I14 Champion Mission Architect Directory




Great. Not only do I create 2 new MA Arcs... but my parents are inviting me over to dinner Monday night so I won't be able to join in on the MA Monday madness.

All I ask is if you run the arcs (328252 Library Restoration Project Hollows Recovery and 329428 Inglorious Blasterds, just search for @witty librarian and look for the brand), please let me know of any bugs, misspeels, screwups, and other picture postcards, I mean issues.

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through Smashwords.com and most ebook retailers!



After an absence of about two years, I've come back and made my first MA arc. Hope you enjoy and I'd appreciate feedback!

ID: 330013
Title: Of Math and Men
Author: @Vallon Sonore
Synopsis: The Circle of Thorns has kidnapped one of Crey's leading mathematicians.



You can't stop me!

Not only do I have The Hollows Recovery library arc at 328252, and the Inglorious Blasterds at 329428, but now I have added:

Title: Library Restoration Project - When Astoria Fell
Arc ID: 331736
Author: @Witty Librarian
Villains: Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon, Custom Unleashed Demons
Length: Very Long - 5 Missions!
Difficulty: Hard - Levels 25-30 for the first four (contains Bosses, Allies, Glowys, one Defeat All), Levels 40-45 for the final (contains AV!)
Recommended teaming: Oh yeah!
Summary: Troy Viator has called you in to attempt another search of the abandoned Dark Astoria branch library. Like everywhere in that zone, the people were... taken... but the objects remained. Except for the library books that were cleaned out. Troy wants you to dig harder for any piece of evidence that can lead to that library's recovery. Instead, you uncover clues that can lead you back to the very day that Astoria fell into darkness!

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through Smashwords.com and most ebook retailers!



This is it: the last part of the 4-part Library arc I threatened you all with.

Title: Library Restoration Project - The Final Grimoire
Arc ID: 333557
Author: @Witty Librarian
Villains: Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon, Custom Unleashed Demons
Length: Very Long - 4 Missions
Difficulty: Hard - Levels 40-45 for the first two (contains Bosses, Allies, Glowys), Levels 40-50 for the third (Custom Demon Elite Boss), final mish 45-50 (contains AV!)
Recommended teaming: Oh yeah!
Summary: Troy Viator has a few obsessions (a few???). One of which is his personal quest for the mythic Book With the Blue Cover. It has driven him these past 5 years into his maddening fight against the Circle of Thorns. Well, with the Restoration Project nearly completed, Troy's got one more mission: find the Book with the Blue Cover!

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through Smashwords.com and most ebook retailers!



Just put one up to celebrate the holiday. I hope that it is appropriately creepy, and I have the feeling it's going to be a difficult one, so you may want to bring friends!

Title: A Halloween Invasion

Arc ID: 339444

Author: @Lycantropus

Villains: Hellions, Circle of Thorns, Fear, Violence, and a Gnawing certainty of doom

Length: Very Long - 5 Missions

Difficulty: Hard

Recommended teaming: Yes, especially for the end, though I think it's possible to solo. I was trying to create a story and a feel more than a challenge. Hopefully it is both!

Summary: Hardcase has come to you for help against a particularly nasty demonic invasion. Something is coming to this world... Something that wants to stay here... forever. Hero or Villain, it's up to you to help keep that from happening or have the very life-force of the world sucked out of it, including yours! Pit yourself against a soul-eating horror from beyond. Not for the faint of heart!

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



And now, a little something for my friends on Champion server. I hope you enjoy. -T.

Arc Name: Turg Fiction: IX
Arc ID: 351787
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Turgenev (Live and Test)
Difficulty Level: Optimized for Security Levels 30-40, accommodates 1-40. Middling difficulty.
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 Hours
Synopsis: Where fire burns cold; blood bears unforgiven debt; and a wounded heart cries for justice. - This Family-centric, story-driven hero arc is optimally designed for Security Levels 30-40, and is team-sizing friendly. NOTE: This arc is in live testing, but is otherwise polished for public consumption. Critiques encouraged! HEAVY READING INVOLVED!

This is my advertisement post for my submission for Dr. Aeon's Architect Challenge for December 2009. The theme, "doing evil for a greater good." My arc was, of course, immediately disqualified because I made it a choice at the very end. Oh well!

I'm always looking for feedback in, you guessed it, my feedback thread, found here! If you star the arc, please give me some info as to why you rated it as such. I'm NOT a one-star rage vendetta stalker, so if you genuinely didn't like the story or mechanics, please tell me why. On the other hand, I love high ranks, if it's deserved.

I'm happy to discuss the story points, mechanics, etc., in this thread. So, beyond this first post, please throw SPOILER warnings before you ask, and I'll do the same for my answers!

I hope you like my published offering. It was written as a one-shot, but I left the ending "open" to the possibility of a sequel if people would like more of this storyline/dramatis personae. Please review my arc, enjoy, and tell me what you think.

Architect is one of the most flexible tools for online storywriting I've ever seen. My continued thanks to the Devs for making this system possible; to the players for inspiring the authors to write for the general populace; and to my fellow authors for writing saga after saga for the noblest reason of all: To enliven the imagination.



The Henchmen Rising
Arc ID: 370168
Length: Very Long
Morality: Neutral
Enemy Groups: Henchmen
Difficulty: Solo friendly, Medium

Backstory: The henchmen have went on a major rebellion campaign and have spread havok and riot throughout Paragon City and The Rogue Isles. Something must be done to stop the rebellion before it gets out of hand.

Estimated Time To Play: 15-45 Minutes



We're all Mad Here
Arc # 371377
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Stray Kitten
Difficulty Level: Medium-Hard, Meant for level 45+ teams
Synopsis: Strange things are abound in Paragon City when a breakout at the asylum unleashes havoc on the streets.
Estimated Time to Play: 30 - 45 minutes



I'd like to get both a Hero and Villain take on this mission.

Title: Wonder Home Institute Valentine's Day Party
Arc ID: 377649
Creator: @Tazwert
Keywords: Custom Characters, Save The World, Romance
Length: Medium
Morality: Neutral
Mission 1: Unique map, level 1 - 54, Contains Collection, Destructible Object, Patrol, Ally, Defeat All Enemies.
Enemy Group: Custom (The Potts)
Description: The Wonder Home Institute is having its' annual Valentine's Day Party and The Potts are trying to steal the recipe for Rocket Fuel.



*Blows some dust off of the thread*


Removed my previous arc and made something a bit more fun.

Arc Title: Scheduling Conflict
Arc ID: #411118
Factions: Freakshow, Luddites, Goldbrickers, Arachnos, custom patrols in last mission
Morality: Rogue
Length: Rather short if you want to skip some content. Longer if you fight all the way through.
Level Range: Lowbie arc, auto-exempts you to lv 20.

Synopsis: Things have been a little slow for your villain lately. You decided to go check on Senior Arachnos Secretary Joan to see if she has any work for you around the Rogue Isles.

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.