I14 Champion Mission Architect Directory




Re: Bone Crusher Project - I enjoyed the arc's plot so far, but this MA was certainly a PITA. Your Dark Medusa EB in particular was too tough alone with a MA/SR scrapper - Dark/Dark turned up to 11 means accuracy debuffed to where you can't hit even with Focus Ki and a fist full of yellows, slowed to the point where you can't even make enough attacks for the law of averages to help, terrorized, and taking aoe damage continuously - which sucks if you're playing a melee type and need to stay close, and she's sucking your health dry to heal herself. Fun. The only reason I didn't rage quit on the spot after running away and trying again in three attempts was that I didn't have to defeat her to proceed. Luckily, I had Stealth to get past her. Another player, one squishier and not so empowered, would probably give it up at that point.

Then I get told in the next mission to bring help. After seeing the last EB, I believe it. I take a shot solo anyway, and mop the floor with him.

[/ QUOTE ]

Made the changes you suggested. The EBs/AVs are now better suited for solo play or small groups.

Thanks for the feedback!

Founder/Leader of the JUSTICE F0RCE



Arc Name: A Magician's Plight
Arc ID: 148951
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Koolkat5
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Synopsis: A traveling circus of 4 people came to Paragon City to perform, and pissed off the Carnies. You gotta go rescue them.
Estimated Time to Play: 30 minutes tops
Link to More Details or Feedback:

That's all. Arc is in Version 1.1 as of this post, changes will be made to it when I feel like it or people demand it.

EDIT: Taken down for extensive work. Story poorly written (3 hours of sleep will do that to you) and other stuff on my TODO list.



Arc Name: Mission: Cherry Pie
ARC ID: 154664
Faction: Villain
Creator: Reality Storm
Difficulty - Moderate (1 Elite boss)

Synopsis: Help a Rikti get a cherry pie!

Estimated time to play: has 5 missions - 4 are smallish maps, one is large. A lot can be ghosted, all depends on playstyle and group.



Hola. There had been some complaints about the Rum Runners (ID 3691), where the Ally had been weakened to Lt. status which made him dead halfway through the mission. I realized the map difficulty was scaled to Ramp Up, meaning the first room was -1 lower on level than the rest of the map. By making it flat, Wittypirate is now same level as the rest of the map and after a test run appears to be hearty enough to survive until the Pirate King pops up.

Hope this helps.

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through Smashwords.com and most ebook retailers!



Arc Name: Red Shirt Double Cross
Arc ID: 165652
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Portia
Difficulty Level: moderate to hard
Synopsis: when an odd group of villains kidnap the heroes of Lab Corp, only you can boldly go where no hero has gone before.
ths mission was created for 3+ heroes of any level. the difficulty depends on size of group and difficulty setting.

so, as my first shot at making an arc, don't be too hard on me. however, i would love creative criticism



Arc Name:A Death in the Gish
Arc ID: 168760
Faction: Skulls, Vahzilok
Creator Global/Forum Name: Neuronia/@Neuronia
Difficulty Level: Easy
Synopsis: A lowbie mission arc about Kings Row. Caps at level 14.
Estimated Time to Play: 10-15 minutes
Link to More Details or Feedback: Just PM me or global me.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Arc Name:A Death in the Gish
Arc ID: 168760
Faction: Skulls, Vahzilok
Creator Global/Forum Name: Neuronia/@Neuronia
Difficulty Level: Easy
Synopsis: A lowbie mission arc about Kings Row. Caps at level 14.
Estimated Time to Play: 10-15 minutes
Link to More Details or Feedback: Just PM me or global me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fun little arc for lowbies. :-D

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



Arc Name: The Trifecta Task Force
Arc ID:164681

Faction: Heroic

Creator Global/Forum Name: @Ashcraft

Difficulty Level: Medium- Designed for teams or strong solo characters.

Synopsis: A very unique mutant with ties to the Midnighters Has called on you for help. His brain has mutated to the point where he has three separate personalities. Sister Psyche tried to help him but ended up making everything worse. His time spent with the psychic powerhouse caused another mutation. Trifecta now has three distinct personalities wrecking havoc in the world with uncontrolled psychic power. One shard of his mind has contacted you and asks that you help him before he loses his mind for good.

Estimated Time to Play: 5 missions, 20-40 minutes

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



I unpublished the mission while I work on a new one based on the feedback that I got. Thanks to all who tried it.



thanks to those who gave me the heads up on the spelling and the diff on the final fight.
i think i got most of the spelling.

the new arc ID is 173879



Arc Name: The Battle for Mercy Island
Arc ID: 180648
Faction: Heroic
Creator: @Ponytail
Difficulty: Medium
Synopsis: Longbow plans to liberate Mercy Island and has asked for your assistance.
Time: Less than 1 hour.

Notes: This is a story-driven story arc designed for lowbies.



If you guys could run my arc, I'd greatly appreciate it I know a few of you already have, and for the most part the feedback has been good.

arc ID# 41841
faction: heroic
creator: @Ltn. Frost
lenght: 5 missions

I would rate it between medium and hard. I was able to solo it on my lvl 50 ice/ice blaster and lvl 20 claws/wp scrapper.

I plan on having 3 parts to it. The 2nd arc is being worked on as we speak.



I accidentally unpublished my mission arc. I took the opportunity to make a whole bunch of changes from some of the mission feedback. Hope you enjoy.

Arc Name: Battle for Mercy Island
Arc ID: 185895
Faction: Heroic
Your global/forum name: @Ponytail
Difficulty Level: Medium
Recommended Team Size: 1-8
Typical duration: 1 hour or less
Arc Synopsis: Longbow is recruiting heroes for a major sweeping campaign in Mercy Island. You are one of those heroes. This is story driven and designed for characters between 5th and 15th level. Most characters should be able to solo it on heroic challenge rating.



Arc Name: Enter The Exterminator
Arc ID: 190119
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: Gromar
Difficulty Level: Lv: 1 - 50. The main custom critters are tough but the arc is soloable with the right build. Tested with different ATs and levels (Heroic to Unyielding). The EB is is "squishy friendly" - depending on build and level.
Synopsis: When a shady exterminator goes missing your contact asks for your help. As the story develops you travel to exotic locations and deal with nasty pests.
Keywords: storybased, eliteboss, solofriendly.SFMA.
Number of missions: 4
Estimated Time to Play: 2+ Hours.
Hints: Stealth is very useful - especially in the second mission.
Link to More Details or Feedback: coming soon.



Arc Name: The Rule of Law
Arc ID: 191959
Faction: Hero or Villain
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Cyber-naut
Difficulty Level: Hard - Custom critters & AV's - bring team or play on heroic
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 Hours
Synopsis: Join a covert government agency tasked with bringing lawless super-powered beings under control. This arc ends with a choice to continue with one of 2 different arcs, 'Just Outlaws (ID 177335)' or 'Just Law (ID 189598).

Give 'em a try if you think you're sexy enough...



Well, I thought it might be time to come out and advertise some of the arcs I put out there. I'd love to hear some input on improvements; I haven't had that many people critique them, and would love to make my missions the best they could be.

I have 3 out presently:

Arc Name: A Dream Despised and a Treasure Lost
Arc ID: 8729
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @ChicagoDoodler
Difficulty Level: Hard
Synopsis: You are asked to seek an accursed treasure; facts are scrace, and the nature of your task changes as the truth comes out.
Personal Note: This was my first arc, and needs a lot of help. It's really not that good. Perhaps it's too serious...
Estimated Time to Play: Long (hour and a half for me, but that means little)

Arc Name: DOOM for me, DOOM for you
Arc ID: 88385
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @ChicagoDoodler
Difficulty Level: Hard
Synopsis: A new threat is rising. Can you stop it before it becomes a established? There could be profit in it for you!
Personal Note: This one is my favorite so far...I tried to make it feel like a mini tf/sf. Have fun with it!
Estimated Time to Play: Long (It has generaly taken me around an hour and a half)

Arc Name: The World's Greatest Villain- The Contest BEGINS!
Arc ID: 210384
Faction: Villain (Really?)
Creator Global/Forum Name: @ChicagoDoodler
Difficulty Level: Hard
Synopsis: The annual contest "World's Geatest Villain" is taking applicants. Can you prove your EVIL mettle?
Personal Note: This is my "New" arc. I haven't had much input at all, so let me know what needs...massaging. It is not to be taken too seriously...
Estimated Time to Play: Long (About one hour and a half, again)

Hope you enjoy them. Sorry if they go on for a bit, but I promise there's some sort of grand finale to be found. They took far too long to make.



My quick one mission arc! Come pit your villains (or a hero that is feeling naughty!) against the valiant Paragon City Police Department Police Drones! - leave your Arc ID in feedback and I will return the favor!

Arc Name: Attack of the Drones
Arc ID: 50580
Faction: PCPD and Custom "Police Drones" as in my avatar
Creator Global/Forum Name: @police drone s91
Difficulty Level: Hard
Synopsis: The Paragon City Police Department has captured a top Arachnos operative and your team must free him! Watch out for the Police Drones, no, not the little dinky ones, the super power androids! Rumor has it that Police Drone S9 may be on duty so bring some friends!
Estimated Time to Play: 10-20 minutes



Destroy Bad Grammar

ARC #235007

Difficulty: Easy/Medium
Global: @Ashcraft
Length: Short

Synopsis: Grammar Nazi has been kidnapped by BAD GRAMMER. Grammar Nazi's sidekick, Punctuation Puppy, wants you to get in there and save her from certain doom.

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



Screams of Silence

Arc ID # 238313
Length Medium (Its a single mission, but it's a 5 level office building)
Morality Neutral
Description Hijackers have taken over a school full of kids. But this is a special school, Defeat all the Hijackers and learn a little bit about the kids

The glowies are not required to complete the mish but their kind of the reason for the mish Run through it and tell me what you think Enjoy



Arc Name: In Pursuit of Liberty

Arc ID: 221702

Faction: Custom

Creator Global/Forum Name: Gypsy Rose

Difficulty Level: Can be fairly easy on heroic but a challenge at higher settings. Can be soloed.

Synopsis: Liberty Rose Jones was an ordinary child or was she? Help Liberty find her true destiny if you dare.

Estimated Time to Play: About 1 hour.

If you enjoy story based arcs and humor please play and give me feedback.

Enjoy (I hope)!

@Gypsy Rose

In Pursuit of Liberty - 344916
The Vigilante - 395861
Suppression - 374481 - Winner of The American Legion's February 2011 AE Author Contest



I sincerely apologize for the following arc. My husband insisted I make it when I struck upon the idea after playing a paper mission that had a particularly questionably named boss. Remember, you were warned.

Name: In Poor Taste
Arc ID: 259920
Creator Global Name: @Wrong Number
Difficulty Level: Average
Synopsis: Ever done a radio mission and pondered what the devs were thinking when they named the boss? Should these guys be out on the streets? Ms. Manners doesn't think so and she needs your help to round up the worst of the worst starting with a boss named Manhandle. It only goes down hill from there.
Number of EB/AVS – 0
Story Type - Humor
Mission Count: 3
Estimated Time to Play: 30 minutes or less
Note - All of the boss names are actual names created by the devs.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



The Gathering Storm
Faction: Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Lascota
Difficulty Level: Hard
Synopsis: Through a simulation, discover how a team of heroes nearly gave a foothold to an unbelievably dangerous ninja clan.
Personal Note: First arc, part of a trilogy I've been writing awhile. Hope it entertains. This is meant for just the heroes, and it's roughest in the middle.
Estimated Time to Play: We ran it tonight; while some of the missions run a bit long, I've pared them down a touch-- as well as one of the nastier ambushes that crushed my team.



If you love AV's, a fun storyline, and a challenge for solo or teams then try:

Illicit Affair (ID 39278): 5 Missions (1 1/2 hours): 6 AV's and an EB: Arachnos, Arachnoids, Rikti, Rogue Arachnos and Circle of Thorns. Made for lvl 45+. Best to run this on tenacious with 4 lvl 50's with 4 sk's for a great time. These are not auto-sk's. Still gives good prestige, xp and infl.

Dragon The Destroyer (ID 184844): 5 Missions (1 1/2 hours): 5 AV's and an EB: Crey, Paragon Protectors, Vanguard Shield, Vanguard Sword and Longbow.

Forging An Empire (ID 239837): 1 Mission (1 1/2 hours): 1 EB : Custom: This is best run on heroic unless you found the other 2 episodes easy. It is more difficult than Illicit Affair.

The final episode will be written this weekend as well as a new trilogy and a stand alone arc.



Well I bits the bullet and spent the 20 bucks on buying 5 more slots, so I have more room to add more insane MA arcs!

Just added:

Title: Library Restoration Project - The Hollows Recovery
Levels: 15 - 20
Villain sets: Circle of Thorns, Trolls, Custom
Length: Long - 4 missions
ID Number: 328252
Summary: You and your team are sent into the ruins of the nearly collapsed library in the Hollows zone to recover any books you can find. The books are supposed to be regular collection titles, but for some reason the Circle of Thorns is grabbing every one of them, and have hired the Trolls to assist...

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through Smashwords.com and most ebook retailers!



Was running a Mender Lazarus TF with Omega Flight today and realized - hey, I can make a homage arc called:

Inglorious Blasterds!
Arc ID: 329428
Villain: 5th Column
Levels: 40-50
Length: Very Long. 5 Missions
Difficulty: Hard. Includes two Defeat-All missions and one AV mission for the finale.
Summary: My name is Witty Librarian and I'm putting together a special team, and I need me eight heroes. Eight cape-wearing heroes. Now, y'all might've heard rumors about the armada happening soon. Well, we'll be leaving a little earlier. We're gonna be dropped into Faultline, dressed as civilians. And once we're in enemy territory, as a bushwhacking guerrilla army, we're gonna be doing one thing and one thing only... defeating Nacht. Now, I'm the direct descendant of Patrick Macgruder. That means I got a little Librarian in me. And our battle plan will be that of a Librarian resistance. We will be cruel to the 5th Column, and through our cruelty they will know who we are. And they will find the evidence of our cruelty in the dangling, knock-backed, and disfigured bodies of their brothers we leave behind us. And the 5th Column won't not be able to help themselves but to imagine the cruelty their brothers endured at our hands, and our rocket boots, and the edge of our broad swords. And the 5th Column will be sickened by us, and the 5th Column will talk about us, and the 5th Column will fear us. And when the 5th Column closes their eyes at night and they're tortured by their subconscious for the evil they have done, it will be with thoughts of us they are tortured with. Sound good?
The Blasterds: YES, SIR!
Witty: That's what I like to hear. But I got a word of warning for all you would-be warriors. When you join my command, you take on debt. A debt you owe me personally. Each and every man under my command owes me one hundred Nacht scalps. (dramatic pause) And I want my scalps.

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through Smashwords.com and most ebook retailers!