Difficulty Level: 10-54 AV, EBs, Bosses
Synopsis: The Danger Rangers are trying to take over Paragon! Complete the mission if you think you're strong enough
Estimated Time to Play: One mission, Shouldn't take long with a well equipped team
Link to More Details or Feedback: Looking for feedback, open to suggestions. Open Atlas Park map. Custom group, custom powers. Not affiliated with the SG.

Arc Name: The Victory Rangers in the Rogue Isles
Arc ID: 264653
Faction: Villains
Creator Global/Forum Name: @LadyEvander LadyinChains
Difficulty Level: Levels 10-54 AVs, EBs, Bosses, rescue a captive
Synopsis: Those goody two-shoe Victory Rangers are invading the Rogue Isles, trying to wipe out the Destined Ones! Can you stop them?
Estimated Time to Play: One mission, should be quick with a very very well equipped team.
Link to More Details or Feedback: Looking for feedback, open to suggestions. Open St. Martial map with custom group and custom powers.



Arc Name: Technological Advances
Arc ID: 266163
Faction: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Crystalblue
Difficulty Level: Easy-Medium (levels 33-45)
Synopsis: Mender Tesseract has a (slightly villanous) plan to save Earth, and somehow it involves helping Nemesis &amp; the Freakshow strike a famous deal.
Soon you're not just up against the Heroes of Paragon City but also figthing Steampowered Tanks and an entire Rikti Invasion, with the existance of the Menders themselves at risk.
Estimated Time to Play: Short-Medium (3 Maps)

[u]I already know the following[u]:

- Yes! It IS a villain mission because we ARE helping the bad guys
- Tesseract COULD have chosen to gain results helping good guys too you know!
- Some missed opportunities of extra jokes with the cameo characters
- Not the right map (didn't have the original mission available to check)
- I went with (and tested on) a map I liked instead and will probably stick to it
- The customs WERE made specifically for this mission, I'm not flaunting alts
- Bosses ARE just meant to be Lts. and I do know Boss groups are a little spread out
- Somewhat dialogue poor (Mis.3 too but there it's more OK)
- Yes 'Doble Brothers' not 'Dalton Brothers' - check names on Wikipedia
- Pacing problem - it IS the climax but doesn't feel like it compared to Mis.1
- Level range due to rescued peoples level, level around the mission it reenacts
- Level-adjustments is canon in Mender-missions, and at least it doesn't jump
- Can give people that "So now I'M the idiot??!?" feeling
- I hope the Souvenir to some extent mitigates this

- Changed spelling of hopefull -&gt; hopeful (it just LOOKS so wrong)
- Added non-mandatory canon clue to Mis. 2 to liven it up (why only 300 chars?)

//AtCbM// www.crystalblue.dk
Victory - Mare,Dagger of Pain,Keep,Hogun and Bloodpetal
The Keep-Arcs: 164260, 188373, 192610, 196090 and funny side-chapter 218575.
Mender-Arc: 266163



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
Arc ID No. 247372
Title: Death by Snoo-Snoo!
LOL, awesome title. I am glad to see I am not the only one who loves Futurama.
Rock on Heraclea!

Indigo, leader of the City of Gaymers

City of Gaymers on Guildportal.com



Arc Name: Ecloga Prima: Excursio in lingua Latina
Arc ID: 309162
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: Heraclea
Difficulty Level: Moderate - hard. Lieutenants and bosses with custom power selections
Synopsis: A war must be fought in Arcadia! The satyrs have stolen the Amazons' wine. You must get the wine back. You will fight legendary monsters.
Estimated Time to Play: 1/2 hour
Tags: [SFMA] [Latin language]
Discussion and poster: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=187904

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Arc Name: Putting Out Fires: A Corporate Satire
Arc ID: 20100
Faction: Villainous
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Cannonfodder/Storyteller
Difficulty Level: Low to Medium
Synopsis: This 4 mission arc lets you destroy the Council's bureaucracy with Efficiency Expert Pither. Thrill to the hold music of the Council help desk! Get chills when you visit their human resource office! [4 timed missions, 2 AVs, 1-54, Council, Efficiency Expert Pither, Satire]
Estimated Time to Play: No more than 2 hours

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA



Arc Name: Husk
Arc ID: 316340
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: Defenestrator
Difficulty Level: Moderate - hard. Bosses with custom power selection. Elite boss/AV with custom power selection
Synopsis: Azuria loses something, a woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.
Estimated Time to Play: 1 hour

Thanks to Zamuel for being the guinea pig and finding one last spelling error. Dependent on feedback, I might tone down the AV/EB at the end. Fire armor can be a pain to deal with, but at least he doesn't have Rise of the Phoenix.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



I've been working through some of the arcs here from names that I remember and thought I'd throw mine up there for review.

Arc Name: Comeback Tour
Arc ID: 333572
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Captain Intensity
Difficulty Level: Medium, AV with Ally
Synopsis: Someone has been away for awhile and now has come back with mysterious ties to a villain faction.
Estimated Time to Play: Says very long but depends how you work through the maps. 5 missions.
Link to More Details or Feedback: My first attempt at the AE system having returned from lengthy 9 month hiatus. Looking for feedback.

Wash: "I've been under fire before. Well ... I've been in a fire. Actually, I was fired. I can handle myself."



Updated: Check
Dumber: Check
Makes less sense: Check
I played it before. Why play it again: It's a little different!

Due to *someone* coming back and ruining the entire point of the original, I had to re-do part of it, adding in new characters and a whole other level. "Story" was altered, but it's just as confusing and lackluster as before.

Arc Name: Something funny happened on the way to the Victory Forum?
Arc ID: 82693
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: VoodooCompany
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: A fun/lighthearted poke at us, the Victory Forum. Includes a custom group with several different types of mobs. Some forumites guest star, of course.
Estimated Time to Play: Medium-ish
Link to More Details or Feedback: Definite work-in-progress. Please PM or use in-game comment system. Yes, I know, the mobs will probably kick your *** if you don't pay attention. WAI.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Arc Name: Another Nemesis Plot?

Arc ID: 366083

Faction: nemesis, arachnos, custom group (consisting of half nemesis and half custom critters), custom group (consisting of robot type enemies)

Creator Global/Forum Name: @Necroech Master

Difficulty Level: medium/hard (has enemy AVs, but will be EBs on lower diff settings)

Synopsis: Nemesis is back up to his old tricks, but he has gone to all new lengths this time. He has advanced his machine-making skills faster than we imagined. He has used his knowledge of Rikti, Council and Malta to copy the designs of their robots for his use.

Estimated Time to Play: 45 minutes to 1.5 hours (depending on diff)

Link to More Details or Feedback: Link to Feedback Thead



Arc ID: 372980
Arc Title: The Great American Skull Fry!
Factions: Skulls, Circle of Thorns, Hydra, Skulls Girlfriends
Morality: Heroic
Length: 3 Missions
Level Range: 5-10
Description: Statesman has been captured by the Skulls! Rescue him!

Entry in Dr. Aeon's Second Architect Challenge.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Arc Name: Belated Justice
Arc ID: 88003
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Grey Pilgrim
Difficulty Level: Medium, no Elite Bosses, but some bosses with high damage
Level Range: 20-30
Synopsis: Where does justice end, and vengeance begin? A seemingly straightforward hunt for a murderer sends you against the Warriors, the Tsoo, and the Family- and against the demons that can plague us all.
Estimated Time to Play: 35-45 minutes

I am reposting my arc, as it has been revamped pretty thoroughly. The gameplay is more streamlined and fun (no defeat alls, even if they were on small maps), and the story has been focused and improved. Enjoy and pass on the feedback!

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Arc Name: KT Melee Combat Program
Arc ID: 393456
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: Kobolt Thunder
Difficulty Level: Hard
Synopsis: This story arc represents a simple, "danger room" type combat program. There is no back story and very little dialogue. It was designed for players that enjoy heavy, melee combat and large NPC vs. NPC battles."
Estimated Time to Play: 5 minutes - forever and a day
Link to More Details or Feedback

I wrote this for my playstyle and If you've teamed with me you know that's fighting the agro limit of enemies in close combat. I also enjoy playing "lets you and him fight" with big groups of NPCs duking it out.

Basically this is one big melee brawl, no storyline, no fancy text. Every enemy has a melee and a defensive power set. I used the largest map I could and added 30 Blue patrols and 30 Red patrols. Reds and Blues will agro each other and as well as you.

The mission objective is an escort with the escort being a Stormy that plays like certain people who will go unnamed at this time. Keeping the escort alive takes some agro management.

So if you like melee combat, grab your Brute/Tank/Scrapper/wahtever, set your diff for 8 man spawns and go to town.

It is better to ask forgiveness than permission.



MA Arc #408433
Name: Thebian Rex
Levels 20 - 50
Custom Mobs, Elite Bosses, Extreme Elite Bosses, Ambushes, Escorts, Captives, Glowies
5 Missions.