I14 Champion Mission Architect Directory




Arc Name: Positron's Task Force: The Remix
Arc ID: 1945
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: Interface
Difficulty Level: effortless
Synopsis: Ever since CoH launched, people have complained that Positron's task force was long, hard, boring, and unrewarding. No more! It's just a matter of time before the devs see this easy, fast and funny rewrite and replace the old one. Be among the first to baldly... er, boldly save Paragon from the Circle's latest foul plot.
Estimated Time to Play: 15 minutes

Arc Name: The Conundrum Guy's Challenge
Arc ID: 6518
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: Interface
Difficulty Level: pretty darn hard
Synopsis: A quick challenge for one player. Requires you to actually THINK in order to solve it in time.
Estimated Time to Play: 5 minutes (that's the time limit!)

Arc Name: Two Chicks At Once
Arc ID: 83920
Faction: Villainous
Creator Global/Forum Name: Interface
Difficulty Level: moderate
Synopsis: Working for Lord Recluse, you discover that Longbow has launched a cunning and titillating plot to overthrow the Rogue Isles. With your help, Arachnos will strike back in kind...
Estimated Time to Play: 15 - 20 minutes
Link to More Details or Feedback: Movie Poster



Arc Name: Death to Disco!
Arc ID: 84420
Creator Global Name: @Wrong Number
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: It's 2009; Dr. Disco Fever has somehow altered the timeline so that Disco never died. The Star Spangled Banner is played to a Disco beat! Sporting events start with people standing up and "getting down" for our national anthem. Restore the timeline or be stuck Boogie Oggie-ing forever!
Number of EB/AVS – 0
Story Type - Humor
Mission Count: 2
Estimated Time to Play: about 30 minutes

Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Arc Name: Project Grieves
Arc ID: 92435
Faction: Custom
Length: 4 Missions
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Bramphousian
Difficulty Level: Soloable, may present difficulty.
Synopsis: Heroes and Villains from all over Paragon and the Rogue Isles are disappearing. Labs are being ransacked. It's up to you to investigate.

Features a pretty neat custom enemy group (in my opinion, anyway)

Thank you, Champion.



Arc Name: Azuria's Difficulties
Arc ID: 55639
Faction: Heroic

Creator Global/Forum Name: Aramar

Difficulty Level: Varies by level (see details, below), generally mid-range. No AV's/EB's.

Synopsis: Azuria, after yet another item escaping the M.A.G.I. Vault, is attempting to actually secure all of the dangerous items she watches over. To accomplish this, she needs your help.

Estimated Time to Play: Varied. 5 Missions with no kill-alls, all missions are objective based completions.

Link to Feedback: No feedback area yet.

...or more Details: This arc is based off of the widespread humor of Azuria's "security." It is designed to be playable across almost any level range, making use of some of the less used maps in the game. Opponent mix varies by level run.

[/ QUOTE ]
Just revised based on user feedback (thanks to those that ran the arc/sent in feedback).

Co-Founder: Hand of Justice, Champion Server

Currently published arcs:
1) Azuria's Difficulties (arc: 55639) - Ver 1.2



Arc Name:Skirmishes in time (Prelude to the Mender Wars) Beta
Arc ID:101646
Creator Global/Forum Name:MasterGabriel
Difficulty Level:Hard Designed for team play
Synopsis: Enemies (Circle of Thorns, Nemesis, Custom) Heroes are recruited to perform a task for a mysterious Mender of Ouroborous. They get a little more than expected when they find out who the oppositions is. The custom enemies are rough and a balanced team is recommended. There are a lot of bosses. I designed this arc to tests a teams ability to manage and control aggro as well as to use tactical positioning.
Estimated Time to Play:Most likely 2-3 hours or less.
Link to More Details or Feedback:No special feed back set up. This is the first of 3 arcs telling the story of the Mender Wars (an idea I got from watching the Samuraiko fan trailer for I14)

Edited custom enemies to increase fun factor and character survivability. Removed -perception powersets and decreased size of boss spawns to manageable levels.

Feel free to PM me or email me with feedback regarding this arc @Master Gabriel.



Arc Name: Alice in Wonderland Part 1
Arc ID: 59657
Faction: All Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: Canonball
Difficulty Level: Solo Challenging / Team Friendly
Synopsis: Just a fun poke at Alice in Wonderland. See who you can find.
Link to More Details or Feedback: Always leave me feedback with your mission so I may return the favor.

Arc Name: Alice in Wonderland Part 2
Arc ID: 59650
Faction: All Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: Canonball
Difficulty Level: Solo Challenging / Team Friendly
Synopsis: Just a fun poke at Alice in Wonderland. See who you can find.
Link to More Details or Feedback: Always leave me feedback with your mission so I may return the favor.

Put so much into it that I had to make 2 arcs.



Mission name: The Bookmaster

Mission ID: 68526

Recommended difficulty: The mission can be soloed on all difficulties, so long as you follow the instructions in the final mission. That said, it will always be better on a team.

Recommended team size: 1-8

Background story: The Bookmaster, a dastardly villain with the power to alter reality so that it resembles any fictitious story of his choosing, is planning a scheme of epic proportions. Can you stop him in time?

Your Global name: @Antaean

Proud to fight alongside:



Arc Name: Defeat the Comics Haven Staff

Arc ID: 103642

Faction: Neutral

Creator Global/Forum Name: @Celestial Lord

Difficulty Level: Difficult. A team is highly recommended.

Synopsis: You are hired by a mysterious man to permanently shut down the Comics Haven web site.. by defeating its staff members!

Estimated Time to Play: Three hours

Link to More Details or Feedback: http://forums.comicshaven.net/

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Arc Name: Bad Candy!!! How can this be???
Arc ID: 101948
Faction: neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @ Fuzzy Yum Yum
Difficulty Level: 1-54 custom mobs
Synopsis: A mission filled with some very bad candy. It's not to easy. A team is always more fun.
Estimated Time to Play: 30mins - 1hour+

The Few The Proud The SHOWTIME



Arc Name: Fowl Weather Strikes Again
Arc ID: 3641
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: Dark Shrike
Difficulty Level: moderate to hard. (NO AVs)
Synopsis: Something fowl is afoot in Skyway City
Estimated Time to Play: 15-30 minutes

This is a one story mission arc primarily meant to be humorous. Be warned though - these birds don't always fight fair.

Arc Name: If at frost you dont secede
Arc ID: 36608
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: Dark Shrike
Difficulty Level: Moderate to hard depending team. This arc features signature AVs
Synopsis: Discover a plot to discredit Paragon City Search and Rescue and save the day.
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours. 3 Missions.

Arc Name: To Hive and to Hold
Arc ID: 86995
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: Dark Shrike
Difficulty Level: Moderate to hard depending on team and difficulty setting. This mission features custom AV encounters.
Synopsis: Local crack reporter, Amanda Vines, disappears while investigating a hot lead on some questionable new Crey Industries research. Can you find Amanda Vines and thwart a Crey plot gone awry in time to save the city?
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours. 5 Missions, no defeat alls.

Constructive feedback is greatly appreciated.



Arc Name:Skirmishes in time (Prelude to the Mender Wars) Beta
Arc ID:101646
Creator Global/Forum Name:MasterGabriel
Difficulty Level:Hard Designed for team play
Synopsis: Enemies (Circle of Thorns, Nemesis, Custom) Heroes are recruited to perform a task for a mysterious Mender of Ouroborous. They get a little more than expected when they find out who the oppositions is. The custom enemies are rough and a balanced team is recommended. There are a lot of bosses. I designed this arc to tests a teams ability to manage and control aggro as well as to use tactical positioning.
Estimated Time to Play:Most likely 2-3 hours or less.
Link to More Details or Feedback:No special feed back set up. This is the first of 3 arcs telling the story of the Mender Wars (an idea I got from watching the Samuraiko fan trailer for I14)

Edited custom enemies to increase fun factor and character survivability. Removed -perception powersets and decreased size of boss spawns to manageable levels.

Feel free to PM me or email me with feedback regarding this arc @Master Gabriel.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unfortunately perception goons did not change when I changed powerset on enemy group. They are still there so bring yellows and breakfrees.



Arc Name: Save the House of Blues!
Arc ID: 114193
Faction: Security Guards, Illinois 5th Column
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Neuronia/Neuronia
Difficulty Level: Easy
Synopsis: Homage to the Blues Brothers. Comedy/fun arc, three missions. 1 Rescue, 1 glowie collect, 1 defeat all.
Estimated Time to Play: 10-20 minutes.

Link to More Details or Feedback: n/a as of yet.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Arc Name: Purrrsuit of Purrrfection
Arc ID: 6164

Faction: Custom

Creator Global/Forum Name: @Meowtch

Difficulty Level: Level Range 40-54, Recommended Team Size-Any, Rugged 2-8

Synopsis: Fun, Silly, I'm a Cat-Girl so you know what to expect

Estimated Time to Play: Short Arc, less than 10 minutes

Link to More Details or Feedback: I am still searching for a good Atlas Park map that isn't buggy with rescues, hope you enjoy!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey Champs, I've unpublished this due to too many people telling me it was a waste of their time...I know the map was a pain but it needed to be Atlas and there is no other that allows me to put as much in that isn't bugged so perhaps they'll eventually release more Atlas maps, we'll see...

In the interim, go enjoy Zubs arc if you like humor, it was truly fantastic!!

Have a great weekend all!


~ The Earthguard ~



Arc Name: A Flood of Red & White
Arc ID: 123585
Faction: Longbow
Creator Global/Forum Name: @BlackAmaranth
Difficulty Level: Moderate (Can be Farmed)
Synopsis: The Longbow have finally done it! They've snapped! They have gone from noble protectors to a vigilante army of madmen! Someone has taken control of a large faction of Longbow and are declaring war on anyone or anything they consider "Evil" even the University! Hero Corps needs your help to stop them! (This is ALOT of Longbow. You may never want to see another Longbow ever again after this!)
Estimated Time to Play: Teams of 1-3: 1 hour, Teams of 4-8: 2 hours.
Notes: The Arc is listed as Very Long, but Missions 3 and 5 are VERY SHORT, so it's not as long as they say. Some of the testers have said that this arc CAN be used to farm, but it's not intended that way. It has a story, and I invite you to read all the dialog. And watch your backs....I love Ambushes!

Please, Please, PLEASE give me commentary in the feedback. I want to know how to make it better!

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Arc Name: The Time Patrol
Arc ID: 8414
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @nav/TheNavigator
Difficulty Level: designed for soloing, but pretty rough any higher than Heroic.
Synopsis: You become embroiled in the dark secret behind the founding of the Time Patrol. The arc was written for members of the Time Patrol SG, but everyone is welcome to play it.
Estimated Time to Play: 45 minutes



Arc Name: Illicit Affair
Arc ID: 39278
Faction: Arachnos, Arachnoid, Circle of Thorns, Rikti, Rogue Arachnos
Creator Global/Forum Name: Felecia Divine
Difficulty Level: 45-50 on heroic based on team experience and builds, Team Size 1-8
Synopses: A gadgeteer and promotional expert enlists you (and your team) to help in testing her gadgets and bring in Arch-Villians. This is the first part of a Trilogy. 5 Missions, 6 AV's, 1 EB. The bigger the team the more fun it is but it is soloable.
Estimated Time: 1 hour (despite the time it takes, you will not notice the time flying by, it is extremely fast paced and enjoyable).



Arc Name: Comedy Series 1
Arc ID: 8779
Faction: Custom Groups (Superbunnies, Cow Level)
Creator Global/Forum Name: Felecia Divine
Difficulty Level: 1-50 heroic for new heroes, raise difficulty for older more powerful heroes. Team Size 1-8
Synopses: Huge Heffer needs your help! An experiment of self-replicating, super-powered, superbunnies have excaped and are overrunning Atlas Park, you have to capture ALL of them, FAST! Then Huge Heffer needs your help stopping a ceremony that will summon the Bizarre Chocolate Cow Demoness Mammy MooMoo! There really is a Cow Level! This is also the first part of a Trilogy (1 Major AV)
Estimated Time: 30-60 minutes




Name: The Vahzilok Gamble
Arc ID: 83814
Creator Global Name: @Wayward Girl
Difficulty Level: Medium - Soloable on most builds, YMMV. Custom group in all missions, with auto-exemp to 18 to 20 level against regular Vahzilok in the 3rd mission.
Synopsis: The Vahzilok have always been a low threat villain group, but something's changed of late. Now the Vahz are almost... dangerous!
Number of EB/AVS – 2; 1 in 3rd and 1 in 4th missions. Ally backup available in both cases.
Story Type - Lovecraftian Horror
Mission Count: 4
Estimated Time to Play: about 60 minutes depending on build. Only one defeat-all in the 4th mission.

Name: A Night at the Opera
Arc ID: 124796
Creator Global Name: @Wayward Girl
Difficulty Level: Medium - Soloable on most builds, YMMV. Heavy psionic damage in missions 2 and 5. Malta and Custom group.
Synopsis: The Malta Group exists to control the paranormal and the superhuman on Earth in the service to their New World Order. But what if there was a group within the group that put the defense of the Earth ahead of the agenda?
Number of EB/AVS – 1 in 5th mission
Story Type - Lovecraftian Horror, Intrigue
Mission Count: 5
Estimated Time to Play: about 90 minutes depending on build, difficulty, and team size. One timed mission glowie hunt in the 3rd with a 2-hour timer. No defeat alls.



Edit: due to a rather harsh but possible merited review, i'm taking my arc down until i can be sure it's what i want it to be.



Arc Name: The Bone Crusher Project
Arc ID: 142469
Faction: Crey, Custom
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: Crey Industries has unwittingly unleashed an enraged monster onto the streets of Paragon City. It's up to the heroes to track down and capture the creature before other villainous forces do!
Estimated Time To Play: 1 hour

This story arc was created by my wife, Flame Red.

Hope you enjoy!

Founder/Leader of the JUSTICE F0RCE



Arc Name: Put an End to the S.P.E.C.
Arc ID: 142341
Faction: Arachnos, custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @PownUnoobs
Difficulty Level: It's not too bad, though there is an eb at the end
Synopsis:Rather than creating an origin story for Lord Porkluse, I created this, where you instead battle his creators. In this arc you are led by Agent Steve as you attempt to bring down the S.P.E.C.
Estimated Time to Play: 30+ depending on team size and build
Link to More Details or Feedback:



Re: Bone Crusher Project - I enjoyed the arc's plot so far, but this MA was certainly a PITA. Your Dark Medusa EB in particular was too tough alone with a MA/SR scrapper - Dark/Dark turned up to 11 means accuracy debuffed to where you can't hit even with Focus Ki and a fist full of yellows, slowed to the point where you can't even make enough attacks for the law of averages to help, terrorized, and taking aoe damage continuously - which sucks if you're playing a melee type and need to stay close, and she's sucking your health dry to heal herself. Fun. The only reason I didn't rage quit on the spot after running away and trying again in three attempts was that I didn't have to defeat her to proceed. Luckily, I had Stealth to get past her. Another player, one squishier and not so empowered, would probably give it up at that point.

Then I get told in the next mission to bring help. After seeing the last EB, I believe it. I take a shot solo anyway, and mop the floor with him.



Re: Put an end to the S.P.E.C.

I think you've put me off of bacon for a few days! =^_^=



Arc Name: The Scaven at Noon
Arc ID: (look it up under @Peterbilt)
Faction: Rat Men of the underworld
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: The ratmen are ready to break out of the sewers in a plot to take over Paragon City.
Estimated Time To Play: 1/2 hour

This is my son's first mission. He created a very interesting villain group that needs some tactics to beat. (Don't just go running out there.)

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity