I14 Champion Mission Architect Directory




Update: I had to regretfully unpublish this previously posted MA Arch. Major overhaul because of to many heavy enemies spawning plus the bosses were a bit extreme. Depending on players lvl more than 1 named boss would show up in a mish which made it very confusing. After spending some time on this I found a way around this but had to do rewrites of mish intros and send offs. It was not very doable for low lvls or even a soloable arch, which I had intended from the start. The new MA Arch information is as follow:

Arc Name: The Night The Reindeer Died
Arc ID: 50823
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Capt. Liberity
Difficulty Level: lvls 1-54
Enemy Groups: Custom
Santa's workshop has been invaded by terrorists. Santa is gone now, taken by the terrorists. Can you help an ally save Santa? Note: May be soloable for some and contains some humor.
Estimated Time to Play: Roughly 10-20 minutes depending on player lvl (2 mission TF)

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Does Jesus show up and save Santa?

As we all know, you don't [censored] with the Jesus.

[/ QUOTE ]anyone else having futurama flashbacks?

edit: my apologies, forgot this was supposed to mainly be for mission advertisements, i will refrain in the future



Hey everyone. Just finished making my second MA task force. Just posting both task force names up. Each one is 5 missions long and each one has a pretty good story to follow with completely custom characters.

1st Arc:
Arc Title: A Day at the Zoo
Arc ID#: 20968
Global Handle: @Zeroman
Alignment: Heroic
Faction: Custom: Zoo of Chaos
Difficulty: Varies
Synopsis: An insane wildlife expert calling himself Zoo Keeper has been performing experiments on humans and creating monstrous human and animal hybrids. Some of these hybrids have escaped and Zoo Keeper has gone deeper into hiding to continue his experiments. Zoo Keeper and his experiments must be stopped.
Estimated Time to Play: roughly 45-90 minutes (5 mission TF)

2nd Arc:
Arc Title: Technology Terror
Arc ID#: 54535
Global Handle: @Zeroman
Alignment: Heroic
Faction: Custom: Computer of Chaos
Difficulty: Varies
Synopsis: A super-virus known as Terrorbyte has found a way to physically manifest itself and its minions. With unlimited power in cyberspace and now in the real world, Terrorbyte plans to gain complete control over Earth's technology. It must be stopped before it's too late.
Estimated Time to Play: roughly 45-90 minutes (5 mission TF)

I appreciate any feedback, good or bad. Enjoy!



Name: Secrets of the Djinn 2.0
Arc ID: 58930
Length: Long
Levels: 45-54
Morality: Heroic

Enemy groups: Custom Groups

Description: Not for the faint hearted! Do you have what it takes to free Juzam?

Tanker aficionado
Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.



Intrepid Taskforce
Arc ID: 59326
Can you help Canada deal with the threat of Nemesis?

Mission is full off Canadian references, but is designed to be played by Americans!



Arc Name: Support your local scouts
Arc ID: 7058
Faction: Villainous
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Leatherneck CoV
Difficulty Level: Medium
Spiderling Scout Meg has a problem and you have the solution. Check your morals at the door. (This has been tested with solo high and low level characters)
Estimated Time to Play: 1-1.5 hrs

This is my first real go at this. I didn't include anything like ambushes or backtracking. Other than the plot, everything is pretty much straight forward.

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Arc Name: Rep-O-Matic
Arc ID: 32048
Faction: Villainous
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Leatherneck CoV
Difficulty Level: Moderate to High
Synopsis: It's tough getting noticed in the Rogue Isles. Sure, the heroes have it easy. People like them. They go around rescuing old ladies and snagging kittens from trees. Big deal. Fortunately, there's someone out there who can help. Horace Winkleheimer. Press Agent for bad-guys.

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Arc Name: Science City Super-Heist
Arc ID#: 59457
Alignment: Villainous
Enemies: Longbow, Custom Group(Soviet Science City)
Synopsis: Deep in the wilds of Siberia lie the abandoned Soviet Science Cities. What horrors, mysteries, and treasures can be found within?
Notes:3 EB/AV battles
This is my first arc, the contact's grammar is intentional, some glowies are optional...
Feel free to PM me with constructive criticism, and have fun!

Who wants ginger snaps?



Arc Name: Azuria's Difficulties
Arc ID: 55639
Faction: Heroic

Creator Global/Forum Name: Aramar

Difficulty Level: Varies by level (see details, below), generally mid-range. No AV's/EB's.

Synopsis: Azuria, after yet another item escaping the M.A.G.I. Vault, is attempting to actually secure all of the dangerous items she watches over. To accomplish this, she needs your help.

Estimated Time to Play: Varied. 5 Missions with no kill-alls, all missions are objective based completions.

Link to Feedback: No feedback area yet.

...or more Details: This arc is based off of the widespread humor of Azuria's "security." It is designed to be playable across almost any level range, making use of some of the less used maps in the game. Opponent mix varies by level run.

Co-Founder: Hand of Justice, Champion Server

Currently published arcs:
1) Azuria's Difficulties (arc: 55639) - Ver 1.2



Its finally ready!

Arc Name: Flat & Teck: Endless Possibilities, Part 1 of 3
Arc ID: 60780
Alignment: Heroic
Faction: Tsoo, & 2 Custom groups
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Flatfoot
Difficulty Level: medium?
Synopsis: A request to help out two C-list heroes leads to the accidental release of an ancient evil. Absurdity ensues.
Estimated Time to Play: Long according to MArc. No escorts, some ally rescues, no defeat all
Link to More Details or Feedback: mosey on over here



Arc Name: The Airmans' Struggle
Arc ID: 52718
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Ang
Difficulty Level: Can be solo'ed; but hard if you get more people
Synopsis: Just try it out ;-)
Estimated Time to Play: anywhere from 30 min-2 hours
Link to More Details or Feedback: Send me a message if you have feedback; but most know me in game already and will just chat me :-)



Arc Name: The Wonder Walrus vs. the Bucket Stealer

Arc ID: 23424

Faction: Heroic

Enemy Groups: Evil Walri, Very Evil Walri

Difficulty level: contains EBs and AVs, so if soloing, do so on heroic

Synopsis: The Wonder Walrus' arch-enemy, the Bucket Stealer, has shown up in Paragon City wreaking havoc wherever he goes. But while the Wonder Walrus was born with incredible fiery super powers and an amazing fashion sense, he cannot defeat the Bucket Stealer alone!

Estimated time to play: 45 mins to 1:30



I published my first MA ARc this past weekend. Would love to get some folks to run it and check it out. Thanks!

Arc Name: Atomyc Chronicles #1: Genesis
Arc ID: 44590
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Atomyc
Difficulty Level: 30-50
Synopsis: A story based on the threat of the Revenant Project and its affects on a hero from the Champion Server. Help this hero's sister track him down and save the day.
Estimated Time to Play: 1hr

Thanks guys, and look forward to checking out some of the awesome stuff here.




Arc Name: Smooth as Silk
Arc ID: 61883
Length: 4 missions
Difficulty: Contains 2 EBs and 1 AV. May want to run as a team.
Morality: Heroic
Enemy Groups: Family, Custom
Description: A new rave drug has hit the scene, casting a wave of addiction over Paragon's youth. A local doctor begs for your assistance.

Note: I would like feedback if possible! I am looking to change anything that is not working out, including enemies and story line. Thanks.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Arc Name: Babes in the Machine
Arc ID: 20443
Length: 3 missions
Mission requirements for completion: mish 1-3 glowies, mish 2-2 glowies, mish 3-rescue 1 hostage (all missions can be done quickly with stealth powers)
Difficulty: No EBs or AVs, no bosses unless in a big group, can easily run solo
Morality: Villainous
Enemy Groups: Longbow, Paragon Police, Custom
Description: An Arachnos infiltration simulation training program becomes merged with a whimsical death-row execution program. The fate of one man lies in your hands,... too bad for him. A homage to a Monty Python skit from the Meaning of Life.

Any feedback would be welcome. Enjoy and thanks in advance!

@Omega Sol



Arc Name: Canine War!
Arc ID: 74097
Length: 3 Missions
Morality: Heroic
Enemy Groups: Canidae Lupus (custom), Blood Fur (custom)Canidae Vulpes (custom), Mercenaries (custom), Banished Pantheon, Circle of Thorns
Difficulty: While featuring lots of canines, dont expect too much smash and lethal. Tactics have been upgraded and the wolves get very strong in large packs. Challenge level 1 is a good workout, but damage resiliant heroes and villians can push it quite far. In large groups, higher challenge settings are not recommended.
Estimated Time: Anywhere from 15mins to about an hour depending on your abilities.
Description: The wolves have long since held the top spot on the food chain but a recent discovery has planted the seeds of rebellion in thier cousins' mind. Can you help the foxes throw off the oppressive rule or will the wolf always be top dog?

(Author's Note: 99.99% file size. I had to remove about a half dozen customs and some added events to shoe horn all the required elements into the arc. Some of the clues may seem a little light on text, but I had to strip everything down to bare minimums.)

Arc Name: Terror on the Sea
Arc ID: 31214
Length: 5 missions
Morality: Heroic
Enemy Groups: Circle of Thorns, Arachnos, Sky Raiders, Sea Raiders (custom)
Difficulty: Medium to low. The level range is upper 30s so higher levels weill be ex'ed down. And be prepared, the new Raiders pose new threats and can catch the unsuspecting off guard.
Description: Some odd activity in the city and new but somehow familar group points to a hit on someone big.

(Authors note: This was my first arc, and was originally scripted as 10 missions, but I didn't want to take up 2 slots for it. Because the concept of the Sea Raiders, I delibratly made the level range where it was as to not break continuity with where the Raiders are in the game.)


Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



Arc Name: There's Something in the Water
Arc ID: 60327
Faction: Villianous
Creator Global/Forum Name: @PK Dauntless
Difficulty Level: Medium (Soloable, one optional AV/EB)
Synopsis: Dr. Aeon's finally had it with stories of Paragon City citizens and their greater-than-normal abilities. Help him get to the bottom of these claims. (Not completely serious)
Estimated Time to Play: 20-30 minutes

Author of There's Something in the Water (Arc # 60327)

Not only was that genuine frontier jibberish...

Courtesy: Preventing unnecessary homicides for over 4000 years.



Arc Name: The Xibot Menace
Arc ID: 26462
Lenght: Very Long
Morality: Heroic
Mission 1:Large map, Collection, Destructible, Ally Patrol
Mission 2:Small Map, Collection, Defeat all
Mission 3:Large map, Boss, rescue, escort, ally
Mission 4:Large Map, Bosses(AV + ebs) Ally, Battles.
Custom Enemies.
Edit: forgot the description.

Robots responsible for nearly destroying the Planet Xionia are here on earth, Bent on "Integrating" all flesh beings with machines. The Xionian Marines have called in the help of our planets heroes to assist them. Will you heed the call-to-arms?

Each mission could take as little as 15 mins if you know what your doing. Can be tough but is solo able. Most fun with a mid sized well rounded team.



I mostly play villains here on Champion, but my first villain arc is still in progress.

So as a tied-me-over, here is my first one:

Arc Name: [u]Stop the catgirl rampage![u]
Arc ID: 66361
Faction: Neutral
Your global/forum name: @Night Mission
Difficulty Level: Medium
Recommended Team Size: Solo +, this is for fun so no EBs/AVs
Typical duration: 3 missions, only the first one is long.

Arc Synopsis: Mynx’s fan club is in town and they are not amused.

Notes: It’s a comedy. Play it for fun and a few laughs.

I've been told that sometimes my lucidity is frightening.
Your logic is no match for concentrated stupid. - Organica
Current MAs:
Stop the catgirl rampage! #66361



This is actually somebody else's mission.

This guy @Bishop Creed create a 4-door Arc titled "Quest for the Coral Horn", and when I solo'ed with a Blaster it went pretty well until the final door mission...

EDIT: ...(I have been asked to redact this portion of the mission, as Bishop Creed wants this to be a surprise. Suffice to say, it's not fluffy bunnies waiting to greet you).

I hereby challenge the Tankers on this server to test themselves on this Arc. Solo it, I dares ya. >

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through Smashwords.com and most ebook retailers!



A Freedom Phalanx of One, Part One
by @Cobalt Azurean
Arc ID: 76477
Length: Very Long (Five missions)
Morality: Neutral
Mission 1: Unique map, level range 40-54. Contains Boss, Collection.
Mission 2: Unique map, level range 40-54, Contains Boss.
Mission 3: Large size map, level range 33-54, Contains A Destructible Object.
Mission 4: Large size map, level range 40-54, Contains Ambush, Boss, Collection, A Destructible Object, Ally.
Mission 5: Unique map, level range 53-53. Contains Boss (AV x2), Ally.
Enemy Groups: Nemesis, Nemesis Automatons
Description: How well do you know your heroes? Guess again (Last mission 2 AVs).

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Republished with updated Last mission Description.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



I mostly play villains here on Champion, but my first villain arc is still in progress.

So as a tied-me-over, here is my first one:

Arc Name: [u]Stop the catgirl rampage![u]
Arc ID: 66361
Faction: Neutral
Your global/forum name: @Night Mission
Difficulty Level: Medium
Recommended Team Size: Solo +, this is for fun so no EBs/AVs
Typical duration: 3 missions, only the first one is long.

Arc Synopsis: Mynx’s fan club is in town and they are not amused.

Notes: It’s a comedy. Play it for fun and a few laughs.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have played this Arc. Here is a handy guide on how to win at this Arc.

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through Smashwords.com and most ebook retailers!



Arc Name: Missing
MA ID#:41922
Dr Reptilicus has gone missing while working on something for MAGI. Pick up his trail and find out what he was working on. This arc is 4 mishes long, and has 2 AVs.

Groups: CoT, Custom

48 L50 Mostly heroes and mostly Tanks and Scrappers.
And I've played every AT to 50 at least once.



Arc Name: Merrio Badger and the Lizards of Doom!!!!
Arc ID: 64948
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Earthsmasher
Enemy Group: Custom
Difficulty Level: Last mission contains an EB, but does have an ally available. There is an optional Fight at the end that is spawned when the first EB is defeated and it will either be an EB or AV depending on diff level and/or team size. You can exit if you want to avoid it though.

Synopsis: Well I got tired of seeing boring badge missions on Huge maps with no real sense to them. So I set out to create a story that was I hope amusing but would also over the course of the arc provide about 1/5th of all the various badge lines requirements and include it in a way to make the number part of story and to make sense. So here you go a video game within a video game. Can you conquer the Lizards, save the princesses and make it through 5 levels?

Estimated Time to Play: it is 5 missions that took about an hour to a bit more for both my stoner(tenacious) and my crab soldier(no pets and on villianous) to run through clearing all the maps.

Additional note: This was more designed for solo or a small team. It scales up quickly on large teams, I ran the Wed night villian static team(Hot Knife) through it and It was fun but there was a lot of deaths throughout which everyone took with good humor thankfully.



Arc Name: Revenant Hero Project Revival
Arc ID: 80939
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Iron Vulture
Difficulty Level: Moderate to Brutal
Synopsis: A follow up of the Revenant Hero Project story arc and an introduction to my supergroup.
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours

Intended for small (2-3) group or solo play for heroes of security level 36-41. Kheldians be warned, tends to be very quantum heavy due to limitations of certain mob choices in that level range. Emphasis was on investigative feel and some objectives appear vague intentionally to make you sift through non-required objectives.



Arc Name: Creepy Crawlers
Arc ID: 82553

Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: Gromar
Difficulty Level: Lv: 41 - 52. Solo friendly; teams on Rugged+ may have a tough time with the custom group; due to the map used large teams aren't recommended.
Synopsis: "This episode of Paragon Theater is a horror story. Watch it ALONE or with a few friends. (The emphasis is on story and atmosphere.)" A big part of the fun is interacting with the contact. There are clues to find and a few fights. This is not a kill all or farm mission.
Keywords: story, ghost story, horror
Number of missions: 1
Estimated Time to Play: 1 hour at most.
Edit: I toned down the custom group a little and touched up the navigation bar clues.

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Arc Title: The Network is Down!
Arc ID#: 72835
Global Handle: @BlackAmaranth
Alignment: Villianous
Faction: Various
Difficulty: Moderate
Synopsis: The Internet Backbone to the Rogue Isles has been severed! Lord Recluse orders Angry Sysop to get it back up. Angry Sysop hires you to investigate. You have to trace the outage, stop all those who seek to take advantage of this opportunity & restore connectivity.
Estimated Time to Play: roughly 45 minutes (4 missions, last 2 are shorter, but tougher)

I'd love to get some feedback. I know is sure isn't an ITF, but I'd like to make it enjoyable. Tell me how to make it better!
Thanks peeps!

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*