I14 Champion Mission Architect Directory




I'd like to say Squid's arc is pretty awesome.
Varied objectives, nice writing, crisp action.
Hope you enjoy it folks.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Well here is my first attempt (still editing here and there)!

Name: The Diabolical Doctor Endocrine
Arc ID: 18120
Length: Medium
Levels: 20-54
Morality: Heroic

Enemy groups: Custom Group

Description: A seriously deranged bio doctor has returned to Atlas City. The doctor has developed a compound which when ingested grows inside the user a synthetic adrenal gland. The drug, simply dubbed “endo” has started to hit the streets and needs to be stopped before it becomes an epidemic.

Tanker aficionado
Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.



i would like to suggest to anyone running these arcs to leave feedback....i know from how mine's doing that i could use feedback, but i'm getting almost none. I'm sure i'm not the only one who would appreciate this



Creator Global Name: @GATTACA (Just in case you'd like to tell me what you thought of it.)
Mission Arichtect ID: 5494
Mission Arc Name: The Crooked Casino
Number of Missions: 2
Purpose of Arc: To have fun and chew bubblegum



MISSION ARC NAME: The Brockway Legacy
ARC ID #: 13839
LENGTH: Medium
MISSION 1: Unique Map, lvl 1-54, Contains a Defendable Object
MISSION 2: Unique Map, lvl 1-54, Contains Boss, Release Captive
DESCRIPTION: This is the story of the continuation of the The Brockway Legacy. The Brockways are an old family of nobility. They are the reigning family of a land named Paradigm. This was once a peaceful land until The Langstons came along and decided that they should be the rulers of Paradigm.




Arc Name: A Day at the Zoo
Arc ID: 20968
Faction: Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Zeroman
Difficulty Level: Varies
Synopsis: An insane wildlife expert calling himself Zoo Keeper has been performing experiments on humans and creating monstrous human and animal hybrids. Some of these hybrids have escaped and Zoo Keeper has gone deeper into hiding to continue his experiments. Zoo Keeper and his experiments must be stopped.
Estimated Time to Play: roughly 45-90 minutes (5 mission TF)



Already posted this in another Forum but I'll post it here too.

Arc Name: Strike Heir
Arc ID: 16268
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Capt. Liberity
Difficulty Level: lvls 5-40
Enemy Groups: Family
The Family has plans to take down a supergroup known as Stryke Force. Can this plan be stoped or is it to late to do anything about it. Note; This is for lvls 5-40.
Estimated Time to Play: Roughly 35-60 minutes depending on player lvl (5 mission TF)

Arc Name: The Night The Reindeer Died
Arc ID: 7962
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Capt. Liberity
Difficulty Level: lvls 1-54
Enemy Groups: Custom
Santa's workshop has been invaded by terrorists. Santa is gone now, taken by the terrorists. Can you help an ally save Santa? If you like story with a little humor you should love this arc.
Estimated Time to Play: Roughly 10-20 minutes depending on player lvl (2 mission TF)

Coming Soon: Heroes Never Die... They Become Legends

- Capt. Liberity / Ex Strike Force - Omicron



Name: Secrets of the Djinn
Arc ID: 30740
Length: Long
Levels: 45-54
Morality: Heroic

Enemy groups: Custom Groups

Description: Not for the faint hearted! Do you have what it takes to free Juzam?

Tanker aficionado
Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.



Arc Name: The Running of the Bulls
Arc ID: 29973
Faction: Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: Zubenelgenubi
Difficulty Level:46-52
Synopsis: Murder, Mayhem, and Mad Cows! Dr. Julius Auckermann has really stepped in it this time! Not for the feint of heart or the lactose intolerant (NOTE: In spite of what you may think, this is not a farm mission.) (Solo-friendly but challenging. Bring insps to the boss fights. No AV’s)
Estimated Time to Play: 1 hour
Link to More Details or Feedback: Moo.

This is a comedy arc, essentially. It has a coherent story, but mostly it's a vehicle for as many Gawd-awful cow puns as I could possibly cram into it. (Which turns out to be quite a few, as a matter of fact.) Nonetheless, I worked quite hard on the critter design and story details.

It's soloable by a squishy, if you're careful. Bring insps for the bosses and make good use of your allies. DO NOT FRET when you see... the "thing"... at the end of the 3rd mission. It's not as bad as it looks at first glance.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Requiem for a Hero
by @Placta
Arc ID: 4512
Length: 5 missions; approx. 45-60 minutes without stealth
Morality: Heroic
Level Range: Varies; 45-54 for first mission, 1-54 for second and third, 40-54 for fourth, and 30-54 for fifth. I tested the arc with level 50 heroes.
Enemy Group: 5th Column, Axis America, Council
Synopsis: Help Stephanie Shannon find peace after her sister's death at the hands of the 5th Column.
Fair Warning: The arc contains two archvillains. Fighting the first is optional.



Return of the 5th Column
by: @Demon Keeper
ID #: 28454
Length: Four missions. Shouldn't take too long.
Morality: Neutral
Level range: Varies. 20-24 for the first mission, 25-54 for the second, 1-54 for the third, 30 for the fourth.
Enemy Group: Council
Synopsis: Give Ubermensch Raskolnikov the help he requires so the 5th Column can return to their place of power in Paragon City, and get paid for your hard work. You have to face Vandal at the end, but have Reqiuem to help you, so it shouldn't be too hard.



Candy Land Task Force (7662)
by: Blu! (@Blu Brigade)
Arc#: 28098
Length: 4 missions. (2 bosses, 1 defeat all, 3 collects)
Morality: Heroic
Level Range: Meant to be a Task Force for levels 15-20 (Basically to replace Posi's) But can be run by all...
Enemy Group: Custom (Sugar Plum Fairies)
Synopsis: The Fairies of Candy Land have been demonized by Lord Licorice, and they have turned against Queen Frostine, can you help her? (This task force is *I hope* always run with a team of at least 4. When I did it with a team of 6 we had a blast, when I soloed it, it wasn't as good, I think...)

*Feedback I have gotten on this so far is the text, some say it's not enough, which I will probably fix later once I figure out how to add to it, but others say that it doesn't explain the story good enough because all the team-mates see is the pop ups. Well, if you go to the Missions Tab, and click more under the mission, you should be able to read the pre-accept dialog, so that should help.

Candy Land Task Force - Real Finale
by: Blu! (@Blu Brigade)
Arc#: 28641
Length: One mission, the *real* ending to the above arc if it wasn't for the memory space, but I made it work. (3 bosses, but only 1 is needed to defeat, see below to learn which one.)
Morality: Heroic
Level Range: 1-54 (But the same from above applies...)
Enemy Group: Custom (Sugar Plum Fairies)

Queen Frostine has gone crazy, the Icicle Shard and Lord Licorice's flame (Check your clues!) were not to de-demonize the fairies, but to give Queen Frostine more power! Fairie Truth (From the last mission) seems to be the only one left that can help you find Queen Frostine and take her out!

*I've noticed a lot of people forget to run this after Candy Land Task Force (7662)
...If you want a unique ending, please do not! forget this!



Arc Name: The Council Cargo
Arc ID: 36951
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Gromar
Difficulty Level: Low/medium, Range 26 - 31.
Synopsis: A 3 mission story arc dealing with the Council's latest biological subjects. Multiple vilain groups (1 custom)
Estimated Time to Play: 2 Hours
Quick Notes: Level 1/Heroic is fairly easy for ranged/flyers. Level 2/Tenacious can be rough for melee types. I haven't tried other levels or run it with a team yet. One of my sg mates ran it twice and said it was a solid arc but could use some editing. I edited out the few grammar errors. It's been rated twice - both with four stars.
Link to More Details or Feedback: The Council Cargo Notes/Feedback

[/ QUOTE ]



Arc name-The UNITED Corporation
Arc ID- 6360
Creator- @Undead Cyborg
Dif lvl-Heroic- lvl 28+
Plot- The UNITED Corporation is a large military arms dealer. Recently they have opened production plants in many third world nations. These same nations have had their governments toppled with Pro-UNITED ones. The U.S government wants you to see if these incidents are related.
Estimated time to play- 1:30-2hrs, 5 missions
Quick notes- I would suggest a team, very hard mission if you try to solo it.



Arc Name: Down With The Sickness
Arc ID: 12420

Faction: Crey, The Sick, Malta, The Cure

Creator Global/Forum Name: @BadWonka

Difficulty Level: It would be wise to take a Team for the last to missions are a bit rough but I have added allies to those missions to make it solo-able. I have completed it on a Fire/Empathy.

Synopsis: Down With The Sickness deals with The Sick who are infected with The Sickness, and infection that starts in the brain and soon consumes the whole body. The Sickness is contagious to most civilians but Supers can resist it. You'll need to fight through Crey, The Sick, a few Malta Patrols and get help from The Cure and 5th Column to have downed The Sickness.

Estimated Time to Play: Takes maybe 15 Minutes - 60 Depending on if you ghost the missions or clear the maps. 5 missions total.

Link to More Details or Feedback: Down With The Sickness



A Freedom Phalanx of One, Part One
by @Cobalt Azurean
Arc ID: 57812
Length: Very Long (Five missions)
Morality: Neutral
Mission 1: Unique map, level range 40-54. Contains Boss, Collection.
Mission 2: Unique map, level range 40-54, Contains Boss.
Mission 3: Large size map, level range 33-54, Contains A Destructible Object.
Mission 4: Large size map, level range 40-54, Contains Ambush, Boss, Collection, A Destructible Object, Ally.
Mission 5: Unique map, level range 53-53. Contains Boss (AV x2), Ally.
Enemy Groups: Nemesis, Nemesis Automatons
Description: How well do you know your heroes? Guess again.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Arc Name: Trademark Infringement
Arc ID: 2220
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Wrong Number
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis:We all know villains are not a very creative lot. Take over the world, pull the moon out of orbit....yada, yada, yada. It's no surprise that they keep the trademark lawyers very busy or that one of the lawyers has finally cracked. He needs to be stopped before this city is sued out existence!
Estimated Time to Play: 15 minutes

Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Arc Name: Have a Blap, Blap, Blappy Day Kids!
Arc ID: 2019
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Wrong Number
Difficulty Level: Medium (one EB in last mission)
Synopsis:Beloved kids TV show host Blappy is missing and the police are assuming the worse. Should anything happen to Blappy the kids of Paragon City will be heartbroken. You need to find her as quickly as possible before words leaks out that she is missing
Estimated Time to Play: 30-60 minutes

Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Update: I had to regretfully unpublish this previously posted MA Arch. Major overhaul because of to many heavy enemies spawning plus the bosses were a bit extreme. Depending on players lvl more than 1 named boss would show up in a mish which made it very confusing. After spending some time on this I found a way around this but had to do rewrites of mish intros and send offs. It was not very doable for low lvls or even a soloable arch, which I had intended from the start. The new MA Arch information is as follow:

Arc Name: The Night The Reindeer Died
Arc ID: 50823
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Capt. Liberity
Difficulty Level: lvls 1-54
Enemy Groups: Custom
Santa's workshop has been invaded by terrorists. Santa is gone now, taken by the terrorists. Can you help an ally save Santa? Note: May be soloable for some and contains some humor.
Estimated Time to Play: Roughly 10-20 minutes depending on player lvl (2 mission TF)



Update: I had to regretfully unpublish this previously posted MA Arch. Major overhaul because of to many heavy enemies spawning plus the bosses were a bit extreme. Depending on players lvl more than 1 named boss would show up in a mish which made it very confusing. After spending some time on this I found a way around this but had to do rewrites of mish intros and send offs. It was not very doable for low lvls or even a soloable arch, which I had intended from the start. The new MA Arch information is as follow:

Arc Name: The Night The Reindeer Died
Arc ID: 50823
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Capt. Liberity
Difficulty Level: lvls 1-54
Enemy Groups: Custom
Santa's workshop has been invaded by terrorists. Santa is gone now, taken by the terrorists. Can you help an ally save Santa? Note: May be soloable for some and contains some humor.
Estimated Time to Play: Roughly 10-20 minutes depending on player lvl (2 mission TF)

[/ QUOTE ]

Does Jesus show up and save Santa?

As we all know, you don't [censored] with the Jesus.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Arc Name: The Stream of Time
Arc ID: #40738
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Silent Spy
Difficulty Level: Lvs40-50. Mid-Hard Difficulty.
Recommended Team Size: Could be done solo, but its more fun with friends.
Synopsis: Anomalies have been detected coming from the past in the stream of time!
Estimated Time to Play: 45-60 mins

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



Name: The Descender
ID: 33034
Morality: Villainous. If your not comfortable with world domination, steer clear.
Length: Very Long, around an hour to two hours, depending on team makeup and build.
Difficulty: Moderate. Plenty of AV's, but plenty of help with them. One of the few arcs that is actually easier solo, due to the difference between AV's and EB's. (And it makes a better story solo)
Groups: Coralax, Arachnos, Circle of Thorns, Custom Group (The Virtea)
Mission 1: Unique cave map. Collection , battle, patrol.
Mission 2: Small Oranbega map. Collection , Boss , defensible object.
Mission 3: Unique cave map. AV's (2 of them) , Ally (3 boss class) , Allied patrol, Battle.
Mission 4: Unique outdoor map. AV's (3 of them) , Ally (Elite boss class) , battles (Just shy of a HUNDRED of them!).
Mission 5: Unique Arachnos map. Collection (times five, each one spawns an AV) , AV's (five of them), Four allies (1 EB class, 3 boss class), Allied Patrols.

I am FAR more pleased with this arc then I am with "The Final Nemesis". The story is better, the custom groups are better, and the overall tone is far less...silly... It is though, a VILLAINOUS arc through and through. The morally pure need not apply (well they can apply, but just put on your evil hat).

Note: Bold objectives are required for completion.



Name: Smokers in exile
ARC ID:29740
Global: @GinnySlims
length: medium
Enemy group: custom-Non-smokers
3 missions total
Mission 1: Boss, Ally
Mission 2: Ambush, Collection, Elite Boss, Captive, Defeat all
Mission 3: Ambush, Arch-Villian, Defeat all, Patrol, Ally
Lvl range: 50's

It's designed mainly for humor & fun, feel free to comment or offer suggestions/advice. This is my first attempt, I'm making adjustments each day.

*You may want to bring some help...tanks, empaths..etc.



Just getting this back on track to the right subject line - I figured you'd be using subjects to advert your arcs, but everyone seems to be replying to mine... without changing it...

While I love the advertisement, I feel bad. So, fixing the subject name as of now! Back to Champion advertising!



The Weight of Power

ID# 49639
@White Hot Flash
Morality: Heroic
Length: Very long (not sure why..its only three mishes...big map in third mish, i guess)
Mission 1: small map, lvl 40+, Ambushes, Boss, Defeat last room
Mission 2: medium map, lvl 35+, Ambushes, Boss, Collection, Release Captive
Mission 3: Unique map, lvl 1+, Ambushes, Elite Boss, Patrols, Defeat last room.
Enemies: Carnies, CoT (in-game description doesn't say this, because they only appear in a couple of fights in first mish, and the boss in first mish is an Arch-mage), Vanguard Sword, Custom

Teaser: When righteous rage becomes blind obsession, will somone step up to stop it?

I died several times soloing on my blaster, mainly against the bosses and the ambushes that spawn during the boss fights, and the EB packs a punch, so if you're a bit squishy, bring a friend or two. Plus the Vanguard are a PITA in general, so plan accordingly.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.