Mission Architect List




I went away for a while and came back to see that my original "Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Boys" was well received.

Then I accidentally deleted it. Oops.

Anyway, I was planning to beef it up a bit, so it's now a three-mission arc.

ID 412378
Name: "Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Boys"
Recommended 25 and up.

Feedback encouraged. I have a hard time determining the difficulties of mobs. My villain is a mastermind. My hero is a SR scrapper. So it's hard to really tell how dangerous minions and such are.



Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575
Faction: Tsoo/Family
Creator Global/Forum Name: Enigma Black
Difficulty Level: 15-40
Synopsis: The year in 1986 and the evil General Tsoo is madly in love with pop sensation Janet Jack. She has an upcoming stop in town to promote her album "Control" and requires some extra security in case the Tsoo tries anything. Babysitting a pop star isn't exactly your cup of tea, but the Tsoo suck and you don't mind tossing a few of them around.
Estimated Time to Play: 30 minutes scaled to one player
Link to More Details or Feedback:N/A

Still a work in progress. Looking for any type of feedback.


Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



After two years away, I've come back to find this AE system. Very interesting, so I thought I would give it a try. Here is my first arc, would be very interested in feedback. Enjoy.

Arc Name: Papal Inquisition
Arc ID: 421658
Enemies: Cimerorans, Custom Group (Gunn Clan)
Difficulty Level: 36-54
Morality: Villainous
Length: 5 Missions
Contents: Collection, Destructible Object, Captive, Custom Bosses, Custom Arch Villains.
Description: Year 1248 A.D.: You are a soldier in the Army of the Holy See, and you have been sent by Pope Innocent IV to continue his quest to consolidate all of Europe into a single Papal State. Heretics will be arrested, interrogated, and tried. When convicted, those who refuse to recant will be executed.

Victory Server
Tarkin Gunn
Lord Ragnarok

New Villainous Arc - "Papal Inquisition" Arc ID: 421658



Arc Name: Freedom INC.
Faction: neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @walter thompson
Difficulty Level: medium
Synopsis: a new super group from L.A has appeared with Shady backgrounds. the FSA (federal superhuman agency) asks you to look into them, and what you find out is much worse than suspected.
Estimated Time to Play: 2 hours



Originally Posted by jbrass View Post
(This fun one will likely be of particular interest on this server. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.)
Is that why everyone on this server seems to have bear or ursus in their name? I'd been wondering.



Apparently I never actually posted this here so...

Story Name: Overload
Story Arc ID: 405822
Author’s Global Chat Handle: @Peppercat
Length: Long (5 missions)
Level Range: 40-50
Mission Status: Final
Alignment: Heroic

In-Game Keywords: Custom Characters, Original Story, Origin Story

Story Description: A new robot menace sweeps Paragon City! Do you have the skill and intelligence to combat the mechanized mayhem?

MA Arc:
Overload (Arc ID #405822) | Status: Final | Last Edited: 5th Nov 2010 for text fixes.



Story Name: Investigation of El Dine-r
Arc ID: 524063
Author's Global Chat Handle: @Infinite Daves
Length: 5 missions
Level Range: Meant for levels 11-20
Mission Status: I dunno. I just now published it. I think it's done.
Alignment: Heroic

Story Description: What first starts out as a routine raid on a Trolls' hideout turns out to be something more complex when it's discovered someone is pulling strings on a famous restaurant chain.



FARMS!!! No rezzers of course.

Fire farms:

Story Name: Dave's Flambeaux Fire Farm (currently on version 2.4)
Arc ID: 516813
Author's Global Chat Handle: @Infinite Daves2
Length: Short
Level Range: well it's a fire farm so you probably are running it at level 50 with +4/x8 diff.
Mission Status: Always in progress.
Alignment: Neutral

Story Description: A fire farm. Uses the tech map. Flambeaux in her standard costume and two custom ones. Two destructible objects for ambushes, one glowie to end. Two Archvillain allies. SHOULD give max xp/inf, but I checked it today after maintenance and the characters weren't listed as 100% at level 50 and I had to fix them.

Story Name: Hot Kitty Fire Farm (new! version 1.0)
Arc ID: 527895
Author's Global Chat Handle: @Infinite Daves2
Length: 4 missions
Level Range: same as above
Mission Status: Looking for feedback...
Alignment: Neutral

Story Description: Fire farm. Uses the tech map, troll cave, warehouse and GV conference room. Objects spawn ambushes. Allies in some missions. 18 different girls and 6 different monsters. Gives max xp/inf.

Smashing/Lethal Farms

Story Name: Indoor Smashing/Lethal Kitty Farm
Arc ID: 527049
Author's Global Chat Handle: @Infinite Daves2
Length: 1 mission
Level Range: same as above
Mission Status: Looking for feedback.
Alignment: Rogue

Story Description: To be honest I haven't went through this one that much. The only guy I can do s/l farms with is an elec/regen scrapper. It's difficult for him, but doable. Max xp.

Uses the tech map... blah blah

Story Name: Outdoor Goth Kitty Farm (on version 3.0 right now)
Arc ID: 513917
Author's Global Chat Handle: @Infinite Daves
Length: 1 mission
Level Range: same as above
Mission Status: Work in progress
Alignment: Neutral

Story Description: Outdoor narrow city map. about 20 of 32 groups have 4 bosses each in them. (it wouldn't let me do them all)

If you try one of them and don't feel like giving it 5 stars then I'd like to know what would make it/them better.



Arc Name: Dhahabu Kingdom and the Indelible Curse of Hate
Arc ID: 367872
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global: @Zamuel
Level Range: 41+
Synopsis: A hero's work with the Portal Corporation doesn't just spread through Paragon. Other dimensions need help as destiny has decreed you to be their savior. Aid Queen Auri as the Dhahabu Kingdom fights to stop an evil curse from destroying all she holds dear.


Arc Name: Dhahabu Kingdom and the Unfathomable Nightmare of Sand
Arc ID: 453511
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global: @Zamuel
Level Range: 41+
Synopsis: The thrilling sequel to Dhahabu Kingdom and the Indelible Curse of Hate (#367872). As you return to this mystic land, the people are assailed by an unholy drought. As something sinister lurks, only you can save this world from an ancient threat.